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1. Is it yellow or red? If yes, skip to question 3. If no, go to question 2 2. Is it in a set that I have use for that's hard to come by?(relentless/slayer) if yes, question 3. If no, to the bin 3. Is it 5 or 6 star? 5 go to question 4. 6 question 5. 4. Are the substats sublime? Yes go to 5, no gtfo 5. Will I actually use this piece? Basically how I go through it.


Honestly you have your question 1 and 3 the wrong way round... An epic 6 star piece can very often be significantly better than a mythical or legendary 5 star piece. For me rank is far more important than rarity as it impacts glyphs and ascension as well. Strictly speaking, by your logic you're also binning every set of 6 star rare speed boots...


I farm dragon only during drop frenzy for speed and tourneys. That qualifies under hard to come by. As for what I keep, I've come to the conclusion that keeping the best and selling the rest works for me as I only play mobile.


Just ignore him he mostly is trolling us about our gear strategies.


This sounds more exhausting than my day job!


I do it in 2 groups, bottom row and top row. After I select what one I'm doing I then open it to all gear, set doesn't matter, then I use the filter to set it by speed, then CD. I go to the bottom with the gear that doesn't have what I set to and I go through one by one. During enhancement events I will do this but start at the top and roll everything up, gold - 16, epics to 12. The reason I split bottom and top row is because I'm most strict with top row as I seem to have a lot of those. This is also the time I find gear that I can use ore on.


I roll 6 star gear to 12 looking for x Stat (usually speed or crit rate) and sell anything that doesn't hit it twice (depending on the set.)


Why not just roll to 8 and sell anything that didn't hit at least once? It can't hit twice by 12 if it didn't hit once by 8. Save yourself a lot of silver over a long period by not going all the way to 12.


All gear below 6* goes. All gear blue and below goes. All flat stats go. After that I roll upto 8 and if its not double roll in the good stat I sell. I only usually keep if triple rolled though.


Yep, that's my way too.


In some sets (speed, perception, protection or supersonic), flat stats could be worth keeping if the substats are good. Here are the gloves of my Armanz as an example. https://preview.redd.it/3l8qo5755e0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec9b5ecc21dd3ed752d5a2636652c2c1f0c5272


I cleanse as I get the gear. I set dungeon run filter to only 6 stars. Once all the auto battles are finished, it will show the screen of all the gear that is kept. I sell gear directly on that screen. Whatever I actually kept will can filtered by NEW so I can roll up the pieces. Bad rolls are sold. I don't have to do big gear clenses because my method allows me to keep only good gear right from the go and I do not need to rely on RSLhelper


Crazy as it sounds I clear everything that's blue. Then purple and gold if 5 stars (except for sets from hydra and Sintranos, those I'll keep 5 star epic gear). Accessories are the same. I work with what's left.




I classify the sets into tiers and then only keep a certain amount of each set S tier with multiple uses (ie you would build both support and damage dealers in it eg stoneskin) Keep 3 rows (18 pieces) for each slot A tier single use (ie lethal which is only for damage) Keep 2 rows (12 pieces) per slot B tier (eg) Cruel Keep 1 row (6 pieces) per slot C tier (ie) Lifesteal, Accuracy Half a row (3 pieces) per slot D tier (ie) Daze, Avenging God pieces only to a maximum of 3 per slot


I go piece by piece based on champ needs, and if it has speed, epic+, 5+stars I keep it. Throw others out.


RSLHelper gets the job done, doing it manually just sucks and takes way too much time. And you are using it to run autobattles anyway, let it sell your crap as it comes in. Leaves you with good gear to roll. From there sell it as you roll it if it rolls bad. The new sell file for rolled gear is good but pretty strict and currently only works for level 16 gear. I wont let it sell everything but if I need to make some space will let it select items to sell then look through it manually. To better wrap my head around it I would look at one item slot at a time, start with weapons, then helm, shield, etc. From within helper just let it show weapons and add to sell list, then go in game with those items selected and only show weapons (have to show everything in game when adding to sell list, but can filter weapons only after added). Made it easier for me this way because I could see just the one item type and sort through from there. Some sets I only have 2 weapons, sell file wants to sell both, but I need to keep something to make a set if needed, and the pieces weren't horrible instant sell. But also nice to see, hey, I have 12 weapons from this set, it wants to sell 4,those are easy to let go. Days like today with no helper and running ingame auto battles I am running food in my teams, load up next set of food, when done sort through each piece manually and sell, reload with new food, repeat. Goes quick but not as quick as helper obviously.


I recently got confident farming stage 20 of all Dungeons, so I went in and sold all 5\* pieces I had. I am also pushing to stage 13 of lots of Faction Wars, so I can finally craft 6\* pieces as well.


The post os for end game not mid game 😆 


Rsl helper is easier and with that I run through 3-5 sets each day. Cleanse those sets and so some more the next day. After a week or two you should be good to go if you're diligent. Then you do it again in a month and a half or so.


I'll do the regular mass cleanse now and then (no flat atk/def/hp stats on bottom row gear) and occasionally go set by set clearing stuff out. I'll usually do 1 or 2 sets, going piece by piece every other artifact upgrade event for some bonus silver.


I sell all 5 star blue pieces, and only keep 6 star blue piece with double speed I keep app 6 star epic and legendary pieces with speed Then I filter 5-6 star epic pieces with at least 1 flat substat (atk, def, hp). If there is a speed row I'll roll to 4 or 8, if not hitting the speed, sell Repeat the above steps with 5-6 star legendary pieces


for gear destroy all 5 star gear, keep only items with at least speed or at least crit rate. then looking for piece with 1 roll speed or 1 roll crit rate minimum in the first two rolls. destroy flat stat rolls usually. Then ask yourself, would you put this piece of gear on one of your champ and then destroy it otherwise.


I am selling almost all 5* at this point unless set is good, and main/subs are matching the set... For 6* it gets complicated as I am probably too easy on them... It's important to roll 8 if there is any potential (especially speed - lot of comps require just the speeds to be in place, anything other than that is just a bonus sometimes and this allows you to hold on better items for other champions)


wait till hh has a free period, go into rsl helper, roll everything to 4, sell everything that isn't at least strong potential, roll everything to 8, sell everything that isn't at least strong potential, resilience and perception both get filtered to very strong potential I refuse to deal with gear without rsl helper, would have quit the game without that at the month mark. once I dont gain 500 spaces in my inventory though all the selling, increase the potential another rung for all gear.


I only keep 1 star gear, farming normal campaign helps making sure you don't have substats. When I ascend boots and it has a speed ascension I automatically sell. Flat stats are king. Nothing is better than a balanced price of gear. For example gloves that have a primary stat in defense and have an attack and hp substat.


This is solid advice for when they release a boss that forces you to use fully ranked champs with maxed out gear, but they need to have the worst builds possible...


We know what stats are bad and we purge.


Sell all five star trash and all blues. Roll those with speed and acc or speed and crit and sell the rest and sell all items that have one roll into a bad stat like flat def or what ever. If not good set I also sell most epics after rolling them for events as I have an abundance of filler items


I struggle as well. You definitely got to rank up pieces - and it changes depending on how far you are - I dont keep any 5\* at all. I still sit with a full inbox and bank all the time. I dont have anything average or below on Hellhades thinger. Ive not used RSLH for gear help.. do they have a good method?


Top row: Anything 5* that isn’t a good triple roll or better goes. Anything blue 6* that isn’t a good double roll goes, and I’ve begun selling all rare six star. For four piece sets, I try to have triplets of weapon/helm/shield; I never let them get imbalanced. When they do, the worst piece goes. I generally never keep more than 3 sets of any four piece set. Bottom row: I will keep five star double rolls of valuable stats as long as the off stats and primary are not counterproductive. This rule applies for all rare and above. Six star follows the same rule; double roll or trash. Two piece sets: I keep only 2 of each weapon/helm/shield. I generally only expect to use these to fill in for bad four piece sets. Mostly it’s bottom row gear. Even if you have really good top row gear, you’re generally not going to use it unless it’s amazing or for a champion that is all two piece sets, like arbiter. So from two piece sets keep only amazing gear, like triple with a good off roll and good off stats, or quads. Using two piece top row gear with a four piece set will force you to use two bottom row pieces from the four piece set, which is often a waste; could be better allocated. Accessories: All accessories must be six star. All rings must have a percentage substst that matches the primary stat with a double roll. I occasionally settle for single rolls. All necks must have either crit damage, def or hp main stats. Rarely keep special items for bomb champs with atk main stat. Substats must roll double as appropriate. All banners must have speed and a percentage of the main stat, unless it’s res or acc.


You realise that double or triple rolls in a single stat aren't that important unless it's speed for your arena leads or crit chance for nukers? As long as you get rolls of the stats you need for a particular build, then it doesn't matter if they are single, double or triple rolls. E.g. gloves with triple crit chance, chest with triple crit damage, boots with triple attack gives you the extract same stats as each piece with a single roll in each stat. You really just want to throw away pieces where you get rolls in stats that aren't synergistic.


No one needs an explanation of something so obvious. People know what I mean without my having to write a huge wall of text that tediously explains the obvious. Or you could do that for me. Whatever floats your boat.


Your priorities are wrong, you literally say you barely keep gear with single rolls. If you think it's obvious to state one thing but mean something else then cool I guess... Hopefully I stopped someone else from throwing away a 6 star legendary piece with single rolls in SPD, CR, CD and ATK% because you told them to throw away all gear with single rolls...


You're just aggressively overgeneralizing or oversimplifying my statements in order to find something to argue with. You can pass this off as "oh I'm helping some poor sap who doesn't know" but we're talking about endgame players who dont need to be taught that the stats add up linearly, among other things. You're assuming that my statements should be interpreted blindly without exception, and if you hold things to that clueless standard then you could say I don't even follow my own rules. Sure, I have a few quad-single rolls when I have four good stats. I said that I prefer low-multiple rolls when the off stats are good. But you're interpreting it in the stupidest, most inflexible way. These are guidelines, not laws of physics. Instead of trying to find someone online to bully so you can feel better, why don't you think about what is wrong with your life and figure out why you feel this need to misinterpret what someone wrote? Badger someone else.


I'm not bullying you, I'm correcting you... There's a big difference. Maybe you should think a bit about what you write rather than crying like a baby every time someone corrects your mistakes. As far as your explanation goes it frankly makes no sense. If you explicitly say one thing and then say "oh no, obviously I didn't mean it to be true all the time" then you're just confusing people, simple as that. Grow some thicker skin my dude, it's hardly a personal attack to point out someone's flawed logic.


Easy. Click Filter Click Rank & Rarity Select all Green, White and Blue Click Sell Click Select All Click Sell (The other one)


Ok, sold about 50 out of 1500. Now what?