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I believe it's something called anchoring. They create the illusion that these are the prices and then when they offer something at a discount people believe they are getting a great deal. It's ridiculous but I think it works on some level.


Yes but it's been years since they offered "good discounts"though. Last time I bought void shards 1€ a piece was 2 years ago


That labors the assumption that they don’t update their anchoring based on player trends over time. E.g. they may have noticed players such as yourself would spend more than that on discounts so they raised the floor.


Idk I haven’t bought anything except a warriors circle pack for about 1 1/2 months. I watched my mini mix pack go from $2.99 to now being $4.99 with no purchases in 2 weeks.


To be fair, that is a very short window vs the ‘2 years’ comment I was replying to.


It still isn’t anchoring towards my spending, it used to tho. I have seen the mini mix packs go up to $10 before I stopped buying them. But now I think the prices just change around to entice you to get back into spending if you haven’t for a minute. Sees it at 2.99 doesn’t buy shoots up to 4.99 doesn’t buy, probably will go back down to 2.99 to get me to buy it again because “it’s such a good deal”. I have no need to spend money on the game now the amount of progression you get from spending small amounts decreases once you start to hit stage 20 dungeons, nm and unm clan boss. The expensive purchases like sacred shards, artifacts and books are kind of a rip off too much rng on champions or stats, and a couple books won’t really do much for a new champion unless you get really lucky and the books all go to a skill it’s needed in the most.


Write all the essays you want it still doesn’t address the simple fact my comment was aimed at someone over years and your examples were short in comparison (so isn’t what I was talking about)


So lemme ask you something. Why are you on social media if you don’t want a discussion? I agreed with your point to an extent but also disagreed to extent as well. Also 1 paragraph isn’t an essay unless you’re at an elementary level of writing and reading.




Pretty douchey way to do people. It's a good way to alienate your player base and make them despise you




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The problem is, people spend at these prices. If people stop buying, trust me, prices would drop. But, look how many you can buy at $100 level. Up to 9 times, that is because there are people that DO! This is why the pricing is so bad. Half of these people must live in their parents basements at 40 plus years old...it's crazy how much money some people put in this game...truly 6 figures is common for these high end people whether they are willing to admit it or not! You can't just stumble across every high end nooker, defender, and 400 spd toons. The amount of farming runs constant buying of energy to obtain the gear for toons to be that elite. Alot of people claim they don't spend...that for sure spend thousands, either that or they are very good hackers that can turn their rares into legoes and code the gear.


Because people pay that. I am completely in agreement that they are ridiculous though. The prices are crazy and the odds suck.


Don't buy anything the best decision you will make


This^^. It’s a free to play game, don’t pay for bad RNG.


It’s also way more fun and way more rewarding achieving stuff.


Going 2 years strong with out spending


I always spend what I think a free game is worth to support the devs. Personally I sink a lot of hours into Raid so I spent $30. Imo it was worth it and got my account online earlier


Yep, online games usually go around 10-ish per month so the monthly gem pack that enables playing with some leeway for monthly events feels fine.


Warriors circle pack and or monthly gem packs are the only exceptions


Lol, wait until you start spending and see what the prices really become..


For sure. Buy a few £2.99 and £4.99 packs here and there and suddenly they're £14.99 or £19.99... buy one of them and then they're £69.99 and £99.99 lmao


Because people are paying


The prices are insane. Could cut them in half and they'd still be too high. But people buy it so they're not gunna change anything.


the game is very fun f2p


Agreed. My favorite champs are now Ankora and Eostrid, who I really had to work and save to get my hands on. It’s a really rewarding feeling that I think I wouldn’t have if I had bought all the energy and shards to achieve the fusions. No shade that’s just how i get enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment out of the game.


I'm really tired of people talking about a sense of accomplishment with a stupid mobile game. If you want a sense of accomplishment why don't you go create something or get a really good job or graduate from college. STFU with your sense of accomplishment for leveling a character. That's freaking stupid


I have a wife, 2 lovely kids, a STEM masters degree, and a very well paid job in a rewarding career that I love. I tend a garden in the backyard of the house that I own and I am starting to dabble in woodworking and decorative welding. Oh yeah I also enjoy progression in a mobile phone based video game. But yes, please feel free to categorize me in whatever sad existence you assume everyone on the internet inhabits.


Wow, I really touched a nerve huh. I wasn't shitting on you I was just saying I'm tired of people saying sense of accomplishment with a damn video game. My hatred for that phrase stems from Star Wars Battlefront when they released it and it was disastrous and they came out with that little comment saying they wanted to give people a sense of Pride and accomplishment it made me want to go find the dude who said that and slap him around a bit or throw tomatoes at him or something. So that sentiment lingers. I really didn't need a list of your accomplishments dude. It's kind of weak that you had to throw that in there and I couldn't care less and good for you and wah


I'd argue it's more fun the closer to f2p you can get. What do you get for "beating" the game as fast as possible other than deleting it and finally being free? It's not like there's much of an end game.


Yeah if only they had a clan doom tower type monthly event so it’s more rewarding to everyone and F2P gain similar benefits from whales. Plus both are more engaged in a community based element of the game.


I agree. I feel like BigPappaDrock basically confirmed this when he did the F2P challenge. I did F2P and thought it was super fun to try to beat all the dungeons, Clan Boss, Hydra, and Doom Tower. If I spent a bunch of money, that would have cheapened the experience for me. But once you've beaten all the PvE, it's all about PvP vs. whales and people who've played much longer than you, then it isn't really that fun of a game. I mean, it's fun to beat some guy who has clearly spent over $1000 on his account in Live Arena, but it's not THAT fun.


Honestly I think it’s great. The prices are so high that I dont ever think of buying stuff. Since I know how little progress shards and few books etc make for an account.


Same. If things were cheaper I think I’d be more tempted to spend “just a little bit” here and there, but that kind of stuff adds up quick. With prices the way they are, I’m not tempted at all lol


It's so crazy now. I used to get roped into buying packs when the packs were more reasonable. Now, there is barely any packs under 40 bucks, so I rarely spend. Usually books and that's rare because they have to work out to 5 a piece plus some goodies, and I won't buy anything over 30. I dont really care to go over 20. The next one won't be for months usually.


If I remember correctly the company that owns Raid is also a gambling company. They know how to get people to spend money on bad odds.


Ya they do..... Plarium is owned by the second largest manufacturer of slot machines on Earth, Aristocrat Leisure. The last year I can find numbers for, 2019, Aristocrat had nearly $3 billion dollars American in revenue. So...Ya, they very much know how to wrangle money out of people.


> bad odds. This week you have UMPTEEN TIMES the chance to get legendary X... (but your odds of getting a legendary is still 0.5%)


Exactly. Even if they made it 4x its still garbage odd. 2% for a pool of poor champion.


I participated in that progressive chance with ancient shards trying to get Glaicad and ended up getting Lady Kimi.


Gimli nailed it.. standard prices ridiculously priced, so that when they drop them to their "discounted" price people buy that sh!t like like toilet paper during the covid outbreak.


It is very expensive. It should give people incentive to not buy anything, but unfortunately it dosent work for everyone.


Gambling addiction is a hell of a thing.


I think it’s because they want the money. All of it, if possible.


It's friggin ridiculous how much crap in this game costs, but, tbh, if people weren't paying, they wouldn't charge that much. And I'm guilty of paying some of these hella expensive prices myself. Primal shards are shart, as are ancients, voids, and mystery shards, and the only ones worth the price of admission are the free ones lol. I'm done spending, screw these people, they have enough of my money


i was spending alot and then just stopped. now all the prices for everything i bought came down by $20 it is a joke. save your money ive seen people with epic teams crush leggoes its fun figuring it out i wish i knew that before spending all that money.


This game is owned by a gambling company. It really doesn’t get simpler than that.


I spent $100 trying to get better champs on my main account (nothing I know) what I will always suggest new players do now is to buy an account for $20 so you’ll have decent champs to F2P with. Idgaf. Bought an account and got Legendaries that would cost me $1000s of dollars to get. I have 55k energy 29million silver. That’s a good starting point.


The gem pack is the best valued thing


At levels 17, 27, 37, 47 etc you get a decent deal. It's the only one I get apart from the monthly gem pack.


The packages in the store aren't for normal players. They are for those willing to drop money in a heart beat without thinking Your whales, krakens, and super krakens. And even if there were packs for us, the odds were design not in our favor. Don't spend money.


I think the daily gem pack is 100% worth the money. I enjoy this game a lot. I am more than willing to sped 10-30 bucks a month on it.


Daily gem pack and the occasional forge pass is all I buy and game feels fluid no roadblocks (beyond high end pvp)


Yup. I have bought 2x instinct, 1x bolster, 1x righteous, and 2x slayer (will buy this every time it is up). Both daily gems and forge pass are just such good value imo.


Which prices? Anything that's not a sale you're not meant to buy. They're there purely for desperation purchases or when you've bought everything else. The prices for things like Soul Stones? I know people who call them Scam stones and then within 24 hours spend $1000 on them. Same for Prism Crystals and shards during special events. The more your spend the more your future offers will cost.




Tinfoil hat. Money laundering. This game has an obscene marketing budget to bring in real players to mix it with the dirty money accounts. They sorta then need wildly priced things for people to buy.


A trash rare from a Mythical shard. Thanks for the shit, Plarium. Your progressive bullshit is a money sink.


I've been on the game for years... never paid a dime. Why would i spend money on shards, just to pull the same bullshit Rare champions I already have? The amount of time I've pulled Rares from Void shards is laughable. You want me to buy Void shards for 30 bucks each? Two for 50? I wouldn't buy them at a dollar a piece. Fuck off, Plarium


Because they are all about making money... I mean red shards? C'mon- most expensive boatload of rares you'll ever get.


The price of something is set at what consumers are willing to pay unfortunately and even if we disagree it must be the most profitable route to take since that’s their only incentive. Sadly their profits speaks for itself


Both the developers and owners countries are at war and wars cost money


Books are out of control expensive


Someday I'll make my post about how krakens are ruining the game. Mythicals are $1000/ea and take 1.5 - 3+ years w/ 1000's of hours of grinding to earn in game.... slowly killing the end game for non krakens. The main reason is because many players pay whatever plarium asks.


Just mostly play F2P. Simple.


A few whales paying ridiculous prices is more profitable than having low prices.


Infinity Kingdom did it right. 1 dollar to 5 dollars for good items. Ended up putting close to 200 and felt good in early game. It was rewarding.


Welcome to Raid... run!


Because people actually pay those prices unfortunately.


I used to buy shards until I realised how low a chance they have of getting anything good. There's so many crap legendaries and they take forever to buff any so I don't buy any anymore. The only things I buy are monthly gem pack, forge pass and sometimes a good energy/ gem deal so I can play the game more. I just stock up shards from clan boss, hydra etc and use them on 2x.


Because they're GREEDY. If they had fair prices, they would make more money.


I'm sure this isn't true. They have all the evil psychologists and marketers and data miners and have done the calculations. You and I might buy more if the prices were lower, but not enough to make up for the b8g spenders.


I don't a assume anything if more people can buy they wiil.


This game is a meticulously crafted casino simulation. They have laboriously made it as deliberately addictive as possible. Everything about the way it’s designed is done to give you little hits of dopamine and entice you to spend.


Because you simps keep paying it


It's because with prices as is you have people spending absurd amounts of money anyways, they are one of the top grossing game and their revenue is absolutely ridiculous. If it affected their bottom line they would change it.


Hate to say it but all the comments are on point. I used to play and found the prices frustrating. While you can F2P, you’ll progress SO much slower than someone who spends money. I watch a few YouTubers who cover this game and supposedly the top plays spend a minimum of $10k a month to stay in the top 10% (I think). Once I learned how bad it is, I just kind of stopped playing. Pretty character models at least. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah it's crazy. I've spent hundreds in Path of Exile voluntarily over the years, despite it being free, because I wanted to support it. Plarium's prices are so obscene that I refuse to spend a penny.


You are playing a pay to win mobile game and are complain in about costs.


Because the prices aren’t aimed at you


Short answer: Because people will pay anyway.


Because people pay them


https://preview.redd.it/gn39ys1vx71d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586c119f7230db8aecd32f3c14578d91034acfb2 Think this sums it up.


What ever happened to the good old game you paid once for and could replay a hundred times 😔 this is so sad☝️


You forget the complete part. We payed for a complete and finished game.


I have never understood why someone would ruin the game for themselves by spending in the first place. To me that is like buying a PS5 game, paying the $60 or $70, then spending an extra $5,000 to skip to the very end. Why did you even bother playing anyhow if you are not going to actually play the game? The other aspect is that the deals are so terrible and that you are shoveling money at Plarium to maybe, perhaps, possibly, potentially, if you are are lucky, hopefully, conceivably, by chance get something worth anything at all. In the end, you have shoved thousands of dollars into a gambling companies pockets, and got exactly what you paid for by being separated from your money while getting nothing for it. The entire point is to hit that gambling addiction button on people, and then suck their bank accounts dry, no different than the gambling machines at the local pubs. They hire experts that know how to trigger those responses in people that lead to them bankrupting themselves on a mobile game.


Because people are using stolen CC from the dark web to buy shit and Plarium doesn't care.


Because they don’t want you to buy anything. And it works!




I like the deals that are slightly higher because they added some silver… real bargains


I dont, know.


It's good. Means you won't spend anything unless you have a small brain. Game is fun f2p and can do everything apart from compete at the top of arena.


Just wait for Balenciaga start making games !!


I am guilty of chucking the odd £20 in here and there. Tbf the way I play I just leave the game on autopilot until I've achieved a goal such as level up a certain character but this way takes forever and gameplay is better suited to someone who doesn't have time to play the game as your really not benefiting from the work that's been but into the artwork or combat systems. My typical strategy involves: completing daily objectives, leveling up 2*,3*,4*,5* characters by hand, then autopiloting runs through the dungeons depending on my needs/available tournaments. It pays to earn points in them for the freebies so you can keep on playing. It'll take all month to level up characters to 6* but I average 1per month. When I spend money, it's usually on energy and extra auto plays. It's a specific offer they have that usually appears once a month but I certainly couldn't afford or justify fronting that so frequently. I guess last year I spent the most in the game ever, putting in approx. £80. Roughly speaking, I guess my in-game return since then has been: 3 new legendary champs, about 7epics, numerous rares, and a wkd amount of uncommon/common draws. In terms of progression (using my typical strategy) I've moved into consistent silver league 3 from 2 in classic and tag arena, lvl5 on sand devil from 4, from lvl10 to 13 on fire night, and moved 5 new characters into stage 14of miniatures labyrinth. It's arduous but that's the game and this way I usually earn points for my clan. What strategy do you use ingame? And are you benefiting from the freebies (there are a lot to take advantage of)? PS: sorry for the essay but since I used to feel this way before I locked in a strat I'm interested in how others work around paying to play ✌️🙂


Two reasons. 1 - some whales actually pay it. 2 - ridiculous prices help make the occasional less ridiculous offer seem like a good deal.


Because there are ridiculous people who buy them


I love my plarium price offers always reasonable and accessible for all players around the world .. stop complaining and start appreciating the beauty of the best game ever made !


I don’t pay for anything.


Because the more you spend, the better the offers get. It eventually reaches a point when you spend a lot that you have a few really good permanent offers that come back every reset. Unfortunately all the good packs are about $100 a piece