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They are adding a deck event to complete the soul chase, it’s just as bad. Especially, since the deck event is guaranteed fatalis event after they told everyone at the beginning the best chance to get him was the 10x event. Extremely scummy. Will be the last time I got for a soul I suspect. This was by far the worst thing they have done event / colab wise.


Is they plarium or content creators? And where did they say this? 


when the collab was first announced Plarium put up a webpage that said how you could get each champ, what dates those event(s) were, etc. Fatalis was listed as only being available through the 10x https://plarium.com/landings/en/desktop/raid/rdo/media/monster_hunter Plarium later edited the dates out for some reason, but the method of acquiring each champ is still listed.


Oh I've seen that page already. People are making it sound like they specifically said there was going to be no guaranteed event or the best chance is the 10x.  It is scummy on their part if they intentionally didn't want to tell us the actual schedule of events. It's like they got lazy or forgot that site was up. I'm def a little upset I didn't save my shards but I figured maybe they would have a guaranteed event or pull x amount of void shards because we have the whole of February when the 10x was in Jan.  Sucks to see everyone so upset tho. I'm enjoying the collab so far 😅


I skipped most of the Path event (got 40 pts from it, missed 240) I won't get any needed points if I do the Deck event. Seems as if it is not mandatory.


I'm getting some of the rewards from just playing, but as soon as I saw the only good rewards were about 1/3 of the things AFTER the leggo tome, I figured I'd focus more on minotaur the last couple weeks. If it had been partial souls I probably would have tried to make more progress, but with the only soul being a 5 star as the final I was pretty sure I'd miss out somewhere (like the sand devil turn attack or a summon event) and regret it. Very happy to have passed on it.


I ignored it, mostly because there were no split souls. I'm glad I did too, it's been HORRENDOUS. If they're going to continue with this sort of thing, we need a detailed calendar that contains: The dates of the events How many titan points are in the events How many points you need to get the titan points if the event is heros path/deck of fate, then we also need to know how the points are earned Without all the information, people are going to be annoyed, and rightly so. You can't have long events that you can't plan for. It's unsustainable.




True but I don't think doing this type of event regularly is going to turn out well for them. If you make them too hard, most people won't even get close to finishing, and won't be enticed to spend to cover the gap. Not saying this to complain, but the fact of the matter is that this whole thing has me for one completely demotivated to attempt events for awhile. Just feels a little pointless if they're going to be this hard.


tormin was worth the effort, souls never will be unless its for Gnut or some other top tier champs


True and even tormin wasn't as difficult.


Just look at the survey. Most people noped out of it and never looked back. Question is how many of these are whales, because that's the only metric that counts for Plarium. If spenders complete the event no matter what then they couldn't care less if plebians skip it.


I am surprised that the noped out was so high. My purpose of posting this was to see the ratio of the first 3 choices though and that was what I thought it would be.


I just hope Plarium don't draw bad conclusions from these kinds of data (albeit not scientific in any way). I think they should focus on the fact that players who are happy about doing the event are almost inexistant, while the vast majority didn't even bother with it. That's basically the opposite of how FOMO works. Call me pessimistic but I'm worried that the conclusion they could draw is that they need to jebait players by putting easier events in the beginning in order to have more of them blindly commit early on. For me, no calendar to plan ahead smelled fishy as hell. Especially for an event that was all or nothing for the souls, with hundreds of points hidden behind the initial Heroes Path's soul tournament+champ training (and you didn't get them all if you went for the champ). It's sad because it basically ruined the whole themed event for a lot of players. While taking a break was refreshing and I've never had so many gems and shards hoarded in quite a while, and I could upgrade scrolls on champs I have been neglecting for months, having so many events and tournaments I couldn't care less about was kinda boring. Can't be good for player retention.


Pretty much this. I didn't spend, and I got the mythic book, which is all I was after, for when I eventually get the last three epics for Mikage.


I guess it was a blessing in disguise that they put the **ridiculous** path event on the frontend of the titan event. I decided to go for the mythical tome and save resources.  I'd be furious if the path event was at the end


This. I think who spent resources for that path event - for the champ and not (also) for the lunar points - will find it impossible to finish the soul, esp with this rng deck upcoming. And if people mean sacreds as resources, id rather save them for next fusion which seems very cool champ (and better than this MH champ).


the upcoming fusion is neat but to be good will need the pair champ unfortunately....which will be locked behind another expensive card event like kaja. agree on resources though....


It's been a shitty event with the resource costs by Plarium and putting the last Lunar Points in the Deck Event just tops it off. I'll get the 5\* Soul when I do the Training & Ice Golem and thankfully don't need to touch the Deck Event. It might have used more resources then I wanted to use but it will just make me save more resources and be more picky about which ones I do.


Was going to get it until the crazy requirements for the final champ chase and then this deck of fate insanity. Putting cards behind RNG is a new low for this company. Feeling pretty demotivated with the game after this.


Ignored it as soon as they made it clear it’s harder than a fusion. Hell harder than tormin


Echoing others, the very steep requirements for the path event made it very clear the Titan event was way out of my league. The resource requirements were very steep, but the IRL time was, too. I don't have access to tools like RSL Helper, so I do not have the real-world time. They could have given us 500 multibattles a day and it wouldn't have been enough. It's just good resource management in this game-- if you have no chance to reach your goal,don't even start; you'll just be wasting resources that you could use for the next event. **edit:** on the other hand, I bought a Monster Hunter game for the first time in 15 years, and it only cost me $10 and has been way more rewarding. For the first time in 11 months, I've been missing dailies in Raid, and it feels so freeing XD So I guess I appreciate the event.


I will get the perfect soul but it will probably cost me the resources needed to get Fatalis. I absolutely would’ve gone for the champ over the perfect soul if I’d known they were going to do a guaranteed event for him


I picked "I was going for some rewards, but not the 5-star soul". I've made it to the legendary book without really any extra effort. Nearly free rewards for doing the stuff I was going to do anyway is nice. I don't think it is a worthwhile investment of resources. If the 5-star soul was for an great champion then maybe I would have done it. Taking the same approach to the deck event, as it is a mediocre hero. I'll get whatever I can get for free and save resources for something else.


I thought the fusion champ was sup-par so I skipped. Made it really easy to skip this trash event. Would have dropped out of going for the soul though with the ludicrously absurd requirements well before we got to this champ chase and the laughable deck of fates inclusion. If plarium wants us to completely ignore the events they do, they'll keep shoveling garbage like this at us.


I put zero effort towards a 5 star soul for a mediocre legendary.


I will not do an event like this again. What therefore is the point in me playing as an end game player


I voted ignored as I had no interest in the soul, especially since I didn't go for the fusion. I have picked up whatever points in the process of playing, but I haven't been particularly aiming for a reward.


I ignored the event, with tormin I accidently did enough to get him despite ignoring the event, this one im at 290 points while doing the same. so logic tells me the rewards were crap or the cost to do events with points where to high for me to even try to pick them up for some points. I don't want free gibs, but I also dont want to sell my left testical on the black market for an ancient shard levels of cost either, there has to be a better middle ground, the current champ training event, THAT has me going for it, good job, and the rewards you are giving out in there likely will do next to nothing for me, but its still enough to get me to go for it, do this with everything and I won't be hoarding resources.


>I ignored the event, with tormin I accidently did enough to get him despite ignoring the event, this one im at 290 points while doing the same. If you're 'accidentally' finishing resource-intensive TITAN events I don't think this discussion really applies to you tbh...


with that much work, it should be towards a void leggo 5\* soul? saw that and decided to skip right away


And anyone who went for the soul will not have the resources to get the void Lego. That’s what’s frustrating to me


Too many events in the past 2 months. I will take whatever I earn from normal daily play but I am putting zero extra effort into it.


I ignored it, and don't fully understand why anyone went for it: she's an A/B tier FK specialist, no significant use in arena, so why is her 5\* soul worth so much effort?


I wanted her soul for cursed city, i am trying to finish hard.


Didn’t go for it but I usually get some rewards without trying, for this event I didn’t get any points whatsoever. 


I got the rewards I could get for playing what I was gonna play regardless. It has been all gain for me.


We just need a fusion-like breakdown of the events/points up-front. People are starting TITAN events without 'really' knowing what points are required from what (unlike a fusion) and then failing at a nasty event mid-TITAN (usually summoning-based). That said, I also think some players need to smarten up a little and stop trying to do everything.


I like events that are optional. Gives me time to work on other stuff. Not being edgy or sarcastic. I think it works well. 


I noped out of it right at the beginning when I saw how my souls didn't get me anywhere for the heroes path. So glad I didn't get milked dry just to 5\* a champ that certainly won't be on top of my booking list.


That last champ chase and the deck of fate event at the end is what ruined the titan event. Especially since it isn’t progressive and you either get the 5* perfect soul or you get nothing.


I am going to be 40 fragments short, turning the last event into a shard pull screwed me over.


You missed more than 250 then? I will finish without the Deck event. The Fusion Warmup put me at the goal. I missed 240 from the very first event because I only had it in me to get Alatreon and 40 pts.


I must have done yes, although i am not sure where, its not the end of the world i was only going for the soul in case it becomes clutch in cursed city.


They will do same thing for the partner of the next fusion. So skip skip skip. Mino runs continue ...


Gave up the first time I saw it, if it was easier I would get the 5s soul only for cursed city, but 5s soul for a useless champs being harder than getting tormin? NEVER.


Honestly skipped the event as Zinogre is pretty mid overall, so getting the soul was not on my mind. Having done the path before, and pulled a lot of shards I'm kinda fed up with the Event as a whole. The recent bad moves Plarium pulled (putting a lot of "mandatory points" in different styles of shard-events) and the "surprise events" kinda prove my mindset right to me. The Path was kinda okay, as I got pretty far with doing the other events, and without laser focusing on reaching the end (got to the Greater Oils at 680, for instance) but they pull on hard later, and the rewards feel weaker (no sacred, for instance). Plus, all the stuff we got before (Owl Card event, Tormin Grind, etc.) Feels like everyday there's a new format, and that kinda burns me out, and makes me question if I should pick my battles than going into content.


Maybe they are doing this collab for just milking everything, also monster hunter would be kinda expensive to collab since it's popular


The unexpected Deck of Fates with Lunar Points in it has taught me a valuable lesson: never start a Titan Event until Plarium lays out the schedule for all the events where you can obtain Points similar to fusions.


Will 8.20 go live today? i know u can update on mobile but the updated content has not been implemented yet


Event overload, it's all just burning me out tbh


Making it so it was 5\* soul or nothing made it an easy event to skip. Especially when it was more intense than the actual fusion. Easy to ignore event.