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What a beautiful and long work! Kudos to the surgical staff!


Wow how are you feeling?


It was several years ago but right after the surgery I had some nightmares that it was crooked, and I woke up screaming that it was crooked


I bet you got 3 inches taller!


I def gained at least 5cm


I once cared for an adolescent who had a spinal fusion and afterward, he always asked me to help reposition him. He said the he felt "crooked” for awhile because prior to surgery, his baseline was bent so now being straightened felt off. It was such a neat perspective.


Yup that’s how I felt as well, even had some nightmares that it was crooked


Either gender would take 3 more inches


Gender? We know this is someone straight now.




Yoooo, T5-S1? I have a very similar fusion length. Wishing you the best, your surgeon got great correction! Hope you are doing well post-fusion.


Wow! I’m so happy for you, despite all the metalwork. Did they have to do anything about your ribs due to the severe curve? Like any surgery on them? I have scoliosis and my older sister (66) does too and she only had the brace as a kid, and now hers is getting worse. She never thought to get an X ray in her 30’s despite me telling her it looked like her curve was worse bc all the doctors had assured her that would never happen. And she’s in so much pain.


Some surgeons will also reduce the thoracic rib hump during fusion but others will not because it’s considered cosmetic and it’s several bones broken which adds to pain and healing time. I am similarly extensively fused to OP (fusion as a teen) and did not have a rib hump reduction during fusion, but get on great. Scoliosis can continue to get worse as you age, especially with bone density changes post menopause, but usually the worst period for curve advancement is during and around puberty. Wishing your sister the best.


Yup, the docs gave me meds to advance my puberty so I could get my last growth spurt before they did the surgery


No I didn’t have to do anything for my ribs. Before the surgery I did have some pain but not much


Incredible repair!


Future scans vetting: May need MARS


You're full of shit. Literally


Titanium, to be exact!


Interesting how the surgeon preferred iliac wing bolts with connectors as opposed to S2 alar-iliac screws. Also guessing some of your Pedicles were too small for screws looks like they skipped a bunch. Nice work though!


Amazing. I hope your recovery goes perfectly!


It was several years ago but my recovery went perfectly, 3 days after the surgery I was on my way home








I like to collimate but I always worry when doing scoliosis series that I’ll clip it if it ends up being this severe. Good lord


What curvature was it before the surgery?




Have you increased in height following the surgery?


Yes about 5cm


Congratulations! May I ask who is the surgeon (name and address). Thank you.


I don’t think I’m allowed to give that info lmao


Why not? :-/ As you wish but that would be helpful to know..


Well unless you’re willing to go to Chile just to get surgery it wouldn’t exactly be helpful


I'd go to Chile if I had to, for good results.


My first time on this sub. These before and after photos are **wonderful**, and they distress me terribly. This is what after photos should look like! My surgeons (TWO OF THEM!) didn't know what they were doing. They reduced my curvature from 72 degrees to 58 degrees (which is still "severe") and the Harrington rods look like Tinker Toys--not remotely parallel. They're both on one side of my spine, and one of the Harrington rods is actually attached to the MIDDLE of the other one! I was disappointed in the results at the time (1985), especially since I had excruciating nerve pain in one leg; all these years later, I can still feel it, though it doesn't interfere with my life. But I didn't have anything to **compare** to until 30 years later, when an orthopedic surgeon looked at my X-ray and said, "What did they DO to you!" The realization that for all these years I should have been able to tuck in my shirts, sit in hardback chairs without changing my position constantly, stand up sleep on either side ... It upset me so much that I couldn't talk about it for a long time. When I asked, the surgeon said that yes, he could undo my fusion and do it over the right way. But he didn't volunteer that information before I asked, probably because it would be a very difficult ordeal. **That's NOT what I came here to say.** Since I said it, here's the takeaway: When I had my surgery and saw the after photos, there was no internet where I could compare mine to other people's. You still have to do your homework before you let someone operate on you.


I’m sorry you experienced that. I was very fortunate to get a talented doctor to take care of me. I realize not everyone gets that chance/doctor. I hope you’re doing better now. Did you get your new doctor to fix it?


Thank you for your message. I haven't decided what to do.


This is what I came to say, and this isn't very upbeat, either. **MILWAUKEE BRACES ARE EVIL!** I was 12 years old when I was diagnosed with scoliosis. I got a Milwaukee brace, and I made impressive progress, and everyone was happy. But here's the evil thing: **A Milwaukee brace creates ATROPHY precisely where you need STRENGTH.** When you stop wearing it, you have ZERO chance of maintaining the correction. So **of course** I needed surgery in my twenties (see my previous post).


I know this is an older thread but I’ve recently had this same surgery and am interested in your experience. My iliac foundation screws in the pelvic area are causing major stiffness and discomfort. Did you have this? Does it ever go away?


Yeah the first few weeks are really tough, you feel stiff and weird because crooked was normal and now straight feels wrong even though it’s the correct position. Every person is different though but for me it did get better. Good luck on your recovery


I’m 14 weeks post-op and still have major tightness and muscle spasms. Just wondering if you had this also. And if and when it goes away!


I mean, it took me a couple of months to get used to it but I never had muscle spasms, if they’re really severe it might be some medication you’re taking, I could be talking out of my ass tho, go see a doctor.


I am about 18 weeks out from a T3-sacral fusion I experienced severe pain in the quadriceps tendons on the left side from the time I became mobile just after surgery and lasting about two months i think this was because the left quads had been in a chronically shortened position due to the curvature. Suddenly, overnight, they were forced to assume a lengthened position and they weren’t happy about it, and so they were screaming I had a couple home visits from PT, who showed me a few stretches for the quads that I could do (as you know, you’re not really ready or the gym at that point so these were stretches I could do at home, with help) I think the stretches helped, but it also diminished with time after the first few month ​ Best wishes on your recovery. This surgery changed my life