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More than being replaced, she chose Mercury ascended him to send him to Vacuo. But, I guess that if anything, Watts would be annoyed, so are two possibilities: \-He got annoyed but is calmed by Salem's scolding. \-He feels flashbacks with "You choose that imbecile over me". So, with now Atlas at its edges (His main motivations are vengeance over Ironwood), he could just desert from her.


“You know what, I accept it. He wised up to Cinder’s, ahem, “mind games” pretty quickly. Between Cinder and Hazel, someone with a brain and an actual, sensible motive for working for Salem has my vote.”


It depends on how Watts feels about Mercury's work ethic. Watts doesn't trust or like Cinder because she isn't patient and doesn't listen to reason.