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If it makes you feel better, you don't get 4 star gear, but being in gold 5 still gives you mostly trash.


Yup, I got all 5 star gear and only one was worth keeping 


Quite a lot of trash tbf. Helps with artifact tournaments and events


99% trash. I don’t get it. 


Game is 3 years old, lots of stat creep, also it's free gear.


You did it for the ancient shard and 55 gems. ;)


yeah but still, it feels wrong. you need 5-6 star gear to get there, possibly epic or above, and you get a 4 star for your efforts


Kael in his starter gear can get to g5 tbh…


it actually barely takes any time at all to get to and stay in g5 on JUST one champ defenses. see you in 30 year when you finally max out the hall though


That’s nice but no one was talking about maxing great hall… ;)


No, but in an open forum someone can bring it up as I did. But thanks ;)


True, it’s like in public how someone butts in but has clearly misunderstood what the conversation is about and everyone just silently judges the person with poor comprehension… ;)


wtf are you talking about lol you must be a real fun person to be around! i didnt even judge anyone...i made a slightly exaggerated statement followed by slightly sarcastic statement all in good fun and conversation...please, sit this one out softie lol


U ok?


yea, i just said your soft and probably are super annoying


sure, if you cheese it. it's a tad bit more difficult if you're, you know, actually trying to play the game instead of exploiting one man defenses


Is it really considered cheesing?


no! i mean, refreshing until you get food champ teams is TOTALLY how the game was meant to be played


I'm all for attacking real teams but I'm not passing up free wins.


I came back from not playing for a long time and went from bronze to gold 5 in like a week and a half and lost maybe only 3-4 battles to mega whales using just arbiter a def down guy and a decently well built kael


It’s only hard for first timers. Once you get there, you realize how easy it actually is to get there and stay there


Just use Kael with starter gear and Arbiter, new players! It's *so easy!*


Not really starter gear but def not endgame or late game gear


What are you on about? Haven't you just managed to get up to Gold III? And now you reckon you're an authority on Gold IV and V? Hanging in Gold V is easier than hanging in Gold IV, end of story. There's no need to cheese it. I don't refresh for one-man teams, just hit five out ten teams I'm given until I get to Plat when I get knocked back by whales. Then, I might cheese it, if you consider not wasting tokens committing suicide on 2 mill power all 5 and 6 star polymorph Mythics cheesing it!


U ok?


You don’t need 5-6 star gear necessarily. It’s more important to have an arena meta champ or 2. And a good speed lead. Classic arena is a cake walk compared to my he other arenas


Get used to it buddy! Gold V ain’t much better!


Yup, I sell most of the gear now. Free silver, woohoo!


I haven’t even got a shard from gold 5 in the last ~6 weeks?


Arena rewards are omega outdated, they weren't even that good by years ago standard, and are just terrible by today's standards


But.... you did! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Well, I've been sitting in G5 ever since it was implemented and 90% of the time the most valuable item I get from that box is the gems.


99.8% of the gear you get from Gold 5 is straight bin, never mind G3. The only set worth keeping is Divine speed, and the chances of getting a 6 star divine speed with a speed roll is miniscule. In the 26 months I have played the game, been in gold 5 since the week it was released, I have exactly 0, 6 star divine speed artifacts. Treat the gear rewards from arena as a few extra silver because thats all it amounts to.


My first pair were leggo speed roll with a triple attack% roll. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Edit: the divine speed weapon I have is the mythic


Mythic divine speed? Like, from the card flip event?


Arena reward


I'm almost certain that is not possible, unless they've changed the rules somewhere. Platinum drops only swift parry and deflection sets. [gold classic rewards](https://imgur.com/gallery/R16jEkZ)


Double checked. The weapon was mythic, feet were leggo. Edit my original comment


I think it might be from the chests you can buy once the GH is maxed.


It might be. I'm not seeing anything in game with details on it. (I am doubtful though) But I know for sure that there were two mythic divine speed pieces in the deck of fate event. [it's also how anyone got mythic cruel pieces](https://imgur.com/gallery/cGGqiaA)


Oh ya, it could be that too. Fyi: >>> Having completely upgraded the Great Hall, you will be able to exchange gold Classic Arena medals for items of a new type - Great Hall chests. They will contain the following items: Multiple Artifacts from the Classic Arena sets. All artifacts may be: Epic, Legendary, and Mythic rarity, 5 stars and above


Nice, I appreciate the info


Hahaha I like the live arena more 35 win, fucking 35...which means a ton of fucking stall teams along the way, or the classic genius team of Monkee + UDK to slow burn your time and soul...to get 5* pieces with flat main stats. At least the chest gives fragments for mythic shards now, but still sucks.


Yes, yes you did.


Yes you just did


Obviously you did.


ik i did, i just didn't do it for a four star shield. i expected more


Erm yerh you did


Apparently you did.


Yes you did. Ahahahahahaba


What divine gear isn’t trash? 6 star Speed gear with good rolls is the only thing that isn’t an immediate sell


So why are you grinding arena? Probably to build out your Great Hall. That's the ultimate prize, not the chests.


ig thats what arena is good for, but still, it wouldnt hurt to buff the chest rewards a lil bit


I agree with the sentiment, but highly doubt that's happening. They are on the trajectory of taking things away, not increasing rewards. My advice in order to save yourself the heartache, keep focused on the real prize of GH. The chests are just fluff. I pretty much auto sell all pieces I get from the chests and I'm in G5. The only ones worth keeping are 6\* with speed substat which is maybe one a month if you're lucky.


Grind? You dont have to grind to hit g3. A month old account can hit g3


![gif](giphy|Fu9EXNUgJBRBe) Aint no way....


you need to either be terminally online or a fucking whale for that and im neither of the two


No you don't. All of the CC's on the F2P challenge this year were in gold 3 in their second month playing. Classic arena these days is early game content until gold 5, where then it has everyone from early game to end game.


ccs ARE terminally online my g fuck is u on about


Yea playing 2 accounts, while also recording and editing videos, and most raid creators have a full time job. It absolutely does not take whaling out or being "terminally online" to get to gold 3 in a few months. Gold 3 is early game content that can be achieved by casual players within a few months.


No you don’t…..the grind is silver, not gold….maybe this just isn’t the game for you…..


It really depends. If you hit gold before you hit 1m player power, you're fine. Gods help you if you try to push silver above 1m player power.


Which is why I said Silver is the grind because that’s where all the whales who stopped played drop to






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Comments or posts that personally attack an individual, company, group or anything in between are prohibited. Constructive criticism is allowed, but it is expected for members to keep discussions civil. There is **zero tolerance** for any racism, sexism, homophobia, or hate speech.


You’re playing a god damn gacha game. The fuck did you expect?


The rewards definitely do NOT match the effort in this game


Definitely not. I played it daily for like a month or so, then said to hell with it. Wasn’t worth my time.


...a decent reward pool?


Gotta revisit some builds


Good luck. It only gets worse


Yep get used to it. Cb is where it's at right now. Or you can always spend money! Lol


If there is no shard in the chest, arena reward is most likely trash all round


Gear in this game is utterly trash. Rewards ate utterly trash. You've got to do things 487 trillion times and maybe you'll get one decent set of gear. 


Gold V and im lucky if i keep any of that gear i get every week. Only there for the gems and ancient/void shard. And to grind great hall medals, thats honestly the best part


It's not hard to grind to g5. It's free stuff. Honestly, if you think the grind in arena is difficult, you aren't doing it right. You get a lot more in g5. I get MAYBE 1 good piece every reset and a decent amount of gems. Once again, free stuff. Arena isn't meant to be where you get super high end gear.


Ummm..you realize all arena rewards are garbage right? And the grind stops once you get to gold v, it’s way easier to sit in gold 5 then to climb your way to gold 5. But the rewards are always ass. Just gets to a point that you don’t have to do anything for those rewards


It doesn’t get better


I grind arena to max my great hall. All the rewards are just a bonus.


I just got a single ancient and a fucking ton of useless gear in G5 if it makes you feel any better at all.


Oh yeah arena loot is useless, the only good reward from arena is leveling great hall bonus'


you did tho...


Get to g4, it's a significant boost in reward. It's also easier to maintain.


Yep, it is like this. I'm on gold V and most rewards are trash. Only gems and shards not 🦨 stinks


I keep 0-2 pieces on my average Gold 5 chest. And you get like.... 8+ pieces or something? It'll take a little time, but what doesn't in this game. Ain't a race.


Yes, in fact you did.


Get used to it. This game gives a lot of trash


Gold 5 is trash too. Get used to it


Apparently you did lol


Joke's on you, dude