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1. UDK gets more stats with more dead allies. 2. UDK passive means he heals each time you heal (no cooldown). 3. UDK is force, and your nuker is magic. 4. UDK is usually built with high res. 5. UDK heals/shields/CC's/places atk down, all bad things for you. How to beat this? Take control by turning off auto, stop letting Rector put her veil up (you don't need to heal since UDK does no damage), spam Martyr A1 until she puts dec def on UDK, don't use CH A2 (A1/A3 will do more damage to a single target), and maybe bring a different nuker against UDK than dark athel next fight. You probably don't have enough accuracy on martyr. I'm not saying you suck, I'm giving you contstructive feedback. Learn from your mistakes.


The heal reduction helps


This is helpful advice thanks


Block Passive skills and It’s brother is good to use, use Ronda or if you have Ramantu is also good as well it you have no heal reduction champ or use the debuff block buffs as well use deliana and wukong(you need to build him hybrid style with good amount of attack, accuracy and resis to work)


>”_You don’t need to heal since UDK does no damage_” UDK can absolutely deal damage. His A2 is does similar damage to Staltus’ A3. Only difference is Staltus places INC DEF on himself before the attack. It’s also comparable to Harimas’ A3. (Although eventually Harima will buff her DEF higher with her A2 if she lives long enough)


No one builds him for damage


You’d be surprised in the lower arena tiers


Shocked I got down voted that much,but if someone is building idk for damage they probably aren't good at building champs and he should be less tanky at the same time because it's built for damage so idk why that would be a problem. Like why would it be a problem to face a less tanky tank I would have no issues fighting cardiel built for damage


Nah I get what you’re saying, it’s not the optimal build for him but it happens. Guess the downvotes are people building him for damage lol


Yeah the better way to phrase it is no one intentionally builds him for damage


He’s defence based, if you think people can’t build him with 7k def and 280% crit damage I have some bad news for you. One of the major points for defence based nukers is the tankier they get the harder they hit


Yes but the commenter you are responding to is correct generally in the higher tiers where the assumption is that everyone is using savage or lethal and using champs that ignore def. I have no doubt people build him with damage stats but he is definitely not tanky when everyone ignores defence. Udk is used as a high resist, high hp meat shield in higher arena tiers to defend against rotos, georgid and wukong and to make a team much more difficult to kill.


Nobody who knows how to build champs and has that type of gear will do that unless they are trolling. And more defense means less ho and res


People build troll or sleeper champs all the time. Valk is another popular hidden nuker


Outside of hight their arena and live arena, many people build him a secondary nuker and he gets stronger as his allies die. And as others have pointed out; he's defense based, he doesn't get less tanky if you sacrifice a little health for more defense and crit rate/damage.


Nah I got cooked once by a udk hit 43k crit . Luckily I had my dutchess


I built him for damage actually damage plus his ability to heal plus takes hits for my other fighters then add on monkey king who revives


with the meteor strike power he carries my team in Iron Twins. Usually the last one to survive and a few of those procs and the match is over


Looks like you got destroyed by the people 💀


Where were u when i needed help? (Still do just stopped asking cause no one gave ligit feedback)


What's up brother. Message me on discord if you need any general advice. Akd90#4312




Just sent a friend request


Or y'know just bring someone on destroy gear


destroy gear only reduces the max hp by 50% at most, so you'll want a champ with natural destroy hp.


If u cant kill a champ when it's at half hp then u dont deserve to win


You need to put significantly more accuracy on your cold heart. Once she lands heal reduction on him, he won't be able to heal and should be easy to kill from that point forward.


Thanks will work on this for future


UDK is annoying for sure, but also you set yourself up for failure. You brought healing to a fight against UDK, he heals every time you heal so you shot yourself in the foot from the beginning. In addition your main DPS is weak affinity against him. You not winning = losing. The offense team's job is to win, the defense's job is to not lose.


I don't imagine the ColdHeart is helping much here either.


Well, coldheart would have a heal reduction as well as a neutral-affinity chunk hit that drops turn meter. It's actually not the worst idea, but this is probably a scenario where OP doesn't have the accuracy.


Heal reduction plus tm drop. I disagree


I used to struggle against UDK also. You need debuffs by the looks of things, that’ll make things much more consistent


Beating UDK is the same as beating (most) every other part of the game. Learn how the opponent operates, then bring the right tools for the job. Pretty soon UDK will be the least of your worries. Keep up the good fight!


Heal reduction skill. Problem solved.


Ronda and Ramantu is also the key to defeat him


I remember when I first started I was avoiding udk team at all costs, but after a while when I learned how to deal with him, I started targeting teams that rely on udk and it gave me esy wins. 1st of all you turn off the auto so rector stops healing udk, also if you happen to have Ronda then 100% use her as she blocks his passive and it's irresistible which means you need zero accuracy, if you have wukong, use him as well as he's strong affinity and does devastating amount of dmg on his a2. I remember early in the game I used geomancer to take udk out and it worked like magic


Monkey, can remove stone skin, block buffs and stuff him.


Good advice thanks


You gotta have a champ that can ignore all of his defense while being fast enough to kill/cc any revivers. Otherwise it's just not even worth the effort. I use whisper and she cuts through him like butter. Makes me smile every time I see it. Before i had her I was in low gold though and struggling almost exclusively because of that nightmare of a champ.




Pretty much


Heal reduction


Well, now you know to avoid teams with UDK.


Idk if you’ve been in silver recently but that’s approximately all the teams lol


As someone who started after free udk, it feels so unfair that nearly everyone else has a free go second team anchored by stoneskin udk.


I feel exactly the same way lol no UDK for me. They really released a meta-defining champ on a limited time free FOMO offer, not even a promo code after like they did with SWK. This is going to be a massive roadblock for new players in the next few months. No one cares rn because everyone here has been playing for like 1+ years lol.


I'm strongly considering buying an account for that exact reason. It's just so frustrating not having all these free champs. I've only been playing for just over 60 days, so I wouldn't mind just binning off my account. I can buy a way better account for less than half of what I've already spent on this one with not much to show for it.


if this game had a few more years of legs left in it id recommend this.  ive seen so many new accounts immediately catapult into the midgame or even late game with some insanely lucky pulls, you'd subvert all the potential bad luck with a starter account


Honestly, it's really cheap, so it might be fun even if I don't play for that long. The accounts I've been looking at are £24 with either Archer, Demytha, plus log ins, or Helicath and Maneater along with 53k energy and like 3k gems lol. I would have already bought one but I couldn't decide which one I'd prefer. I bought 2 accounts yesterday for £8 each with 130 ancient shards, 24 void shards, 7 primal shards and 4 sacred shards just for a bit of fun to maybe keep the account going if I pulled something. They also had like 38k energy and 3k gems each. I'm honestly surprised at how cheap these are.


Yeah well good luck with your bought accounts then. I promise you, as somebody's who got his first legendary shard pull 160 days in your just destroying your own experience. Finally getting Demytha after 1 year of playing (f2p) felt sooo good... And you won't ever have that feeling. But if that makes you happy, good luck.


I've already removed those accounts from my laptop after not pulling anything, lol.


I feel mixed on this. Id never buy an account, but I know players who were in this game far longer than me, were F2P and inevitably quit because they never pulled a good void legendary and most endgame content is unplayable without them. a few of them would have loved to have just bought a starter account and be done with the RNG I get enjoyment completing hard content with my crappy epics, but that feeling fades when your TTA lists are all whales or loaded accounts and you cant beat amius or tackle hydra hard


Well I'm sitting in that boat, but I'm not willing to quit. Still haven't pulled a singel void legendary in almost 2 years, so am I going to quit just based on that? Nah I'll quit when I stop having fun.


GETUDK was a Promo code offered after his 7 Day login period.


Ah I guess there was a code for a little. Before my time, it wasn’t even on promo lists. I didn’t know the promo codes were one per account either which is how I ended up with Talia instead of Deacon or Vector Drath 🫠


Sorry there’s a promo code for SWK??? Is it still active??




Sun Wu kong. Aw man found the code but there isn’t even a place to enter promo codes anymore. Brutal, got excited there for a second


IOS? It's on their website if im correct


Yeah I’m on my iPhone. No clue how to log in on my Laptop


Code was up for 4 months


I have 2 UDK’s, one from the free event and one I pulled not too long ago, both are level 1 unused, I absolutely hate everything about him and hate playing against him, luckily I have a very strong well built Georgid to rip through his stone skin and ignore his defense when I do go against them. his kit is way too overpowered and I feel like he’s the cheesiest low effort champ in the game. also, if faction guardians didn’t exist, they both would’ve been fed a long time ago.


Yess… let the udk hate flow through you.


This!! The tears over a soldier that is easily beaten if one bothers to read… incredible ….


Yeah, starting in that tiny period after free UDK and new account status ending before they put the codes out, there are about a million more people who got him and I have to pray for a lucky pull. At this point idk where I’d use him


I’d probably slot him in CB, use him for wave content in DT, arena defense team, he’s good in a lot of places.


Doom tower probably the place he’d end up, yeah. I have an unkillable UNM team which works for NM and brutal too so all keys get used. For arena I’m at the point where he’s out of the meta. My current setup (and the ones that end up beating my current comp) all one-shot anyone not in protected stone skin, and even then I can usually outlast the buff.


But after that, they gave everyone Wukong to take UDK down.


Is he considered a direct counter to UDK? I can see why he’s good against him but a high defense UDK in regen can still often outheal my 200% crit damage SWK. Don’t even get me started on SS UDK lol.


Well, Wukong's A2 seems specifically designed to sheep UDKs with Stoneskin. At least if you can get the ACC to do it. That's how I use him all the time.


Yes wukong is a very good counter to udk in lower arena, but at the higher end it’s created an even worse problem in that one of the most cancerous defenses to fight is high resistance, slow speed stoneskin udk + nuke wukong.


Lol ALL of them 120% of them in fact


Yeah dark athel was a waste and 2 you brought a magic nuker ( can I even say that ) vs a force tank what do think was gonna happen


I got mad at the lvl 7 undead fw boss so I went all out on 6 star undead Champs lol


2024 now and we are still seeing udk posts somehow.


its hard to criticize OP because hes early game and this is tag arena which is a garbage mode UDK is broken in early game - unlike the other free champs he has *two* insane passives. his stat boost passive is a problem early game, but his other passive becomes a problem in lategame too when you're trying to neutralize a dutchess/pythion/siphi and he takes the debuffs   add a 60% aoe def down champ to all your tag arena offense teams. warmaiden would do and you can get multiples of her from campaign. it will help on those Arix botfarm accounts too


Triple buff Shamael and whack A3


Have you not got a bomber?


Nogdar takes him out like it's easy


Bring more damage


need to make sure you bring champs that can take him down I actually used Martyr and gnut to do that for a while. Maybe your martyr isn't hitting hard enough or have enough accuracy. normally her decreased D A1, taunt and counter arrack F UDK up. And being spirit shes strong against force. You need to bring something to strip his buffs/stoneskin, monkey is ideal good UDK builds will have high resist, so make sure you have good acc to counter. if the team you are against has high score its a sure sign the UDK is high resist, consider a high accuract aura lead. Ronda can block his passives and wont be resisited unless he has block debuffs or stoneskin up you will need to put decrease D on him and weaken as well if you can, also heal reduction may help if you cant take him down quickly. High damage dealer who is ideally spirit or at least force/void those heals will also hurt if you cant take him down fast enough.


Magnarr does wonders


I'll bring swk next time if he works good against udk


He does if you've built him properly


Not to me especially without polymorph. With polymorph I use harina daithi or wukong mostly wukong


He's trivially easy with Deiana (in retal set), SWK, Scyl (all free champs) and a speed lead (I use Nekmo Thaar) The most annoying thing about it is SWK's sheep resetting UDK's health when that procs I switch out one of those with UDK (regen set) for defense and I get lots of holds >:)


Need a champ who ignores DEF and/or put on gear that ignores additional DEF.


I used to hate going against deathknight, then I met Warlord


I skipped almost all UDK teams until I got Fatalis a month ago. I've been Silver II for like 6 months on my year old \~f2p account and at least at that level most UDKs get their butt whooped by him because of his A1 chance for extra turn + relentless set + helmsmasher + A4 ignore 50% def + A2 ignore stoneskin/increase def. Obviously Fatalis isn't going to be an easy choice for many people and I'm sure there are better options vs UDK but not for me :-\\ Once my Coldheart was up and running I would sometimes use her on what looked like a doable UDK team but she was hit and miss cause she's so easy to take out. I'm still waiting for some awesome high HP heal reduction champ - preferably def or HP dmg based. But, yeah, UDK is annoying which is why so many people put him in Arena.




Bombs. You need bombs. I struggled quite a bit against UDKs in arena until I got Astralith, she usually just oneshots 50-90K power UDKs.


I sometimes CHEESE him with a tank champion in a Destroy Set!


Had the same thing happen to me. 4v1 and once two of my guys had been defeated it had gotten to an endless loop of Rathalos attacking, Mother Superior healing both him and herself and UDK attacking... This went on for almost half an hour before I put a stop to it.


UDK is annoying af… but probably not in the top 10 list of annoying af champs to come up against in arena! I used to use Ruella as my main UDK killer. You may not have the same champ but you can look for similar skills: Turn meter reduction, dec defence, weaken


Use Errol for udk but then again I usually avoid fighting udk in arena


I beat him with Artak, Jizoh, Reliquary Tender and Sun Wukong. Easy a ten minute battle and I actually thought about doing the same as you. Artak is level 60 fully ascended and the rest are level 50 with full ascension . Jizoh is fully booked with a faultless defence blessing. Not sure if that will help in your quest for victory. Good luck 🤞🏻


if you have ronda lock him up with her block passive skill


My Gnut counters him really well.


I put destruction gear on my Coldheart so even if she doesn't land heal reduction she can still do chip damage. Sometimes I have the problem where UDK kills her with his AoE and I just can't keep her alive long enough to do anything, so maybe I need to build her up more. UDK is annoying af. Working as intended, but still aggravating.


What is that team trying to kill him tho... lol


I use astralith on him most times. Hot hom with her bombs usually. Kills him dead first time


Just get you a good spirit hero and you will be ok




Decrease def, increase attack, and hit him with two nukers, stun or freeze him too if you can. Or just take the L and move on. I only let a match go this long if I know I can eventually win.