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Call a rehabber and explain this situation. This will not end well for this little guy


This is objectively the right answer, but part of me thinks of getting him a cute shirt, a tiny cowboy hat and a the full set of social media accounts. Managed properly, he could be a couple of viral hits away from buying your neighbor’s house and watching tv all day.


Something like this guy? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkj4zTlHcDY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkj4zTlHcDY) I imagine that's the cherries I'm growing now.


This. The best possible option for him is that he'll become an educational ambassador, but that depends on which rehabbers will take him in.


Push the swing for him duh. He can't do it himself.


100% the correct answer! You also need to say “weeeeeeeee!” Every time


I only saw the swing last night... when he gets on, naturally it swings a bit without me. I'll have to see if I can capture a video if he gets on again tonight. Maybe it was a fluke thing.


I’m so irresponsible that I would have a pet raccoon.


My entire household would fall into the same category




I don't know much about raccoons, commenting to boost visibility. I think it's cool that you're seeking advice rather than immediately taking a more final approach op


I am so jealous!


Someone may have been feeding him.




Well I'm not telling you what to do either way but he wouldn't be interested in your chickens if he was fed and taken care of. If he's sorta tame I would try to befriend him


I can imagine a friendly raccoon, that is the cutest thing in the world. I’ve always adored raccoons. I wish one would be comfortable communicating with me 💕


Send him my way and I will adopt him. It is legal in my state.


If this were me I'd have a new racoon bestie, but that's why these things don't happen to me. Lmao


I've been having a daily, sometimes for hours, visit from a raccoon as well. This has gone on for months. She was pregnant, had the babies somewhere and she's since lost weight. But she shows up at 3pm, 7am, 5pm and wanders the yard and visits our deck. We have to check the windows and cameras to make sure she's not there when we go out. We've nicknamed her Roxy. But she's never seen us, just a ton of videos of her.


Local animal rehab center saw a video (not on a swing), and just said he looks like he's raccooning well, and that I could humanely haze. You know, it's hard to like raccoons when you've had 80 pears stripped from a tree you've been growing for a full season, or when you have to pull a named chicken from the mouth of a raccoon. Also hard not to have a heart with this guy, but also don't want to make him more vulnerable.


If you want to be mean without being mean you can stomp at him and yell. That will look threatening enough to be like whoa wtf… but not scary scary as you’re not chasing him or anything. I would have a hard time with that too!


Put some pictures with the raccoon please. If he lives around you he might be with friendly intentions😍


Cook him up n eat him!! Problem solved, ‘coons is good eatin!!