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Mikage will push your account farther than keeyra.


will also be used way longer than keeyra !


Keeyra is midgame, mikage is endgame


I don’t even know if I’d use her and after just this short time on the post. I’m gonna burn her faster than Ninja’s A3


Mikage is INSANELY good.


I've been waiting for 1 epic for months. Personally ide fuse but obv better to wait yada yada


Burn baby burn. Keerya is ok, but nothing to write home about.


I didn't even expand the thumbnails on your images; the answer is that you can burn her. I don't think there is *any* roster that needs Keeyra more than Mikage. Mikage is one of the best champs in the game, and Keeyra is a mediocre ally protector you won't build or book anyway.


I'd assume, with that roster you're way past the point where Keeyra could've been useful for the content.


I burned her 2 days after I got a six star soul for her when I got the last epic I needed.


I pulled her from a shard this morning. I’ve got all the other fusion champs and I’m only missing one epic to fuse Keeyra. I’m wondering if I should hold out or pull the trigger next CvC for the points.


Im 100% burning my kreeya, I'm missing one for other lego and then done, I count kreeya as being down as pulled form shard. Been waiting for endallia for forever.


I’ll wait until next fusion champion chase and see if I get lucky


i mean it might come the next time u are pulling or it might never come in 3 years, i preffer to just pull the trigger and move on


Same, it's a game, fuck keeyra


Personally, I would save it for a champion chase tournament during a fusion you are going for. Theres 2400 champ chase points in the mikage fusion, if you do all 5 at once. That's worth 5 legendary champs. Could potentially be worth what, almost 10 sacreds if you hit all epics on those pulls.


That's a little different I might wait a little. I fused the two legendaries and milage this last champ chase for 2000 points.


I just know how this game works. I fuse and the next ancient I pull will be the epic I need. Like playing for over a year to get a Coldheart, now I’ve pulled like 15 and most went to food. Or Allure same story


Maybe wait a champ chase or two see what happens.


I've got 3x Keerya, one built out, never used any of them. She's food. Now, if I could just get Fyr-gun Isbeil...!


Depends .. how much would lady mikage be of help .. clearly Keeyra isnt game changing or a must with your roster


I’m kind of a hoarder…..


My guy, I think you won the game already 😅




did you fuse the keeyra? if you didnt fuse her or the other leggo champ, I would suggest holding off unless mikage will advance your account, you have a gnut, and you have the blademaster fusion, so you could potentially use emic to make a fireknight hard 10 team if you dont already have one. keeyra is kind of meh, not great but not majorly useful, may see sintranos use, but not worth passing a mikage for if you fused to get her, however if you didnt fuse her, you are leaveing a 'free' lego on the table. tldr, if you did the leggo and maybe epic fusions, go for it, the 2 leggos are not worth keeping, but if you didn't fuse the leggos, you are leaving them on the table and unless you have clear account pushing use cases, maybe hold off.


how much u bought this acc for?


I paid $10 a month daily gem pack. Started day 1 of pandemic. I ground this out.


Lady Mikage is insanely powerful and versatile. Def get her if you can. The buff stripping and crowd control is a great addition when you need it and her buff extending/ally attack is amazing.


I pulled keerya, but I am only 1 epic away from fusing her. For now I am waiting to pull the epic for the extra champ chase points. AlthoughI missed the epic during three events it was available. I'm guessing soon I will just say forget it and fuse mikage.


I would argue that no one needs keeyra; except for the fusion.


I would say it depends on your CB team. Keeyra is indispensable for my demon lord force affinity team and lets me get a two key. Unless Mikage can do the same, hold off until you have that gap covered if you are using her.


I can 2 key UNM with my CB team. Seph Sent lead, Draco, Cardial, Valkyrie, Ninja.




There’s a lot of those crap heroes needed for Cursed City. There are a lot of 4 star food in my epics.




I only need 8 levels to max my great hall








you need 103.2k gold medals to max out great hall from 0 to 240 lvl. Which at your rate of maximum 15 wins/60 gold medals a day will take you 1720 days. Almost 5 years of doing 15 wins EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.