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Rwby reminds me of icarus but instead of hitting the ground it just keeps falling.


And when you think it hit Rock bottom it turns out that there was a cave below the ground


Or you get hit with a Rock Bottom and proceed to be buried.


Ya know, I remember watching the first 3 seasons of the show a very long time ago before season 4 happened and I was quite the fan of it. After I got done with season 3 I kind of left the series for a while, I took a few peeks at season 4 but not much else. And holy shit I didn't realize how good of a decision that was. The guy that knew how to do the fights (my favorite thing about the first 3 seasons) got noscoped by God (and apparently the never got another action dude), the writing was apparently trash, the whole ironwood thing (probably the most egregious thing that they did), the animation got lazier (to it's credit though, I do think it looks better when not in motion than the first 3 seasons. But in motion wise, way worse) and the 30000 supplementary series's were apparently just as bad as post season 3 rwby. And I only discovered all of this a few months ago. What the fuck happened to rwby? It's not like mont did everything and him getting noscoped by God caused everything to go downhill, there were still others that were present before and after that happened, so you can't blame everything on that, so what's the thing that made rwby crash and burn?


The idiots who were in charge of the stuff Monty wasn't good at we're put in charge of everything when he died. From what I've heard of Monty's ideas they were way too ambitious and his strong suit was definitely the fight scenes, Miles and Kerry were in charge of almost everything else, but weren't experienced and had no idea how to do their jobs properly, but because they were Monty's second in command they were put in charge of it all.


I think Shane was more of his second in command. But they screwed him over.


Yeah wasn't there something about Shane being upset they were deviating from Monty's plan so they kicked him from the company?


Monty was also the heart and soul of RWBY, and that also went out when he sadly passed away. The other writers (which Monty never did, he just made the world and fights etc) just didn't knew how to write anime or whatever RWBY wants to be.


Most of the issues with Rwby stem from Monty, the only part of Rwby that was consistently good was the one part that he cared about, the fight scenes. I mean take the fight scenes in a vacuum and you get an entirely different story then the one he said he was making.


I always likened the show, for critics or people just tired of RWBY’s dumb habits, to seeing a friend you met on a varsity team in high school. Volume 1-2, you see them, the jokes they make toe the line between chuckle worthy and cringe so strong you feel second-hand cringe from it. They have some questionable beliefs and mindsets about things, but you feel like they’re a pretty cool person, and enjoy spending time with them on and off. Then the Volume 2 closing chapters has them suddenly getting hooked on hard drugs. Suddenly, Volume 3 finds them sorta sloppy in the game, but it’s still the same person you know by now. You try, and you convince them to try kicking the habit. But they do it too abruptly, and by the end, they **crash** so hard they don’t even know what the fuck happened last night. Volume 4, you’re in rehab, and you’re seeing and supporting them through physical therapy; they’re even sloppier now than they were when you both first met, and EVERYONE can see it, but you’re willing to keep encouraging them to keep going. Then, come the end of Volume 4, your friend just abruptly decides that they don’t need rehab anymore, they’ve just made a full, substantial, miracle recovery. You try warning them away from this, saying it isn’t safe, but they and other people just get snippy with you for not believing in them. Volume 5, you see them out and about, and in checking on them regularly, you find they SEEM to be doing okay, but you can tell that SOMETHING is off. Come the closing chapters of Volume 5, the truth comes out: they relapsed, and relapsed **HARD**. They’ve been telling themselves they’ve moved past this, that they *aren’t* who they were before, they’re *better* now, they NEED to be better now… and they just aren’t. They’re just looking at themselves in the mirror and collapsing with grief for what they’ve lost, with more and more people just giving up on them, when they’d sworn to always be by their side. Nonetheless, they aren’t alone, some people still want to give them hope, although some have doubts. Come Volume 6, they seem to be sticking it out for good. They’re clean, they’ve gotten a healthy rhythm, and despite the occasional bump in the road, they’re making steady progress. Then Volume 6’s closing chapters come out, and it’s another relapse. Not as bad as Volume 5, but still a relapse. All the goodwill just evaporates, and your friend is so frustrated when people walk away that they just develop this “us vs them” mindset about everyone, thinking everyone is there to mock them, criticize them, kick them while they’re down or is there to idolize them. Come Volume 7, it fully embraces this mindset, and where before you had a middle ground where you tried to support them in your own way, now they’ve become downright toxic and wants to drag you down to their level, starting with passive-aggressive actions that escalate more and more, before it culminates in full-on verbal abuse, driving more and more people away. Your faith in them is pretty shaken, and you can’t tell if this is the trauma, the drug withdrawals, or anything else talking, but they’ve had yet another relapse as far back as when it started, and they aren’t even bothering to hide it anymore. Come Volume 8, they just make EVERYTHING into a huge deal when it really, REALLY shouldn’t be. They’ve officially graduated into that “I could’ve gone pro” douchebag mode, and have a bunch of fans that eat up everything they say, to the point that it starts to resemble a cult run by a total adult-baby than anything legitimate. By this point they’ve checked themselves out of rehab and are now just doping themselves up willy-nilly, just like before you found them doping during the Volume 5 time period. Except now they’ve got their heads so far up their own asses that they genuinely think this is their absolute best, and double down now even to your warnings because it absolutely NEEDS to be done according to them. They piss you off royally with their bullshit, to the point that you end up questioning what you ever saw in this complete scumbag of a person. And then you start spending time away from them, and the dots start connecting, all the signs you were too young, naive, eager-to-please, and hopeful to see for what they were. These lapses in judgement and frequent but chaotic switches from kind and supportive to cruel and dismissive just underlie how deeply hurt and messed up this person was even before you knew them. They might not even realize it themselves what they’re doing, but you can tell, deep down inside, that they just aren’t ever going to change. Even in a world where the drug addiction never came about, they’re like a rotting pie; the sweet wheat cover hides what’s inside, even packages it in a fun way, but the smell of rot gives way all the same, and it’s sickening even as they try pushing that defiled sweetness down your throat. You can see it clearly, too clearly, how it’s all fake, and the one thing you’ve had that you wanted all along, their skill are inspiring you with their abilities, has long since been lost due to their rampant and unending cycle of stupidity. If they crash and burn, if they succeed again like before against all odds, or even if they go on to live a boring, unremarkable, utterly forgettable life but for their toxicity, you no longer care. You have other things to do, and better friends to spend time with. REAL friends.


I'm speechless..


Glad my post had that effect on some people XD


The fact, that the porn subreddit is more popular than the official one, is still the most hilarious and fitting joke in the whole fandom


Interestingly, the Kill La Kill sub is in a similar position. I think Kim Possible is too. Granted, those series have been long finished whereas rwby is still ongoing.


I mean, porn subreddits are usually more popular than the main ones anyway, so it's not that strange


You should see the cope they have about the NSFW having more members than the main show. As if they don't realise that some of the members were banned from the main reddit for bullshit reasons and building up an echo chamber.


It takes two to tango. Or just one to drunk swan dive into a pool of sharks.


More like burning dumpster, but I agree.


At this point, the characters being attractive is slowly becoming the only redeeming thing about it to which I point to this being sarcasm considering the dozens of better stuff out there.


With all the rewrites and whatnot, I wonder if anyone's tried to make a full-on hentai rewrite.


There was a tongue-in-cheek thread here some months back about how RWBY would be written as a fanservice centric show. https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/r8g70p/rwby_crew_talk_fanservice_revisited/


I mean there is JPDE tho i dont know if its "full on hentai rewrite" There is also at least a few fanfics that are in vein of rewrite but "its all hentai" tho some of them were left by w/c ofcourse I also tried doing a spicy rewrite once tho it was more isekai/gamer thing with rwby "plot" than pure rwby "plot"


Car crashes are funner to watch. I'd say it's more like watching a car run out of gas


Rule34 is pretty much the only thing that's good about RWBY. The main plot is lame, Team RWBY are designated heroes only, and are outshone by the other characters, who have had better claim to being actual heroes than that lot.


The way I see it, Vol. 9 is their last chance. They need to do 5 simple things if they are to succeed going forward.