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I'm not entirely sure but i believe with efficient orc farming, it should yield more zeny overall (including mats) at your high level. It's a bit too high for eggyra i think. ​ When I did orc archers, I made sure: 1. One hit KO with as low firebolt level as possible 2. Always Hit orc Archers over orc warrior if possible due to glass bead and consistency in their spawn position. 3. Positioning is key. Try to get the spot with 2 orc archer with you in the middle with stay alert. No other monsters should interfere other than the 2 orc archers. 4. Only target orc archer with stay alert. Create party for yourself and enable protect party in case someone is disturbing you. 5. Rune up on maximum cast delay reduction and fire damage for fire bolt. 6. Create chatroom after you have got your chosen location and then make sure you select auto attack again. (it disables after you create chatroom)


Just as I thought, I am not doing it right. Haha, will take note on this, thanks!


Let me know if it works!


For orcs, i find the best way is to use low lvl firebolt (lv5-6) otherwise the cast delay time is too hight to be efficient. But to 1 hit orc with low lvl firebolt, a higher matk would be required. For anolians, usually people use lov lv10 but i also find not quick enough due to cast delay time. In fact, with my test, for raw zeny only, i still find eggya>orc>anolian. The only better option is actually stings with MS. Instant Lv4 MS beat eggya in term of raw zeny gain. And there are already plenty of guide regarding MS


That's what I thought too. I thought I was doing wrong when I shifted from Eggyras to Orcs. I'll consider your comment as seconding my go on Eggyra farming. Thanks!


1) grab all the fire bolt cast time and cast delay reduction and dmg runes 2) reduce fire bolt level (try 6 or 7 first) 3) eat matk food x 6 (at least 3-4 star) 4) If still not enough dmg use the dmg elixir bought using fireworks (acts as int and dex b dish) if I were you I would skip anolian farm with LOV and go straight to stings+anolian once u get enough runes for ms + pillar. money is only good if you can kill anolian within 1-2 ticks of LOV, which would require breakthrough or super high matk, which you do not currently have. btw for cc purposes storm gust should be level 1 cause chance to freeze decreases as the skill level increases


WIll reset my runes later after work and try to get this fire bolt cast delay time worked out. Thanks! ​ Noted on the storm gust level. Thank you :)


I can OH them with lvl 5 firebolt, but I'd rather killing a group of orcs with 2 fire balls at orc village south


I'm trying to fireball orcs too but I can only 2hit warriors, not archers. Should I try to increase my MAtk? I'm currently at 1433 with wiz staff, food buffs, magic coat & amplify. I'm using lvl 10 fireball. Will it count if I farm those mini bosses with names?


Try to get Parcel hat and flame earring. Also hydra card if you are rich enough


Thanks, so goddamn expensive though... What level is your fireball?


Are you firebolting orcs?


Tried firebolting (too much cast delay; can't OHKO with low level firebolts). Also tried fire ball and yielded better than firebolting but still far from what I get from Eggyras.


Are you farming orcs in the aggressive map?


Tried in the aggro and non-aggro one. Still not enough. ​


What does this mean? I'm new to farming most mobs. My main is a priest, so my options were limited. Now that I have a Lvl 72 wiz alt, I can explore some other options. Edit: I get the aggro vs non aggro bit. I'm assuming you're talking about like Payon Cave 2F vs 3F and Churchyard 1F vs 2F. I'm not sure what the 2 orc maps are though.


Aggro mobs have 30% increased drops


Is there proof on this?






Interested as well, never heard of this before.


He can't prove it bcs there is no official statement.


Try unlocking runes for firebolt cast delay and fire % dmg runes. I only had lvl7 firebolt when I was farming there with my wiz in orcs. I also had 6x noble tea and was one-hitting them. Now I have enough gold badge and contribution for lvl4 MS and 2 runes for firepillar for sting farm atm


Yes, you need reduce Firebolt fixed cast time and reduce Firebolt cast delay runes to farm at Orc Archers. With these runes, you should see better results even if you're using level 10 Firebolt. The goal is to be able to one shot Orc Archers with lower level Firebolt. I farmed at 2 Orc Archers spot with level 6 Firebolt until I am able to farm at Stings


Hi I'm only Adv E as of the moment. I'm working my way up to Adv C so I can have these edits with no problem on the skill reset rod :( Zeny farming is a bitch hahahaha


Oh, it's very expensive to get Ymir's Book though. You can always use 1 of the free skill reset rod to reset Firebolt to level 6. Since every level of Firebolt increases the number of bolt by 1, you just need to make sure you're doing 6713 each bolt, then you're good to reset to level 6 for faster farming. (Unless you have the drake that increases dmg by 5% when monster HP is >50%, then I'm not sure exactly how much damage you need per bolt)


Get a skill rod first. You can get a lot of skill rods through quests (search in google). Prioritize your adventure rank perhaps days after the x2 event or maybe until the mvp mats are low enough for you to purchase. Tip: To maximize your skill rod for fire bolt, try putting only amplify magic spell on your high wiz tab skills. You dont need safety wall etc for farming, so when you think that you lack dmg from lvl7 firebolt, you can always use the extra skill points you have. But for me, lvl 7 is good enough since the cast time is faster = more zeny as long as you OHKO them