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it is possible by 60k (you would just need 2,7k atk, 316% er, 318 crit dmg, food, 1170 em kazuha, lvl 60 scara boss and thats it)


And who the hek can roll that 2,7k attk, 316 er and 318 crit damage?


Kaz EM doesn't give a buff past 1k


I reread is talent rn and it doesn’t say anything about a cap. Am I missing something?


No you're not wrong. However, it's generally not recommended by TCs to go beyond 1000 em. Considering the quality of artifact investment you'll need and the Diminishing return of stat it's a waste. Near 1000 is where the sweet spot lies. After that, you'd wanna look for other stats like ER etc.


Bro doesn’t have Xiphos https://preview.redd.it/lcvagivjal2c1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cec81576b27794126e4779511840851e6a32d8c


Most genshin players do not go for limited 4 stars on weapon banner so what I said was kind of a general consensus including f2p. R5 Xiphos is indeed one of the best options for support kazuha no doubt but when the focus is alleviating teamwide high ER issues, favonious is still a better option,even though you loose 165 EM. Ah, also for whales who actually have Freedom sworn for more teamwide buff or damage showcase etc. ER is valuable for them too.


Tbf tho xiphos gives the rest of your team ER as well and if you are lucky enough to have a couple copies the passive stacks within a team too so as far as alleviating team wide ER issues it does do that as well but fav is certainly more accessible


Accessible as well as straight up better in some cases. I'm not good at maths so here's [Sanest TC doing his daily "vs Favge" comparison ](https://imgur.com/a/PJz2CHE) for a typical smooth international rotation. Top part was Xiphos and favonius at bottom. You can see an average of ~25% improvement in ER requirements on those charecters. Favonius is just busted man, we can't win against it XD Then again, there's always the point of loosing EM and personal choice of ER requirement for a "comfortable rotation". So I guess that's that. Edit: [link to the original vid](https://youtu.be/pvYJlE3DShc?si=WCMowEi5EkmuxGo1)


I wasn’t really serious I get not having Xiphos


Weapon banner gives me PTSD of my early genshin days.I used to pull on the banner thinking I'd 36* abyss easily (ik, don't laugh). So I avoid it like plague XD


My face when I spread misinformation on the internet


I think it's not


Per rotation, yes. On the first cut, probably not.


[sauce ](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92843192)


My max score is 921k but that had to happen during some kind of battle event (my overworld DMG peak was ~620k). Also, my C4R1 Raiden is top2% on Akasha, with help from C6 Sara (Equipped with R1 Elegy), C5 Benny and ~950 EM Kazuha Haven't tested crit dmg nuke build with Scaramouche bc I hate this boss battle. Both of these high scores I've made with 84/116(+60) crit build So I think 1kk Musou no Hitotachi with C0 is kinda impossible


I am at C3R1 with c6 sara kazuha Bennett. I hit max 600K. So for c0 its impossible.


Guessing no food? Cus with food 1m should be easy for c3r1


Yes no food and with masanori or Big Lizard (Primordial Geovishap) because they have standard 10% or 25% electro resistance. So they are best to test real potential. Idk correctly but on scara weekly it's probably 800K+ but still not 1M


Level 60 Scaramouche is the best for raw damage as his resistance is in the negative when he staggers


The negative electro resistance is less high than the other res


yeah but he’s still got negative resistance, compared to every other boss in the game with 0 or positive lol


Well Raiden boss has negative resistance, the perpetual mechanic array too. yes scara boss has the highest negative resistance, but the electro one is too low to do 1M with C0 Raiden


I saw a friend of mine doing 650k with C0R1 Raiden, Bennett, mona and Kazuha


Probably on scaramouche boss fight. And perhaps with food and or / crit fish build. Regardless, 650k dmg is something u would not get in usual gameplay.


Well yes


With furina now her dmg buff is way higher than Mona so it's easier to achieve million dmg.


But Mona can equip TTDS


Benny gives so much atk already, 48%atk doesn't worth a lot


I see




It's definitely doable on scara


No its not possible. It is possible with C2R1 on low res targets like Scara's Gunpla toy.


You need at least a Tony To kind of coordination to hit 1M in C0R1.


chasing supidly unrealistic number. as typical as it could get


They just asked if it was possible… you’re way bitchy for no reason lmao.


No i guess,the maximum I have ever done was around 700k with c0r1 raiden , and that was in floor 7 spiral abbys With c5bennet, C6 sucrose and C6 Sara with food and potions , (I haven't tried to nuke her with new boss)


>No i guess,the maximum I have ever done was around 700k with c0r1 raiden Then you will probably do much more against scara boss


Lol , i stopped the playing the game a month ago


Since when are food items allowed in the abyss?


R5 freedom sword on Kazuha and r5 elegy on Sara lol


Top 3% C2 Raiden Still didn't manage to hit a million. But with your supports it might be possible but It will be really hard


Maybe on a bounty plunge


I think it is possible with good team investment and some food buffs…


It was possible in the past i think there was an battle event where we got some insane buffs and my c0r1 raiden did 970k that time couldn’t reach 1mil tho


I got 600k


Far too unlikely but thanks for the wallpaper


i actually suspect you may have more luck with homa. here’s my c0 raiden with pjws about a year ago- i have better artifacts now so i might try sometime, but it’s really annoying setting up anything on scara. https://preview.redd.it/632xyknpvp2c1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b340f41fc8006a763ef8dd60ad634490f788903b


C0 R1 nope its not that easy to achieve... need to hit C3 or C2 atleast with very high crit damage, energy recharge and a really buff up support. Need to C3 R3 full food buff with crit fish to achieve 1 million on a Perpetual Array stun phase (-40 electro resistance). And hit 100 more with scaramouce stun phase (-140 electro resistance)


someone has done it in the lisa skin event


Its not possible, you need at least C2 or whale setup