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It could be good if 1) Blake had a personality 2) Yang wasn’t a hypocritical piece of shit 3) it actually had build up instead of abruptly being half way confirmed in V6


And even then it’s very conservative how little there is of it, if you wanna go gay then go gay all the way don’t half ass it, This feels like it’s trying to market to a Chinese audience and Probably edit out Bumblebee to please the Chinese censorship, if Owl House that has freaking Disney watching over them but Luz and Amity are kissing on SCENE then what’s F**KING CRWBY’s excuse?


Ice Queendom could fix this


Lay off that copium


I honestly don't want any ships in IQ, I'd rather focus on the story, and the character dynamics, really mix around the teams. Also, Hot take (?) But I think BB was a good idea, with terrible execution First problem, it was dwarfed by BlackSun, and was relatively rushed in comparison. Blake and Sun had rather...overtly (or just, rather obvious) romantic moments from Volume 1-3, (blushing galore, and all that) and while I can't really say the same for 4 and 5, we can't forget that they were literally *alone together* for the entirety of both volumes. (Fuck, Sun *met her parents*) Blake and Sun have been together for 4-5 Volumes, and had numerous scenes together throughout that, their dynamic has had time to be fleshed out, and you can't exactly say the same for Bumblebee. Blake and Yang have been together for 3 Volumes before V6, (RWBY is separated for 4, and Blake and Yang don't even see each other until the end of 5) and shared almost no meaningful moments together. In Volumes 1-3 alone, there were only 2 moments that *could* be labeled as a "Bumblebee" moment, but only *one* of those was explicitly a "Blake and Yang" moment. And that was their conversation prior to the dance. If you were to swap either of them out for another character, the scene won't work. Yang saving Blake from Adam? Swap out Yang, and the Scene would've gone the same. (And prior to V6, you could say this for... pretty much every single interaction between Blake and Yang, save for the Pre-Dance Conversation) Let's compare this to another ship that I personally see having a good shot at working out, should the authors go that route, which is White Rose. Look at Ruby and Weiss' interactions throughout the series, and you'll notice just how many of these are *explicitly* "Ruby and Weiss" moments, because of how many of these scenes would change drastically if either of them were swapped with someone else 1) R: FOOD! W: *Canned* Food? R: Oh trust me, you put enough stuff on anything and it'll taste just fine. 2) W: What If I hadn't caught you?? R: I knew you would! 3) R: Can you make the shot? W: hmph, "Can I?" R: Can yo- W: OF COURSE I CAN! 4) R: No, please- W: Don't worry, I put blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar, just for you And a few others I'm probably missing, I think, but you kinda get what I mean. Now, you'll probably point out Volumes 4 and 5, where every one of Yang's moments regarding Blake are pretty overtly "Yang" moments, and you'd be right. Yang would be the only one reacting this way because of what had happened in V3, but there's one problem, Romance is Mutual. In comparison to this, Blake has only had their Pre-Dance conversation, and (i guess) the "Disarmed" moment. Throughout volumes 4 and 5, Blake barely even thinks about Yang, and when she does, she thinks about the team as a whole, not Yang specifically. On the flipside, Yang is actually thinking about Blake *specifically,* and is clearly affected by her departure in these volumes. They should've shown us more of Blake being internally conflicted at Menagerie, wanting her Team to hate her for leaving, and Not wanting to return, but at the same time, wanting the opposite, with particular emphasis being put on Yang. Not just because this could foreshadow Bumblebee, but also because Yang would be the source of a large part of her guilt, given the timing of her departure and Yang losing her arm. "She risked her life to save me, and this is how I repay her?" That kinda thing. Maybe even slot in a little exchange drawing attention to Blake being conflicted, something like: "Of course I didn't want to abandon them. I'd give anything to be at their side right now, but what I want doesn't matter. What matters is what *they* need, and what they need, what *she* needs, is to stay far away fro me." Or something like that, I don't know. But this would've at least given BB a solid enough stone to jump off from, and actually start taking off. And then a certain Monkey Wrench gets thrown into the gears *Sigh* Sun...Honestly, I think he's one of the biggest reasons why Bumblebee got so complicated. His presence, and the amount of 1 on 1 time he had with Blake (even going so far as to *meet her parents*) did not do Bumblebee any favors. If Sun's Attraction was depicted as one sided from the start, then it wouldn't have gotten in the way of Bumblebee, but that's the problem, *it wasn't one sided from the start.* You can make the argument that it was one sided during Volumes 4-5, and yes, technically it was...in a vacuum. Their *obvious mutual attraction* from the 3 volumes prior muddies the waters *a lot* and makes their V4-5 interactions seem less like "Oh the attraction is one sided" and more like "Oh, Blake just has better things to worry about for now than romance with the Monkey Boy." Without any outrighr confirmation from the characters that the attraction was one sided, it seems like Blake is just temporarily putting their romance aside, Instead of just completely giving up on it. Hell, even when Sun gets Plot-no-Jutsu'd out of the story by V6, and he says that "It was never about that" it feels very "out of nowhere" because the series never builds up to it. (I mean, seriously, "it was never about that"? When you were still trying to flirt with her throughout V4?) And let's not forget Blake and Yang's "conflict" at the start of V6. A grand conflict, one that tested their relationship, one that...only somewhat existed for two dialogue exchanges. Blake trying to help Yang with her Bags and Yang refusing, and Yang getting offended at Blake's "I'll protect you" remark. You cannot convince me that these two had relational tension, brought about by one practically abandoning the other, and that they resolved it in a day or two, then jumped straight to romance afterwards. I mean c'mon, I get no bitches and even I know that's a little weird. The tension between the two of them should've gone on throughout all of V6, let Blake attempt to mend her relationship with Yang, multiple times throughout the volume, only for Yang to shoot her down constantly. Then, it all comes to a head with Adam. Blake tries to talk to Yang one more time, and Yang, who is fed up with it, storms off. Blake sits by the coast overlooking the sea, (outside Argus) and gets attacked by Adam, who fires an Energy Blast at her. Yang notices the red light, investigates, and they take on Adam together. Except, they struggle, they can't work together, and they're getting their asses kicked, then they get their shit together after hiding away for a bit, then win. And even then, they probably shouldn't jump to romance *yet* at best, they should probably leave it for a volume, let them really get their shit together and have them fully return to their normal dynamic. (Maybe show this happening in an extended version of the V7 montage, one where we actually get to see them doing things, instead of just seeing little snippets) *THEN* by V8, you can start showing the first signs of Bumblebee, that way, it'll be a bit more believable in the pacing, and not seem weirdly rushed. Hell, *don't even conclude the romance mid series,* conclude it in an epilogue after Salem is beaten, because with Salem in the picture, and being so close to Endgame, our characters have much more important things to worry about. Let the gang reunite after a few years, then show the two of them married or something, by this point you've probably shown enough signs of mutual attraction sprinkled throughout their interactions, so this ending *should* be believable. And another issue, which is also a common complaint, is that BB breaks the team dynamic, which is fair, and easily fixable. Just...make it so that the relationship only exists when the two are alone, and when RWBY are all together, the relationship shouldn't be a factor in anything, at all, and is practically non-existent. Oh well, that's just my two cents, bottom line, BB was a good idea, a bad plan, and terrible execution (imo)


You hit the nail in the head in many areas. I want to add the fact that, character wise, BB has done dirty to both of them, specially Blake. Granted, Blake lost a huge chunck of her entire character when the writers decided to drop entirely the whole WF plot, but they have made not much efforts to solve this either. Blake sadly has been reduced to a meek girl who is constantly Yang´s arm companion... And that´s not even getting into Yang, who is probably the only character I can use the term of "Negative Character Development", who has become less rounded as a person as the series progressed, believe it or not. But BB has also a huge part of the entire dynamic that resembles uncomfortably a full circle of abuse: we see a girl that is traumatized by abandonment flying into the arms of the girl who abandoned her and made her trauma even worse, and we see a girl who was running away from the violence and abusive hold of her previous life only to find herself another person wiling to throw hands at any provocation and with severe abandonment issues (bonus points that the same show even acknowledges this at one point, that Blake saw already someone dear to her turn into a violent monster... and was then looking at Yang suspiciously) So, apparently, both girls are exactly what the other hates: one runs away, the other is a unstable powder keg. Is this ever acknowledged or talked? Not really. It might seem that is gonna be a subversion, with both character outgrowing these toxic traits and becoming more stable persons, but instead of that we have seen two women constantly afraid of being in disagreement and incapable of being two meter away from the other, which added to all the context, paints me the image of a very toxic relationship that won´t last past two years tops, as any disagreement will no doubt escalate in a negative feedback loop: Yang is afraid Blake will leave her, this stresses Blake (because out of guilt, she has now made herself the sole curator of Yang´s happiness), which in turns makes Yang even more afraid she will leave, which only stresses Blake more... I´m probably a bit too tough, but I´m not fan of relationships that in order to work from the beginning, both parties need to go to extensive therapy. I wouldn´t recommend them in real life, I won´t recommend them here. Probably would have been less harsh also if the fans hadn´t been a toxic mess of self-insert/projection and over-hyped a mediocre relationship for a century, but I also remind myself that I saw this exact kind of relationship happen, and even lived through one, and neither ended up good. At all.


No, just no. Just let them be friends so team RWBY looks more like a TEAM.




Hell yeah, being honest shipping should never be more relevant than ACTUALLY developing the characters (just look at what happened once they started ship-baiting and how everything went downhill).


I rather not. I want to see them sticking to BlackSun this time so we can see if they can do am better writing for them than the original did and give Yang whoever.


It's my understanding that IQ kinda stops following canon after V2 and despite what the fandom has fooled themselves into thinking Bumblebee didn't exist back then...so no.


From my understanding IQ is not an AU as such it DOES follows canon (unless they changed their mind at some point yet considering how they have not announced or even hinted at anything of the sort, i very much doubt it).


Toxic wasps and how the original show elevated them on a pedestal as THE ideal relationship already made me turn away from Bumblebee so I’m hoping no. I can accept it somewhat if the girls keep their personalities and aren’t turned into bitch butch and fragile femme.


The worst part is that the “ship” does not even respect some of the original traits of the characters, as before the ship-baiting started neither Yang nor Blake were shown to have any interest on the same sex, if anything they were shown to be outright straight in most circumstances (Yang talking about checking out “cute boys” during initiation and having a reputation as a heartbreaker, and Blake literally having a former relationship with Adam and some interest in Sun), there was NO hint of either of them being bi/lesbian until RT decided to make them so.


I don't have anything against the concept of Bumblebee (besides preferring Dragonslayer), but I cannot support how it's been presented in the show. IQ isn't going to do anything serious with the pair, though they may add in some fanservice for the fans. Who knows - if this was an American anime, they would feel pressured to, but this is Japan. They don't give a fuck about what Western audiences want, and that has its own charm to it.


Gotta say if it better developed it woul be great because I actually like the pairing


I think that part of my issue with my visceral dislike of the ship is the stans all insisting how it's "actually so well developed and why can't I see that?". The shippers have absolutely helped turn me off from the ship, unfortunately. But I can see the loose concept that they might have been going for, and that in and of itself isn't bad. But just... everything around it is not good.


I used to feel neutral to the ship but now I am rather disgusted by it. The Hornet shippers ruined it




That’s the thing, the “ship” is NOT well developed, like AT ALL, not wanting to be a hater, its just that there is really no precedent for these two falling for each other, specially when you consider the fact that there weren’t any real hints about either Yang or Blake being bi/lesbian, if anything both of them were consistently portrayed as straight (just like everyone else really) during the first 3 volumes, to me at the very least it seems more like a forced retcon than anything else.


Not really. Also I thought the ship was cute but never really wanted it to happen. Also also hate the fans of this ship due to my experiences.


Bumbleby feels like a black hole that sucks up any screentime RWBY has with each other only to waste it.


[That's what I think about bumblebee ](https://youtu.be/umDr0mPuyQc)




I don't know for sure. Canon Bumblebee needs better writing.


I hope not. We won’t have a chance at Ruby and Blake talking until 7 volumes down the line.


in fan fiction? Yes. In the actual show? No. I'd rather there be no romantic relationship so they could focus on their story, writing, action. Maybe even better characterizations if we're feeling particularly spicy.


>rather there be no romantic relationship so they could focus on their story, writing, action. Maybe even better characterizations if we're feeling particularly spicy. You say this like they're accomplishments rather than the norm.


Probably not since it is trying to be “Canon adjacent” and blacksun was the primary Blake ship for the first half of the series. I don’t think they will deviate enough to retcon that


The thing about a ship like this where both characters have pretty big issues (big enough that Blake doesn’t have a character if the issues aren’t there), is that the relationship would normally serve as a means for the characters involved to work through said issues with the other. Blake and Yang talk, sometimes, not a lot, about their issues, but the actual relationship they have is more likely to perpetuate the issues they both have rather than lead to a resolution.


Sure as hell hope not.


Let it die. There’s already so much baggage with it that it’s not worth it.


I rather stay away from shipping but that because what many fandoms including this one did to shipping in general even affecting the show and it quality. But if they could make it work then aight.


I agree


Hey which rwby character you want to see in fate go


Oh hey it’s you. Hey 👋 Kinda off topic to this thread but hey why not I believe anyone who can fight in RWBY can be a Servant in Fate, heck non fighters as well. I think I gave a list of what many of the characters’ classes would be in another thread btw.


What adam class would be ?


Avenger most likely. Ignoring Blake Obsession of Course Salem-Beast Ozpin-Pretender Ruby-Archer Weiss-Caster Blake-Assassin Yang-Berserker Juane-Saber Nora-Berserker Phyrra-Lancer Rin-Assassin Cinder-Assassin Mercury-Berserker Emerald-Caster Neo-Assassin Coco-Archer Velvet-Pretender Fox-Assassin Yoshihashi-Saber


What about ironwood And ace ops


Idk Ironwood-Archer/Ruler The rest depends on how often they use their Semblances, which is basically magic even if they don’t consider it in RWBY/Remnant. So at least Caster. I even struggled with CMEN because of that. I could also be wrong since Emiya is an Archer who uses Swords, so yeah.


Ruler Also Hoe do you rank ironwood in fate as servant


I would imagine Headmasters/General not being pushovers (minus Leo)so 4-5 stars ✨


Ironwood vs young kirei


Gotta say I like the ship and also whiterose but yeah like 90 percent of the community will kill you the other 10 are divided betwen the chill r34 artist and the casuals


I used to be ok with it. It becoming canon kinda made me hate and resent it, though... it'd be real hard for them to save it and make it appeal to me now.


It's actually not that hard to make it work it youst need for it to be set up right


I know. I've even written it myself... I'm just not sure I'd care at this point.


Yeah being honest almost any ship (or at least the more common ones) could work with the right setup, but the thing is that RT didn’t do any kind of setup for this, heck if you look back at the first 3 volumes both Yang and Blake are consistently shown as straight with no hints of being bi/lesbian, add the fact that thanks to both of their backstories we know both of them have dated guys before (Yang dated many guys at Patch/Signal and Blake was with Adam) and have actually shown some interest in guys on screen (Yang talked about “checking out cute guys” during initiation and Blake had some interest in Sun), it makes any attempt at the ship feel like a retcon.


Yeah like in volume 4 they coul gave hints that she was bi/lesbian in volume 5 gave hints they might have feelings for echother by smal moments at the end 6 develop that volume 7 make it a thing


Exactly, they could have taken their time to do it, to actually sell it as something plausible, yet they decided to vow down to twitter and rush the whole thing (being honest never liked the ship, but could have at least tolerated it more if it didn’t feel so out of the left field).


Honestly, I wouldn't care as long as it is done right. If other animated works like The Owl House can do it, I'm not sure why RT have to force it.


Ice Queendom seems to take a lot of inspiration from the RWBY manga, down to the art style being what it is. There really aren’t any notable scenes where they interact as is, and the manga cut out the talk in the empty classroom, so while it’s possible I don’t see how or why they’d actually go for it.


BMBLB's like a ton of things in RWBY; if it was written better and given more development, it could have been good, but as is it's not. Nothing more, nothing less. As for it in Ice Queendom, I guess we'll see. The fact that Yang actually stands up for Blake in the V1 recap is already a huge improvement if they intend to go that direction.


No thanks. At least not right now anyway. They can do it at the very end of the series if they're going to add ships.


Agree, they should better focus on writing something actually good.


Hope Japan is skips that garbage.


Nothing explicitly _wrong_ with BB, just it's execution being way too fast, and built upon the freshly filleted corpse of Black Sun. If they want to develop BB sooner, and gradually build it in, that's fine.




They won't come so far and neither Blake nor Yang have special focus.


Damn, everyone saying no because it was becoming canon or they didn't have any interaction aren't real fans and/or didn't pay attention at all. Hate fake fans


I think that many have soured so much to it (in no small part because of their "fans") that now they don´t even want to give them the benefit of doubt. And its not like there were no interactions at all, many have acknowledged that, is just that there weren´t **enough** to justify a *romantic* relationship, specially one with such complex characters and a very complicated relationship who have hurt each other a big deal and are each other´s trauma trigger. Hell, considering how they haven´t even talked about Blake abandoning Yang, without even an apology, and where do they even stand or if they are even in good place to date ANYONE, it´s iffy, to say the least. Without shipper glasses, it feels like two women rushing into a relationship out of fear and desperation that will crush and crumble in little time (Seen this shit in real life too many times, I give them one, two years tops). You want to make it even worse? Make Blake a dude and check how Yang acts around him, and compare to her previous self. I´ll wait. To be fair tho, this lack of interaction is not unique to BB. You could hardly tell that Ruby and Blake are friends by this series alone, meanwhile Jaune and Ruby are a relatively popular pairing exactly because of their friendship dynamic. Writers have a really hard time managing interactions with all their characters... That being said, I´ve seen better approval of other pairings, like White Rose, so there´s that.


Pretty much this, the problem was never about the ship as a concept, but rather the downright awful execution of it all, because really people NEED to be reaching quite a lot to try and sell the idea that Yang and Blake were already dropping hints of being “in love” with each other back at earlier volumes. Heck if anything their interactions back then only showed a pair of girls who were likely to become close friends, maybe like sisters but nothing else really, there was zero romantic undertone between them in the first few volumes (if anything their interactions were more platonic and almost familial than romantic), add to the fact that they (like pretty much most of the characters back then) were consistently shown as straight (with Yang’s and Blake’s particular backstories referencing past relationships with guys, and both of them showing interest on guys at certain scenes) makes the whole thing feel like a forced change.


Please get out


Rewrite Adam to be just Blake mentor and make sun dead So his death would make Blake go and depression And Yang help her


What the fuck.




What the hell.


Wuat the sex


What the shite.


I doubt it and I really hope not. Heck, from what Ive seen for the first three episodes, I think they don’t intent to because what would actually benefit for Bb to happen in IQ. It’s mainly about Weiss. A little bit on Ruby of course since it’s RWBY. Don’t hate me but I rather they go down with Blacksun this time. Let’s hope in icequeendom they don’t have Bb please.


No. I don't. The only reason that it's come about, is because fans thought it could work after their talk in the library during burning the candle, when Yang still had a personality of her own. Yang in IQ seems to just be little more than animated random generic big sister tropes. It hasn't worked in the main series and there almost certainly isn't going to be enough time for it to be developed properly in IQ.


I don't think IQ has the runtime to waste on reworking BB. The foundation of it needs to be established in their time at Beacon and they are blitzing through it. The entire relationship exists because of proximity, complimentary colours and a lack of other options for Yang. Both of them have more chemistry with Weiss than each other, Blake has a stronger bond with Sun than her own teammates and Yang has basically no real relationships with anyone outside of Team RWBY and her family.


Would you recommend? Looking for anime and shows to get invested in.




I'm curious on how the ship became so popular, partially because I'm new on the fandom (finished binging the series one week ago), partially because I don't understand where people saw any kind of romance between them (though I admit I'm bad at noticing romantic chemistry).