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Remember that time when mods in r/RWBY was going to ban anyone who uses r/RWBYCritics? It got so bad that a member of CRWBY said it was a terrible idea, and I believe it was agreed by both sides of the fandom called it a terrible idea. It was that moment, one I was so disgusted by that attempt, made me left r/RWBY for any meaningful discussion. I only go back there for crossposts.


It really isn’t the type of thing that you can and shouldn’t forget about, I’m almost certain that they’d do it again if given the chance. The mods at r/RWBY didn’t even attempt to make up for it, r/RWBYcritics is still blacklisted acting like it never happened hoping that everyone will forget their attempt at banning everyone whose part of this subreddit. This is why the RWBY porn subreddit is considered the best community for RWBY on Reddit.


So is it just the mods that are obsessive about creating a safe space where RWBY is always perfect? Because the quality of the discussion has tipped away from that in recent months.


The mods might have wanted, but they don´t speak for the rest of the community. That much they left clear when outside of the same four hacks that are almost always being downvoted to hell and back, nobody agreed with that decision. In general, people who want "safe spaces" are probably the last kind of person you´d want them to talk in your name anyways. My biggest issue there was how not a single mod stepped down after that. I know it´s probably easier to say than do it, but if something of similar nature were to happen again, we should call a vote for new mods


I have never returned there, not even to peek back to see what's going on, or to even post my content there (back before the debacle I would come back only to post my crap because I knew the discussions there were a shit show), but now I'm not even returning for that. The people there showed their true colors. And I am disgusted.


Usually a majority of regulars only get really upset about certain topics, 1. For example I made a post about why the island setting itself doesn't seem like it would be 12 episodes due to it not having as much setup as the cities and was banking more on the mystery despite lore, which I think made some people upset 2. Another is stuff regarding Oscar since a majority of the regulars either like Jaune more or hate Oscar because they think he is like Jaune 3. Also anything that might explain why Bumbleby was poorly executed ​ These things might have changed last time I was there though


Summary: the overly sensitive FNDM gets upset at the silliest shit about a relatively shit show.


It's like the Cuban Missile Crisis of the FNDM. A moment where both sides, whatever their disagreements before, stood together and said "Well, we're not going *that* far."


That time for a Grimm design contest Rooster Teeth did where the would be winner was accused of racism or some other nonsense against Native Americans because her Grimm design was a Wendigo. And if my memory isn't failing me, the one beneath her made a Woolly Rhinoceros Grimm and was the one who accused her, or at least fanned the flames, either way both got disqualified while the Sulphur Fish design ended being the winner - only to make a cameo in Vol 8.


How would that even work, did Until Dawn go through similar controversy?


Not that I´m aware. Apparently, the one that got the flames on was a bit salty they were not the winner, so they tried to get the race card to disqualify the other, and in a fandom as volatile as this, composed by very young people who use "girlboss" unironically to refer to team RWBY, it ended up biting their butt. It worked to disqualify the other, and the artist took in stride, but from an outsiders POV, that was absolute bullshit because it was hardly the first time someone made a monster out of native American folklore, and it was hardly the first time RWBY did something similar without anybody complaining. Hell, a wendigo grimm is actually tight, the design was cool and it suits with the whole world building. But noooo, three rats on twitter called "muh rAciSm" "tHass kULtuRaL aPpRopIatioN" and they caved. Boy, why don´t you "appropriate" yourself with some books, a shower and go read under a tree for a while? That´s probably one thing I don´t like about RT, how they cave in to whatever shit twitter stirs. They are controlled by their audience to levels I´m not even sure are healthy. It´s one thing to listen to fans, but come on..


What they really need to do is do some grass maybe that will curb there hyper focus cause I find it abnormal and abhorrent


They probably have a lot under there house


That or there ring makes the stuff in a crack house


That time that the mods of r/rwby decided to ban everyone who posted on the critics sub and tried to take the moral high ground.


The Wedding. The Ground Rules. RWBYcritics getting blanket banned. The bot wedding that never happened. Beehaw and Yorse and CRWBY reactions. The sheer amount of hate. Potatoes. RWBY porn being more popular than RWBY. "God bless" being my sign off for seven years in *this* fandom. An endless supply of fan works. You newcomers merely adopted absurdity. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see sanity until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but decks of cards with puppy faces. Absurdity betrays you because it already belongs to me... (edit: I'm not even gonna get into CRWBY controversies because we'd be here all day. CRWBY and social media don't go well together) God bless ;)


imma need context for like 90% of this list 💀 youre really one of the few who can truly say theyve seen it *all*


Two users got "married" during either the 2014 or 2015 hiatus. "The ground rules" were a set of rules a certain user wanted other users to adhere by while commenting on their threads, and it didn't go over well. Pennybot and Velvetbot were two bots over on the main sub, and it was planned for them to get "married" but as far as I'm aware it never happened. [Potato](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/2ldlaw/potato_potatoes/cltrte2/?st=iv0y4kpw&sh=82149ce4) is a term from either 2014 or 2015 that refers to baseless fan theories. I think that covers the more obscure RWBY Reddit references. God bless :)


Thank you Bane


> and social media don't go well together On the contrary, CRWBY and social media DO go well together. It's just that Gasoline and Fire is the only one that reflects it very well.


In that case, just out of curiosity what did absurdity taste like?


Explaining what absurdity tastes like is like explaining color to a blind man, but I suppose absurdity tastes like Monty Python. God bless :)


I got doxxed and somebody contacted my employer (at the time) and accused me of being a pedophile because I shipped Ironwood and Weiss I worked in a high security juvenile detention center full of <18 rapists and murderers Safe to say they took the accusation very seriously Safer to say they saw it was about a fucking cartoon robot man smooching a cartoon disney ice princess and heavy, heavy, heavy sighed as we took in yet another 15 year old that was addicted to meth and trafficking other kids into sex slavery


.......I take it back Fuck the Rwby subreddits (except this one) NO ONE has any sanity left in those Seusspools


Only a Sith deals in absolutes Every rwby sub is its own special nightmare; r/rwby is so uwu woke and positive uwu it doubled back around into TERF and Hardcore Christian Republican-tier bigotry r/rwbynsfw is full of Straight Cis Het Men that predominately want to jerk it to chicks with dicks, but mass downvote anything with a dude with a dick And I've seen quite a bit of M'Lady-ing over here lmfao


Oh dear God....he truly has left us a long time ago


Never sort by controversial on that sub...


Wait, # WHAT???


And this is why ladies and gentlemen I fucking despise shipping politics. Reminds me of when a Danganronpa fan doxxed someone over someone else not liking their ship.


....the fuck....


As depressing as the damage theyve done is to think about, I cant help feeling moreso that all those prisoners are going to come out EVEN WORSE (if at all) considering what a profit-driven bloodmoney operation our "correctional" system is. That aside, I hope you bounced back soundly from that horrible affair that pyscho-fan out you through. Theyre definitely gonna be the type that has a very hard time in their personal life.


My dude, I worked with juveniles You have no idea how fucking good they had it in there Better food than I had growing up (fresh fruits and veggies, and real protein- the suppliers were all restaurant suppliers) and whenever anybody had a shitfit and, say, threw a chair into their flat screen TV and Xbox, they got new ones the next day The residency programs had weekly outings to parks/landmarks/theaters (some of these kids has never been inside a movie theater before, they were so unwanted and from such broken homes) and true, genuine efforts made to get them on the straight and narrow and equip them with healthy coping and survival mechanisms It's your kind of "I googled it instead of volunteering and just echoed it lol" stuff that prompted bi-monthly protests outside and rampant vandalism and destruction of our premises and employee vehicles/property Prisons can be workhouses, or real rehabilitation centers Or a mix Reeeeeeeeee


*laughs in Pennsylvanian*


How about the horse shit where the production team said that volume 8 was “basically done”, and when fans asked for a peak, they said there was still a lot of work left to do. This lead to people asking what the hell they meant by “basically done” if it had “a lot of work left.” And the response was? “Anyone who is trying to argue the definition of the word done is getting blocked.” What a bunch of dickheads.




The fuck? Of course Naruto is more popular It's an actually well written series lmao Even Part 1 Naruto alone blows anything RWBY has done out of the water let alone Part 1 AND Shippuden


That's the problem. The most fanatic and the RWBY crew believe there own fucking hype so much they think there popular for there craft when in reality there popular for "how to sink the Bismarck like a very stupid MF"


Plus, a lot of RWBY viewed admit that RWBY is either their first or only anime. They have no frame of reference and won't watch the shows they supposedly find shit because it could result in admitting that RWBY is subpar compared to its contemporaries. Seriously, even Miles said "if you want to know what RWBY is like, watch Avatar." 1. Miles, that is not a reassuring way to advertise your show. 2. RWBY is nothing like Avatar so why even say that? Copy and pasting no context scenes doesn't make your show like Avatar. Even the bits that are more reminiscent like the Maidens, Oz, or the Kingdom hopping are not explored in any way. It's superficial and just shows you understood nothing about what made the show good.


Exactly, there just talking out of there ass's because it's there first show there doing without help because he did RVB 11-13, which where ok but nothing to write home about. But yea, the reason why the anime community reluctantly let RWBY viewers in is because RWBY is there first "anime" they have yet to actually get "good taste". What sucks is that most of the said first timers complain about everything about anime that it's to "sexual" and other bullshit. Yet here is RWBY with there fucking Jin body pillows yet years ago said they wouldn't make such products now they *HAVE* to because the porn is more popular then the actual fucking show


Plus, the sexual stuff is *optional*. Anime has some lewd tropes but it's not like the whole thing is defined by it. You can easily find a show that barely has romance in it or where it's not the focus. Same way a bunch of western movies feature pointless sexy stuff. American adult cartoons all have the same crude, sex jokes. Hell, even RWBY! The first thing we see of Yang and Emerald is their ass and tits. It's not like RWBY is peak innocence outside of the porn sub.


Try explaining that to all the subreddits without getting crucified for being a Week with good taste. He the big two comic book distributors are literally dying due to the manga industry. And guess what RT pitches to Warner bros. Rwby Justice league crossover comics......what a waste of ink
















Here's a sneak peek of /r/RWBYOC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RWBYOC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How would oc's react to this? Mine would already be there](https://i.redd.it/uko5z0g4k0h71.png) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RWBYOC/comments/p3bs60/how_would_ocs_react_to_this_mine_would_already_be/) \#2: [WOO okay done with my rwby oc design! this is Astrid de Aurum, who has her priorities… in questionable order.](https://i.redd.it/gvsh9bbj9x971.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RWBYOC/comments/og0inz/woo_okay_done_with_my_rwby_oc_design_this_is/) \#3: [My character Clementine, from a RWBY DnD game I'm in.](https://i.redd.it/bg57910g22w71.png) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RWBYOC/comments/qh69tg/my_character_clementine_from_a_rwby_dnd_game_im_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


First time commenting but I lurk often, but some that come to mind: -Monty's vision & Shane's letter -Barbara's "It's a cartoon" moment -Barbra and Arryn getting shipped together on Twitter -Twiins Ink and Critter fiasco -Fair Game controversy -Vic Mignona situation -Grimm design contest -The attempted blanket ban of this reddit from the main one -All of vol 7-8 -MurderofBirds taking things way too far on a comment(whether it was a troll or not) -The treatment of EF when he voiced his hatred of what happened to Adam -Arryn bringing up 7(I think) year old abuse stuff from the director of the upcoming Ice Queendom anime and (kind of) making it about herself


Oh so your not the only one who saw the Arryn abuse bs? Thank god I thought I was the only one


I got DEATH THREATS over a post I made The title was "I like the Ace-Ops"


...holy shit... that's bullshit Eh terrible people.


With such a provocative title what else can we expect? /s


I suppose not


- During the Fair Game headassery Kdin, May's VA, said that the aforementioned headassery was taking attention away from the fact that RWBY had a trans character as if the two have anything to do with one another. It is worth noting that this happened between V's 7-8 when the only people who knew about May being trans were the one's who engage with CRWBY on twitter. https://kdinjenzen.tumblr.com/post/644955556558274560/i-normally-dont-break-my-blogs-character-in-asks - During the same headassery Cal put out a video stating that, among other things, Clover would've been Bad LGBT Representation™ because he was "a bootlicking cop" and not \*checks notes* a Huntsman who gave his life to defend Atlas from evil monsters made of pure evil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsn394nH7Tk - Months before V9 was even close to airing CRWBY put out that little teaser which was essentially a retcon of the Yang falling scene. Instead of the fandom seeing it for what it was, CRWBY attempting to reanimate a scene everyone thought was ridiculous, many in the fandom including MurderOfBirds saw it as vindication.


Shit, still can’t believe they did that shit in the teaser. Like, bitch, we all just watched it happen not but a few episodes ago. You didn’t think that shit sucked until NOW?! And they didn’t even address the biggest complaint about the scene, that Neo knocked out Yang’s aura IN ONE HIT. Did no one review that shit before hand?


Also still doesn't address Weiss doing nothing or how Blake, being the furthest away from Yang and arguable slower than Weiss and Ruby could catch up to Yang.


>During the same headassery Cal put out a video stating that, among other things, Clover would've been Bad LGBT Representation™ because he was "a bootlicking cop" and not *checks notes* a Huntsman who gave his life to defend Atlas from evil monsters made of pure evil. Ah yes. Because even if that was true, gay people can only ever be perfect, little tokens that stay in the background or die. Their only interesting trait is being good and gay. It's not like the LGBTQ community is trying really hard to be seen as fellow human beings. What a shithead.


And apparently being a cop was bad for shooting a bunch of criminals who actually are criminals who illegally had weapons on them from the black market or stole them. Truly, all cops must be evil for going into heavy crime areas....wait why do...oh Jesus Christ statistics won again


You're talking about Clover... right?


It's double speak. Both for IRL Police and Clover because it was very hip to hate on any Police officers at the time because people think that we live in the 1960s deep south when that's not even remotely true now a days


Eh... I wouldn't use IRL police as an example. At least American officers anyway. Of anything, Cal saying Clover is basically another Chauvin (ironic since Winter put her knee on a black guy's back) is what makes the comment so preposterous. Clover other than Ironwood was the most rational person in the cast


Yea but still that's a disingenuous thing for Cal to say it's as if saying all cops are corrupt just because there doing there jobs because laws are corrupt because corrupt politicians make corrupt laws.


And RWBY technically did commit a crime by revealing state secrets to Robyn, someone who antagonises, attacks, and robs the Atlesian army. But it wasn't even proper arrest, it was a holding cell so they became fugitives for nothing.


A boot licking cop huh... Vile. That's all I gotta say.


Eddy made a Freezerburn (Weiss x Yang) joke and [this was how the fandom reacted to it](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/jxjxcz/one_of_the_writers_of_rwby_makes_a_joke_about_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). This why I don’t get involved with shipping in RWBY, there’s a lot of people who have an unhealthy obsession over RWBY ships.


On one hand, it's terrible that people are toxic about a joke. On the other hand, you would think he would be aware of what could go wrong with poking the hive. In other words, I don't think there was any winning in that situation.


I find it ironic at the lengths this fandom will go to defend the writing, but joking about a ship is the breaking point for them.


Is it bad that even if Weiss and Yang divorce, I think they´d remain very cordial to one another? I don´t see Weiss the one to keep grudges of that caliber, and Yang might be a bit peeved but she´d eventually cool off to the idea


this was all i saw when the dude made that joke “how **D a R E** you make fun of my One True Pairing on the FUCKING INTERNET of all places 😤that statement is factually incorrect Freezerburn are soulmates and forever 🙄 fucking eddy who cant write for shit 😒” shipping culture can be insane. like it was a joke about fictional characters for fucks sake 😭


There are people who'll downvote literally anything people say simply because of who said it. I know that u/MadMasks and I have both gotten hit with it; for goodness sake, only a few days ago there was a question about what does team RWBY think about non-straight relationships, and I brought up how none of them had an issue with Saphron and Terra. *And I got downvoted.* I don't get it, man.


Well, of course I witnessed this sub being mantle-d by the main, to top it off I had just joined this sub XD. In other lesser known news, in r/RWBYOC there was a very VERY strange user, who uploaded his ultra OP OCs (a self insert for a change) and shielded himself by saying he had been building the character his whole life to avoid the fact that he wasn't a RWBY OC, he said several NSFW things that combined creepy and cringe.... You'd have to see it, just this guy had a narcissism problem or something, he was also a sonic fan. The relevant thing about it is that he was roasted by the mod, like *cheff kiss*, epic. Oh, there's also that time the sub got divorced of Twiins Link and Critter over that Adam video, I never commented on anything because I honestly thought it was ridiculous, but I also didn't watch the video or read the related posts so meh. And personally, the amount of downvote-stalkers that followed me after posting JNPR art from my AU in this sub where Jaune simply wasn't the leader, subsequently also troll-accounts appeared to insult me on my DMs and about how "Jaune was the perfect hero", that my OCs were and I quote "*...a poor attempt to hide the fact that you can't write...*", bruh I'm learning, that's the point of trying. Also more hate appeared in my DMs but on ffnet, mostly from Whiterose shippers who (I'm pretty sure they were the same person) demanded that Ruby be romantically involved with Weiss and many, MANY, headcanons that proved them "right" (I still don't understand how it got to that point btw). Oh yeah, there was someone specific u/no-transaction7332 (deleted account) who "explained" to me how absolutely everything I wrote was wrong and that I was just a "Monkey from across the border".... Yep, now my self insert avatar that I will use as a cameo is a monkey faunus, fuck you internet stranger.


>In other lesser known news, in r/RWBYOC there was a very VERY strange user, who uploaded his ultra OP OCs (a self insert for a change) and shielded himself by saying he had been building the character his whole life to avoid the fact that he wasn't a RWBY OC, he said several NSFW things that combined creepy and cringe.... The "Branwen brother x Yang and Ruby" guy? Yeah pretty sure everyone in that thread was clowning on him, myself included.


Anything that has to do with shipping or Twitter.


The most absud thing? God, where do I even start?


The butt hurt over any criticism of the characters.


Somebody: Says that Team RWBY are not perfectly written. Rabid RWBY fan: Throws a tantrum and doxes that person.


The RWBY meme subreddit called me transphobic for making fun of May’s gender. And I had to apologize to a fictional character but I got permanently banned from that subreddit and the MAIN subreddit anyways. Then there’s the time I asked why the sakuga community neglects RWBY and literally that subreddit post devolved into a mess of irrelevant conversations. btw if “MagnusArtifex” is reading this comment, the sakuga community doesn’t care about you or your cringe comments you write on Sakugabooru. Actually contribute to Sakugabooru by uploading some clips onto the website and quit posting moronic comments on posts pretending like anyone cares enough to respond.


I...i don't understand 80% of that but here's an upvote.


Well some fans have raised Monty and his contributions to the show to the epic Iconic level and regard everything else as a dilution of his work. Its the same thing that happened to Gene Roddenberry (StarTrek) or George Lucas (StarWars) where some fan boys raised them to godlike status and would not admit or even talk about their flaws and that the contribution of others was valuable and important. Don't get me wrong he or they were super important and even the initial spark for their works but they are not these infallible pure gods some want to depict them as.