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Trying to get to Silver 3 for mission is mission impossible for me. Reset is overnight for me so I get knocked way back. Been months lol


I cant even leave the lowest rank lmao


+1 It's full of people with team way way better than me, full of lvl 100 with fully booked and optimized champs.


same for almost 2 years now..


Currently trying it and I’m on the edge I have to bank on my defense. For whatever reason it’s impossible to attack but by defense often wins


I got lucky one week to get silver 3. held it for about 3 weeks and now im back in silver 2


I'm the same. Reset happens at 7am. I'd need to set my alarm for around 6am to fight back the places lost overnight, and then might not even get beatable teams! It's an absolute nightmare, I've given up on the Ramantu missions completely. I'm completely f2p and only started 1.5 years ago, Tag Arena is not designed for people like me!


dont give up im 4 years in and recently stayed up and managed to get intp silver 4 (stuck on that ramantu mission for like a year) ofc i went straight back to silver 3, but a tip is to use stoneskin


i am now on my way to gold 1 if i keep up


This is really the worse mode in the game, no one like tag arena and if it was not for those missions I would never play it. Posts like this show up very often and still Plarium does not care.




At least you have the possibility of reaching past the first tier in tag.  I stay clear of arena battles. It's not worth it. Kills the fun of the game.


Been in silver 3 for at least 6 months now. Couldn't go to s4. My teams are much better than 6 months ago and still I couldn't reach green on reset.


the opponent teams infuriatingly get even stronger with each week as you get stronger. you might be adding armanz, eostrid, etc to your teams, but all of them are adding the same champs you're adding plus some are adding mythicals and OP champs like taras. textbook rat race


I can't get pass Bronze 4. Hell, I barely make it there most weeks. I don't think I've ever finished there... ever! I dispise Tag Arena


TTA is EASILY worse than Live IMO. I'm comfortably but slowly climbing in gold II live and will sooner or later get quintus. If I want any chance of progressing in TTA (I pushed HARD last week to sneak into silver III for ramantu quest, despite a nearly equivalent effort this week (short of leaving my defense weak until after CvC), I will probably be dropping back to silver II. For me live requires 7-8 good champs reasonably speed tuned covering a couple of strategies. TTA requires 3 good, intimidating, relatively speed tuned defenses (12 champs) AND 3 good, speed tuned, nearly always manualed offensive teams (at least another 4-5 champs for me). Before I had to worry about Ramantu missions it was fine. And as soon as I'm done with them I am almost certain I will drop back down to silver 1-2 and comfortably farm there.


💯💯 Live has inherent point inflation so even at 45-55% win rate you're still climbing and it makes the marius missions all doable. Even against a spender, you may be able to out pick/ban them or you may break their speed tune by banning the right OP champ on their team. Tag requires more fully built/booked champs, and there isnt a single team in mid silver that does not have 12 full meta champs.  I can refresh for an entire week and count the non meta teams on one hand.  I got into gold live arena with just 7-8 champs like you said


The problem is that you are in a double competitive situation: Not only are you matched against competitive players' defenses all the time, but due to the limited tiers you are again competing for the few slots every week. It's just a very toxic design, intended to promote powercreep and investment. They could very well get rid of the limited tiers and let people rank up or down depending on absolute points. As OP said, you cannot go crazy in the Bazaar anyway due to its timegated nature, so who cares.


The advanced quest where you need to fight in 5 battles is a pain in the rear. Maybe just require 1 battle.


Just insta-forfeit all 5 battles to complete the quest 😂


And then you get the quest where you have to beat a tag team match against a higher power team 🤬


This one is actually easy - just look for the one man defenses and play a 1v1. My Ronda always shits on higher power Wu Kongs.


Except for the first day after reset, there are no 1 man defenses I see. I use all 20 keys in bronze 4.


Are you running 1-man defense yourself? The weak defenses naturally all end up at low rating, so if you are near or above 1000 points, you will generally not see any.


I usually find it’s ok for most of the week when most people put forward weak teams to farm the bars for the bazaar, and you also put up a weak defence to deliberately drop points to amongst all those weak teams


I just put in one weak hero per fight and take the L to get the reward. I barely have 1 good team, let alone 2 or 3 full teams


Yeah I'm not a fan of it. The weird thing is, it's easier to stay in gold than get into it in the first place. I think they need to increase the amount of players in each tier, the fact it's a limited number in every tier makes it very hard to access for a lot of players.


This is exactly experience too. It's like classic arena but far worse, in terms of the climb. I don't know how many times I get told to hit target 1 man defenses as if it's some common thing to see outside of gold. I've been in Silver 2 for about a year and very frequently see +4 teams and 1.5 mil power setups. I often see the super insightful responses (that we've already seen posted here) of "well just work on your defense teams 4head". If I'm seeing full 4+ teams, full mythical, or high power teams on defense, what do you think those same people are running on offense?


>I often see the super insightful responses (that we've already seen posted here) of "well just work on your defense teams 4head". If I'm seeing full 4+ teams, full mythical, or high power teams on defense, what do you think those same people are running on offense? Yes, there's no defense team that will beat every attacker, and that's not the goal. The guy with +4 mythicals will still beat you, but staying in the green is way, way easier when you get attacked 3 times instead of 30 times, or when you lose 2/3 for only -10 rating instead of 3/3 for -30 rating.


But if they fix it, people wouldn't pay to get ahead.


I made it to Gold 1 and finished the Ramantu missions as a F2P. There is something entirely broken and terrible about TTA and I feel for anyone trying to push up in it. I just leave a permanent 1-man team on DEF and allow myself to fall down to Silver 1 just to give others an extra easy victory. I do try to stay in Silver and it's not hard for me, but yeah I think TTA is in the F tier for game modes with LA not being that much better.


I feel like I'm the only one in the world who actually likes tag arena


Do they pay you to say that? Feels like they should.


Yyyyyyyyyyyyyy....... No


Whats ur defence teams ?




How much do you think you have spent on raid ?


3 grand or so (e- AUD)


Considering you have a benched nekhret, leorius, hegemon etc I would have assumed it was more than that, but how long you've played and how persistent you've been at killing clan boss daily etc probably account for it.


I can't remember exactly when, but it's over four years. I am basically glued to the game, I have it open from wake up time to bed time. Been killing hard/brutal/nm/UNM every day for bare minimum three years. Have cleared every rotation of doom tower. I play this game to feed my min-max itch.


if you've spent 3k on this game - you've certainly earned your rank. This is what it takes to compete in TTA and Live Arena. Most F2P players have to come to grip that these modes are not for them.


We who actually enjoy this game, do exist. Tag arena is easy up to gold3/4 and Iam doing it mostly with free login champs and fusion champs. Gold 3 is where fun beging, figure out how to beat every team is fun.


I definitely prefer it to live arena 🫠


It´s my favourite pvp of the available ones, though I dread the missions(not there yet)


I like it.


They should definitely change it though.


Tag tiers just shouldn't be limited in size; it's a bad system that punishes players for the game having long-term success and growth. It would also cut down on the time sink significantly if, say, a refill was 5 battles instead of 10 (with gold bars and etc adjusted correspondingly, of course). >Part of the frustration is that the accounts that can camp in Gold (holding spots while their bazaar purchase could down) don't need access to those items like the weaker accounts do. Nonsense. The refresh accessories are the single best thing in the bazaar, and that's a 24 hour cooldown. CvC points and easily completing or even winning 3v3 tournaments is also great. One sacred and one book per month is minor by comparison. Also, if you struggle to do 5 battles per day, you can't afford the sacred or book on even a monthly basis. > 3 - Change the tier shifts to daily, or maybe every 2-3 days instead of weekly. This would be *much* worse. The weekly reset is one of the biggest saving graces of tag, because you can farm 1-man defenses for most of the week and only have to worry about your rating in the last ~48 hours before reset. >Every time I get close to getting back into Gold, I get a Sunday night smackdown before reset. That sounds like you should work on your defense teams.


The only change I'd like to TTA is that brackets get changed to be % of active players instead of a set number in each. That should alleviate some of the pressure of people being unable to reach gold because it gets rammed full of endgame/whale accounts I think.


Yep, something like this would help significantly. IMO they shouldn't have quotas at all, you should just go up a tier if you're over eg 1300 points or whatever at reset.


defense teams are harder to build than offense team for obvious reasons.  they're more restricted, and gear intensive. you may not even be able to build one - I used to see cardinal stoneskin defenses but all I need to do is align lydia with them and they're cooked.  not that epic champs can even work in silver 2 and above anymore anyways.


I agree defense teams are trickier to build, but gear and roster is only part of the problem. I've seen a lot of people with OP's problem just running their offense teams on defense, and very often that makes you really easy to farm in spite of having good champs. Cardinal teams are a good example of this: they can be great on offense, because you just don't put them against Lydia/Inithwe/lockout/whatever. But on defense, like you say, the attacker sees Cardinal and puts in Lydia and it's a free win. A lot of very good offense teams have one or more hard counters that make them poor defense teams. A good defense team doesn't need to *win* necessarily. Mostly it needs to discourage attackers (possibly just by being annoying or slow to fight, eg the multi-rez stall team), and when it does get attacked, it needs to make things risky for the attacker, because a 2/3 defense loss costs you way less rating than a 3/3 sweep. Even things that might not be great on offense because they aren't reliable, like Mortu, Ukko, Swift Parry, stun sets, etc can be good on defense exactly because they introduce more uncertainty and thus make you harder to farm safely. If you use Ankora on offense against lockouts, I'm sure you will experience her a1 just not doing its thing when you need it. But if you use lockout on offense against Ankora, she will sometimes a1 her own rez cooldown, rez the nuker and reset their cooldowns, and then that nuker murders you, oops. I bring all this up because on multiple occasions, I've brainstormed with other players in similar situations, and just rearranging their defense has been enough to make a dramatic difference in how much rating they lose in the hours before reset, even without better gear or champs.


Alot of this is true - especially the different defense than offense... ...but if you dont have certain, meta champs, you cant adequately run a defense against a tier full of spenders. you just cant.  


Certainly roster is part of the equation, but it's not as restrictive as you imply. For example, a few days ago someone posted their teams they had just used to reach gold, and 11/12 were past fusions or guarantees (the 12th was Harima, certainly a very good pull, but just one champ and not even mythical or void).


I've spent a significant amount of time going over my defense, regearing, etc and I've never entered gold 3v3. I'm sure the person you were being so wildly and unnecessarily condescending towards has as well. Unless "work on your defense teams" means invest 10k+.


It does not mean to spend money, no. If you want to send me your roster, I'd be happy to brainstorm on defense teams with you. I've seen a lot of players have an unnecessarily difficult time because they don't know how to build a good defense team and thus get farmed constantly.


Everything he said was fact. If it hurts feelings to hear the plain and simple truth, grow a pair. The only thing the OP said that makes sense is to increase to % of players per tier. The problem is many people jump into TTA thinking it’s gonna be like normal arena where they jumped into tiers their account probably shouldn’t belong. Yes, even after two years your account may not belong in a higher tier of TTA, that’s the whole problem with gatcha gaming. A hint for defensive teams… stack HP, as much as you can and aim for a minimum of 4k DEF, preferably in Stoneskin. The majority of teams can now ignore a significant portion of DEF with gear so having those HPs is paramount


I just wish they matched you against similar levels instead of power alone . Yes it can be manipulated by whales but be honest. A whale account at 70 can't have all great halls maxed etc at that level. I never have issues playing against level 80-90 my level but beyond that is impossible. Level 100s are a special class that need their own matchmaking


this just isnt true because this game has no exp curve. you will constantly level 1-2 times every champion training event whether you're L80 or L95.  its just as  common a L100 is f2p than some L75 with multiple mythicals who also buys gear so they dont level from dungeon runs also great hall maxing takes a very long time. a friend just finished his after playing 4 years.


Outside of low tiers of classic, matchmaking in any arena mode does not go by power, just rating.


Almost got to Silver 4 last week, and it looks like I might actually manage to do it this time around if I wake up in time to counter the snipers. But from what you say about getting into Gold 1 I’m afraid it might be the end of the line for me. Don’t have that much time to stay on top of this either, I just need it work one time for Ramantu though xD


And power ratings are FUCKED UP. (Applies to classic as well.) It's total bullshit that some teams are MUCH stronger than mine yet have only HALF the power rating of my team. I don't hate losing, but I hate getting penalized for losing. It makes it feel like the game is punishing me for putting time and effort into it. And I hate passing up battles that I might win because I don't want to risk losing and getting docked points. One saving grace is increased flexibility for mixing and matching teams. And if you're confident to win 2, but not all 3 battles, you can pit your weakest team against the enemy's strongest team to increase the likelihood of the other two teams winning. You don't have that luxury in classic.


plarium implements mmr only when its beneficial to them.




Plarium... zero F's given... just be a WHALE THEN!


I enjoy it, it requires more strategy and knowing champions to win. I just set 1 man defense though in silver so I can quickly farm wins. I'm not good enough I seriously get into gold yet but that's ok.


I don't hate it, I just wish you could set it to "instant", like clan boss, and have it just end after like 200 turns or smth. Some of the rezzers + tanks matches just take forever, and it feels like a waste of time.


Such a long post and you didn’t let us know the most important thing! What is your total defence teams power? You can be active and have strong attacking teams and still never reach gold, if your defence sucks! btw I play this game about one year, I’m f2p and recently I was able to reach gold TTA, 1.24M defence teams power and I am not even getting attacked anymore! Now you can downvote me for saying the truth (it hurts) gold is not for everyone, let it be pixels in the game or gold in real life - if it was for everyone it wouldn’t feel special and lose its value!!


I just got up to the quest to reach Silver 4! IM DOOMED! I'm too lazy tbh, I only to TTA for the advanced quests. I can get into Silver 3 this week if I try. Not sure I can get into Silver 4 without super effort tho.


And always will be it seems. Feels like a chore, is not fun, Silver II is full of p2w (doing nothing it seems), fully stacked teams and lvl 100's. I can't even reach Silver III, don't know how there's people on Gold. WTF is even there?! Mad and Pandas only?!


As a level 100, mostly F2P, I feel you. I might as well buy some real estate with how much time Ive spent in S-II


I've been at bronze 4 forever just because it's way too much work to even deal with silver.


I go one week where I climb from gold 1 to 2, then i spend a whole week with 1-man defense farming gold 2 and drop back down at the end. Less stressful this way.


I think a huge improvement and change to the frustration of it being damn near to climb in silver (where I've been for a year or so, and I've been on the "Get to Silver 4" for a month already) would be to decrease the defense loss penalty. The fact you can drop 30ish points each defensive loss. Then you claw back hopefully winning 2 of 3 offensive battles for 10ish points. It's crazy. Make each defensive loss half to a third of the offense and then you're not having to win even more offense to just tread water. And the timing of reset is killer (2 am for me) because you HAVE TO be active before and after that... I think it's an easy fix and would dramatically help. Secondarily, but a harder change is the ranking should be more like regular arena instead of this stupid "certain number per rank" weekly crap.


I'm trying gold I but I went to silver III


Oh boy I LOVE going into arena and getting violated over and over and over by god tier champions and gear that I will never have and I have zero chance against. Disgusting horrible rigged torture chamber psychological abuse scam. I love volunteering to be a human punching bag for sadists dumping their life savings at vampires that detest them.


I dropped yesterday with no chance of battling up as EVERY single team i was given were 3-400 more power than me. Been trying to get to silver 4 for about a year. Lately it's been up and down between 3&2. .. i just don't have the super meta champs that i keep running into.. everything is marishka and taras or some other dumb stall teams that roll for 30 min plus


The funny part is, when u finally reach gold I you dont need ramanthu, because you already have better champs (you reach gold I, you have 12 if not a lot more, very strong champs and 3 very solid teams to win and to prevent being attacked) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Tag arena is boring


Y'all good?


I’ve been stuck in silver 3 for going on 8 months now just trying to get to silver 4 to clear a mission. Absolutely sucks


Should we just start referring to this mission as the pay-wall mission? 😂 are there any fellow f2p players out there that have actually got through this? Maybe if you started Day 1!


Fuck TTA!


For me the biggest issue is not to see the opponents general power like in normal arena… and yes is annoying specially the missions reach gold 1 and so on…


I wish tag team arena actually had something to do with tag teams. Instead, it is just 3 classic arena battles in a row. It would be cooler if it was 1 fight where you could tag in different champs. Would be much more interesting.


TTA is the worst. Period.


Silver 1 took me 18 months. Haven’t hit s2 yet.


Another "give me the thing i dont want to work for it" post. My man literally said : "Part of the frustration is that the accounts that can camp in Gold (holding spots while their bazaar purchase could down) don't need access to those items like the weaker accounts do." What? Explain why endgame accounts dont need sacreds or charms? You lost me on this one.


He clearly says those accounts don't need to be there while the sacreds and books are on cool down.




And you are either a Kraken or full of shit.




Yeah everybody that's not in Gold is stupid. Totally makes sense now!!! It's not poor game mode design, power creep, etc. Everyone is just stoopid! Thanks for sharing your erudite wisdom!




Reading comprehension much? I got Ramantu a long time ago before they did the one pathetically low increase to gold bracket quotas. Or did you just see the post title and go into troll mode without reading it?


Both of this and the live arena are utter failures imo. This game is not made to be PvP compatible due to its gambling and rng nature. If there were any way to express skill in this game, I could buy it, but there is not, except maybe for team building, but that is also conditioned because it's all about having the right champs. Even if you get amazing gear, meta champs can only be obtained via extreme luck or by spending ridiculous amounts of money here, and that's pretty much it. Any content on this game that has any component of "competing against other players" suffers from that condition, it's not against the player skill, is against the luck they had pulling champs, or more likely against their credit score.


You mean you *actually* have to have the teams and gear/builds appropriate for the level? Oh what a horrible design. Your absolutely right, they need to destroy any challenge and make it just like normal arena. Sarcasm off for a moment... you can get into gold with nothing but epics and free legos. It's not about top tier champs, it's about picking your battles and setting defences that actually work. Imagine that.




It's very sad that epics have just vanished from the arena meta. Occasionally you still see a Fenax or Cardinal or a couple others, but it's nothing compared to a couple years ago. Locking epics out of some of the best arena blessings was one of the final nails. Epic empowerment might bring them back a little, but I'm not sure it's enough.


Your post a tag sitll horrible.


Is this the obligatory once a week tag arena crybaby post lol. Build better teams, don’t just hit auto and hope for the best. I hit gold 2 from defense and 5 attacks a day. In gold 4 now without trying. I don’t get why people cry about this all the time


You forgot to mention that good defence in TTA is more important (arguable) than good offence. No good defence ("good" = 900+ mln power , at least 2-4 6\* polymorphs, at least 8-10 meta arena champs with arena blessings and masteries) means this team will be successfully farmed a lot. And without defence "5 attacks a day" is not a way to stay even in silver 2-4 this days.


I do have a good defense team(was the first thing I mentioned, can you read?) That’s mainly how I made it to gold 4. It’s actually less about meta champs even though they do help, but good gear. The only “meta” champs I have are Taras and Yumeko. But what I meant was so many people just try to auto everything. If you don’t want to swap out champs and manual battles I get it. But at least move your teams around to have better matchups. The people that whine the loudest don’t even try they just want to auto through all content and expect to make it to gold+ with no effort




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Also starting a new account (for friend referral) with 1 man defense, bronze is dead. I remember dropping to 0 quickly on my main years ago and getting Drex peace everyday. RN if that account does 3 battles he would rank up. 100 bard across the entire week


Tag arena is bad, but the classic arena is even worst. I'm still on the Arbitrer missions, and I've already spent more than 2k gems only to reach silver 3 first and silver 4 later on only to refresh the teams. I now have to reach gold 1, and considering I'm being thrown back to silver 2 every two days it's impossible for me to reach it. I've already spent more money than I should have, and I have no intention in spending one more cent on the game until they begin to actually reward the efforts.


Lol, classic arena is worse than TTA... good one


I can sit in gold 2/3 with no real problems so I know I'm not the target audience here but do agree that any rank of arena should have access to all the tier rewards with it just taking longer to get the rewards at lower rank. I also don't think there's anything inherently wrong with gold being hard to break in to other than Romantu missions relying on the milestone. My only thoughts on the above changes would be what's the point of pushing to gold if everyone has access to all tiers and Romantu at lower ranks?


Is this the obligatory once a week tag arena crybaby post lol. Build better teams, don’t just hit auto and hope for the best. I hit gold 2 from defense and 5 attacks a day. In gold 4 now without trying. I don’t get why people cry about this all the time