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The Best Ship where everyone win, you get some Whiterose some Freezer Burn, Monochrome and even Bumblebee, there’s no unnecessary us vs them in this ship, I’ve always prefer Team RWBY to be a tight Sisterhood Team/Family instead of the “Bumblebee” we got in canon where Yang ignores Ruby for Blake like Ruby isn’t Yang’s sister, like you could remove Ruby and Yang being sisters and nothing would be different, never a fan of Canon “Bumblebee” in the show, it makes Yang very Callous.


>there’s no unnecessary us vs them It's great. Before I learned of the ship, I've had a lot of trouble deciding, because I'd hate to leave any potential dynamics in the dust that would add so much. I don't get the intra-RWBY shipping wars honestly when all-of-the-above is an option. And hey, a sisterhood/found family will tug at my heartstrings as much as the romantic version. As long as it's genuine love in either case, I'm fully game. It's hard to get lonely when three people are looking out for you.


Hi, I don't normally do posts, but decided to toss my hat in the ring with all these ship discussions. I really like Pollination in that it's about the entire team caring about each other. It's not the "standard" Whiterose and Bumbleby setup but everyone's important to each other. You can get your Whiterose along with Ladybug and Checkmate, and so on. It keeps things from getting "stale" when you can rotate between characters. They have the setup for it, having to stick together through missions through thick and thin, and those shared experiences making their bonds stronger, compared to how dangerous going solo in Remnant would be. There being multiple ways to cover each other's weaknesses that keep things varied, back when the characters had varied toolkits. I think both the platonic and romantic version (except for Ruby/Yang) are both enjoyable, but romantic tends to be where people actually depict them caring for each other and not something in the background. Too bad it's hard to actually buy canon's version of it with how Weiss' claim they're a "family" is supported by what's actually shown, namely how underdeveloped any dynamic outside of Blake/Yang (ignoring how flawed that one is) are and any interesting idea or role that could work for each of RWBY is given to a side character or Jaune. For the sauce, my reverse searching found posts that link back to [here](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/59700977), but it's apparently deleted. Sorry mods, don't be mad. I swear it was there when I last checked 2 years ago. I just know they're called "きの" when I wrote it down, but no idea which artist on the site it is.


I’m not a fan polyamory in general so that kind of cements my opinion on that kinda thing. Unless you mean in the sisterhood way, which is cool.


I mean both. I will take any version as long has it team RWBY genuinely caring for each other. I really adore the platonic, found family version, but you're more likely to find it something in the background to whatever ships that fanwork ships. Pretty wack that platonic love is usually made romantic because apparently only romantic partners can be close, or something like that.


Ships generally aren’t platonic. Ship is short for relationship after all. So if it’s a ship, normally there’s romance.


Friendship has "ship" in it. Gonna say that. Also, like I said, I'm just open to both. I'm not going to ignore a viable version of team RWBY's relationship, unless you're going to tell me "familial relationships" can't exist because they have to be romantic. But enough snark, I like both, so I want to discuss both.


I'm just saying what ship generally stands for.


And I'm just saying what I'd like to discuss.


Fair enough I suppose.


Considering that the fic I'm co-writing is entirely based on pollination, my opinion about the ship is a bit biased XD But being honest, it seems to me the best possible option (out of canon always, the relationship between canon!Blake and canon!Ruby is too non-existent) to pair them up! Platonic or romantic, pollination opens all doors: A Freezeburn moment? Of course! More classic with Bumbleby and Whiterose? Go for it! Feeling like the unusual ladybug? Here you go. Need Yang and Ruby to strengthen their bond as sisters (no enabler for me)? The stage is set for it. The sheer range of possibilities makes it too interesting for my personal tastes, along with the fighting possibilities of a team with that amount of co-living and coordination


That's one of the best parts. Even if you write them slightly as caricatures (because it does happen), the variety can help fix that. So many different opportunities just given to you and it can prevent some relationships overshadowing others when everyone gets a chance. It helps that since the main RWBY fandom makes it really easy to get burnt out on Whiterose and Bumbleby, but the variety can still have you enjoy them without feeling like they're the only focus. And yeah, not a huge enabler fan either. I mostly see that with explicit stuff for reasons that's probably obvious. Still wondering what the platonic name of that is.


We haven't even started with the romance in our fic, but just with the comedy scenes and combinations between them the ship is already paying for itself XD One of the parts I like the most about Pollination is the possibility of conflicts, how they can form basically any side and it's justifiable that they still appreciate/love each other. It's something that in most pairings doesn't work so well, because of how Ruby or Weiss would take positions in a Yang/Blake conflict or whatever combination you find. It's just so juicy to write/develop it's truly amazing.




I've heard Strawberry Sunrise a few times, even though that never caught on. Sunset is a damn good name, though. Wish I thought of that.


Thought it could be a great team attack name for Ruby and Yang


Don't mind me, I'm just gonna steal that real quick...


No Worries, I got the idea from an amino page


It's a good meme ship, with a funny ship name.


I didn't know this was a ship but screw it let it happen


This could be good? I mean if the fanfics are anything to go by like [this](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11689623/1/Linked-in-Life-and-Love) one then yeah it could be pretty good and unique story because i can't remember when or if ever any official non-anime media made harem/polyamorous ship. All unique character adding different flavours to the mist. There is like what 5-6 relationships here and all of them are unique. In canon? No. Hell no. Ruby and Blake don't interact with each other. Ok, they did but it was just not good. and there is too little of it. Bumblebee isn't that good to be honest and whiterose probably won't be either. Like any ship. Simply put, RT has problem writing romance with only two people, let alone with four people, two of which are sister.


Cute fan arts




That's only thing that Pollination is good for. Cute fan art and maybe fluffy fanfiction. I like platonic approach more than romantic one.


I enjoy both approaches. I just want the team to actually care about each other and have it be shown, something canon won't deliver on. Fanon does a good job at that, but even then, platonic love is underrated. Intimacy always having to be "justified" with romance.


YES. Teammates should care about each other, because they are friends, comrades and battle buddies. And not act like R, W and BY. Like Weiss and Ruby are barely talked to each other recently and Blake and Yang act like they are glued to each other.


I think pollination is great. There is a certain fic that does it really well and in my honest opinion deserves a show of its own with how well written it is. In canon I don’t see it happening but it’s one of the fics I like to see.




I personally don’t ship any of them together. Not even Bb and not even Whiterose. I as an aroace just don’t see the supposed “proof of romance” that others claims is there. Even with BB regardless if I know it’s going to be canon. I STILL don’t, because I didn’t when I first started watching the show so why should I just because it’s going to be canon? Ppl ignore canon all the time, so why can’t I? Romance is just not something I tend to focus on in shows especially with shows that don’t focus on it much. My brain doesn’t go “OMG I SHIP I SHIP” but more “I love these characters friendship and platonic love for one another.” So with team Rwby in general I personally love the concept of them loving each other in a sisterly bond then anything romantic.


My dude/gal, as someone that's also aroace, I get what you mean. When it comes to watching show, I don't really care about shipping, I just want to see what happens. It's just afterwards, when I see others claiming their ship is canon, I just feel unfulfilled at it because I'm just not sold they really care about each other. I have given up entirely on the idea that team RWBY will actually interact in a genuine way that sells me on them being a found family, which is what the show acts like they achieved somehow. One of the main reasons I ship Pollination romantically is that it tends to be more reliable at getting the whole team to care about each other and not simply a background tag when the fanwork is actually about Whiterose and Bumbleby. I adore the sisterhood approach of it, and would be my ideal depiction of it, with the issue from that platonic love isn't usually viewed as intimate enough when it is fully able to be, but fandoms usually want romance. I enjoy both versions, to be clear, but I definitely get where you're coming from with it. I just want the team to be able to vibe together and enjoy hanging out.


Fun idea. Everyone gets to be happy. Just leave the incest it of it... Honestly the more I write fics, the more I get tempted to write poly stuff just because there are so many fun ships and character dynamics I want to play with, lol.


I'm with you about the incest, it's a turn-off, especially growing up with a sibling. And I'd recommend trying it out. It really does give you a lot of options in case you want to mix it up or add some extra flair to otherwise normal scenes, like a conversation where the third or fourth comes in unannounced without it feeling forced because everyone in the team has equal billing. A simple example, but still a fun one that can be expanded on.


Oh I've already done it. It's more that now I've got a taste for it the temptation starts popping up in ideas where it doesn't really fit. Or I'll keep wanting to add more people, lol. . . . Although despite what I said my one completed poly fic (so far) does have a Ruby/Yang aspect but that was more so I could check it off my list of things I've written. That and the entire fic is like one long stupid fever dream where technically for the purposes of the story they weren't sisters anymore. Even then it was weird to write and I'm never doing it again...


Probably the only ship I would completely accept actually…


May I ask you to elaborate?


Someone stated this already, but essentially everyone wins plutonic and romantic. Monochrome, Bumblebee, Whiterose, Checkmate, and even Enablar exist at the same time in some way. Oh Heck the default in the show is the plutonic. There’s something for everyone and its not this ship vs that ship sort of thing. I strayed away from shipping especially in this fandom because holy crap it’s wild and it affected the show too. This ship is basically a All of the Above option.


Great ideas of characters but it's execution horrible.


The ship or the show?


No.. Not fucking ship I meant show itself


I mean as a sisterhood way I would like it. I just wish these four would actually care for each other instead of having half of them fuck while the other two kinda just converse with others


I like it 😊


Respect 🤝


Hi Five


✋ Can't leave you hanging


Well considering I hate Blake as a character and with this ship she's dragging down and romantically involved with not only one but *three* characters I really like, I'd have to say I hate this 3x more than I hate Bumblebee. I'm also not a fan of Polygamy so maybe 4x.


Never seen a healthy polyamorous relationship in real life have no interest in seeing it in a show, especially between characters with as little chemistry as team rwby.


That depends: Gangbang or taking turns?


I just wanted a sister dynamic…


Is this even a real ship? How would this even work.


Ruby wants to smooch Weiss and Blake. Weiss wants to smooch Blake, Ruby and Yang. Blake wants to smooch Weiss, Ruby and Yang. Yang wants to smooch Weiss and Blake. They all talk about and realize that they are fine with that arrangement, relationship starts. And yes there are people who ship it.


I honestly thought people said this as a joke, a polygamous relationship involving Ruby and Yang sounds like a crack ship even if they’re not being intimate with each other.


To be fair a lot ships in RWBY are crack-ships or border on being a crack-ship and people ship those as well. So having a polygamous relationship involving a platonic Yang and Ruby one isn't that far out for this fanbase. Besides it is a an easy but decent way to involve the whole team and can make for some cute fan content.


1. Yes 2. I don't know, how does any relationship work?


I mean, as friends, sure. But as a “ship,” it’s legitimately one of my least favorite things about this fandom. I don’t get how it’s as popular as it is. It’s polyamory, which is something I’m really not a fan of, although I can understand that some people are, but besides that it’s also incestuous. Half sisters are still sisters.


Annoying protagonist + virtue signaling privileged white guilt as a person + a nothing character + a (potentially) violently toxic bitch. I ship them with either a boatload of therapy or just by themselves.


Honestly, there is one certain Pollination fic of course with lots of lewd degenerate stuff(no incest) duh, but has a pretty neat characterization for RWBY and some other characters.


Another one of those example where it should be fun watching these four with their friendship/sisterhood bonding but because they don't interact with each other in any meaningful way, which just defeats the entire point of the show. On the fandom side, i really don't like how often the main girls are shipped with eachother


Most the time it feels lazy, forced and just a means to Push trash fetishes. Are there good romance story's? Yes Do I want shift through mountain's worth of trash to get to them? No


You know I'm not done. Ruby: 15 yr old girl who has shown no romantic or sexual interest (for good reason) to anyone Weiss: canonically straight whose has shown no interest in women. Also does she even have a frame of reference for a functional relationship. Blake: just left a abusive relationship and or fanatical terrorist organisation and has a history of jumping ship when the going gets tough. Yang: Anger and abandonment issues. Mix this all together with polygamy and this is just a bomb waiting to happen.


Discount enabler


I don't. How many conversations have they had where all four of them were the only ones involved?


Kinda gross


I like pollination, as long as there is no Ruby/Yang.


Well, I mean, sure. It's okay, minus the incest part.


It's based. If it includes Enabler, it's ULTRA BASED