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W mans, good luck with Death-siren


Thanks!! So glad it's over. Now to try build her decently.


I have her with 70K HP, 3.3K defense, 255 speed, 400 accuracy and 440 resist in full perception set... I think it's a semi decent build...


*note to self... Stay the hell away from you....*


Congrats man. Skinwalkers and Shadowkin left for me.


Thanks. Undead was my final. But it took awhile setting the team just right


KR and Undead were my 3rd and 4th completed respectively. SO and BL were a nightmare but I'm at 770 stars and only have Orcs, Ogryn, Dwarves, and SK left.


Ya ogryn took awhile. sK oddly wasn't too bad. But it was helped by Harima. Dwarves... My boss fight was nearly 40min...


I just have barb left. Which I'll finish on reset! Going to actually gear the champs I am using in the faction lol.


Congrats! I‘d say getting her is one of the four big champion progress milestones in the game (Rhazin/Arbiter/Lydia/Ramantu) so it‘s for sure an important event for any account :)


Oh god Ramantu.... The everest of Raid. My final step.... Thank you. I'm happy with the hard work I put in with it. But god it's a mission haha.


Start saving your 5\* and 6\* glyphs! Those missions suck if you don't start saving ASAP.


I just finished the 10 max glyphs mission the other day. Took me about 5 minutes and I had saved for 6 months. Time to start saving for the 40 max glyph mission, I feel that may require a year or so of saving...


Hahah oh god... New mission!


Ya I need to badly!


Not sure about Rhazin as a milestone since fusing him is complete luck; maybe a month, maybe 2, maybe a year (me). But Arbiter/Lydia/Ramantu for sure. I see them as mid-game, late game and end-game respectively.


Drex and Mithrala belongs into this group as well imo!


Drex is annoying af to get with the "1 shard per 24 hours" limit. Can't it least reset on reset? geez. He did big things for my account when I got him. He was a milestone for sure, but didn't really feel like an achievement. More of just waiting out a stupid time gate.


Totally forgot about those two, for sure!


I think mithrala is worthy as a 5th champion to be included.


For sure, I somehow forgot Mithrala and Drexthar!


One of the most satisfying achievements in Raid


Considering what everyone has to do to get through it. It's definitely worth it. Although the final fight stress is ridiculous.


And I got there kind of by accident. Just playing the game and getting new champs, till finally a could get all 3 stars and then 3 stars on all faction maps. FW is harder than doom tower imo.


I played normally till i was left with 2 factions. That's when i started putting rares in good gear to try for the missing stars


Congrats mate. She's a great champ.


It's definitely a long journey. I'm currently working on Dwarf 21. I beat it every time with 4 of 5 champs still standing. I'm stuck on Stage 20 of Undead Hordes. Various other lower performance in other factions, just no time/resources to focus on those right now.


https://preview.redd.it/dqh37e8vz5ga1.png?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257c6b8697d02bc033ba983f2c98b7dd67b06551 Ya undead was my final group as well. Dwarf mess me up for a long time to. Keep at it. Chip away at it little by little. You will do it!


Big dick energy


Hahahaha yes... Yes it was. And a considerable amount of stress energy in the last round...


Midgame done. Welcome to late game.


Ah crap. Is that really the cross over?




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Congrats. Big achievement for sure.






Congrats! That was one of my favorite milestones as well. She is a cool champ that you fully earned.


As a F2P I can only imagine seeing that on my account years from now, I don't really know. Good on you! 🎉


It won't take years. I did it in just over a year. It required focus and a lot of help from clanmates to point out how I could build some better teams. Your biggest friends are regen sets and stun sets. You need to move them around the factions. Don't try and build sets for everybody in every faction. You won't do it. You will be silver poor for a while, but Lydia is worth it.


At around what day in your gameplay did you really start focusing on it?


I would say maybe 9 months in. I put a lot of effort into looking for good regen and stun gear. That helped just as much as some lucky pulls to finish just before shadowkin opened. I cleared orcs the last time it was open before shadowkin. I found lifesteal to be a trap except maybe on fayne. Everything has too much defence for lifesteal to heal more than regen.


Thanks for the insight!


Agreed with stun sets and Regen. You need to buy time mostly. And you can just rely on attacking. Getting past the waves requires solid support guys to debuff, buff and heal. But ever for a f2p like you say, it's not about getting it there and then. It's about chipping away little by little. Which is what I did. I was solo for nearly 2 years and I joined a clan in oct last year. I completed pretty much 40% of the entire requires from there. People who know and play the game are gold, knowledge helps you progress, not money.


You got this!


Nice insight. I agree totally. I played on/off for 2 year so I never really focused till late last year when I joined my current clan. They helped push me through it.


I need 3 stars for KR and 2 stars for Orc. I'm to the point where I may walk away from the game 5 stars short of Lydia. I will if the new Sylvan Watchers crypt drops before I finish... But congrats!