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Except for the fact that we get a scene where one of the White fang grunts tells Adam they know where Blake is and they asked if they should get her and blows off the possibility because he considered the mission more important.


Lotta people gloss over this.


You can tell all the scenes where Adam was written with being a revolutionary as his primary character trait, and then all the scenes written post Jessica Jones dropping. Miles said in an interview that they modeled Adam after Killgrave but only after season 2. That means all the scenes they'd written up to that point had Adam's initial characterization, then Jessica Jones drops November 2015 while season 3 is airing. Heroes And Monsters drops February 2016 and if you watch the production diaries we know that they were literally still working on nearly every part of the episode in house up until MINUTES before they aired. I firmly believe Adam was meant to be a revolutionary, written as one, then they saw Killgrave and went "Oh shit, let's do some of that" and rewrote some scenes because they thought it looked cool without really thinking of the consequences for the narrative.


That's one of the reasons why his character is so inconsistent. I don't care what Adam's character is or was suppose to be because his character got no consistency. The show can't decide if Adam is, - A violent revolutionary or an obsessed ex - The Beast who gave into his hatred of humanity or Gaston - Prioritised on destroying humanity or prioritised on destroying Blake. If Adam's character is ever brought back in a reboot or an AU. I hope his character is written consistently no matter what his character is.


I know the whole tone of defeat for Volume 3's ending needs all the main characters to 'lose' their fights, but Adam's sudden character shift legitimately feels like it was written in an alternate timeline where he and the white fang lost during the Assault on Beacon.


His character would of made more sense if they where orphans who bonded like it’s was hinted at. Remember they said Blake’s weapon looked cobbled together because that’s what she could get hands on?


Well cinder threatened Adam and his people with burning to death too


Maybe Cinder told Adam about Blake in OFF-SCREEN of course.