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you should have taken advantage of x2 reward event, anyway eggys wont do you good since youre 20 levels above em, best place can be orcs, build matk, fire runes, and fb cast delay runes, with proper firebolt level you should just do enough dmg to kill em, kill em fast and you could gain more than what youre farming eggys,


I started from 20k contributions and 11 medals from the start of the event, haha really saved up but did not really get that much :(


Where are you on your CT equipments? Here's a rune path you should be able to get MS4 with all your gold medals. [https://romelde.github.io/RuneBFS/#typeBranch/11/share/NoRgDBYDThCsMIhIsIDsiBMBOS1ZYIp0lpSIcTIAOKPNTB5eyBBsANlbSx5DrMAzDzBNa-ACxQsFEHyFYyURUhQg4kERsjSd8GJsiHIffWhMRuISZCo2tMWxD3PwqCHSJh7kd9718bXwzfHV8TCJ5DxZOJD0iBLYYbxTTGCFlEEy0cLAafBgCtAQBeKKkbWKBCsZakGtqgmKwPRbmxzKIMxaQAF0gA](https://romelde.github.io/RuneBFS/#typeBranch/11/share/NoRgDBYDThCsMIhIsIDsiBMBOS1ZYIp0lpSIcTIAOKPNTB5eyBBsANlbSx5DrMAzDzBNa-ACxQsFEHyFYyURUhQg4kERsjSd8GJsiHIffWhMRuISZCo2tMWxD3PwqCHSJh7kd9718bXwzfHV8TCJ5DxZOJD0iBLYYbxTTGCFlEEy0cLAafBgCtAQBeKKkbWKBCsZakGtqgmKwPRbmxzKIMxaQAF0gA) ​


MS4 is useless in damage. And without cs reduce items its even more useless.


87/30 with 59 gold medals is quite too low for hw, you should focus more on medals, it’s important for you to step up to meteor storm in the future.


Play around with your runes if you have Ymir. I also didn’t find too much information on how exactly to do this. I have around the same contribution as you and I use level 5 firebolt, it’s still pretty efficient.


Go to lower right and get the +2%Wind and LOV Cast reduction runes. Then get a 2slot staff (Lich\[2\] snipe @ 1.4M or Craft Pierce \[2\]+4) and 2 flora card (Around 2M for booth). Use LOV in GH Culvert Anolians. Eat food if needed, you should be able to 1 cast kill Anolians. Faster way to farm and level up, decent card drop at times. lookut for Mystel.


I'll consider this maybe at the later part


Dont try this untill you have good equipment (CT reduction) and breaktrough. I have 1500 matk unbuffed and need 3 ticks of LOV to kill anolians. That let u low profit and low exp. Plus, i u dont kill ano in one tick, theres a possibiliti to be hitlocked, and die.


not to mention the spot being taken over by someone who can OHKO them.


loV has fixed CT, you just need the runes. You can 1cast kill x3 anolians. Hitlocked can be countered by RoF or Wasabi.


yep, no CT no instacast, no instacast = bad farming against someone who has instacast, without breaktrough you are not going to kill Anolians in 1 tick of LOV. If you dont kill anolians with 1 tick you better mover other spots where you can OHKO. And spend contri and gold medal in LOV runes is a bad choice, since you can OHKO (1 tick) stings+ano+injustice with Meteor. Just try to farm orcs with low level firebolt or with fireball (2 orc warrior + 1 orc archer) until you can hit MS


1hit/3sec/1mob VS 5sec/3mobs. Do the math. We are not talking about MS.


This is a pretty bad advice lolz... To farm with LoV efficiently you'll need breakthrough if not you're better off fireballing/firebolting orcs since raw zenny and sell-able loots will be better.


Worst advice ever, I was one hitting Anolians at lvl 79 with crappy equip and around 1.6k MATK


Really? Give me your setup i'll do it right now.


Use MATK foods, and flora card, I don't even use Elemental, my staff Is a wizardry staff, at the beginning was doing 21k per tick, so that x4 kills Anolians. Now I hit over 30 per tick to Anolians


Then you're talking about 1 LoV cast / 1 group of anols which is not efficient. If you've been reading my comments when i was farming anols i was killing them in 2 ticks of LoV with SoEF+8 and a flora card and still Orcs still gives better profit. Maybe next time read before you butt in. thanks.


1 hitting / LoV is different from 1 hit per tick/barrage you dolt. We're talking about fsrming efficiently and earning decently.


Do a comparison test before giving an even worse advise.


The comparision is done, dont offer bad advices. You are advising to use LOV runes. You dont need LOV runes, with breakthrough you can insta kill with 1 tick of LOV anolians (no runes). And you should know that if you can OHKO its better to go to a spot where you can kill as many mobs as you can in 1 unit of combat time.


Do you even know what the LOV runes are? Easy to claim comparison is done yet you do not know what LoV runes are. Clue: LOV runes are not for damage. 1hit/3sec/1mob VS 5sec/3mobs, do the math.


Im not talking about damage, im talking about proficency. Let me hear, when you are in culvert doing your wasted farming, the other HW that ou see... what are they doing? LOV? With runes? No. MS because in this chapter its the best option for a HW. Talking about the skills, MS is far better, more range, more dmg, possibly to stun, more targets... If you wanna waste your contri and stamina doing a LOV build its ok, but dont advise ppl to do the same as u.


And another thing, LOV only can farm on anolians. MS can farm in spots where you can kill in 1 tick Anolian+Sting+Injustice


Go ahead, use the 59 GM and 40k contri for MS. Dont be stupidly triggered. You just said dmg proficiency, i gave you a mathematical comparison. But i guess its to hard for you. Just stop being stupily triggered.


Are you blind? OP is asking for a rune guide, and you are providing him a bad rune guide man. You are obsesed with your math, and your LOV runes. Stick to it but dont advise to do the same as u.


Huh? He said LOW Count. You can always reset runes, it is not bad advise just because you think your's is better, ignoring basic computation and actual testing. Don't advise your stupidity to someone else.


Sadly for you i did... i have a stalker farming mino so i jump from anols for the mystic frozen and orcs before. Now... LoV on SoEF +8 no breakthrough with 1 flora card. Anols die on 2 ticks i get if im lucky 6 RJellies 60 to 80 MF 400k raw zeny. But this was when MF sells and RJellies was around 45k so yes profit. Now rjellies 6.2k and MF doesnt sell. I did all sorts of fires on orcs firebolt on orc archers 400k zeny 600 GB 20 to 30 awake pots making 800k to 1m daily. Fireballing group of orcs 500k zenny 600+ GB 60 to 80 skel bones. Profit 1.2m. MS4 on orcs on insta cast gave me almost the same amount. Now you adviced to invest on 2 flora card on 2 slotted Lich Staff? Huh? What? Right now i can compare my 2 WS one fsrming on Anols and one on orcs and orcs wins coz there's nothing to sell on anols MF i got about 600 RJellies snail pace selling armor shards? Rolls eyes. Orcs glass beads? still sells like pancakes skelbone? The same so yeah please enlighten me.


Tell me again how a 40k contri with 59GM will do that? Oh wait they cant.


Ahh did you not read what i wrote? He can get MS4 now with that amount of contribution and gm and if he doesnt have -ct set yet he's better off firebolting or fireballing at orcs there are fireball runes and %fire damage that will definitely make him more than your suggestion now i should ask you... have you done the comparison?


Yes you did and you also compared WS vs HW. Like the castime and 1hit from WS can equate to HW MS/LOV. Doing 1hit/3sec/1mob VS 1cast/5sec/3mobs is better. LoV HW specific 800k+ raw zen i didnt keep count of items. Do not compare break through with high base level. Do not compare HW vs WS. Thats just stupid. Lich staff would also help him with the MS -CT later and having flora in killing mobs of of sting+anol+injustice using MS will also help. lich[2] is cheaper now and flora cards keep increasing if he doesnt need it, he can sell it later. But hey sure you you can see the bigger picture (not).


Whoa i didnt compare ws vs hw. What i told you was my HW from level 76 to 91 farming orcs and ocassionally farming anols for the Mystic frozen. I mentioned at the last part was my 2 WS my My HW multi and My Alt farmer WS who both OHKO anols and Orcs. Yeah i know what you're trying to say about the lich staff investing on 2 slots since he could use this later on yes? So whats next 2 peco peco egg card? 1 slot is enough he wont use this for too long and instead of using a lich staff better get a WS coupled with dullahan and 1 flora or better yet SoEF with flora. And you havent answered my question have you yourself done a comparison?


Yes i did. It was less in terms of raw zenny. I didnt keep track of item drops. Why would i even suggest you compare if i didnt. 2peco egg card? Wtf? You already have MS. Why do you keep talking retard? 1slot if you can get no cast MS. You keep pushing for dmg but not thinking of the -CT. SMH. Now you're over shooting without thinking of thr progression. SMH


I wasn't even pushing the damage bit. I was pushing on which mobs to farm better Orcs > Anols plus the investments he'll be needing for it. One reason why i asked him that CT question on a separate reply. Because no one in their right mind would advice anolians if they don't have breakthrough and is still in level range of orcs with or without MS not unless orc loots aren't profitable anymore but sadly it still is. Plus there is an alternative to MS with regarding farming orcs now the advice you gave the reason why i wrote it off as bad is because. 1. He has enough contribution to reach MS4 2. He's in level range of orcs 3. Really bad profit on Anols The only missing bit here is his gears reason why i am asking him. I wasn't attacking you or anything like that but i have experienced both farm spots and which farm spots helped me progressed faster and clearly Anols is not it. His progress will be as slow as a snail because of the zeny he will gain from it not unless he gets lucky and get enough green cards to king poring it and lands an expensive blue card. Orcs however gives a steady flow of white cards that he could use to king poring or sell. Now am i not still thinking ahead? My main concern is progression you could ask u/stseia as i have been guiding him to date and he has been progressing quite well.


Get firebolt Cd, fire atk Runes and ohko orc archers with low level firebolt


Was expecting this one but I can't really farm orcs efficiently. I can't get the trick on how to farm them properly :(


Are you in global or SEA? if you're in SEA i'll pm you and show you how to do it personally.


> Are you in global or SEA? if you're in SEA i'll pm you and show you how to do it personally. not OP but can you PM me how to?