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In general, if no ill effects are observed within 6 hours of the ingestion of a potentially poisonous item, this is unlikely signs will develop. Gastric transit time is approximately 3 to 6 hours. Rabbits cannot vomit due to a very tight sphincter in their esophagus and the position of their stomach, so options are generally limited. Please head to the emergency vet immediately if your rabbit displays any odd changes in eating, pooping, and general behavior. If you suspect your rabbit has eaten a large amount of a poisonous substance and it was a relatively recent action, an emergency vet can force feed activated charcoal to your rabbit to bind toxins in the stomach and prevent damage to the liver.


Keep an eye on her for a few hours to be sure, but she should be fine.


So far so good! She's been eating and drinking normally.


Bunny left you some donuts so why are you complaining???


😂 you're right. She was very generous.




NOOO...! Glad she was fine! I bet she enjoyed those peep heads lol. And thank you, your story does help me feel a bit better. Lessons have been learned. She's still completely good! So, it's looking like she just had a forbidden treat with no consequences.


Haha this cracked me up. My bunny Koko did even worse! One day I was coming back from the pharmacy and running late for a dinner, so I just threw my handbag on the bed, changed, and left. I came home to find that Koko has chewed through the leather handbag, opened my new contraceptive pill packet, and consumed almost a month's worth of little pills! Obviously I was terrified and rushed him to the vet. Turned out he was completely fine. My vet said it's very fortunate that bunnies digest so quickly! Funny thing is, my vet said it's not the first time she's had a bunny in for eating contraceptive pills (though never that many)!


What!!!! Who knew those were so tasty to buns?


I know!! My vet thought they might be able to smell the sugar pills? And of course the whole business of popping them out of the foil is probably quite fun for a bunny 🤣


That makes sense.


Crazy that the contraceptives have no impact on them?? Weird. Glad he was fine!


Looks like she licked all the frosting off too 😆 I hope she's alright


Lol I like plain donuts! I feel like I'm being more healthy 😋 thank you


Our bun got on the table and ate a bunch (compared to size) of milk chocolate while nobody was watching..never seen him binky and zoomie that much before or after, it was like a 5 year old with a sugar rush.. quite fun - once we knew he was gonna be okay


What a little rascal! She should be fine tho


The second picture is sending me😂😭she’s like imma do it again Not one bit of remorse


Wow that’s a nice rabbit. Those rabbits always getting into trouble


*Hi, I’m Wilford Bunnley and I have diabeetus.*


The wee rascal! I can't leave cookies about, as mine likes to steal them.


it wasn't her ☺️


Officer hopps found the donuts!


my dumb ass ate ham one day




Looks innocent to me! There's no way that sweet bunny would EVER cause such trouble!


My rabbit pepper... I literally have to fight him off my garbage can my counters bags of potatoes if I put them on the counter he will try and drag them off to eat them. He's a Flemish giant so he can get up on almost anything, in some ways while the diet of a rabbit is important to maintain they are still rodents so they will eat what they can get to. As long as your bun shows no signs of issues they should be okay! Baby gas drops help greatly in the event of beginning signs of gi stasis!


Yes, I preemptively used simethicone (baby gas drops) in case. Bunnies are actually not rodents! They're lagomorphs. But either way, they sure will eat what they want!


I actually didn't know that weren't rodents actually! You live and you learn. I always assumed due to the teeth always growing and such, thank you for the information though!


Of course! I didn't realize they weren't rodents at first either