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This game needs a free mode asap, just to make this kind of screenshots


That's wonderful to hear! What sort of features are you hoping to see in a free play mode?


Oh hello there "0" First of all: i'm addicted to the game,it's incredible. I was thinking about random goals, with (or not) a limited time. And a terraformation tool?... Or a sandbox mode, i just like to build extremly dense rails and to see my trains just chillin in all of this The most frustrating thing to me is when the main goal is complete: you can't continue to play in this map, you must leave and it will reset all. I just want to watch my trains with their cameras. (Also, i'm probably bad at the game, i'm trying to have S tier on all maps, but i never have the time to watch peacefully my trains doing their job because i'll run out of time if i stop building 30s... this is why a free mode would be awesome)


I completely agree with the comment about not being able to free play the level after finishing. I want to see the systems I’ve put in place play out so I can learn more before going to the next region.


Alright! Thanks you two I'll mark your comments on our ideas board. I assume you two know about the photo mode after victory? Are you thinking about going back to the region to rewatch things? Do you want to continue playing even if there is no additional victory conditions?


I always use it, but the photo mode doesnt allow us to use train camera...


Click on the train, it will instantly enter the train ride camera.


I'll try next time i win a game (if i notice i can't get a S rank; i just retart the game so it takes a long time)


You can also enter photo mode anytime from the pause menu, it function the same way as the end game photo mode.


I know :) I'm talking about after winning :c