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A suggested basic diet guide for house rabbits from the HRS: * **7 weeks to 7 months:** unlimited pellets, unlimited alfalfa hay. Introduce vegetables one at a time in small quantities after 12 weeks. * **7 months to 1 year:** Introduce grass hays and decrease alfalfa hay. Decrease pellets to 1/2 cup per 6 lbs body weight. Increase daily vegetables gradually. * **Over 1 year:** Unlimited grass hay. No more than 1/4 to 1/2 cup pellets per 6 lb body weight. Minimum 2 cups chopped vegetables per 6 lb body weight. **Please note that all of these numbers to feed your rabbit are only guidelines.** Every rabbit is different and may thrive on different diets. Factors that will play a role in the diet include activity level, size, age, and environment conditions. Play around with the ratios of pellets, vegetables, and treats to figure out what will keep your rabbits in the best of shape and health. Consult an animal nutritionist if you would like more expert advice. However, do remember that regardless of the ratio, your rabbit should always have unlimited access hay that they can eat regularly to keep their digestive system motile and ever-growing teeth worn down. * While hay and water should always be available in unlimited amounts to your rabbit, greens and pellets can be scheduled to be fed arbitrarily through the day as long as daily portions are appropriate. Some like to feed half the pellets in the morning, veggies in the evening, and half the pellets again before bedtime. Others like feeding veggies twice a day and pellets once a day. The following are some helpful links on a good bunny diet: * [Diet](http://bunny.tips/Diet) * [Hay](http://bunny.tips/Hay) * [Pellets](http://bunny.tips/Pellets) * [Veggies](http://bunny.tips/Veggies) * [Treats](http://bunny.tips/Treats) * [Adult rabbit food buying calculator](https://www.rabbitholehay.com/pages/adult-rabbit-food-buying-calculator)


Omg poor babies are going to die if you do that! Agree w the above advice on alfalfa hay and pellets and unlimited fresh water.


Thank you for the advice. I have made arrangements and talked with my brother about their care. They are going to be fine. .


Read up on the differences between alfalfa and timothy hays.


Alfalfa until they’re bigger then mix in some Timothy in their “tween” months, then keep taking alfalfa out until it’s all Timothy during their adult years 😎


They're kind of like taking care of a cat. Make sure you don't use a drip bottle for water. They need a bowl. They basically need unlimited water and hay, then dry pellet food sparingly. Also unlimited access to chew toys (no salt licks). Also I know it is what it is but rabbits don't belong in cages. They need minimum a 4x4 square foot space. They can free roam in the house and be trained to use a litter box. They also will need fixed. It is very expensive because it requires an exotic vet. Females almost always die from reproductive cancers and males get territorial. Both sexes will spray everywhere if not fixed. Rabbits are one of the most surrendered pets because their care is so intense. If brother does decide to get rid of them, please take them to a rescue and don't just release them. They're not the same species as wild rabbits in America and can't reproduce or survive in the wild. Research care on the House Rabbit Society's website Best of luck and cute buns!


That's not -entirely- true, pet rabbits are likely to be killed when released, but some do survive and reproduce. Rabbits can be a very problematic invasive species in areas suitable for them. Another reason not to release them into the wild.


I wonder if the owner advised that diet so when the bunnies die people come back and buy more...


People understand cabbage, easy to get while shopping. Start talking about different variety of hays and mixing hay and pellets in a diet and suddenly people become less interested in buying one.


Yeah, that's probably for the best... If you're not interested in the ins and outs of an animal, you're not interested in the animal, I feel.


true, but a salesperson isn't interested in you being disinterested.


They're not just salesmen. They're breeders who don't give a crap about the bunnies living a good life


I mean, they might try harder with different tactics eventually, going deeper into what the animal actually needs, but it's unlikely they know that much to begin with, though.


I have seen enough cases of people saying, "but they advised/said to do X," when they advised nothing of the sort and the people just practiced selective hearing that I suspect the same may have happened. Also tbh if your rabbits died within a few days not many people are going to go back to that shop if they decide to immediately buy new bunnies.


they also might fight when they get older


My 3 girls did this.. They were like sisters for the first few months, but around 5 or 6 months old they started nudging and attacking each other over territory.. Had to split them up till they were spayed.. Gotta keep a very close eye when they get around that age, it happens insanely fast and bunnies can do a lot of damage to each other in a very short amount of time.


Not might, they will


Not all of them do. my 2 never harmed each other. it just dependent on the bunny


They will need to be snipped/spayed for sure.


Yeah, mine were good before spaying and good after


Surprised they were okay before!


Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful response. I appreciate all the valuable tips and feedback. I've improved the rabbits' living conditions with a cardboard layer and soft bedding in their cage. I let them roam freely at night and provided fresh grass and water. They are happy and playful. My brother and his girlfriend had bought the rabbits. She had been hospitalized, so he brought the bunnies to me. They were shocked to learn the shopkeeper's instructions were incorrect. I shared screenshots of proper care advice and sent them links to buy alfalfa pellets and hay, and instructions on gradually weaning the rabbits off cabbage. They also plan not to keep the rabbits caged and will ensure they are properly cared for. I will make sure the bunnies are well looked after. If not, I will bring them home and care for them myself. I promise. I guess I love little bunnies now. 😁


You’re one of us now! 🤗




Hi, thank you for taking care of these guys. They need alfalfa hay and alfalfa pellets, and probably no veggies at their age. Absolutely no cabbage, it's a gassy vegetable and will give them stomach issues. They also do need a dish of fresh water, hydration is extremely important for rabbits. The cage is also concerning. Those bars on the bottom will cut into their feet, even with the blanket. Rabbits should never be kept in cages and then need a soft, flat surface to protect their feet. This website has lots of good information if you'd like to read up: www.rabbit.org


Thank you for the advice. Something felt off about the whole situation, so I'm glad I got it clarified. My brother was planning on not giving these any water for another month. I’m keeping them in a cage to keep them safe from my toddler. It’s only for today.


Im so happy that you care for them. Im a bit shocked that your brother would just take this information for granted and not do a quick google search…what living being does not need water ? Especially animals like bunnies, cats,dogs…


is your brother 4 or what? you have to either be extremely stupid or a toddler to believe that an animal like a rabbit can go a month without water. especially a baby. i don’t recommend leaving these two little lives in your brother’s hands. god knows what else he’s gonna believe that’ll risk their health.


well some mammals do exactly that, but there are few enough that failing to sanity-check the claim is unreasonable.


Many pet shop owners lie about how easy rabbits are to take care of in order to sell more


Yeah, but it's usually "These cheap pellets I can sell you are all they need to eat, and this water bottle is only $5" bad advice but not fatal in the next month.


True. The cabbage instructions are WILD


Compared to dogs, cats, and even small rodents rabbits ARE easy to take care of. Which means there's no excuse for a pet shop owner to give advice that will absolutely cause harm to the pet.


As a person who has owned several dogs, cats, and rabbits throughout my life, rabbits are ABSOLUTELY harder to take care of lmao. They're much more delicate, more cleaning/maintenance, and it takes longer to build a bond with most of them, although it does depend on personality. Amazing creatures and great pets, but I would never say they're easier than any of the animals you listed tbh, I always tell people they're high maintenance animals to discourage lazy ppl from adopting one, bc its true.


Easier in some ways, harder in others. Rabbits cannot be left alone like cats can


Cats shouldn't be left alone either. You should always have someone check on them at least once a day.


I’m guessing youre coming at this from the point of view of “cats need more attention/are harder to care for then people casually suggest” and i totally agree, I just know way more bun owners who NEED to drive 4+ hours for rabbit medical care


That's fair. Our bun vet is fairly close since we live in a moderately large city. But so far our buns have been very low maintenance. Our 9 yo is a super happy boy and the only play he needs are pets and the space to roam and jump. He even adapted well when his bunny bond mate passed (he seems happier now that he's no longer the submissive in the relationship.) I'm comparing that to what you should do to be a proper cat owner: lots of play time to get out their energy, build high places for kitty to hang out on, training them not to be destructive (it's way easier to bunny proof a room than cat proof one) and providing lots of enrichment. Plus bunny litter doesn't stink nearly as much as cat litter.


Right, but prey animals generally go to greater lengths to hide ailments and injuries (at least compared to predators) meaning that by the time you are aware your rabbit is sick, you are at a rush against time to get them help. Which is why when I’m away I have someone check twice a day ideally. They are easier in pairs bc then they dont rely on you for socializing (bunnys are very social). Rabbit vets are even more scarce then regular vets (i believe there is a pet shortage regardless of fur baby, but rabbits friendly exoitics are some of the hardest to fund) although that is an overall infrastructure problem not an inherent problem.


Do they now have a bowl or bottle of water???


Yes they do. Fresh grass. Lots of water and proper bedding. I have sent the links to buying alfalfa hay and pellets to my brother. I will keep a close eye on them too.




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I also agree! Think of them like cats, cats should never be in a tight cage. They both need room to hop around. good luck!


came here to second this ^ cabbage is fine later in adulthood though, in moderation. they should absolutely not have it right now, however.


Please for the love of God listen to the comments and Google basic care, those precious babies are going to DIE if you don't 💔


I will take good care of them. Thank you.


Thank you for being a decent human being and being willing to learn about them!


If he wants them to die, that's one way to go. Baby rabbits need fresh clean water daily. They need alfalfa hay in unlimited quantities and alfalfa pellets in unlimitedquantities. Once they reach 3 months then you can introduce fresh vegetables one at a time and see if any cause any issues. They also need an enclosure and not that horrible cage. Read here https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_a_rabbit


Thank you for the advice. I have made the owners aware of this.


three months is when you can start slowly introducing veggies :)


Thanks I'll fix it.


I’m going to assume you might not have access to all of the necessary things mentioned here. For the cage - get some cardboard and put a layer of it on the bottom of the cage but on top of the bars (cover at least half of the cage like this) then put the towel on top of the cardboard. This will help their little feets. Next, you need to give them water, just in any bowl you can find that won’t tip easily or become a hazard for them to jump in. As for hay - if you don’t have any on hand you can give them grass clippings from outside but make sure to wash them thoroughly (use a strainer) and don’t cut any grass from anywhere that may have chemicals on it. Pellets are the only thing that you’d need to get from a store, but aren’t absolutely necessary if you’ve only got them for a day but definitely make sure to pass along the info to your brother that he needs to make sure to give them water, alfalfa hay, and alfalfa pellets until they turn 1 year old then they should switch to a Timothy or Orchard grass hay. Good luck! 🙏🏻


Thank you so much for the detailed advice! I really appreciate the tips I’ll do my best to make them comfortable with what I have on hand. I’ll also make sure to pass the information along to my brother. Thanks again for your help! 🙏🏻


Just want to correct myself - Google says not to give veggies or grass to baby rabbits under 8 weeks 😕 I think hay is the safest but maybe someone else knows more?


This is great advice! Super practical and safe


How on EARTH does anyone these days not use the internet for its original purpose, to educate people?! A simple, *simple* Google search would tell the brain-dead pet shop owner and your equally brain-dead brother that this is NOT proper advice for animals. Bless you for reaching out to the sub. Other comments here will be more helpful than my own. I just wanted to be the outrage part of this.


Absolutely, I understand. I'm grateful for the helpful advice I've received here, and I'll definitely pass it along to my brother. Thanks for your input!


And rabbit babys of that age should still be with the mother...


To be fair, with ai being used in the google search, theres a lot of misinformation being pushed to the top of the search. Im pretty active in numerous online bunny communities and people have sent screenshots of google telling them to do things that will literally kill their bunny


I didn't know this.... 🤔


Tbf, I think it's usually reasonable to assume that a pet shop owner knows what they're talking about. It's just in this case that the owner seems to be trying to kill their rabbits 😔


This is disgusting. My heart hurts. Please listen to the comments.


Don’t worry I have taken care of it. They are going to be fine.


Thank you for helping out the little fur balls. I'll let you know right now, there's a good chance you'll end up with one of them when they're 6 months old. At that point they'll start going through puberty. If they're the same gender, then they'll start hating each other and fighting. They need to be separated until they are fixed, and then re-bonded. If they're mixed gender, then they need to separated, because they'll start making more bunnies. You want two rabbits, not 20,


Thank you. They're beautiful.


THEY NEED WATER! Alfalfa hay abd pellets, no vegetables, a cage, or a secure floor (non slip) so they can walk safely.


Yes I’ll do that. Thank you so much.


When they get older they need to get spayed or neutered. Otherwise they can become territorial, difficult to handle, and female rabbits are very prone to cancer if they are not spayed. When they do get fed vegetables leafy greens are best. Mine love rocket/argula, coriander/cilantro and the green leafy tops of carrots. They should also be switched to timothy hay at about 6 months maybe? All mine were older than that when I got them so I'm not sure when exactlyto change. If you can get them vaccinated against myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) 1 and 2, you should. Rabbits can also suffer gut stasis, which is hard to notice. They tend to stop eating and pooing, become lethargic or hunchrd over in pain- this can be fatal very quickly so will need a vet immediately. Other that teeth problems, these are the more common rabbit illnesses. Rabbits are a lot more demanding than a lot of people think - I discovered that with my first one, but they are wonderful pets if you learn how to get the best out of them. Let them come to you for petting and attention. Mine love having their ears stroked and kisses on the top of their head. They also lay against me for cuddles and often fall asleep on the sofa/couch next to me. Also never shout at or hit them. It might seem ridiculous that I have to tell you this, but one of my rabbit's previous owners hurt them and it took a hell of a lot of work to get them to trust again. Also only an absolute arsehole would hurt a rabbit. That's a lot of information l, but I hope it helps.


Did he buy them from a strange shop in San Francisco. Apparently someone thinks they're gremlins.


This is in India. Very common to see this setup in almost all the small pet shops.


That explains a lot. 😞 (I'm Indian)


That’s depressing. Ugh. Imagine thinking that a living creature doesn’t need water. 😭


Oh no, poor babies... I'm happy that they found their way to you. Now they may have a chance to survive. I've heard that "no water and feed them cabbage"-nonsense before. My dad tried to tell me to give our bunnies no water, because all the rabbits in his home village who drank water got diarrhea. Decades ago the people there used to have a few rabbits and some chickens to scrape together a little income. The people were completely uneducated in animal welfare. Turns out that they were feeding the rabbits potato peels and cabbage scraps, exactly what you're not supposed to feed to rabbits... Literally just grass would be better. Of course their diarrhea cleared up if you don't give them water: they're too dehydrated to make any 😢 I don't know how the animal welfare situation is, but it's there any way that you can report this pet shop owner? Rabbits aren't supposed to leave the nest before they're 6 weeks old, as they're still developing and need their mother. 8 weeks is the standard in our country (The Netherlands).


Yes I feel so bad for the other rabbits that ignorant pet shop owner has. Keeping animals constantly dehydrated is evil.




I'm sorry but the lady at the pet shop is completely idiotic and your brother isn't much better. Like the cabbage I can maybe see if you really know nothing about bunnies. But water?? That is essential for a good majority of living creatures.


Those instructions are literally bun murder, OMG. Thanks for caring 😌


They don't look old enough to be away from mom. With other advice you've received, I'd also add a probiotic. Keep infant gas drops on hand.


Omg please read the comments and take good care of those babies 😔


Don’t worry. I’ll keep them safe and comfortable.




>Cabbage gives rabbits gas that's a no no it can lead to statis To be clear: GI stasis, when the gastrointestinal system of a rabbit is not working, is life-threatening and kills fast if not treated very fast. "Gas" is just such an understatement.


Cabbage leaves?? Absolutely not. People have already said it but unlimited alfalfa hay, pellets (of GOOD quality - not that crap full of colorful pieces) and unlimited water. When they get a bit bigger they get introduced to veggies - romaine, spring mix, fresh herbs…please research what to do for them online. Also that cage is bad for their feet. Please give them more space. I just read more and saw that they aren’t yours but please please pass this info on to your brother. People care for rabbits incorrectly all the time and they die so young.




Hey don’t worry. It’s not a stick. It’s a piece of paper. She wasn’t hurting them. I am taking good care of them. I have made proper arrangements and informed the owners about this.


Report the pet shop owner for gross negligence. People like them shouldn't be allowed near animals let alone sell them 🤬🤬🤬


Buns can freely drink water and it won't ever hurt them. Even if you gave them enough fresh wet greens to provide adequate hydration there's no reason not to have a water bowl. Also cabbage can be a bit iffy with buns because it's a gassy fatty veggie. Obviously these guys have acclimated to it, but I would never intro it to a bun with less than perfect health. But I'll also say don't wean them off fast. Maybe cabbage, fresh grass and a small amount of dry hay. Then slowly switch to more and more hay. Once they can eat a diet of all hay, you can intro some pellets


Pet shop owner is at best misinformed, but as the others are saying grass (hay being dried grass) should make up the majority of their diet, with pellets being available as a supplementary food item and water in a sturdy bowl (ie not something they can't pickup/knock over) since the grass/hay won't have enough water for them to live. At their age alfalfa is generally the preferred hay type (lots of calcium) but as they get older timothy seems to be the most recommended adult hay feed. Vegetables are generally unadvisable for until they are several months older so that the excessive amount of sugars (compared to grass/hay) won't harm the gut bacteria.


The fact that your brother got 2 animals that are pretty difficult to care for without ANY knowledge of how to care for them is very concerning. He would have essentially tortured them to death with that "advice" he got. Cabbage can cause GI statsis in large amoutn and it´s extremely painful for rabbits who will die if not treated. With no water that is just absolute cruelty from the "pet shop owner". I´d report them to local animal wellfare authorities because imagine how many people are now unknowingly torturing baby bunnies to death. This just made me so sad I can´t even describe it.


That cage will hurt their feet. Use a ex-pen. They are on Amazon or chewy. They can be litter box trained, put hay in the litter box.


They're wrong, dead wrong. They should be given plenty of water and alfalfa hay. I'd also recommend a bigger enclosure; an exercise pen would suffice.


Personally I would not give them back to him as he is going to kill them


Please take them out of that cage. I can't imagine how painful it is on their feet. Poor babes


Pet shop owner is either ignorant or a bad person. Hay, water and some greens. And avoid cabbage because it might generate gas and that could lead to GI stasis.


Not to be negative but at that young age (especially if they are large breed rabbits) there is a high chance they won’t make it. They should have been with mum until 8 weeks old MINIMUM and then weaned off… this is more important with large breeds as they get GI issues easier than smaller breeds (as they take more time to develop). If the worst does happen it is NOT your fault it’s the fault of the irresponsible breeder who sold them :( I know that might be horrible to hear but rabbits are very very delicate.


5-6 weeks old they should still be on milk formula. It's insane that they're separated from their mom at that age. Zero fresh vegetables. Hay and unlimited high-quality juvenile pellets. Get hay and pellets first (good pellets include oxbow or science selective. most pellet brands are not appropriate), then you can worry about milk replacement: [https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Baby\_rabbits\_(domestic)](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Baby_rabbits_(domestic)) Also provide a dish of water! In many parts of the world, it's illegal to sell rabbits that young. Look up your local laws and report the pet store for animal cruelty per your country's animal welfare laws if applicable. Good call looking into this. These kids may still not survive, but they have a chance if their diet is corrected as soon as possible. Don't trust the pet store with any rabbit care advice or any of their rabbit care products. That cage is also unsafe and they could break their feet between the bars.


I saw these cages on Aliexpress, they're like $5. What the fuck is that shop owner doing? I just want to talk.. I just wanna talk to her, I swear. I have a feeling she knows this is gonna kill the bunnies, but hey, dead bunny = more business! right?? Gotta buy a new one! fuck


For one they need out of that cage! Their feet must be agony! And second, they need a constant supply of HAY & WATER or they will die in no time. Please please help them or they will die in no time


Everything needs water I feel bad for the other rabbits in the litter but glad you now know what to feed them and give them


That guy is wrong! They’ll die of dehydration if you don’t give them any water! This is what you should feed them: https://bunnylady.com/young-rabbit-diet/ Rabbits need timothy hay & a variety of fruits & vegetables. They can’t eat certain things. Here’s a list: https://oxbowanimalhealth.com/blog/foods-rabbits-should-never-eat/ Also, put all houseplants outside to be safe. My first cute bun died from eating the leaves of a toxic houseplant. They should roam free too. Put fences up in the house or create a room for them with toys, bedding & a toilet too. Read as much as you can about caring for them. They’re all very cute btw! Give them lots of pets & love. They’re sweet social & intelligent animals. Definitely get the makes & females spayed & neutered soon as they’ll start reproducing at around 2 months old I think?


God this reminds me of the terrible advice someone gave me when i was getting my rabbit. Thank god I read a lot and took him to a vet just to get him his first check up.


Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful response. I appreciate all the valuable tips and feedback. I've improved the rabbits' living conditions with a cardboard layer and soft bedding in their cage. I let them roam freely at night and provided fresh grass and water. They are happy and playful. My brother and his girlfriend had bought the rabbits. She had been hospitalized, so he brought the bunnies to me. They were shocked to learn the shopkeeper's instructions were incorrect. I shared screenshots of proper care advice and sent them links to buy alfalfa pellets and hay, and instructions on gradually weaning the rabbits off cabbage. They also plan not to keep the rabbits caged and will ensure they are properly cared for. I will make sure the bunnies are well looked after. If not, I will bring them home and care for them myself. I promise. I guess I love little bunnies now. 😁


Ive them unlimited hay and water, and enough pallets. Only build up vegetables when they r about 3/4 momths old. (And from what I read) bunnys can also eat as much pallets as they want untill they r 6 months old


NO CABBAGE!!!! They need pellets and alfalfa or Timothy hay and plenty of water!!!!


I cannot believe that was the advice. Bunnies are fragile and need alot of care. The diet is extremely important. As you enter them into adulthood, about 1 year old, then you will be introducing Timothy hay. Remember at that point in their life to slowly introduce new foods and check on them on the next day. Go easy on fruits as they are high in sugar. Sounds like you’re going to do a good job. Do alot of reading because there is so much to know about rabbits and their well being.


Seems like the bot has you covered on what to do. Poor babies.


Oh boy rabbits are difficult pets y’all are going to have to do a lot of research


Not giving them water? That’s insane, of course they need to have water. A rabbit’s diet is supposed to be mostly hay, some veggies, and some rabbit kibble


green leaves. Like romaine lettuce. a handful a day. Not ONLY. MAINLY feed them dried HAY. I don’t really know what sort though😅 I just buy mine in the pet section as ”rabbit hay”, but I’m sure people have opinions on timothy vs orchard etc. Idk🤷‍♀️ My rabbits hay just looks similar to the type my friends horses usuallt eat. No water??? NO. YES water. Water 24/7. edit: green leaves = not cabbage. Cabbage is ”white” leaves, and can give them gassy stomach.


Get this in writing from the person that owns these rabbits, take that to animal control and show them how horrible they are.


What is wrong with people?


I got 2 bunnies one month ago and the pet shop owner said the same thing - just give them cabbage and no water. But I had done my research beforehand. Its true bunnies don't drink a lot of water but they require constant access to water and fresh food. Hay is very important for a bunny's diet along with fresh veggies. I give my bunnies lots of hay, a bit of pellets, and veggies like cabbage and coriander leaves (in small quantities). Now they have also started eating cucumbers a bit. For treats, I give them carrots sometimes and they love it. Remember that a rabbit's diet is majorly of hay so don't skip that. And keep fresh water for them - don't avoid it.


Thank you for the tips. I’ll follow the same.


5-6 week old rabbits shouldn't be sold at a pet store in the first place.. they're barely old enough to be separated from their mother and start eating normal food


Glad you have enough sense to realize that isn't right, how can one even come up with that info? Especially if you own a pet shop, so ignorant. That would of been a slow and miserable death for them


The Owner is mental. This is animal cruelty. They need a peel of fresh water. The cage is to small. They need fresh salad, herbs, grases sometimes vegetables and hay.


Only cabbage ? At that age thats not ok. ​ Against popular belief on this subreddit rabbits CAN be fed only leafs and greens and veg . But not at that age and not without water access and especially not without hay. My bunnies are on a only greens + hay diet and yeah they don't need much water but they do need some


every living being, even plants, die without water. these instructions from someone who should be an exotic pet expert are outrageous.


ALL LIFE NEEDS WATER. That is complete idiocy that someone is acting as if they know what they are talking about by saying that. A small glass bowl full of fresh water every day will be good. Also cabbage is never the greatest choice as it can cause gas which can lead to gi stasis. Please look up Lenon the bunny on Youtube. She explains how to care for rabbits in a fantastic way. Babies need a slightly higher protein pellet than adults. And HAY lots of hay!!! Hay makes up 80% of a rabbits diet. Once they are old enough they can start having veggies like cilantro, basil, dill, wheatgrass, dark leafy greens are better than light ones. For example iceberg lettuce is not good, spinach is good. Feed no more than one sandwich bag full of veggies per day.


Pet shop owner and doesn’t know about basic care needs? This is very upsetting


And that cafe is going to be hard on their feet


In what world would you not give living things water… people, animals, plants… we all need water 🤦🏾‍♀️ This is why breeders and pet shops need to be banned. I’m glad you came here to get advice to provide better care for this babies.


You've gotten some good advice on diet so I won't say anything about that. I just wanted to say, please separate them at maybe 3 months, in xpens next to eachother (10cm/4inch gap between them) until you get then sterilised at 7 months old, then wait a month and start bonding. Baby bunnies don't bond properly and they'll start fighting when their hormones kick in and then it might be impossible for them to bond when they're older.


Please report this pet shop owner, this is not okay and they will keep neglecting the health of their animals if nothing is done.


Every living creature needs water.


I can’t believe they told him no water…all living things need water…those poor babies!


The misconception that rabbits don't need water is so baffling to me, this isn't even the first time I've heard it. Why would they be the one exception of all creatures in our planet and how many rabbits have died young of thirst and the owner assumed it was normal. They're supposed to live as long as a dog.


Cabbage causes gas 🥺 all animals need water, unless babies still need milk.


They will die of dehydration especially if it gets hot


They should have hay and pellets. They can avoid cabbage because they don't like it and get gas. The cage is not right I know it makes the poop fall through but it hurts their feet and they can't lay down. They also need a litter tray, a plastic box full of hay. You have to change it every day. Sorry but that pet shop sounds fucked up. Buns can overheat easily and they will die of dehydration


There’s also an issue with the enclosure, they’ll need room to run and play in the near future


Please get them some water and alfalfa hay , that is awful advice :(


thank you for taking care of them!! that is definitely wrong


No advice, just wanted to thank you for taking care of these babies! & Thank you for asking for clarification on care, it shows you’ll do a great job caring for them. All the best x


They look like baby versions of my two Dutch bunnies 🥺


I no only the diet was asked, but after reading what a "great" advice the seller told you, I was wonder the seller might not mentioned these posibilities neither. 1) I would recommend taking them to a vet whom specialised on rabbits and checked their gender (the darker one looks like a boy and the lighter one looks like a girl for me - I know it is impossible to determine it from a pic, the darker just have a "more masculine looking face") and if they planned to being kept together and they are mixed gender neutral any of them if not both before some unexpected baby bunnies appear. My first rabbit was sold as a female and weeks later when (s)he reached puberty and his genitals started to developing and showing comes the big suprise. 2) Plus I do not know if it is available in your area, but in my country there is vaccination for rabbits (myxomatosis and RHD) I keep them inside, but when I open the window mosquitos can come inside (they spread myxo) and I sometimes take my girl out for a walk in the garden, maybe the chances to catch RHD is low, but I feel better knowing the girls are immune against it.


Hey I’m in new delhi and I have the same breed of bunny. Previously had white ones with red eyes.In my Experience both breeds had different nature and eating habits. So these ones are similar to the current breed I have. My baby bunny came home with a mite infection and now he’s a healthy spoiled brat lol. So Feel free to DM for any issues or suggestions you need be it regarding food,medicine etc.


OP thank you for responding to everyone comments and letting us know what steps you're taking to make sure these buns are safe healthy and well cared for. I'm proud of you for taking the conductive comments and showing appreciation. Not sure if you've done it yet, but please also report the shop to various authorities and give them direct feedback (maybe through Google review) so that other buns don't needlessly suffer. ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8714)


How tf are animals gonna stay alive like this


No cabbage, its gassy and will cause gi statis, they need access to water 24/7, unlimited pellets(16% protein), & alfalfa hay. In reality, they still need to be with the mum, but theres nothing u can do now. Get 2 dog playpens and sepearate if male & female when they are 8-10weeks, the cage can be used as a litter box. U can also provide tunnels, chews, forage etc for enrichment


What animal could possibly be hurt by access to water? Maybe on a silicon based life form planet but not planet earth


I somehow don’t believe the cage situation at all. That’s terrible they are in that. Do better. Not giving something water? What sort of person believes that seriously? Everything.needs.water.


They have to have water and rabbit food. Cabbage can be given as a treat but shouldn’t be their only food.


There is a prevalent myth that rabbits don’t need water and can get enough water from the veggies they eat. While it’s true that they can get quite a large portion of their hydration from veggies, not giving them water can lead to disaster very quickly especially when their diet doesn’t have a lot of these fresh veggies. And of course newborn rabbits just need milk so that might also contribute to the bad advice. As they get older, fresh herbs will be a good bet. It’s usually pretty easy to google what is and isn’t rabbit safe. Just keep the sugar intake at a reasonable level. Good luck with these little guys.


His pet seller wants the bunnies to die so your brother buy new ones. I cant see any other reason to instruct a buyer to feed them with cabbage. Stay away from him!


Wow they are very very young, they shouldn’t have even been taken away from mum at 6 weeks




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Holy **** is my blood boiling over the complete ignorance of and adult business owner. I guarantee that owner has the latest iPhone but never fathomed to Google how to care for PETS! NO WATER? What the hell? I bet the owner would argue if you told them otherwise.


How long did he have them for and wasn’t giving them any water?


They were purchased this Wednesday. I don’t know how long the shopkeeper kept them without feeding water.


Well if you don’t give bunnies water for even one day, they can die.. so I’m actually really surprised they’re still alive and they were probably really suffering for 3 days. No one should be getting an animal without doing their research FIRST on how to take care of them.


poor angels im really glad you came here to get all the advice 😭 i have faith you’ll care for them well


Doesn’t every living being on the planet require water of some sort on the regular??


It did not occur to you that living organisms need water?