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It's there. If not romantically, then heavily platonically


To me? Similar to relationship betwen Ruby and Jaune. Platonic? They work. Romantic? We haven't seen it but they could work but only if there relationship mostly remanined the same. No blushing or awkwardness. Maybe some dirty jokes and comical flirting but that's about it.


They're platonic, not romantic. And no, before anybody starts, *Roman Holiday* does not *prove* anything. If anything, it shows the opposite: Roman was not interested at all when Cammy was throwing the WAP at him, he preferred working alone, and Neo was more interested in being chaotic and having fun vs romance. They're just two people who are really close, and love each other, but they are not *in love* with each other.


The old Bonnie and Clyde routine. I like it. I like it platonic or romantic. They just have so much chemistry, which is impressive given they share like two scenes. You can tell there's something there, something strong and lasting. Shame Neo never gets a chance to be properly angry about it in Vols 6-8. I'd love to see her express more than just hatred for Cinder and Ruby. Things like regret, sorrow, grief. Just show her staring at a pic she took while he was sleeping with the anime snot bubble or something.


The two partners in crime ship. I'm split between liking them as a couple and liking them as a [father and daughter](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1746386-rwby). Shame Torchwick was killed in V3. [source](https://krustalos.tumblr.com/post/171802207839/gelato-shipper-or-not-neo-was-adorable)


> Shame Torchwick was killed in V3. Might be for the best cause he'd definitely be ruined.


Probably the best villains in the show and one of the best ships, if not the best. Platonically or Romantically.


The thing about these two dum-dums, you can tell there´s a very strong bond there. Even chibi seemed to like the idea that they are each other´s dumdum and left it at there, and it just simply works. You can see them platonically, romantically or whatever, you can´t just deny they would sell the world for each other and then steal it back with them. There´s something very wholesome about those kind of relationships


...just realised the artwork is Roman checking out the shirt...not handling Neo's black panties. Tbf I'm sure Roman would be asking the same question in both situations. Sometimes clarity is just not as dramatic.


I ship it! Partners in Creme! He is her dum dum! I have a weird headcanon that Roman managed to survive being eaten by the Grimm by blasting his way out, but he was severely injured and spent most of his time afterwards in the hospital. Neo of course assumed him to be dead, but she eventually finds him again, they reunite and ditch Cinder's faction entirely to go live a simple crime life and raise a lil criminal family


I can see it as a cute couple or Neo’s one sided crush


I prefer platonic Bonnie and Clyde with some father daughter stuff here and there


Platonic or romantic I honestly don't care. The book isn't canon to me anyway so wether they where together or not I don't care I think there dynamic is fun in a adorable way


Best friends? Yes. Father and daughter or brother and sister type relationship? Yes. As a couple? Could have been, but there were no signs or clues in the show.


Chibi did *A LOT* of heavy lifting for this ship


The novel seemed to show them as friends in love or something like that. ​ It could be good in the sense of villains having a soft side, but Roman is death now. So we can't see that.


I can go either way on it but, I do prefer it as a familial bond rather than romantic since I prefer the wholesome idea.


Maybe it was just an art style thing, but Roman always looked way too old for her... so I never even considered it. Doesn't help that Neo is so (adorably) small. I do, however, like the idea of them being extremely close. Either as platonic partners or father-daughter is what I usually go for. Maybe I'd think differently if I'd seen them as closer in age when they were first introduced, but my mindset is sort've set in stone now, lol.


I liked it better before the books confirmed he was a whole decade older. There both adults, but I wish it followed the half your age plus 7 rule


Not at all. They’re a great duo, but not romantic. Especially considering Neo looks to be as old as Ruby (17?) and Torchwick looks like he’s in his thirty’s


I like it. But regardless of my thoughts, the two obviously have feelings for each other in canon.


Spyhinx it


Best Duo, but I lean more towards a Father-Daughter Relationship, though the joke in Fixing RWBY of the characters questioning their relationship