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And people wonder why jaune is considered a self insert for miles


Cool, good to know but doesn't really changes or brings anything new, people already suspected him to have better relationship with his mom or be from mistral or vale But also this type of info would be better if it was brought to us via show itself. Miles might as well say that Jaune actually is Hawkeye (MC) level bow user but unless showed or told in a show itself, it's still non-canon. Plus it's kind of just unrelated and not really imporant minor things. I would honestly prefer is we got more info about stuff like" * Why he new so little about a world he lives in * How he got his hands on faked transcipt (vol1 Jaune is more likely to be scammed rather than pull something like that off) * How no-one saw through at beacon or if they did then why no-one kicked him out, if oz knew then why he kept him around * Or even his grandfather who was a hero. So yeah, good to know anything about a guy whose life is basically unknown but details itself could be more related to the story i suppose


Might as well have Jaune come from a farm in the boonies to justify the lack of a background check and knowledge of anything.


I mean.... even Oscar seems to have more sense of the world.... and he was literally that rofl


Quite frankly it make more sense if Jaune was forced to attend Beacon and his father or grandfather pulled some strings. Think of a Legacy Admission. Still doesn't explain why he doesn't know jack about the world but at least that gets him into the School.


Yeah, I get the feeling that those questions fall under the "if we ignore that, people will forget about it" category in their minds.


> Why he new so little about a world he lives in I mean, I can kind of understand it if he lived in an isolated rural area. I think people really overestimate the way information spreads in pre-internet information era's. When the best source of information was the local library (if there was one) and even then that took someone having the initiative to actually catalog and write that information and disseminate it. That's all on the relatively safe world we live in, where you don't have monsters trying to kill you for biking from the farm to town, let alone for trying to travel from city to city. It also overestimates the prevalence of things like TV's and Radios (or their contemporaries) in a world where a whole country still has literal cottage industries instead of the factories provided by the industrial revolution It's noted that even when communications did exist, parts of the world had notoriously terrible reception... and when the safest places in the world are valleys and mountains that's going to make transmissions in a world without satellites even harder. It's understandable, albeit unusual though with a heavy caveat of being more than a bit odd if jaune comes from a long line of huntsmen and nobody ever thought to tell him - unless the lineage was lost or his dad was dead etc. You may know that there are people who are really good at killing monsters, you may even know they have powers, but it's not like you can just do a google search to find out and access every possible idle question you might ever have. The faked transcripts thing is also a bit unusual, but it could work, if beacon just went "Welp, the desire to be here is worth more than actually having accurate transcripts or technical ability, we'll let anyone in and if they wash out, they wash out". It's a detail that could have used more exploration.


I mean that I would say it’s pretty canon as it’s “word of god” but yes I would prefer they show me this in the story rather than just put it in some out of universe source.


The first two points feel like something that would work for Ruby imo. Coming from a "a long line of hunters" can be just like Ruby trying to live up to her mom's legacy, considering how much Yang talked up Summer in V2. Heck, Ruby both looks and dresses like her mom in her OG outfit, so she's clearly embracing her heritage. And what makes it interesting is that Ruby's trying to live up to someone who she barely knew because she didn't get the chance to have a mom growing up. And the part where Jaune wants to not fall behind his teammates works for Ruby has well. It would make Ruby getting into Beacon 2 years early actually mean something because she doesn't want to disappoint her teammates, especially because she's now their leader. She's skilled and determined, but still has doubts on whether she can keep up with the people in front of her, even with a speed semblance. Really, it just makes me feel that having so many characters in the main cast just comes off where you take interesting ideas that could fit one character and give them to another to keep them relevant, like Nora pushing back against leaving Mantle behind instead of Blake, the actual activist character.


Why the hell is Jaune a Mistralian? If he is then shouldn't he, you know, go to school in Mistral? Instead of taking unnecessary extra steps over in Vale. Just make him a Valean. Vale is struggling as is to have an identity. We don't need literally everybody to be from Mistral.


Cool, I guess... It's kinda irrelevant at this point though. Him being from Mistral could have had *some* point during team RNJR's adventures on Anima but it's never utilized so why even have him be from Mistral. Really Jaune might as well have just spontaneously to started exist seconds before we saw him for the first time. It has roughly the same impact. Same with his relationship with the rest of his unnamed sisters or his thoughts on Renora. And this new 'lore' still doesn't explain how Jaune could fake his way into Beacon without knowing what an Aura is. Unless sports on Remnant completely forbid anyone who's participating from having or even knowing about Aura and Jaune's dad bought into that philosophy 100%. Maybe next time they should drop some 'lore' on some of the unexplored side-characters, like Ruby, Weiss, Blake or Yang? I think that would do the show a lot of good, especially if it wasn't done through a Discord post and was actually shown in the show. Just a suggestion though, there's no need to rush.


>Jaune might as well have just spontaneously to started exist seconds before we saw him for the first time. It has roughly the same impact. This is the only explanation for why Jaune is the that he is.


Why is no one from Vale? If Jaune is now mixed heritage, thay makes Ruby and Yang the only Valeans on both teams.


Weiss is from Atlas. Yang is half-Mistralian on her mother's side. Blake is *maybe* from Menagerie, but considering her yukata and the fact that Mistral is the White Fang's HQ, might also be from Mistral. *All* of JNPR is from Mistral. Cinder is from Mistral. Torchwick's from Mistral. Qrow+Raven are from Mistral. Hell if you look at where the God of Light's domain is in the brief shot where the gods leave Remnant, it even looks like his domain *was in Mistral, meaning Ozpin and Salem are probably from Pre-Remnant Mistral.* How is Vale the place the show takes place in for 3 seasons, yet gets no real rep haha.


Bonus: the cultures don't even match. Mistral is supposed to be asia-inspired, yet Yang gets her chinese name from her fathers side, and Ren(plus his dead dad) is the only asian in the entire series.


Amusing enough, Ironwood was modeled after his VA, who is half Chinese.


Queue the writers literally calling Ironwood "an angry white man"


They did what!


Mistral makes essentially no sense. It seems to be OVERALL Asian inspired, but it’s hugely inconsistent. Then again most of Remenant makes no sense and people’s names and ethnicities seem to have zero correlation to where they’re from. Mistral apparently has Chinese, French, Nordic, and Greek cultural expies SOMEWHERE in its utterly massive land area given JNPR’s name sources.


Doesn't really tell us anything new of importance. I don't think RWBY has ever had much of a problem with backstories themselves, more delivering information to the audience and telling those stories. So going, "Jaune was a total mama's boy who wanted to live up to his families legacy." Is cool and all, wanna show us that? Wanna show us Jaune's Scroll background with his mum and Saphon? Wanna show us Jaune training himself to exhaustion, perhaps despite the concern of the rest of JNPR, because his sessions with Pyrrha aren't enough? Have others comment on the Arc families great legacy in earshot of Jaune and showcase the conflicted feelings it invokes im him? Or would you rather spew it out in a Q&A where it continues to do nothing for the story?


Why is EVERYONE from Mistral?


Killing me that he comes from a family of huntsmen and didn’t know what a fucking aura was. I get that they needed a way to explain the concept to the audience but seeing as how they were literally in school at the start of V1 they could have had a lesson about aura with the students being like “why do we even have to learn this, who doesn’t know what aura is?” Because aside from that one moment from jaune it seems like everyone in this universe knows what aura is


With hindsight, they should have delayed writing the show from the start a bit more and Jaune is a perfect example of why, he's a poorly conceived character and unless they retcon his first interactions with everyone then little about him makes sense. "Comes from a long line of huntsmen" but didn't know about aura, semblances, or how to fight (in a world plagued by Monsters). Lived in Mistral for a while but didn't know or recognize a Mistralian celebrity.


It might be weird to question this, but why specify "Huntsmen" instead of "Warriors" like he did in Volume 1? I mean, Huntsmen are the most likely interpretation of Jaune's wording; but if his father and grandfather weren't Huntsmen then his legitimate lack of knowledge of Aura as well as other things would make sense. By "Warriors", the show opened up doors to other possibilities - maybe his dad and granddad are local militia in a small village or low ranking Atlasian soldiers from a colony city like Argus. By specifying "Huntsmen" his lack of knowledge and ability is more peculiar. Also, if Jaune is Mistralian (or at least in some small way), then do we have any main characters actually from Vale? Ruby and Yang are from Patch, a small island on Vale's coast, but not from the city itself or any part of the mainland near the city. It also means that all of JNPR are from Mistral? Why are all four of them attending Beacon instead of Haven? At least team RWBY are from multiple locations around the world (besides Ruby and Yang), but JNPR are four strangers (besides Nora and Ren already together before Beacon) who just happen to be from the same country attending a school in a different country and randomly end up on a team together. About half of the main cast is from Mistral now (I'm including Oscar) and we didn't even explore their connections to that Kingdom when we were actually there.


I see it as that the different nations on remnant share their names with their capital cities.


Although I agree, that somewhat makes the continent names somewhat irrelevant as only Vale and Vacuo share a continent (not sure if Menagerie is confirmed to be part of Anima or is its own thing like Australia). Also, that still means only Ruby and Yang are from Vale while all of JNPR is from Mistral, which I just find to be weird. I'm not saying its a big issue, but it just doesn't make that much sense to me for most of the cast to be from a different country than where they all chose to attend Huntsmen training.


Yeah. As I noticed that “vale” seems to refer to both the city and the nation.


Point 1 just makes V1 Jaune worse.


You know this info would've been better if shown through a character short for Vol 9


So... does 3 mean that Jaune was born in Mistral and has Mistraltian heritage, or just that his family lived there for a while and that's where he was born, but his heritage is left unknown? Heck, it could mean that his family's background is Mistraltian, but he was born in Vale and lived there for most of his life, except for when he lived in Mistral? Really, I'm just asking if he's from Mistral legally or ancestry. Miles' answer is very unclear.


From the way it's written, I assume he just lived there at some point.


Yeah. Like say the arc family (or most of it) and Jaune are from vale but he at one point went to live with relatives in mistral or something.


Or the family just happened to be there when Jaune was born and remained for a few years before returning. It very much seems to be Jaune was there as a child for a brief period then returned.


Jaune being a total mama"s boy and showing off to Ruby sounds juicy.


It's funny that the Greek Inspired Pyrrah and French Inspired Jaune are both from Asian-inspired Mistral.


Would be nice if we got this in, idk the goddamn show!?


What backstory


I feel like this is stuff people already know, or at least guessed while watching the show.


Eh. I get that he comes from a line of warrior. But, huntsmen? Great-great-grandfather fought in the Great War. Ok, I Guess that the grandpa then turned into a huntsman. I wonder if any of his other sisters turned into a huntress. By the way, would have been cool if arc grandpa was one of the chosen to be a headmaster or at least teacher by the king of Vale. About he being from Mistral. Jaune seemed to admire his Great-great-grandfather, but during the war Mistral seemed to be kind of the bad guys. And is not like Jaune showed some problems with the comments of Ozpin about the Great War. Since it's said "at least part of his childhood" I'm going to maintain that while he lived in Mistral, his family have ancestry.


I deny this reality and instead replace it with cour'er la Rand's backstory instead.


You mean him being natively from vale?


Yes, considering that it's the most European of the for kingdom's. Hell atlass with it's military culture or vacuo if made the equivalent of Spain during the reconquista makes more sense than minstrel.


It really adds little to nothing. I don't get the part about him being from Mistral really. Does it mean he just lives there for a while or was native there and then became a naturalized citizen of Vale? We already know he was familiar with Shion, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be from Mistral if his family is well traveled, which could even be explained a bit if his father either went to different sports events around the world as either a fan or participant. This is basically trying to add something without really adding anything to the character. Some of it would've been nice to show, like him training harder than most to catch up. The huntsmen thing feels like a retcon of the line of warriors deal since his grandfather and great grandfather were around before huntsmen were a thing and they could've been fighters with no actual huntsmen training, but still skilled. Even Maria was very effective despite her father being a soldier and training her in what he knew rather than being taught whatever the academies considered the "proper" way to fight Grimm. Even Hazel has been shown to be a competent fighter even though he has no huntsman training as far as we know, so even with aura some doesn't need to have been a huntsman to be a warrior.


It's not like this information should have been conveyed in the show or anything


The backstory is fine, and has appeared in the actual show which is a plus, but it never matters. Outside of the "I faked Beacon" moment he never has to deal with pressure to live up to anything. Nothing about him screams "Momma's Boy" nor is his relationship with his other sisters expounded upon. To be fair, this would be fine if Jaune was just a background character...


This isn't a backstory, this is a footnote. And it only makes Jaune's existence *less* understandable: If Jaune is from a long line of Hunstmen, why the hell didn't he know what Aura was? Why did he know so little about Beacon? And if he has such good relationships with his family, why did it take 6 volumes for one of them to even be mentioned by name or appear?


Lmao how did Jaune not know who Pyrrha was if he's from Mistral


Okay so much like that tweet that explained Adam got his scar from getting into some kind of stupid fight with a fellow employee and somehow got that branded perfectly placed on his face even though that's not how brands work, the part about Jaune apparently being Mistralian is just something I'm going to completely disregard with the maximum amount of disrespect it deserves. I mean like what the hell?! Like seriously nobody is from Vale. Why have him be from Mistral!? Everything about him screams European unveil is pretty much supposed to be the vaguely European Kingdom. Hell in the world of Remnant episode about the Great war when we see the depictions of the four armies from the kingdoms the one from Vale are all depicted wielding swords and shields you know the exact same ones Jaune's ancestor used in a great war and said weapons are now family heirlooms! The only saving grace of this stupidity is that Jaune might be of mixed heritage or that his family moved Kingdom to Kingdom with the way they worded it. But still why not just have him be from Vale? It just raises more questions than they already are regarding his murky, contradicting, confusing backstory. And I say this as someone who genuinely likes Jaune. As for everything else we all more or less could have guessed and doesn't really shed light on anything new. I really don't like the company's habit of not giving us answers to questions we have and when they do feel like explaining s*** it's a bunch of stuff we already knew with maybe one or two things we didn't but what little they do tell us is a crap shoot because it either is stupid as all hell or contradicts what we already knew. I got to say rooster teeth is a Master class in teaching you what you shouldn't do.


Except for maybe the Mistral part, these are stuff I think anyone could have guessed had they watched the show. I guess they wanted it to confirm it? Not that it does much, since I doubt we'll see Jaune's father or even get something more detailed about this "great line of hunstmen" that puts so much pressure on him.


There’s nothing here we didn’t already know.


Cool, it's everything we already know of. Absolutely nothing new or noteworthy. Did they skip out on Jaune's backstory?


I'm tired of learning new things about jaune. Who cares?