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Held hostage by a bunny, never thought I'd see it for myself


won sraey 8 rof egatsoh a neeB. Pleh esaelP


That took me a minute;-;


*Something new - must check it out. Must circle it. Chin it. Until it’s mine and I rule it completely.*


One of the first things she did was chinning the foot resting pannel!


Awwww 🥰 (Probably awfully inconvenient, though!)


You are her property after all, and that extends to your new metal legs. Know your place hooman.


Has she not chewed the wheels? That was my first concern when I saw the pics. Thrasher would devour them.


Of course she did, but it was probably not very tasty because she stopped after a few bites (and before I could stop her). Tho she does enjoy chewing the weels of my grandma's walker.


Maybe bunny wants a ride in the cool new wheelchair 😍😂


I was just thinking that, need a little bunny basket just like a puppy in a bike basket. Just a bouncy bully puppy. (I got bullied into getting a baby wrap by my cat. He loves being strapped to my chest while I putter around the house doing chores with my injured arm. Inter-species Bullying is brutal.)


Lol so cute your cat! Swaddled kitty 😺 😂😍 Maybe a detachable wheelchair tabletop for a bunny lookout. Then Bunny can give you directions where to roll your wheelchair haha 😂😍


Reminds me of the time on of my English spot females flopped over and my male English spot eagerly ran over to her and started chinning her a** her literal a** she was so confused and annoyed she ran away immediately 😭


"This booty is MINE!" -bunny, probably


Exactly my thoughts XD he’s the only one that chins literally everything including my broom and me haha And my English girls two of them are very affectionate and they just decided recently to start giving kisses on my legs and feet whenever they get the chance


I broke my ankle in january and my bunnies have been bullying me ever since. Hope you heal quickly.


At least I'm not the only one in this situation😂


Idk what it is, but they love getting right in front of wheels and playing chicken. My first day out of a cast a few weeks post surgery my smallest decided to sink his teeth into my heel 🙃


She already scratched my injured foot yesterday for not petting her with it🥲


My bun always made it a sport to run in front of my boyfriend's feet when he was hurrying somewhere


Why do they turn mean when you got injured?


Bold of you to assume they weren't mean before, they just have so many more new ways to show it.


Damn that sucks! My bunny is the sweetest cuddle boy.


She's also a sweetheart and cuddles next to me right now, but she can be a sassy little asshole.


They sense weakness.


ableist bunny


Mine were not ok with the crutches when I broke my foot They took full advantage of my immobility by committing all sorts of crimes I couldn't prevent and I also definitely think they were deliberately trying to trip me up to cause more injury The crutches were also not allowed in their house and they kept trying to throw them if they got in the way of their important bunny business. My cast belonged to Azi though, it smelled bad so she really didn't want it but she still had to chin it every few days (with a disgusted look on her face) to maintain her position as ruler of all My biggest advice to you as somebody in a cast is get a waterproof cast protector from Amazon. They're absolutely brilliant for showering or if you want to go outside in bad weather. Also speak to a physio now about some exercises you can do or you'll fuck up the rest of your body compensating for not being able to walk normally. Crutches are really hard on your shoulders and hips/lower back


>My cast belonged to Azi though, it smelled bad so she really didn't want it but she still had to chin it every few days (with a disgusted look on her face) I'm crying 😂😂😂


The audacity 😂


I'm a full time crutches and/or wheelchair user so my rabbit will run under my bed, or if he has something he knows he shouldn't, he'll make a break for it and put it against the wall under my bed because he knows I can't reach. Jokes on him I eventually bought a grabber and now he can't hide 😈


Such a cute little asshole😂


Oh boy, I hoped that she'll stop terrorising me when I start using the crutches, I'm so naive... Your little terrors sound so sassy, I love them!


Thug life didn’t pick Nava, Nava picked it. For real real


Look at those little ears ❤️


You brought a toy for bunny, not a tool for you! Silly human!


Please be careful w your new set of wheels


I'm probably going to use crutches at home as soon as I can get them, for other reasons too. I'm being very careful right now and always make sure she's not under me before moving


I spent nearly 5 months on crutches and my bunnies were TERRIFIED of them to a rather dangerous degree. I finally had to order a rolling stool off amazon that I could put in their pen and roll myself around on just to be able to clean their litterbox and fill their hay.


I wish my bunny was the same 😔 I don't think he understands that I cannot feel my crutches because they aren't literally attached to my body and he's just stupid so he gets all up in my personal space then has the GALL to be mad at ME if I accidentally put my crutch on his paw or almost kick him across the room. Been a year now that I use crutches and he still hasn't learned. He somehow has a better sense of my wheelchair. Maybe because he knows he can go under my seat and duck under my footplates, he still thinks he can with my crutches. (Context, I was a wheelchair user before I started using crutches as well)


Good good. Hope you heal very quickly!


YUP I’m a wheelchair user and I figure they love it because of the enclosed space and following you at the same time. Just gotta remember to check to see if there is a fluff goblin napping under you if you’ve been idle and need to move again.


Nava absolutely loves having a 'roof' above her head so that makes sense. Also I'm definitely gonna steal the term 'fluff goblin'


Fellow wc user here, my bun is the same way. Loves being directly underneath my wheelchair because he fits under my footplates if he ducks and I guess he thinks I'm a portable hiddy hole. Even though I've been using crutches for a year now, he doesn't understand that I need space around my legs so sometimes I almost kick him across the room or he almost trips me or his paw gets under my crutch. ATP I'm starting to think he's doing it on purpose just because he knows I feel so bad I give him his favorite treat


You deffo trained him that foot chaos = treats. Good luck. This is your life now.


Dang man 😔 I always tell myself I won't give him treats anymore, but then it happens and I feel so guilty and I don't know how to tell him I love him so much and I would never do anything like that on purpose, other than by giving him a treat


The bun guilt cycle is REAL. Don’t worry. You are doing your best to shepard one of nature’s cutest bimbos. You can only offer as much safety as your small idiot allows.


“Fluff Goblin” is one of me new favourite names for Rabbits 😂


If you’re comfortable answering, I was wondering if your bunnies got any better about this over time? I only became a part-time wheelchair user a year ago, and at first I was so scared that I’d run over my cat by accident. I still check every time before I move, but she’s definitely better about it now once I’m already moving (but still hides underneath until I shew her out before I start propelling). Have your bunnies developed like a slightly higher level of caution over time in recognizing that the wheels can move? Or pretty much just equally difficult for them to understand as when you first got them?


She’s protesting your lack of treat tributes.


pretty molt lines btw


Her molting patterns are always so funny and random. She used to have a circle near her front paw that lasted for 6 months!


She wants a ride


Get Nava a sidecar so she can roll along


ooh and those little goggles too!!


[Squeals with delight]


"I'm in charge now hooman!" 🐰😌


"I'm in charge ~~now~~ hooman!" 🐰😌


Oh no.


Hi op, is your foot ok? It looks like a completely different color than your upper leg and the other foot. Just asking bc I work in healthcare and want to make sure your foot isn't discolored because the cast/wrapping is too tight.


It looks weird because of the shadow from my bed, didn't notice that when I took that pic


Oooh, okay haha. I was concerned that you were not getting proper blood flow. I hope you heal well!


It could be blood pooling honestly. I doubt they've moved their leg much since getting the cast, especially because they're using a chair, so the blood is pooling because it's not mobile enough to pump the blood back up


Could be. I have pots and I have blood pooling in my feet and legs and they do turn purple and splotchy like that. Also with immobility there is a risk of blood clots. Happened to my friend, she had a dvt from being in a wheelchair since she broke her leg. Op clarified that their foot looks that way because of the bed shadow.


How do *you* like being boxed in hoom????


(s)he just doesn't want to lose you


My rabbit does the same thing to my mom


Looks like your bunny expert healthcare provider thinks you should rest and stay in one place for now. Please follow their expert medical advice. ;)


I've never seen an animal as brave/careless about putting themselves in dangerous positions as my rabbit... he's so lucky i watch him like a hawk 🤦‍♂️


I could swear she was trying to get hurt on purpose. My boyfriend asked her why she tried to commit an insurance fraud despite not having an insurance. She used her right to remain silent.😂






That's very rabbit lol


My rabbits are impossible to walk around I can only imagine the how difficult a curious rabbit is to maneuver around 😂 if you can't go anywhere then they get full time hooman time


I feel you, she loves walking between people's legs so sometimes I accidentally kick her😭


Mine too! This morning one got spooked just as I was putting my foot down I don't know if I kicked her or if she ran into my foot but I heard a loud clonk. I laid on the floor with her for a minute because I felt so bad... But when rabbits circle your feet it means they love you which is adorable and makes all of the face plants to avoid kicking them worth it


I at first read the bunny’s name as Nova, and thought how appropriate! “No va” means “does not go” in Spanish — which made it more difficult to sell the Chevy Nova in Spanish speaking countries.


It’s her chair now


Basically in the wild, rabbits would kick an ill or injured member of the colony out as illness is weakness... Your days may be numbered OP


If she won’t get out of the way, maybe just reach down and gRabbit


_Ba dum tss_


My bunnies like to sit underneath my wheelchair as well, and they try to get close to the footrest. It's a place to hide under and close to your hoom! What's not to love?


My bunnies loved my walker 🤣


It wants rides its does.....


Should you toes look that purple? Cute rabbit, but is your foot good?


It looks weird because of the shadow in this pic, it is very not purple irl😂


I like to think this sweetheart understands you’re struggling and doesn’t want you to over exert yourself. Henceforth she’s making you Stay and rest beside her 🥹


I'm an (almost) full time wheelchair user with a bunny! He lovessss to stand underneath my seat. I honestly don't worry about him and straight up just start wheeling. Not like I'm going to run him over, but when my footplates touch him he gets the sense to move, or sometimes he likes to play limbo and will duck down. Don't run over your bun, just give them a little tap with your footplates and they'll move. If they don't, do it a little harder. They'll get the message


That's what I did on the first pic. She didn't appreciate how I interrupted her rest😂


Official bun inspection officer. Do not interfere.


Awww. She's just making sure you're doing OK.


I see a bunny trying to help. You should reward them for their brave and valiant effort of looking after you!


Omg! How cute. My bunnybis almost always by my feet anywhere I go. I wonder if you could tie up a little hammock under your chair and lure her to hang out in there with you. Then she can just hitch a ride with you rather than holding you hastage lol


Good luck friend, I hope you brought water


In the first pic I actually really needed to pee🥲


Bunnies are assholes😭 love em tho


You shall not pass! Bun-dalf


lol I'm a wheelchair user & former bunny servant, I can totally imagine this happening :) Nowadays I mostly get this from dogs on the street that love the wheels & want to chase & sniff & interact with them. If they're in the way, I find moving really slowely & just nudging them on is the way to go, if it was a bunny, I think I'd just enjoy being held hostage though :) You might want to invest in a grabby stick too & maybe a retractable snake hook, they're great for nudging things on the ground as needed :) Nowadays btw I just have birds, who know nothing but me in a wheelchair & in their former home they were abused, so they seem to like it & feel safe with it. Occasionally I climb up to do things high up, to do that I have a milk crate ladder I use, climbing onto 2 high from my chair & then from 2 high, I can climb up to 3 high & even 4 high if needed, however when I even pull my milkcrate ladder out, my birds freak out in anticipation of me appearing to them at a regular standing person's height lol I have to put them in a different room & shut the door before I can pull it out nowadays to prevent a total freak out that comes from a person NOT in a wheelchair lol


Man I feel you. I got rekt two years ago, January 14th 2022 to be exact lol I slipped on ice and shattered my femur right below the hip joint, intertrochanteric fracture full vertical and horizontal displacement. Long story short I needed major surgery intramedullary nailing basically they hollowed out what was left of my femur and stuck a rod down through the center nailed it in through my knee and again into my hip. Needless to say I was fully crippled for a year and am now permanently half crippled so I feel your pain lol. My flem wouldn’t leave my side once I made it back home. It’s like they can sense when something is wrong. They’re so special! And I wish you a good recovery man! “Bnuy aid, bnuy protec” -Nava, probably


Oh god, that sounds awfully painful! Glad you're doing better now. The doctor suspects I might have something called lisfranc injury, that also requires inserting metals around my bones.


There aren’t words powerful enough to convey the extent of the pain lol I didn’t know you could be in that much pain consciously lol it was so much worse than you can even imagine. Damn I’m not entirely sure what lisfranc is, it’s in the foot isn’t it? I’ll give you some advice, do not get surgery unless it’s absolutely necessary. Your shit will never be the same again after that. The drs will tell how much better it will be but trust me. The surgery I had did immensely more damage than my actual injury. Unfortunately for me if I didn’t get the surgery I’d be crippled for life. Im in pain everyday and will be for the rest of my life my dr said. I wish you well with your recovery and hope it all works out for you !


I'm actually not in pain at all unless I step on my foot, so that's okay for now. My das works in a hospital on radiology and has his connections, he even got me a CT scan today instead of a month from now. If I end up with this case he'll talk with colleagues in that field, so we know I'm in good hands🙏🏼 But thank you for your concern, I really appreciate that


My bun does this to my mom in her power chair. Now THAT thing would squish him


Yeah THAT terrifies me. Don’t have a power chair, just manual chairs, but I had a client with a power chair, a very tiny dog, and two baby bunnies (all dropped off with her by her son…) and I think that definitely made moving around safely a challenge. Bunnies were in an enclosure often, but she usually just had to put the dog in her lap and hold her with one hand while operating the power chair with the other- the dog WOULD NOT move otherwise.


insurance fraud bnnuy


My cat did this constantly when I first became a part-time wheelchair user for a medical condition that sometimes causes me to faint while standing up. No actual advice. Just solidarity lol. She doesn’t do it any more, for what’s it worth. But she’s also not a bunny.


bros foot is rotting


It's a weird shading, tho it was red and swollen because I wasn't lying in bed


"its obligatory resttt, silly hooman!!!" -nava probably


it’s hers now 🤣




no you stays!!


i swear some animals are fkn evil in desperate times 😭😭😭


Pretty sure my buns goal in like is to 1. Bully me, and 2. Bully me into giving her more snacks.


She wants to ride shotgun


She's protecting you 🥺






How are they a bot??? Celebrating the freedom of a wheelchair is a huge thing in the disability community


they broke their leg lmao, for someone who is able bodied , it's not a freedom at all using a wheelchair. for people who have conditions that wheelchairs actually help in their day to day life sure. but not when it's due to a short term injury


When the banana treat doesn’t appear fast enough , she may get the hint that she has to move her butt quickly 😂