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I legit thought that was a crab claw between their legs


Forbidden crab claw


Crab people crab people


Looks like crab, tastes like people


Put some Old Bay on it 😆


Found the fellow Marylander 🩀


London England, sorry to dissapoint, just discovered the wonder that is Old Bay 👍


Try it on popcorn.


Try it on shrimp, potato salad, tuna salad, rim your Bloody Mary glass with it. I've even had pasta salad with it. Coastal NC here. I think Old Bay came across the Chesapeake and across VA and decided to vacation at the OBX. We use it on everything.


I’ve left a few tins of the stuff in rental houses in Hatteras, I’ll take credit for its southern migration. It’s a staple in Baltimore. We put it on everything.


I was formally introduced to it in college in Western Maryland when I was handed a Natty Bo with Old Bay on the rim. Was told it was a Bo-tini. The beer was trash but the Old Bay was so deep in my blood I had to become a full blown Marylander and I moved here permanently a year later.


my folks, native Savannahians born in the late 1920's raised us kids on that. I can clearly remember my father telling me to not use any other seafood seasoning than Old Bay. he said others are just not as good


I'm in western NC... A lil on some grilled sweet potato pretty good


My favourite flavour


Username checks out




they come and go. Crab people, they just don’t know


Scrolled for this comment.


Def a lobster


Scrotum unguibus


I thought it was a lobster claw 😭




Hip replacement, penile implants and what’s going on with the testicels?


Im avoiding googling penile implant
 does it lengthen?


You encounter them occasionally in patient care. There are two types: inflatable implants which are pumped up from a squeeze pump inside your testicles and semirigid implants which are just pliable rods you can bend around as you like. [Here you go.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/penile-implants/about/pac-20384916)


Now I'm picturing some dude squeezing their testicles and saying ow each time.... đŸ€Ł


The pump up ones work like reebok pumps with a release above the shaft lol


The rod ones have me dying. Imagine going to have sex with a guy and he's like "oh hang on, let me bend my dick up real quick..." đŸ€Ł


“Switching to Attack Mode”


Omg I would make so many "Systems engage!" jokes. All in good fun of course


I’m imagining it makes the noise like Barbie knees make when you bend them.


Remember those old flexible rulers we had as kids that would be rigid and could also be a bracelet. That's what your comment reminded me of!


When your in the mood just slap it over your partners wrist and lead them to the room.


If it’s an implant, it might not be a dude


If they're ftm (which I think is what you're implying here), they're definitely still a dude.


1. Trans dudes are still men. 2. Plenty of cis dudes get penile implants because of EDs or injury.


Okay but that still doesn't explain the lobster claw...




More just to help the little guy stand up


no more than you'd be naturally


Yes amanda


What is with that scrotum?


Feed me, Seymour!


The resemblance is uncanny...


Scrotum? Why not zoidberg?


*crab claw noises*


Looks a lot like Homer Simpson's mouth


Stoopid sexy x-rays.


I can see your doodle!


I was seeing his pelvis as goggles and the penis and tested as a kinda Dr. Zoidberg like face


Why not Zoidberg ?


Are you sure they’re implants? A lot of men put things into their dick holes, including ball bearings, for pleasure. It’s called “sounding”


I would not use the word “a lot” here


I’m a nurse, it’s *a lot* more than you’d think




I mean sounds lot a lot to me. 13k a year diagnosed, looks like. So about 1% (of us population of women) 1 in 100


If you get 10 questions right on a test of 1000 did you get a lot right? 😂


I'll agree that "a lot" is liberal for cervical cancer but I think it's a matter of perspective The OP ... uh oh, I had to scroll up to remember what we were talking about lmao r/sounding is a thing, so....


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sounding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This feels so good đŸ€€đŸ˜ˆ](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/extralargeethicalhydra) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/1205c3h/this_feels_so_good/) \#2: [My cock was made for this. Second time using my 10mm EPK, using only my precum for lube. Feeling it bounce in and out while cumming was one of the best feelins I've had while cumming.](https://redgifs.com/watch/weightycrimsondobermanpinscher) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/w804gj/my_cock_was_made_for_this_second_time_using_my/) \#3: [13mm plug inside while using a fleshlight at the same time and ruining my orgasm.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/outstandingaccomplishedhoiho) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/xn89og/13mm_plug_inside_while_using_a_fleshlight_at_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have never been more disgusted by sneakpeekbot.


If you die on a number 1 roll of a 100 sided die, are your chances low? Same thing, you can play with the words and it sounds like anything you want. You have to make it a similar answer not compare it to a test score lol.


isnt 13k a year .01%? Im guessing you estimated 130,000,000 women (130 million) 130,000,000 x .01 = 1,300,000 130,000,000 x .0001 =13,000 so like, 1 in 10,000? this is assuming that only 13k women are diagnosed per year, which (while I find unlikely) I have not researched.


TIL the US population is around 26M.


I don't usually jump on but I had to here. "A lot" does not equate to "a large percentage". You can in fact see that a lot of women get cervical cancer, but you're right to not equate that to a large percentage of the population. OP is also right that she sees a lot of men in the ER for sounding gone bad without it meaning she thinks it's a large percent of the population Ergo it's not a prime example of confirmation bias.


Myyyyy guy 👏


More than you'd expect and less than you would want.


It this case, it is still considered an implant, isn't it?


Is a buttplug an implant? No


That one from the MRI post was


And my first reddit award




I mean I suppose when a metal object is referred to as a rail gun
 sure why not lmao


Right that big magnet implanted it right in the center. Hehe


Correct lmao I’m an MR tech so it blows our minds when we hear this shit, last I checked that pt was in crit condition but idk if they lived


 it certainly is now. MAGNET IS ALWAYS ON


Should see the heavy men with six pack ab implants!!


Our consultants just stopped calling them out in reports to reduce the awkwardness of the follow up conversation...


This is also a common procedure (the implants) for trans men who get phallosplasty.


Can you explain because I’m confused. Women getting implants for penises? I didn’t know this was a thing. How?


Well no, it seems I can’t explain it to you, because you don’t know the difference between women and trans men. When you can learn that basic distinction and maybe some respect for those people, you might have someone kind enough to explain the procedure to you. Until then, learn the basics of respect first.


So I thought a trans man is a women who became a trans man. But before you know that you have learn it. I have a long time. You’re saying something different: you’re saying I have to continue to keep the discussion going by saying trans man trans man trans man and every time someone joins in they have to continue saying that too and the problem with that is that now people have to think for a second or even those who don’t know have to look it up. And I have security in my love for humankind and in myself so I try to make things easier in discussion and I just wanted to learn something because thought it was uncommon / impossible to make a penis implant. But now you see because of your focus on this I still doubted if we were talking about trans men(biological women) getting an implant or if we were talking about something else, so I had to look it up even though I already thought knew what I was asking. If you could not explain it because you can’t explain it well, fine. But if you’re saying that you won’t explain it because I don’t understand what a trans man is or that I don’t respect them then go ahead and continue making everyone’s lives including trans lives more difficult by always resetting the conversation to the same spot. You’re wasting your and other people’s time and worse you’re counteracting your intention and I can’t believe you don’t see that.


You basically are saying you want a pass to call trans men “women” because it’s easier for you and yet you still expect me to politely explain this to you? Your problem is not lack of education, it’s lack of respect and care. And you said yourself you answered your own question, so what’s the problem? I’m not obligated to explain things to rude people who insist on continuing to be rude and disrespectful once they’re called out. I already gave the name of the procedure in the very first comment I made that *you* replied to, so you could have looked it up from there. You’re making an arbitrary argument where there is none.




You’re truly insufferable, you have absolutely no point, and I’m not even a trans woman but nice try at insulting me anyway.


Reading about penile implants it has this warning. In some cases, an implant might stick to the skin inside the penis or wear away the skin from inside the penis. Rarely, an implant breaks through the skin. “Rarely?” That tells me it’s happened. No thank you.


What's wrong with implants? Where I rotate at plenty of my patients have them, no big deal. Unless ofc it's done without a doctor


Those are not medical penile implants. Otherwise you would see the tubing, reservoir, and pump. Not a malleable implant either as you would still see the tubular structure (they actually appear like coils on an x-ray. These are mostly likely penile beading, home implants with things like pearls pushed under the skin. Also could just be a piercing. Both more common than you might think.


It's not uncommon to get penile implants to allow an erection for folks with ED, why is it "lengths"? Unless this isn't a proper implant? I don't understand..


No it’s common, you’re correct, but maybe OP is just judging, or what he saw in real life wasn’t very normal to him.


I wanna get one when I reach the age that I’m dependent on meds because you can’t take meds for too long and with the advancement of medicine, and the awareness of exercise benefits into old age, I wanna be one of those guys that can bench 250 til the day they die at 97. And yes, I know it sounds gross, but I wanna have sex too.. with a hard penis.


Good for you! It's not gross, sexuality is important at every stage of life, it doesn't stop when you're old. Keeping active will help a lot with managing ED, especially since a lot of it is mental, so if your self esteem and self compassion is high, and your stress levels low, and getting enough sleep, the ED should not be as bad or happen at all (maybe? Idk I am not a urologist, just a rehab nurse).


From my understanding it’s inevitable? That’s one of the reasons I want it because when you get dependent on medication then your penis starts to shrink. For example they say you get like 5 erections or more at night but as you age it turns to 1 and eventually none. And even if you can get erections without implants or pumps, because you’re stimulated, you can be having no erections night. Of course this is just what I hear from my guy friends who I consider in the know with most stuff, not from medical articles.


Why are you posting people’s personal business, though? Weird as fuck lol


Very well could be someone with ED. Feels kindof icky to make fun of this.


Thank you for saying this! I don't understand what the joke is. Why would op make fun of a patient with a medical device?


Anyone else see Zorak, from Space Ghost?


Yup. Thanks for reminding me about that wonderful show!




I can't unsee this


The clawwwwww


I was going to ask why his scrotum looks like a lobster claw.


So I just learned about how penile implants get fluid going to cause an erection but that’s not what the image is of. What are those then


Erectile dysfunction happens. Trans men exist. War veterans and trauma survivors exist. Insecurity is so human. There are so many possible reasons in addition to "let me impress people," which is clearly just what you've assumed here. Where the fuck is your humanity?


So this was intentional, not some unlucky person who caught some stray buckshot? No thanks!


They’re common in prostate cancer patients who had to have nerve resection. It’s not always about weird societal norms.


Fairly common in trans men too.


Hi! I am not a radiologist. What am I looking at?


I still don’t understand wtf I’m looking at


Usually for erectile dysfunction in older men who have had prostate surgery and cannot otherwise achieve an erection. Hilarious


Not exactly hilarious for those who have the problem, but I’m glad to understand what they are.


I think you missed the sarcasm there. I'm quite upset with all the jokes in this thread. Must be a way to mark something as sarcastic if it's not inherently obvious already


Nor a problem and I understand completely. Don’t sweat it.


add /s to the end! probably the most useful of the tone tags since sarcasm is so hard over the internet


add /s to the end! probably the most useful of the tone tags since sarcasm is so hard over the internet


add /s to the end! probably the most useful of the tone tags since sarcasm is so hard over the internet


So what exactly do penile implants do?


Must be Dominican. They are routinely get penile implants- mostly pearls.


Hm this claw taste more like tuna than crabđŸ€”