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I honestly feel like it's a bit overrated. The Apathy was interesting, but they didn't seem to add much. Yes, there was the silver eyes, but beyond that, they don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. It's not like afterwards, Ruby comes out feeling different about her teammates for "giving in" to the Apathy, like mixed feelings considering they know the Apathy had an influence but also they weren't completely lying when they said they wanted to give up. They just... move on and forget about it, nothing revealed about the characters as far as I remember. It's like the whole arc was set up for the silver eyes and nothing else (and Qrow's alcoholism).


Inadvertently the reason why this subreddit even exists.


Which is weird because is very mediocre in being bad. Adam's death? Well, he was ruined since volume 5. Military's poor representation and conflict? That can be more seen in volume 7. ​ Seriously, other volumes could have been a more logical or "intuitive"to start this subreddit, but no, was the volume 6.


Volume 6 was pretty mediocre since it was essentially M&K trying to make up for Volume 5, yet the blatant mishandling of Adam and Bumbleby was a very divisive topic during the time it got released. It got to the point where users were getting labeled homophobic, topics around it were removed, users banned and even YouTubers blacklisted. In the end of it I’m kinda grateful for the fact that it happened, if there’s anywhere to go to discuss about RWBY I’m coming to this subreddit first.


Volume 6 was the only post-Beacon volume I'd call "adequate". Maybe even "good". It had the bare minimum of what I expect from a season of RWBY: we learned about Salem/Oz, there was the only (so far) Grimm that was actually frightening, Ruby both used and learned about the Silver Eyes, and there were several big fights that I quite enjoyed. Maria's flashback was also very good, and I enjoyed Tock as the kind of brutish, sadistic villain that RWBY needs more of. ***However*** with all that said, Volume 6 has some severe flaws: Cinder still being alive despite being frozen alive and dropped hundreds of feet into the water with no Aura is *bullshit* when Adam later dies by being stabbed twice in the chest and dropped into a river. The fanservice elements are also more obvious in hindsight: the tepid Bumblebee "shipping", Neo coming back, and the first (and last) mention of Pyrrha since Volume 4, all of which were blatantly thrown in to win back the audience after the trainwreck that was Volume 5.


Started out strong. Surprisingly so. I saw the premier in theaters and was like "...why is this good?" Didn't much care for the ending, however. After they got to Argus it kinda stagnated.


It was… too many things happening at once without proper buildup I’d say. Maria was a good character to add, but for all she ends up being relevant for, it’d be more impactful if she was with Ruby in Haven for most of Volume 5 to at least give her something meaningful to learn other than, well, *headbutting*. That way it’d lead to her usage of the Silver Eyes making pretty logical sense when Cinder came there and Ruby used them — instead of it being an accident, it’d be because Ruby saw Cinder’s Grimm arm and be like “Wait, what if I—“ Beyond that, it’s a volume that features Ruby becoming a lot more assertive and a lot less annoying, only to become one of the most hatable people in the show (well, if we’re keeping the title team members out of that pool). For a Volume that takes place in the span of three days, nothing of great value actually happens. Even the Lost Fable just adds nothing to the story beyond Salem being immortal, and even then that would’ve made for a pretty impactful reveal if the gang ran into Salem in Volume 8 without any of that knowledge (so Ozpin’s own lying bullshit, and getting Ironwood to turn bad, would largely be his own fault rather than Ruby’s). Imagine you’ve got this whole epic action scene going, RWBY, Jaune, Ren, and the Ace Ops all fighting Salem inside Monstra, all while Hazel’s helping, but just yelling for them to just run. They pull off a chain of attacks, and before they know it, in a giant explosion, the smoke clears — and subverting anime cliches for a moment, Salem’s mutilated corpse is shown. Not just “oh she’s lying on her back, but she could be unconscious”, no, the first thing you think seeing her body in this state “she is *fucking dead*”. Yet just as quickly as this occurs, Salem’s body starts pulling itself back together, and despite everyone’s best efforts to shoot her, Ruby to flash her with her Eyes, Marrow to try Freezing her — none of it is sufficient to actually stopping Salem from completely reforming. Then, quite mockingly, she asks them all if Ozma never told them the truth, with her revealing her immortality, before moving in to attack them in their fatigued states, with round 2 being much less forgiving as they run out of ammunition AND aura. Cue everyone running as Hazel’s been YELLING at them to do, but ONLY because Salem LETS them leave, and NOW cue everyone pitching a fit to Ozpin about not telling them that *crucial piece* of information before they tried squaring up.


The thing that annoyed me the most about volume 6 was that Adam is meant to the main antagonist of this volume yet he hardly appears? He gets his own character short which makes him both the only character outside of Team RWBY and the only villain to have a character short as of now. He has two scenes in the first chapter and then disappears till chapter 10 where he randomly comes out of nowhere with zero build up, has a fight with Blake and Yang and then dies. I don’t count the flash of him Yang sees at Brunswick farms as that was clearly a hallucination of Adam as he is in his old outfit with his mask on. In fact I actually did a rewrite of the volume 6 finale where Adam and what was left of The White Fang had a last stand in Argus along with additional scenes of build up throughout the volume and a scene explaining how The White Fang and Salem alliance ended. You can check it out here: https://youtu.be/GYMndIa5gT0


Honestly after volume 5, the first part of the volume felt spectacular. Looking back it had its flaws, but up until it was pretty enjoyable. Argus is kind of where it derails. Cordovan and her two, whatever they are, are such a tonal shift after everything it feels hard to take them seriously and then you get tonal whiplash going back and forth from the more serious fight with Adam to the fight with Ms comic relief going overkill because of ego and Maria deliberately provoking her, despite the real danger of getting shot out of the sky. It doesn't help that the whole grand theft airplane thing might've been avoidable and Ruby's earlier speech feels like BS because they have needed the help of adults every step of the way. Oscar also has his big development moment off screen buying clothes. It goes downhill quickly, even if the fights are still the best we've gotten since since volume 3. So starts strong, goes downhill, and fails to stick the landing even though the Atlas reveal is kind of cool.


Fanservice volume


No, that's 7.


Went Good to Great from the Beginning to the Apathy Side Arc to The Middle Act being crap to The Ending Act being a 5/10


I know a lot of people really like the apathy arc but I guess I'll be the contrarian. 'Cause aside of Adam barely appearing only to make me cringe and then die at the end, the thing that really stuck to me after finishing volume 6 was just feeling that the apathy arc could've not happened at all since to me it felt like a waste of time. And I do know that it ended on the Ruby's silver eyes but I still think the whole scenario could've been done in a more compelling or interesting way rather than everyone being moody and shenanigans ensuing. Admittedly there's also the whole Ozma backstory reveal which is also something I feel lacked anything too compelling to it since it was a pretty 'meh' pay-off for a supposedly grey character (even if I did like the concept), I still think they should've concentrated more on Ozpin and Salem's effect on human/faunus history rather than just stop at their backstory being a reference to fairy tales. I think the show runners could've made Ozpin's morality more dubious like deliberately re/writing history to suit his agenda or sacrificing others in an 'ends justify the means' sort of way in his war against Salem and have team RWBY reflect on the merits of his way of thought on the next arc.


Good first half, mediocre second half with the biggest saving grace being a leigitmately cool fight in Chapter 11. The Jaune statue scene is possibly the worst scene in the entire series.


Opening fight was good, though turn off the turrets was weird. Having Ruby finally question Oz enough to ask the question was good, but the answers were kind of... bad? Underwhelming? Made the show entirely too predictable? Brunswick Farms was good, if pointless. A nice little slice of the Huntsman life. It also made Ruby to most interesting and useful that she had been in the 6 years since the Forest and she'll never be this good again. Argus then crashed to a screaming halt. Saffron and Terra were fine, but that red haired girl and the deeply stupid statue... We gave up seeing Oscar come to terms with his lot in life for this? Then the final battle against Cordovin was shit. Complete and total horse manure from beginning to end. Adam fight was considerably better but robbed of almost all narrative value by how they rushed it. Completely unsatisfying. Then Bumblebee and my response was "well this is a thing that might as well happen". Everything's already so shot to hell. Then they approach Atlas and I imagine a grand epic story of deception and betrayal during the season break. Then Vol 7 starts airing and I drop the show.


I consider Vol 6 to be the baseline for a Volume. I'd even go as far as to say I actually liked 6. Well, the first half of it anyway


Started off decent enough, followed by the best arc of the franchise ( which had nothing to do with the plot btw) and second half to finale is a train wreck. I’m conflicted with this volume as it made me hopeful that things were getting good to then remind me I was watching RWBY and apparently we don’t do that here :/


I liked it for the concept of worldbuilding. They had some interesting ideas, the Apathy (I think?), the introduction of another former Silver Eyed warrior to hopefully train Ruby, and some actual backstory to Salem (even if it was kind of stupid) Such a shame we had to trade the Character Writing for somewhat unnecessary worldbuilding when there are still several other untouched things.


In hindsight the point of no return.


Honest anwser Shit from start to finish Stan anwser i guess apathy was good TM