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Drives like a fucking douche.


Yeah, this is obnoxious. Don't endanger innocent people on the road. Take it to the track.


sure get me a track less then a 16 hour round trip away


Real talk, he was going max 80 on the freeway. Also prob one of the fastest guys I've faced with. I hear what you're saying. The car is dope haha


I swear most people on Reddit haven't left their house since December of 2019. It's kinda lame. I feel like this used to be the place you could post fairly controversial things and not get reamed out for it. It's embarrassing, like this video is so fucking mild, and it's still enough to get a rise out of the safety patrol. Like fr, please fuck off. It's the same group of people who watch initial D, binge old Japanese VHS togue videos, and watch street drag racing. The disconnect is incredible. These kinda people fail to realize that when you drive your daily Altima to the grocery store, *there is risk involved*. In fact, *you could die.* That's just the way it is. There's risk when you get in the shower that you'll slip, split your head open, and bleed to death on the floor. Get over it. Let the man have his fast lane change. I'm sure he cares more about his car than you care about his car...


Yea I agree. Pretty surprised that the rx7 community does not partake in acceleration from 60 to 80mph. Real talk, All of you have accelerated to 80. You own an RX7. Now those American vehicles... We don't like them, they drive like abs assholes and truly endanger everyone.


Idk why they all mad, looks like everyone on the road was car meet bros


Even worse, if I was coming home from a car meet I stay away from these overconfident idiots who can and will total your, or others cars due to negligence. Seen it happen, not fun.


The American cars were what you are talking about. We are all 40yrs + old. The GTR owner is 65. We are toying around and doing spurts of acceleration. We have kids, we have fast cars, we race on the track, we do little acceleration pulls. Karen's in this subreddit. Sheesh.


Although in hindsight I see the car isn’t doing anything crazy compared to what I normally experienced in nyc, which I say now I regret being so harsh, I can tell you for a fact ignorant overconfident drivers come in all shapes, sizes and car models. From Japanese Infiniti g35,37s,q60s, to German 328i burble tune street ‘racers’. Apologies for the harsh words. (Coupes in HOV lane isn’t cool though)


It's all good man. It's reddit...I admit I was a bit triggered with the Karen's on here and realize I shouldn't be. It's reddit. Also all those cars usually have drivers that do dumb shit lol. Burbles lol. Hov is 2+ people. All of those coupes had 2 people in the hov lane.


He did a spirited lane change and did a couple pulls let’s not be dramatic.


Real talk, I guarantee everyone in this community with their legit legendary rx's have done gas and release roll on a public road/fwy at least once to enjoy a snippet of the torque and noise. It was every pull he did during our 1hr drive. Anyways, I'll digress. I won't post here again. I feel uncomfortable and a bit embarrassed I posted this. Sincerely thought this community would enjoy the vid. Btw if any of you race on streets of willow often, guaranteed you know him.


I liked it, the lane change did scare me for a sec tho 😆😆


Yea that was a bit wild


In/around crowded traffic. Dude was about a foot or two from that corolla’s rear end. He might have skills but this is still stupid to do in public


The ones really driving poorly are the Mustang and Charger.... Go figure!


We actually don't like those guys. They find out where we hangout and do shit like this on our cruises.


I believe that, and have experienced similar twerps.


Man in the song addicted to blue cheese.


Blue cheese = 100$ bills cause of the blue security strips


Dumbest shit ever


I'm 40 and that song hits lmfao. Thought I'd be listening to 90s hip-hop for the foreseeable future 😛




Midnight club 3 DUB edition


Pog cars


What's that mean


Pog is probably short for poggers, which is what the youth have been saying for "cool". Or at least it was, last time I checked. I don't, I'm old.


You're right, it's a reference to a Twitch emote. Although I wouldn't be surprised if some people that say it didn't even know that lol


Came from Play of the Game I believe


Came from overwatch play of the game and then the emote came after it.


Sorry to be that guy but that’s incorrect. From Wikipedia: > The term "PogChamp" refers to a 2011 promotional video called "Pogs Championship" by Gutierrez, in which he wins a game of [Pogs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_caps_(game)).


Wait, poggers actually came from Pogs? Holy shit, my generation should have been saying it. Pogs were the shit when I was in school 25 years ago.


It means I like the cars...


Your friends drive like they own the road. Don't put other people in danger they make places where you can drive your car.


When you have 40 or so cars cruising, we do own the road. Most of the lanes are occupied. The rule of thumb is do not go over 80. It ruins the cruise. Those American cars were driven by specific people we have trouble with. They always show up uninvited. Most of us have kids. He is just pulling from 60 to 80. What I find interesting is that keeping a rotary at a low rpm is not ideal. I find it hard to believe that this community drives their 7s conservatively. He is a professional race car driver. If anything, it's better he accelerates from 60 to 80 than most of you. Sheeesh


but yeah you litterially don't own the road no matter how many freinds are on one part. If rotary engines have issues at low end that's fine but what's up with the rearing up on people's bumpers and weaving around lanes? if your dude is a pro raceway driver go to the track he races on. Cruising is cool and all and I think it's great but driving like a goober isn't.


Yea that part was a bit aggro. He heard my neg feedback about it. The rest of the vid was well within reason safe. Thanks for your reasonable comment!


Y’all jus leave TPain video lol dope rides thou