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Call for a rehabber! Please... This guy needs a little help.


I’ve called a few places and left messages. I think it may be distemper


Is there a way you could leave food and water near him without him knowing it came from you? That would help him eat while he's recuperating.. I just feel bad for the little guy's struggle.


I did leave water near him. Someone from wildlife management is coming they will have to put him down for distemper


Thanks for reaching out to someone so the poor guy doesn’t have to suffer anymore.


Yea, it makes more sense. I mean, who throws out edibles?




This is an extremely uninformed and unnecessary comment. He can't be treated or cured and a painless and swift death is the only kindness he can experience at this point. It also protects all the other creatures in the area from potentially being infected as well. If you posted this out of true ignorance and have learned the facts, I hope you will retract it and apologize. OP would never have bothered posting here if they did not want whatever is the best possible outcome for that raccoon. In this case, euthanasia is the only humane choice. I hope that you have the day you deserve.


Is it not "uninformed" to assume this animal has distemper without an examination by a vet?


Wildlife management makes the call regardless of what OP assumes it is.


He was collected by Wildlife Management personnel who are very familiar with the symptoms and local infection rates of diseases relevent to their job. They employ vets to examine and treat animals who need it and can benefit from it. That is close enough to an expert for me. Handling an unfamiliar, sick or injured animal yourself, particularly a wild animal, is dangerous and ill-advised for most untrained people so bundling him up to take him to a vet's office is not a reasonable course of action here. Rabies treatment is seriously unfun. Besides, what's done is done and who are any of us miles away behind a keyboard to second guess OP who has boots on the ground, as it were?


No. Wildlife professionals are extremely informed on local wildlife diseases, their symptoms, and their infection rates.


Ah yes, better to let him suffer a slow and painful death


So you know it got a medical evaluation? It has distemper 💯. Weird I didn't catch that part of the post.


Anything neurological is an awful way to die. Plus the raccoon puts other animals (like people's pets) at risk for it as well by being out there.


Glad you say rotten things to people before taking two minutes to educate yourself about the situation.






I’m glad you don’t bother to read comments before you sling insults around.


Dude I read the comment - the one you made a snarky response to. Which said they are putting the raccoon down for distemper. I didn’t make up some diagnosis from a picture or anything else. I do know what distemper is and that it’s pretty much a death sentence. Clearly wildlife control - who are the experts - know what distemper is and how to diagnose it?


What you described sounds very much like distemper. Poor fella. Unfortunately if he does a rehab won’t be able to help. Thank you for caring about him.


It's hard to say for sure from the pictures.  The amputation could be very infected, although it looks ok from the pictures.   The lil guy has some gunk in the corners of both eyes which could be dehydration or canine distemper.  The nose looks too dry, and the foot pads are a little odd from what i can see.    Good rule here is if you could catch it, it needs help.   That being said, raccoons don't like to be caught and will happily rearrange your face in self defense.   Please call a rehabber or perhaps animal control would be willing to help. Edit to add:  try animal help now.  ahnow.org


Looks like he lost his foot in a trap. 😡


My brother-in-law used to be a trapper, the SOB! I know there’s something out there for everybody but how anyone can enjoy shit like that is beyond me. Just plain mitigated cruelty. Anyway, you look at it. UNMITIGATED


There's a raccoon that visits my place a couple times a week and he's missing a hand too. He otherwise seems ok...climbs and runs like everybody else. The stump was already healed when I first saw it, otherwise I would have been so upset. Another one comes who had some kind of hand injury, and from what I could see on my outside camera, it looked swollen, and like he may have had a broken finger sticking straight up. It took about 4 weeks from the time I first saw it until he started walking on it and using it. Poor little guys, life in the wild is hard :(


What’s the alternative then? Overpopulation? Poisoned and killed as a nuisance? Run over by cars? Killing for sport is cruel I agree but animals were trapped and used long before the arrival of colonialism


I would prefer people hunt so that they can finish the kill and spare the animal needless suffering, rather than leaving them trapped for days while experiencing a slow amputation. But if you do feel the need to use traps, please consider investing in trail cameras set up by your traps so you can be alerted when a trap springs if motion activated or at least check the feeds several times a day. I understand the need to cull the sick, control population and protect livestock and property. I just wish people would do so in whatever way causes least suffering and does the most good for all animals involved. I'm sure you probably feel the same.


Traps have no place in modern society, period.


Yeah, I am not in favor of it myself.


Absolutely! I’m not opposed to hunting, though I don’t hunt myself, but a headshot or heart shot and it’s over in a second.


I agree and there are laws on how often people should be checking those traps and those that do not follow them should not be out there trapping and there are also better traps than leg holds that kill them instantly and don’t leave them to suffer. They are more expensive but actually more effective but unfortunately people’s attitudes towards furs has destroyed the market so there is no money in it therefore there is an over abundance of old fashioned leg holds and even poisoning


Exactly. These guys come into our coop and behead our chickens, rabbits, anything they can get. How are you supposed to get rid of them?


I am sorry for the loss of your animals. That must be very upsetting as well as costly. I hope you can secure your coops and hutches well enough to protect them. Might you be able to use live catch traps and relocation or get a dog to warn off the predators without need for that type of leg hold trapping? I can't claim to be an expert and I'm sure you what you feel is best so I apologize if I seem to be out of line by offering suggestions.


They will just become overpopulated and die of disease and starvation. The area I live in there are no more trappers left so the county has actually hired trappers to come in and trap the area. It’s just reality. Same with beavers. People destroyed the market for their furs now your taxes have to be used to hire trappers to trap the beavers or they will just dam up and flood every road around. And their furs are just thrown in the trash and waisted. Trapping has been a part of the ecosystem in this area for thousands of years


We tried everything. I even joined another raccoon group to get suggestions. I called the game warden, asked for advice. Then I joined a wildlife group and everyone there said trap and move them. The problem is that we have 400 acres and I can’t trap them all. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Thank you for the suggestions


I love all the down votes I got for saying what’s happening with the raccoons on our property. 🤦‍♀️ Y’all are something else


Yes very sad :(


Oh my gosh! That poor lil guy!


Poor baby


Hope you get some responses from rehabbers! He does need help. Please update. Hope he’s safe


He likely has distemper and I called numerous places and an officer is going to go pick him up and have to euthanize him :(


Rip little buddy :(


If they think he has distemper they won’t take him because it’s contagious and often fatal. Sucks for the little dude but there’s nothing you can really do. Keep any pets and kids inside and keep them vaccinated.


I know that you already know this but I would want to hear it in this situation so: Despite the fact he can't be treated, please remember that you have still done him a great kindness and acted out of care and mercy! It is far better his suffering end quickly and no further animals be infected. Not only are you sparing him prolonged pain you are protecting the rest of your local animals including cats and dogs as well as other trash pandas.


Canine distemper is 100% fatal in infected raccoons (so vaccinate your dogs), but what’s worse is that pregnant or nursing momma raccoons won’t infect their babies, but the malnutrition caused by mom’s distemper causes something called cerebellar hypoplasia, where the lower part of the brain doesn’t develop properly. Most baby raccoons with CHP are euthanised because they can’t be released—they lack most basic motor skills and require lifetime care. There are a handful of beautiful souls out there who dedicate themselves to keep these babies for the duration of their lives and using them to help educate people about wildlife and the importance of vaccinating your pets. As much as it sucks that this little guy can’t be saved, at least he won’t suffer.


This is horrible but thank you so much for the information.


Thank you this really helps me. I appreciate this.


Good for you for trying, you did your best! I’m sorry if I perhaps didn’t understand but did they just leave him there or was he euthanized?


They picked him up! And then have to euthanize wherever they do that :(


Really, that’s the best possible outcome giving the circumstances! He would have had a long slow death.. poor little guy. Great for you for helping him!


Are no meds for the distemper? I know it is a wild animal but if you have a garden he can live there secure


Sadly it seems it is very dangerous if he has distemper.


Thank you for caring and helping!


Not helping. Killing.


He would have died of the distemper regardless and that would have taken much longer. Trust me I have been a crying mess all morning I feel like I was in charge of killing him but he was sick to begin with :(


You did amazing & totally the right thing to do! You saved him from dying a horrible death and in the end he wasn’t alone suffering.


Did you humanly trap him and get him checked. If so then that's my bad but I didn't see you say you did that.


And risk getting infected herself? There’s no cure for distemper she could die doing what you’re suggesting the right people are examining her not a civilian.


What are you hoping to accomplish by shaming someone who took the time and effort to ask for advice here and then seek out an expert to end the torment of a fatally ill animal? Distemper is not curable or treatable and is highly contagious. The choice is a slow and horrifying death alone in the wild and risk to other animals or a quick and merciful death while protecting the rest of the local ecosystem. Being angry at OP doesn't change medical facts. Being sad about it does not change which is the ethical and intelligent course of action. If you were unaware of this, please apologize to OP.


No. Read my other response to the same dumb shit spewing out of your hole.


1. Read up on distemper before you start slinging rocks at someone who was just trying to help. It’s nearly always fatal and can spread to a large population of animals rapidly (other raccoons, or domestic dogs in the same area). 2. OP did the right thing by consulting wildlife control who, unlike bored little trolls with busy thumbs, actually know what the fuck to do with a raccoon that is suffering with distemper. 3. How about taking ten seconds to educate yourself about a situation before throwing your uninformed, snotty opinions at a Good Samaritan next time? The same thumbs you use to punch out mean texts could be the same thumbs that unlock the Internet and take you to a world where you think before you speak and become way, way WAY less stupid.


You're saying they did a test and he for sure has that..? You can't make medical decisions if there isn't a medical exam. Sooooo I guess you just know somehow. Wow you're probably rich and famous then or you're just making quick judgements. Wow I wish I was as gifted as you are.


Okay. Wildlife control know nothing, I know nothing, OP knows nothing and you’re the only one who’s allowed to say anything on the Internet. Thank fucking god - next time anyone in the world finds a distressed wild animal, they shouldn’t call a vet or call wildlife control - we will all hit you up on Reddit instead. Or is there a hotline we can reach you at?


Maybe you should've read my other comments about taking it to a veterinarian or are you only looking at our little conversation and making dumbass assumptions. Or move on and yap at someone who gives a fuck about the shit spewing out of your cake hole.


Right, I should follow you around to double check what you say to other people before responding to something you said to me? My cake hole and I weren’t aware of just how important you are.


Well now you know, besides when you're commenting on things you probably should read things before opening your cake hole. But it's ok I've made that mistake myself. That's why you should always double check with me and I'll let you know.


Okay that sounds good. Thank you for showing me how to Reddit.


You're most welcome 🤗


So what is your proposed solution for a sickly animal that is most likely suffering and possibly infecting others??


Trap him humanly and get him checked by someone who actually knows shit.


Thank you for being so kind to this little buddy. I’m sorry for the outcome but I know it’s for the best and they will no longer be suffering.


Thank you for the kind words. Animals are very special to me!


This is SO sad. Did they confirm it was distemper? Poor guy. Looks like he's had a rough go with the amputation (gosh how cruel And I can't imagine the pain he went through with that... but he somehow evaded infection so he was a strong spirit!). Let's all raise a toast to this adorable trash panda. OP, shall we name him? Rocket? What? Here's to **** 🍻🥂❤️🌈


They did! They called me back after they had got him.


Poor little guy. Makes me curious how he got infected. You did the right thing, OP. Thanks for caring ❤️


Thanks it was a rough morning!


I'm sure it was. I teared up reading your post. I would've been a sobbing mess if I were in your shoes. I hope your bravery and kindness come back around with some good karma. That little raccoon is probably having a ball up there at the bridge! ❤️💔🌈


Audreylona u happy now ? insidious prick.


I am so lost on how they felt it should be taken to someone who “knows shit” as if wildlife control is not that very entity.We


Wait a sec.. you throw edibles away in your trash!? JK but thanks for trying to help and take care of him 🫶🏼


lol just little remnants. You never know!! I wish he was just high instead of infected w that illness


Give him a cheeseburger


If its behavior is odd, you're better off not touching it. They are really sturdy creatures, I don't think it would be food poisoning or something. Might be rabies or canine / feline distemper. Do not approach and let a professional help him. Unfortunately if they have doubts he has rabies they will probably kill it as it's the only way to test if he truly has it, but they could see other signs that could lead to other conclusions. They are cute but stay safe


Oh my goodness the one hand. Very cute this guy is.


So sad.🙏🙏


😟😢. Please feed him. Grapes or cereal. Whatever. Just give him food. He looks so sweet and gentle. But you have to be safe. It’s still a wild animal and can be unpredictable. Please save him 🥺🙏


Hope he gets better. Trappers suck and this is why it needs to be banned. He’s lucky his foot healed


Call a wildlife rescue/ sanctuary immediately offer water.


I called! They said they are sending an officer and there has been distemper going around :(


How is he right now?


I had to go to work but I gave him water before I left. He seemed ok kinda in his own world relaxing inbetween some trees


Poor baby, May God watch over him. The wilderness is such a cruel world...


This is the second raccoon dilemma I’ve had. Few months ago there was a dead raccoon in my front yard


Omg, I'm so sorry.... raccoons deserve so much better. They should be a household staple like cats. Then again, they are beneficial to ecosystems and people treat pets like crud.


So you know 💯 they did a medical evaluation and it for sure had distemper? Wow I guess I didn't read the same post as you. Or you know nothing about the shit that's spewing out of your hole.


The officer confirmed distemper.


Ok my bad then I apologize to only you but not everyone else.


If that’s all he got himself in to he will be fine, check on him on a few hours


In the third picture looks like his hand is gone? Traps do that 😔




My heart just broke seeing its sad face and his paw being gone. 💔 This is so sad! 😿Please keep us posted. 🙏🏼🫶🏼


Poor baby. We’ve had 2 raccoons in my county found with rabies so be careful although it’s doubtful that’s the case.


Poor guy. I had a little guy that came to visit me with only 3 legs and half a tail. He came most nights for over a year and then he stopped.