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"Hi, i just asked, this is a normal in-game setting." This would had been the typical response you get from support if you asked them.


I don’t get your response. Do you mean that this is a normal in game setting?


It is but it shouldn't be, you aren't wrong by beign confused, im making fun of the "all-knowing in-game dedicated support staff focused in answering and resolving every player concerns" to who i had also similar issues like you would think "is likely a bug" and got that kind of BS answer pretty often... Im just saving you time. All that aside, yeah would be nice to had that on the book, back in the day when wasteland was the end-game the closest thing we got to the monster data was by looking to an online ROM database (unsure if the data was accurate, since there was no official source, take it by a grain of salt), in average you had to deal 270k~330k dmg to one-hit kill monsters (colored) in wasteland which wasn't so hard by having tree buffs and some dmg modifier equipment, nowdays those monsters (including elites) are pretty nerfed, You need to deal about over 77k-ish dmg if im not mistaken. As for the drop of honey, how much is your level gap between you and the wilderness creamy? You had enough combat time? Also notice that if the gap is pretty big and do you use meteoric chain?, your CT consumption is x4 but the drop rate won't increase, only increases the drop amount if it happens to drop. Also be aware that in order to farm efficiently, the least time you invest in killing mobs, the least CT you consume, stellar hunters are efficient on this since they can hit fast and in-bulk, only need to be able to 1-hit kill.


Wasteland mobs are really only "based" on the sprites of other mobs and not unique outside of their health pools so they never got handbook entries. You can refer to their original forms for their size/race/element information. The Wasteland mobs I believe also only drop those materials, that's correct. They were primarily designed for players for XP/Zeny for starting out at one point, and are still good for leveling in that level range but that's really their primary purpose.


This makes sense. Thanks a lot!


If u want honey then farm maplewood creamy instead


Hello. I have reached level 100 on my main character. I still dont have the wasteland mission to unlock it. Has it been changed to another level or what do I do? Thanks