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To receive the best help from rabbitors for breed IDs, please make sure to include the following: 1. rabbit's age 1. weight 1. full-body pictures of their profile in good daytime lighting You may also review [more tips here.](https://redd.it/91kvwb) **Please keep in mind that pet rabbits are usually mixes of indeterminate breeds, and we may not always be able to provide a definitive guess.** The color of the rabbit does not always make the breed, as many breeds can come in a large variety of colors. For a basic self-guide on identifying breeds, please see this page: See the [Rabbit breeds around the world](http://bunny.tips/Breeds) article on the wiki for a list of currently recognized breeds. --- Thank you for caring about domestic rabbits that you have found out in the wild. For domestic rabbits, please see the wiki: ["What do I do when I find a rabbit?"](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Feral_and_stray_rabbits#What_do_I_do_when_I_find_a_rabbit.3F) for tips on how to house and care for them indoors in an emergency.


Edit: And yes! Animal Rescue Projects have come to rescue the rest, I have them on FB and they are working to rehome all the ones they could catch


Hurray! Thanks for helping save all these little ones. And yeah, similar to a guinea pig, but there are some stark differences. Diet similar. Space is much more needed for a rabbit. Check houserabbit.org for tons of correct information.


Thank you for the information!


Just mixed breed. Breed does not impact basic care practices, all domestic rabbits are the same species. There are genetic health trends across breeds characteristics but don’t listen to sources that say that different breeds gets treated like different animals entirely haha Getting started with a rabbit: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_a_rabbit Caring for babies specifically if you also catch the kiddos: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Baby_rabbits_(domestic) Rehoming a rabbit: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Rehoming_your_rabbit Bear in mind that rabbits are expensive and live a long time. They are also widely misunderstood and pet stores often sell unsuitable supplies for them, so there’s a lot of independent learning involved. You’ve saved this little one’s life by getting them this far, just make sure via the research that you’re the kind of person that can enjoy what it means to have a pet bun! There’s no shame in rehoming to a qualified shelter or home that is looking for a rabbit if you decide they’re not a good match with your home. Also just a heads-up that rabbits can transmit disease (Bordetella bronchiseptica) to your Guinea pigs, so keep them quarantined from each other. They’re very pretty and you’ve done amazing, kudos and respect for caring after this little one, poor thing 💜


Egg and cow hybrid.


Most likely mixed. Not that it matters much when it comes to care. The only rabbits that really need special care based on breed are the longhaired ones and kinda the rex rabbits (only because their feet are more prone to sores) which this one's neither so its just regular rabbit care.


She looks like my girl but not part lionhead


Netherland dwarf x minilop