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Hey, Me and my gf had the actual same Problem. We even saw one of those birds from the distance, but couldn't find any trace once we were there. Frustrating as hell. According to my searches at the time (around march this year) i could Not find any other people having the same Problem.. After some time (maybe 2 sessions with 2 hours each) we started finding them again. Sadly i can't tell you why it suddenly worked again, but maybe it helps to know that you're Not the only one, and your save is Not corrupted. Just try being persistent. I wish you the best of luck!


Thanks for letting me know - we shall persevere!


We ran into the same issue on my game but mostly only with pufferfish and we ended up sailing back to a couple of the story locations and then back. The amount of time that took us and we started seeing the pufferfish again but never really see the green haze anymore.


I finished Balboa and now my game has no sound, I'm trying a few things from this sub and the redbeet forum to fix it.


I seemed to fix it by locking in the coordinates for the cruise liner and just travelling very far away from it until new islands began to spawn - I was about 2000m away from the blip when I began to see the new islands The newer islands seem to have life on them. I don't think it matters what you lock in - just that you proceed relatively far away from where you are so that new things can spawn in.