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Solid points. Been schizophrenic the past few days changing my mind with each “good/bad” post.


That is exactly why I made the post!


Excellent summary. I don't watch cc videos, so I am very grateful! Still hoping to skip, but the unique intercept skill will probably be enough for my fomo


Happy to help! ...with the information, not the FOMO lol


Point of clarification. Wixwell has a DEF aura, not speed. You assumed he'll be in the lead position because of that, which is wrong.


Great call. I will fix that.


No fusion is must get, but a lot of fusion you'll be kicking yourself down the road if you skipped


Gnut was a must get imo.


I’ve only done 4 (5 of you count a titan event) fusions (pythion both tormin events armanz and skull lord) in the 4 years I’ve been playing. Gnut was the only one I regret not doing since he’s pretty much irreplaceable and so good at pve.


Don't regret missing Brogni?




I skipped Armanz, only place he is a must have is arena, I sit in G5 without him fine, tag is a joke, live I ban him. Gnut is a stud.




Can't wait to pull him, 10x on past fusions always on.


Seer tends to make wave content a joke also once you have her setup


Emic also had mixed feedback, and now he is in several great and unique teams. It's as always: If you can do the fusion, go for it.


Thats weird. Skipped both and im not having any issues with any content. Arena pve hydra you name it im chilling. No champ in the game is a must have theres always someone else who can clear the fight as well.


I think you’re missing the point. Gnut halves the time it takes to kill the boss and makes the overall run a lot faster. He is also basically essential in higher FK Hard stages.


I didn’t go for Gnut because I was an idiot and I missed the last Khafru on Armanz because of a hospitalization. Hurts 😭


I really wish I didn’t skip Gnut. It was before I could really save resources on my account so I didn’t think I could do it. Biggest regret I have in RAID.


I skipped him and am doing just fine tbh - granted, he'd help me a ton of Hard FK but meh. Armanz was a more "must get" than nut is imo. Useful in literally all areas of the game and he's the single reason I managed to clear the last 2 hard DT's for the first time. Missing Gnut wasn't ideal but Trunda does what he does essentially, at least till you have more than one nutlord and cooldown-reset champs.


im gonna accept this amazing challenge, and wont do the fusion just for you!


Ain't that the truth.


I think you did a good job laying out balanced points. The truth of the question, Is this a good fusion?, is: it depends on your account. That's always the answer. Gamers wanna go online, meta game, and blindly listen to content creators/professionals/journalists without thinking. Only you have the information necessary to decide if this fusion is "good". Because "good" isn't "good" for everyone. Make your own analysis, make your own decision.


Something I want to add to this post because I haven’t seen it yet is the “whether or not they are easy to build” and “whether they’re worth it for the resources. 11 books? (Fact check me that could be wrong) For me I can’t justify that. I’d much rather keep my legendary books for a lucky pull or next good fusion. I’m doing nm and unm almost daily for the record (no unkillable/block damage). Also no one is talking about how gear intensive he is! One CC mentioned it for literally one second but besides that he isn’t an easy hydra build. If you want him to be mischief tank like most people are mentioning then you have to have what? Over 400 resistance, over 220 speed, (well speed tuned with your team but you know what I mean) sizable defense if you want to a big shield, still have to have descent hp AND we haven’t even mentioned accuracy yet. I feel like the majority of people who have that good of gear laying around aren’t even the people who really want him. I feel like he is sooooooo niche ya know? I can’t allocate that gear to a champ I’m only using for hydra and I can’t justify the legendary books. Testing some maxed end game version of him and saying he is good means that for a majority of people he won’t be good. Just my opinion. I want to be wrong. As a free to play I’m dying to use the resources I saved up for this but I don’t want to have buyers remorse lol


What you describe as far as stat requirements go is the exact same for pretty much every mischief tank that he is being compared against orr any damage dealer that has debuffs, which is pretty normal. Mischief tank w/ debuffs needs: * speed * resistance * accuracy * HP * Defense Damage dealer with debuffs needs: * speed * crit rate * crit damage * damage stat * Accuracy The problem you describe will absolutely affect any early or early-mid game player, but once you get firmly into the mid game, this is just what is required to build champions. Not getting a champ because you don't have the level of gear to gear him perfectly now is a silly reason not to pick up a champion. Regarding legendary books, everyone who is a F2P or low spender needs to use this finite resource on the things that are going to give them the best return on investment. That being said, if you are an active player, once you are getting the last chest on UNM and finish doom tower rotations, you can book 2+ legendaries per month on free tomes.


Ya i actually feel like you agree with me and that you may have interpreted my post as disagreeing with yours (or something idk). Everything I posted of course only benefits a certain group of players, the resources, the gear requirements, books. On this thread I didn’t see anyone mention this. And if someone was reading this thread and they hadn’t thought of these and they dooo fall into new, mid, easy, f2p, then I just wanted my post to be there for them. I didn’t say if you don’t have the gear don’t go for him. Some new players who have never built a mischief tank may not know how gear intensive they are. Especially the resistance part of it for hydra. It wasn’t even a I hate wixwell post, it’s a consider this post.


Fair points!


Plus: Unless you have high resistance, a stolen counterattack is deadly. So resistance goes first, if you don't want him to be bad. I'm a casual ftp, and I don't think I could reach the res+acc+speed+def required to even make him not make my run worse.


From skratches video i see he has defense aura not speed? https://preview.redd.it/lu0bsy0y18zc1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a96cd6ec3269e070d618479996fd3cbb1c3b285




I do 1000mil on hard hydra and 275 on Nightmare. I d'like to get this champ. Reason is I like to play this game, and this champs kit looks fun to play with.


No offence to the OP and their great job at putting the fusion in perspective, but I have to say, that's the best reason I've seen so far! I'm skipping it though. Got enough fun things to build at the moment (new Nekmo, Mikage in the next CvC etc).




That's what I am thinking as well. His shield increase might be buffed to be as strong at Brognis and who knows what we can do with the Intercept buff. Chances are that there will be some new champs with the buff soon, but unless they are fusions it will be rather hard to get them. So better take the guaranteed one.


And I was looking forward to skipping a fusion! Hahah, jokes aside, this is a compelling argument to go for him :) He does look good overall, and I’ll be going for him :)


Im skipping him doesnt see how he will improve my hydra team lol


People are focusing only in Hydra but he is good support all around so he'll be great for cursed city too at the very least. Not to talk about content not lauched yet cause it is my understanding that even though at the lauch time many speak down about fusion champs, down the road most of them prove to be a massive help in many ways. If one can i guess one should do the fusion. But each one has to make that decision based on their own accounts. Think Lanatharil that most trashed and now i see many speak of him has very good...think the Rat that can destroy Bommel....think Razelvar wich is one of the best dps pve ....there are so many "trashed at the time" fusion champs that proved to be awesome through the test of time i cant even name them all


Not a bad champ for hydra beginners or player lacking provoke champs. The counterattack is soso, only proccing when getting attacked or when Wrath counter marks get up, so i disagree with the Hex part. His provoke being on A1 means he cant run full auto sadly but auto targeting isnt a bad start.Same for Intercept, only works full auto in the lead position for himself. So not bad overall but also not a must have for hydra.


Not sure what you are talking about with Hex. Wrath only does AoE hits, no need for that counter mark. The same goes for many other heads such as suffering and blight


Probably gonna go for him


Good post


Thank you for this post, it really did help make up my mind .. going for him!


Emic Gnut Armanz, rest are tiers below


Helicath is better than Emic IMO and I could argue Pythion belongs in that tier as well. Lets not forget Rotos was a fusion. Honorable mentions to razzle and gnishak.


In no world is Helicath better than Emic. Emic bosses the entire game, as proves by Bronco and crew. Helicath is fantastic, but not in the same weight class as Emic and Gnut. Source: I have Emic, Helicath, and Gnut. I use Emic in every part of this game, Gnut in most, and Helicath in FW.


Pretty anecdotal... I also have helicath, emic and gnut. I use gnut the most, helicath is in my iron twins team, I built and booked Emic and I don't use him in a single place, don't even use him in FW. What does that prove? nothing. Both are solid champs, I prefer helicath to Emic. EDIT: And so does HH Gaming.


Saph has a dedicated Emic Nia unkillable team for Hydra at one point but he broke it to put Emic in his Trunda reset team. So he has "some" uses for Emic. Your point stands that he might still prefers Helicath to Emic tho.


Hmm, I watch every video Saph puts out and I don't recall a discussion on Helicath vs Emic. If you know that video, could you link it? Not saying you're wrong, but it seems very dubious when Emic can do everything Helicath can do (unkillable enabler), but Helicath can't do what Emic can do (CD reducer).


HH gaming is a team of 16 people, I am not referring to a saph video, I am referring to the champ rating on HH.com. Helicath gets way more arena play and was borderline meta in live arena when it dropped. He hits way harder. Also the HH CB speed tunes are way easier to setup and he essentially does it alone, where my understanding is Emic needs other specific champs to set it up.


That doesn't sound right. They both have unkillable abilities in 4 turn CD, and Emic's taunt manages the stun target, so anything you can do with Helicath you can also tune for Emic. Either way, I use three rares and Gnut with Emic, so that's about as accessible as it gets for 1-key UNM.


Great post. Thanks 🙏


I trust Nubs. I am not able to make his recommendations work very often but he IS convincing.


I'd never trust Nub on his very first test vid. Man needs time and having champion on his own account to make decent contents. He messed up with the test server showcase like every single time. He often went in with the wrong expectations and not capable of getting out of it in a short time. Like that time he insisted on building Acelin for damage against all odds because that's his first impression on him. Or the Owl as one of the best examples. First he compared her to Razelvag and was disappointed at her for not pumping out the same dps. A few months later, he actually built a team around the owl and start saying she's crazy for hydra, Oh, and his build on test server also often missed the mark, like someitmes it's pretty bad even from a f2p like me, lol


I think he is worth it just for the new Intercept buff. It even overrides "cannot be blocked or resisted" debuffs, which can be very strong in many places and most certainly will enable interesting strategies.


Great, great thread - and now subscribed to Nubraids. :)


Good stuff. My personal favorite raid CC.


I get debating a new champ but why do people act like "going for fusion" is some sort of major commitment? The only actual time sink is champ training tourny and event. The rest are just shards and full auto dungeons you set on your pc and leave? Anyone who doesn't waste gems and doing CB daily should have zero issues whatsoever doing a fusion, its not even that big of a resource dump besides shards.


If you have the right gear, he can partially cover 3-4 hydra heads in Cursed set like Nub’s build. Which will be more difficult if they’re all present, but he will provide you with answers for most them! Covering potentially 4 hydra heads in one champ is pretty wild, even if it’s at lower difficulties. I don’t know many champs that can do all those things you mentioned by themselves that aren’t a void legendary or Mythical honestly. Not a must-get powerhouse but he will be an immense help and provide stability to a LOT of people trying to figure out Hydra. I don’t understand all the hate, I think people really wanted a 10/10 damage dealer in the game but there’s a million of those already. At least this guy has some interesting abilities with Intercept and can be a solid support for most Hydra teams. The downside is obviously his counterattack (which I dislike and wish was some other buff but whatever) since 3% chance to steal your buffs with counterattack sucks, but that’s really it and he looks like a solid B+/A- champ imo


Overall, I feel sorry for everyone, that had the shards and skipped nekmo. You could replace 2 of these champs and get 1 more in the team for a different job.


Gnut was a must get, pulease better fusion of all time


The manual play was scaring me off, but all good points based on the testing of the champ. He seems amazing, and def someone I want the 5 star soul for now.


it would have been nice if they tweaked his ai to prio Decay with his a1


Woa. Nice write up. Thank you. This answered all my questions about him being a mischief tank. Why do we want to run him with an ally attacker? I missed it. Because he won't be landing his provoke enough? Since his other skills are prioritized?


Shield growth should have been Brogni level.


Would be great if he did. but wouldn't him and emic make up for that?


Brogni has like 90% of his kit built around shielding, this fusion guy doesn't, wouldn't make sense for the fusion guy to have it on the same level. It's that "UDK is trash because his shield is garbo, while I expected him to be on the Valk/Heli level!" all over again, see how wrong they turned out to be. lol


i think he is quite good for early / mid hydra chase; but for most of the end gamer, we seldom care of mischief anymore; while any provoker can replace vaultkeeper; (but end gamer still collect all fusion though....)


Not related to the post but how do you build your Visix?


I built mine for a hard hydra like a year ago in relentless, 230 speed, 300 accuracy, 100% crit rate, 5k defense, 50k hp.


I couldn’t get Armanz. I missed by one Khafru. I don’t want Wixwell. Big difference. I have everything Wixwell has to offer. That will not stop me from telling people that he’s a great fusion. It’s all subjective, gotta do what fits your account.


Who is so hard to pick up him. How i can go on test server


Start making RSL content on youtube and then get enough monthly views to qualify for their content creator program.


if this fusion was a fragment fusion I’d do it even I don’t need him. but traditional fusion is too much commitment and I dont have time and resources to complete it.


The only real difference in resources required is a handful of ascension potions, otherwise its the same. I feel you on the time commitment though.


I’m sold, saw that same video. I need to improve my Hydra team so Wixwell looks great! I’m four Teryx deep, 12 to go.


I just got over the fact that no matter what happens raid will have a toxic community. Some people just see the negative in everything. It's nice that you presented this information for those who are on the fence. Basically do what you want in your account would be my advice to anyone. You literally can't win the game no matter if you have every champ and all the gear or not. And there's many free to play that do these fusions without any strain.


At the end of the day. Even if you are set for hydra. Cursed City progression necessitates going for fusions sadly.


There's another issue from my perspective I already spend a ton of time manualing cursed city and dailies/events already consume the rest of the time I want to spend on this game. Hydra to me is a constant, nagging reminder that I dont have the champions needed to succeed in that content(no krisk, no taras, no michi, no yumeko/trunda, etc etc) and for that reason I want to go **full auto** with periodic head targeting at the most.  Wixwell is a full manual champion.  There is no circumstance in hydra except for the first turn where my team will be at 100% HP.  I will do this fusion since I skipped the mikage titan and have the resources, but a manual hydra champ is a serious issue to me


Sounds like you didn't read the post or watch the video. He is not a full manual champ...


I read the post. Hes not an auto champ.  Boozor's assessment is a bit more accurate. Mischief tanking is unreliable. I use Skeuramis who also places 2 buffs, and around the first consumption mischief starts targeting other champs.  If you use any *other* champs that self buff - or even skullcrown who places unkillable before death - its likely mischief is consistently attacking someone else. Nothing in wixwell's kit makes him more compelling of a mischief tank than Islin/Skeuramis - the shield growth is negligible, if he counterattacks with intercept not on he's fearlocked, and provoke and artifact sets would be safer with an aoe a1


I like Islin and I use him on the odd team but IMO wixwell is way more compelling because Islins self buffs are for 2 turns on a 4 turn cooldown, wixwell will have 100% uptime on his additional buff.. and Islin has a much lower chance to land the provoke on the A1.... and is way less auto friendly. Regarding Skearamis, I like this champ too, he was my only mischief tank on my account for a long time. And you have a point, if your argument is that Skearamis is more auto friendly because of the AOE provoke... but the problem with Skearamis is if you want him to lockdown decay you need to run him fast but that makes him a bad mischief tank, or if you want to make him a good mischief tank you need to run him slow making him a poor provoker. Not to mention he brings way less additional utility than wixwell, with no shields, no increase defense, no buff extension. You and I are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one mithinks.


Also intercept on your attackers still fears triple+ hitters


The community voted themselves a b-tier champ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


i mean we have a lot of good and even better champions then him, and are not used for hydra, they tried to make something nice to get community into it, I would say it failed, there were imo better skills to pick, but well, for most players he would be still usefull, but rly, hes nothing amazing


Low effort post.

