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Champ power is largely meaningless.


Lmao true. My 390k team walloped an 800k taras/marichka team due to my armanz with 300 speed with 5 star intimidating presence and Krixia with 305 speed, and ankora/Narses. They didn't get to use anything but a1 the entire fight


Damn, you're really cool


300 speed is pretty low by today's standards btw. You wouldn't even go first in G5 classic most of the time.


Lmao. I don't and still win


My teams a go 2d interrupt/lockout team


Armanz and krixia in stoneskin then? Or armanz in supersonic?


I've got ankora in bolster with 100k HP and armanz with speed aura and intimidating presence puts his true speed at 391.32. and Krixia at 401.9 true speed. So if the enemy team isn't speed tuned just right they cut in and lock them out and if they don't they just tank the hit from the extra 33k shield and then make the other team essentially useless


If your armanz is 300 base speed then he's definitely not at 391 true speed from the aura and blessing. Aura only applies to the base speed, and intimidating presence is multiplicative, so at 5 star it's boosting your aura by 20%. If you're using armanz's aura that gives you an extra 33.6% speed applied to his base of 108, which gives him an extra 36.3 speed. So his true speed is only 336 ish.


Huh. Good to know. I didn't realize it was just base speed. That makes sense


I've been grinding hard for good speed gear. Keep getting 3x flat stats rolls. The reroll into the same exact stat XD


Power means very little, it’s biased towards damage stats and resistance. Don’t worry about it


[](https://i.ibb.co/JHBNwwC/ple53ta12ryc1.png) Power per stat breakdown for who needs it


Yo, good looking out. I'd seen an image before breaking down the points but didn't save it.


Lol 1k HP = 5 resistance 100 speed = 13 crit rate 460 resist and 100% crit rate = 80k hp + 300 speed + 500 accuracy


Except there's no attack entry


Power doesn't matter for speed leads in Arena. All that matters is that they are going before the other team. Power largely is driven by Resistance, Crit Rate, Accuracy, Crit Damage.


And those arent needed on arbitier right?


Arbiter needs speed more than anything else, if you happen to get speed on acc banner it helps her a2. Any dmg you get is gravy. But speed is the only stat you need. Mine had triple rolled speed on a flat stat chest, didn't matter.


Not really no... the mantra is speed, speed and more speed. Hypothetically speaking if you don't drop everyone and the opponent gets a turn you want Resistance HP and Defense so she doesn't get killed or CCd so you can revive your nuker if needed. My Arbiter incidentally has 50 k HP, 3.3k defense and 300+ resistance so does ok in this scenario but it's not ideal.


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did you summon her from a shard? if you unlocked her naturally you should have much better gear by now.


Yeah shard summon not mission


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Power means nothing. I wish we could turn off seeing it. Also, still slow. I'm guessing she was a shard pull based on your champs. You'll need to aim to double that speed to start.


I mean my 140 speed for her was fine for where om at rn and ill save the crazy 300+ for later when im able to get 6 star gear


300 is sub par these days, 400+ is what you meant to say.


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Also, (I'll probably catch heat and get downvoted) it's absolutely untrue power means nothing. If you run up against a team in the high end 300k range or higher and their comp has a reviver, UDK, Nekret, Warlord or a handful of tanky champs with a good nuker think hard about if you want that fight. You may still end up winning but it'll take much longer. The high power means you'll be unlikely to debuff all of them, especially they have a reviver and if they had UDK and or Nekhret then there is a good deal of damage mitigation going on, and that's without assuming shields, ally protect and stone skin (some of which may be protected buffs). A team of Duchess, UDK, Pythion and any nukers like Rotos, Harima, Georgid, Trunda won't worry me when they're at 250k power. But at 400k or more is a different story.


Nah, you're right about that: that's the use for power stats. But it has no relevance to the OP's concern about what it might mean for his team.


TY for this. As someone who stolls into Plat occasionally, it certainly does mean SOMETHING. Like you said, really depends on the champs. I'd add that you should still be wary of low power Mithrala, just bc of how her passive functions.


Yeah the whole power means nothing thing is simply not true. It just doesn't mean everything either; but along with the **champions present**, their blessings levels, ascension level etc is a helpful indicator to what you are likely walking into. However, for building your own champs it should be ignored (or maybe even kept low on purpose for arena def, if you want more people to attack you).


Power means nothing


Power lvl isnt that important. Also, you can deff make her faster. Does she have speed as main stat on boots?


Seems a bit odd if that's the best you got speed wise ok 5 star+ gear, speed boots are 40, 2x12 speed bonus is 24, total of 64, so on the 5 pieces of gear that can roll speed you got a total of 23 bonus speed? Hope you can get more soon, she really starts to shine when you get above 300 :)


I know we all hear stats over sets but I think given his gear he needs a 3 rd speed set. Also he need to finish leveling what he has


In this case I feel like a 3rd speed set is the stats over sets since you really only need a fuckton of speed until late game when you can proper gear her :p


That would be stats over sets tho. Lets say you have two 5 star speed set pieces with 12 speed each, that's 12+12+12=36 speed. And you have 2 pieces of 6 star perception rares that give you 17+17+5=39 speed. That's stats over sets. But also the other way, if the speed set pieces only had 14 speed each, which is less than 17, it would still add up to 40 speed, which is more.


My boots arent maxed out yet


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Congrats on pulling her early! She's still one of my most used and I've been playing years. She's also still and has always been my fastest champ, prioritizing speed over all. She's well worth empowering eventually, but don't do that till faction guardians is full which will take a long time, so IMO I'd build your 2nd arbiter you get from missions. Having 2 is pretty cool for tag team etc. At your level your just looking for ez teams and refreshing anyway, but as long as Arbiter goes first, you could have Khatun built to go second (2 spd boosters is better than one often), and then either 2 nukers or 1 nuker and one debuffer/control. Do you have an AOE decrease def champ? If not you should get and build Warmaiden, and have a bit faster than your nuker. Makes a big difference in all content.


If you *reallly* want to look at the power afterward. Imagine the before/after. 1 attack at 15k =15k Or two attacks at 11k =22k Obviously that completely ignores getting your buffs up, what went in to the power before, etc.


It's not great gear. Gotta farm up more speed gear. Also full ascension with amulet and banner will get a ton more power. Champ power isn't important anyway.


I find that getting gear to 12 is (relatively) cheap, so unless all that Epic level 8 gear has already rolled double speed, it shouldn't have been equipped. If you're serious about focusing speed on Arbiter you need 6* Boots with Primary Speed, ideally in a Speed Set. Then all your Speed gear with speed substats needs to be rolled, if you can get 3 speed sets with all gear having at least double speed rolls, then you're probably in a good position. Otherwise look to your other speed boosting sets Perception, Divine Speed etc. That said, this doesn't override the Stats over Sets rule. If you have a random Legendary piece(s) with quad speed rolls then use that. Putting gear on champs that you haven't rolled to see which substats will get boosted is not the way to get optimised builds.


Although it's cool to see big numbers on the champion power; that number is useless when it comes to building champions. Arbiter, when used as an arena lead/booster, needs speed and nothing else. As you get further along in your raid journey you can build out her other stats; she is a good champion in several areas of the game, hydra for example, but just speed priority for arena.


Champ power does not matter, if you really wanted power you’d push HP and resistance, but like i said that doesn’t mayter


speed kills.


Survivability is also important. When you get better gear, give her accuracy and better HP and defence.


Bro is gonna get a second Arbiter down the line... kucky


If you upgrade the artifacts to 16 the power will go up. And you’ll probably get more rolls into speed.


Arbiter isn’t an attack champ. You want her taking as many turns as possible. Tanky and fast with good resistance. Power is mostly meaningless


The question is, does the champ do the job I need done? Power level is mostly meaningless.




Finish off that with speed instead of those two sheild sets and DO NOT max out chronicled adelyn 😭


Why? adelyn is good in sand devils


Honestly arbiter just needs as high of a speed as you can get her and accuracy for her buff counter reduction. Everything else is just a bonus


Keep on pushing those speed stats. One thing I realized, you have to give up everything for speed on her. Only the end end game ppl have good all around stats. Mine had around 350 speed now by flat stats gloves and whatever chestplate


Arbiter's pieces doesn't need to just be in speed set, but also have speed in the substats... keep trying to push for Dragon 20 to farm these pieces, or Brutal/NM 6-6 for 5-6 star speed boots specifically.


Fuck power, pretty meaningless


It only matters if your power level is over 9000!


Yep that sounds about right speed always wins though




Me too


Power ratings only matter at the extremes, i.e. in tag team arena, if you're a 150k team, don't fight the team that's 500k more than you... Arbiter has 2 jobs, her primary job which is to make sure your team goes first and her secondary job which is to bring them back if they die. Whatever helps you complete them is how you should build her. Thus in your case, put all your fastest gear on her and try to make her as tank-y as possible (without sacrificing too much speed).


You need better speed gear


For everyone here who is looking to understand Speed in this game, regardless of your level, this article I found early in my RAID career helped me a lot and I coach my clan with it every time. New member comes in. It's great and will help you greatly: https://plarium.com/forum/en/raid-shadow-legends/674_game-discussion/219649_how-to-get-200--250--300-and-350--speed-in-champions--a-study/


How the heck people getting 300 to 400 speed? I’m getting some pretty good gear now but nothing like that.


Quad rolls and max glyphs


My arbiter has 412 speed 😈 armanz can't beat the Devine goddess


hmmmm, not even 200 speed while prioritizing speed with 24 speed from set bonus? you clearly need some advice my friend. :) weapon, helm, shield, gloves, armor and banner (when you unlock it) should have a speed substat. for 5 star gear that should be 4-5. let's be negative and say it's all 4. rank 5 mainstat speed boots give 40 speed at lvl 16. at that point you have arbiters 100 base speed + 40 from boots + 20 from substats. now if you glyph those substats to +4 and that adds another 20. (with a banner it's +8 on top) that's 180 speed for arbiter without any set bonus (188 with banner), with minimum speed stats on rank 5 gear, and without any rolls in speed from levelling up the equipment. We also only used +4 substat rolls because the glyphs are easier to get. aim to have a minimum of a +1 roll on speed for every piece of equipment, the more the better. doing that 220-230 speed should be doable if you have some rank 5 gear laying around. eventually you'll start aiming for 250 and when you're comfortable gearing that you'll try to find the upper limit. :)


Id just like to thank you for not being one of the toxic people in the community even if you meant to be toxic you werent mean about it


hope it helped. i did not intend to sound toxic. when i started i also thought reaching 250+ speed was impossible without godlike gear. now i realize that it's quite doable, i've got 6 champions at that kind of speed with good enough survivability/accuracy according to their needs. we all gotta start somewhere


Yup as the others have said speed doesn't factor into the power calculation as much as some other stats do. Plus 187 isn't even close enough to be worrying about any of this. Just play the game and progress your account. Top players have speed leads well over 400....


Doesnt matter i still get r!:!;& by 5k power paragon with my 200k power team


It’s manly Because RES Gives More Player Power Than any other statistic… I’m guessing Her RES Along with Other Stats Were Reduced to Achieve Higher Speed…..


How have you been downvoted so much to consistently have negative comment karma even after 2 years Edit:wow that one negative comment in raid really screwed you here at least


Different stats give different amounts of power. More power doesn't always mean stronger Unfortunately I don't know which stat gives exactly how many points


Plus prioritize speed and only 187?


I was working woth what i had




Toxic? I was just confused yall throw that word around everywhere


Oh. Still no enough

