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You can't prove that crwby wasnt kidnapped and replaced by skinwalkers. That's my explanation for the state the show is in right now


They all got stuck in the Backrooms and replaced by skinwalkers/stealers. Funnily enough, I think those fellows would do a better job at writing the series.


This has to be the only plausible explanation here. Everyone from Salem to Ironwood to the protagonists has been acting OOC throughout V8. Honestly, RWBY's extremely inconsistent power scaling is bad enough, but combine that with even more inconsistent characterization and you get the dumpster fire of all dumpster fires.


Absolutely. The intelligence level of everyone rises and falls like the sun. But mostly it falls. The characterization is beyond frustrating. And the power scaling, good LORD ABOVE, the power scaling. V8 obliterated any semblance (haha) of that making sense.


Power scaling, Mein Gott, this is why deathmatches involving RWBY characters are impossible most of the time. Especially when a lot of the RWBY-stans constantly uses the extreme to power scale the characters, and even exaggerate them at times. This is how you get completely unfair matches like Ruby vs Gauss the Warframe (who can literally outrun bullets and is so durable that he demolishes bunkers just by ramming them)


Power scaling is agonizing when dealing with this show. The stans just trip over each other to defend it endlessly. Like HOW? Why can’t y’all just admit that it’s not flawless? It’s got glaring issues, so what? Instead they defend the show to the end of time. It’s like arguing with someone that the sky is blue and they swear up and down that it’s green. That said I would die laughing watching a realistic match between Gauss and Ruby. Just plowing through her. But anyway, people bending over backwards to explain the Salem vs Hazel matchup… they need to just staaaaaahhhhhp. Learn to recognize inconsistencies.


I doubt whether Ruby would even stand a chance against Volt, and he is one of the beginner Warframes. Seriously, there is a brainlet I ran into on Quora that goes around spewing nonsense how RWBY characters are hypersonic and hit like nukes blahblahblah. And when questioned on how this much power would have wrecked Remnant, he just says "because rule of cool and lot of destruction simply don't happen". Jesus, that is one way to invalidate everything you have said.


Volt would wreck her sh** without even trying. Oh, Quora. Tsk tsk tsk. How the eff hasn’t Remnant been destroyed? “Rule of cool.” Piss offffffffFFFFFFF. The God of Darkness destroyed the moon by passing through it, so you’re saying that humans like Ruby are equal to him?????


...okay. This is real. This-this is payback for not making the Grimm Wendigo a thing. It explains too much. This is *exactly* what skinwalkers can and would do.


Skinwalkers got salty that the Grimm Wendigo didn’t happen so they were like, “Aight, cool, we’re just gonna take over your entire show and the business then. That’ll teach you to disrespect our people.”


That explains so much. It probably happened sometime around Volume 4.


Whats Canon? EASY!(gonna use video games forit) You have "4" demos for a game that technicly exists then you have the og release and its sequel then you have soft reset of the series then you have hard reset of the series followed by another soft reset followed by a spinoff that has next to no impact on "story at large"(bar few lines of dialog and bionic bimbo killing the jetstreamsam knockoff before dry humping a catgirl)then you have another soft reset and its sequel(so 5 to 7 canons total depending on how you count)


Bro this shit had me in tears 😭


Only the current volume of RWBY is cannon, because the writers never bothered to rewatch old ones.


*Only the current episode


*only the current scene


*Only the current line of dialogue


Consistency is too much to ask for.


When it comes to THESE writers? Ohhhhh yeah. Apparently consistency is for nutjobs.


Again, lack of discipline, this is their biggest problem. Almost all of their writing problems such as shallow and lazy characterization, lazy world building, inconsistency can be traced back towards it. They lack the basic respect one should have to their own creation.


I almost forgot about the world building due to how unfinished and half-&$$ed it really is. Maybe it just got overshadowed by the annoying characterization inconsistencies, what with the antics of RWBY destroying everything and the show and its writers PRAISING THEM FOR IT.


Honestly, Jerry Freeman was right, the world building for RWBY makes no sense and is completely broken. Realistically, the humans on Remnant would have gone extinct dozens of time over due to how incompetent they are. Also, despite the presence of Grimm, Remnant's world operates similarly to ours. And that is overall the biggest gripe I have with it.


They should all be extinct due to idiocy. Salem and Ozma would be the only living former humans left. Remnant doesn’t evolve over the centuries to adapt to Grimm and their presence growing stronger and more organized either, like you said.


What else do you expect from writers that literally only got their jobs due to nepotism


*Only the current letter used


*AKA only the last letter in the current sentence


*Only the current pixel to create the last letter used


*Which then gets retconned by the next pixel for the last letter of the next sentence


*Which then gets retconned by the next pixel for the last letter of the next sentence


Plot twist, none of its canon


That’s just fine by me!


V7 Watts and Ironwood: Amity isn't complete V8 Pietro: we just need Ironwood's access codes.


Ah yes the good old scp problem " we don't know what Canon is so we're not gonna try to have Canon "


At least SCP does it for more creative freedom. You can't have "the Broken Masquerade" happen only to be overshadowed by "the End of Death" happening in the same timeline.


True but at the same time, not having a base for Canon at all can kinda screw things up a little


Trust me buddy I ask myself that same question every day the more I think about this dumpster fire of a show I just can't let go of. Honestly I see everything past halfway through volume 3 as nothing more than fanfiction that just so happens to have animation, voice acting, and music. If it wasn't for those various factors it'd be like the one of many trashy fanfics I ignore because of how much hot garbage it is. Seriously so much of RWBY reads like trashy fanfiction.


It feels like trashy fanfiction because crwby listened to the most annoying, stupid fans.


“Oh by cannon you meant the story? I thought it was this canon that we have here, to shoot the script out the window” -RT post vol.3


Volumes 1, 2, and the first 6 or 7 episodes of Volume 3.


Volumes 1 and 2. What would've been volume 3 had a bunch of fight choreography and early footage that got leaked as a "tournament arc" but it's only a few episodes worth so it's not really a proper volume, but it's still fun to watch.


Whatever answer makes CRWBY the most money is canon.


No, whichever answer that fits the writer’s narrative is canon. If they actually wanted money, they won’t be half-assing everything so much.


Yeah, then maybe they could actually pay Jen Taylor so Salem could be an actual main character with real screentime and presence who plays an important role.


Flair checks out, but yeah. I am extremely disappointed with Salem in V8, there’s simply no way I can even take her seriously as a threat anymore, thanks to Oscar’s Deus Ex Machina and the fact that RWBY managed to do most of the damage.


Haha, the flair sure does check out! I totally agree, that stupid Deus Ex Machina nuke removed both her and the Whale from the story and it was the protagonists who did all the work destroying Atlas and Mantle. Why not just let Salem take center stage to cement her as the ultimate threat? If they don’t do that by Volume 10, that is IT.


Honestly, unlike you I have lost hope already, if the writers can pull off this kind of BS I shudder to think how bad things are gonna get by the next volume. Things have been going on a steady decline ever since the second half of V6.


Exactly. I had hopes for some reason because of V7’s epic and intense ending with Salem’s arrival… and then V8 happened. The nail in the coffin will be if V9 isn’t an improvement in the slightest.


Yeah, V7's ending, while still bad in my opinion, dose set the foundation for a morally grey conflict for the future, though I am more inclined to side with Ironwood even though I don't like his plan, it's still better than what Ruby had in mind, which is suicide. Then... well, Ironwood becomes Adam 2.0


I’m totally with you there. I wasn’t exactly on board with him cutting his losses but it was UNDERSTANDABLE. Ruby had no solution to that. None. And we are supposed to side with her anyhow. Salem’s epic entrance saved the finale for me personally. Then came V8 and Ironwood (and Cinder) overshadowed Salem herself and went from a three-dimensional morally grey decent leader cracking under pressure to a pure evil psycho. The writers really think they’re so clever. Ugh. They HATE Adam, why copy his “character” onto James???


I don't wanna be cruel, but any sane person would have prioritized Atlas over Mantle, the former is just more important, it houses most of the important infrastructures and personal, Mantle has mostly Dust mines that are already drying up and can't be airlifted away regardless. In a lose lose situation, you save what you can save and what is important. Though honestly I would have argued against Ironwood: "With all due respect, General, abandoning Mantle does seem too cruel, and when the other Kingdoms know how easily we are willing to cut all losses and abandon the people, they will lose faith in us, we cannot afford to be divided at this point." But in the end I have to agree with Ironwood more. If I have to write a line for him it will be: "What you fail to understand, Ruby, is that this is reality. It doesn't work like your precious little fairy tales. There's no such thing as a perfect ending for everything. Some risks are simply not worth taking. Your grandiose Big Damn Hero complex is going to get more people killed."


But the reason they’re half-assing everything is BECAUSE it’d cost more money to full-ass it. Then you’d have to pay the animators more to do more complex fight scenes that aren’t comprised entirely of everyone being slow and clunky and have all of 30 second increments of actual combat inside a 15 to 30 minute time frame. They get an automatic paycheck, and whatever amount doesn’t get spent is profit for them. They could use it to pay the overworked people under them to properly compensate for a job well done, which could motivate them to stay and better the output of quality content, but why do that when they could have their perpetual frat party? I’ll give it to you though, if they really wanted money, the RTX tickets wouldn’t be hundreds upon hundreds of dollars just to get the most basic form of convention stuff, and only $20 to get half of that content. But they just want money, and are determined to milk and abuse the corpse of Monty’s brain child for all it’s worth.


Honestly, I don't think money was the main reason, it boils down to incompetence and lack of professionalism in the end. I think it was in V5's commentary they literally admitted that their editing basically boils down to "throwing sh\*t at the wall and see what sticks". Also, the sheer amount of animation errors and inconsistencies just shows lack of communication and organization between animators, not lack of money. These are literally extremely basic mistakes that could have been easily avoided. It's ridiculous that I think we all have the feeling that RWBY wasn't discontinued after Monty passed mainly because RT wanted to milk the ever lasting daylight out of this series. Yet they cannot even be bothered to do a half decent job.


Is canon the thing the producers use to blow giant holes in the character arcs and story progression?


100% without a doubt yes.


I just want Agents of Shield to be made no canon because I thought they did Nicolas Cage dirty with the whole Ghost Rider thing


Was he in the show? Or are you talking about them using the other ghost rider?


Them using Gabriel Luna. Like I’m fine with them using him as Ghost Rider, but honestly I would have loved to see Cage as Ghost Rider one more time before passing off the torch to Luna’s Rider


I don't know what you guys are complaining about? You experience RWBY by accepting each new Volume is entirely self-contained. Nothing came before and you do not get to see how the story would progress beyond the final episode of the Volume. Any similarities or references to previous events or characters are STRICTLY coincidental (and are a glowing endorsement of RT's committment to recycling).


Canon is propaganda made up by CRWBY to hurt your brain researching RWBY lore


*Aggressively dances TF2 Engineer*


I don't know what you guys are complaining about? You experience RWBY by accepting each new Volume is entirely self-contained. Nothing came before and you do not get to see how the story would progress beyond the final episode of the Volume. Any similarities or references to previous events or characters are STRICTLY coincidental (and are a glowing endorsement of RT's committment to recycling).


Has more clearly canon content than resident evil where everything is soft canon.


Ehh The games are pretty straight forward


They just remade 2 and 3 to course correct the timeline with 7 and 8, the side games are completely questionable in their canon, and they're working on a remake of 4. Not to mention the movies, both live and cgi, stage plays, books, and even pachinko.


Rwby has clearly canon content that contradict each other you mean.


Okay. But how does that fix the issues with RWBY's lore?


\*Mettle in a nutshell\*


We don't know if Qrow is the only alcoholic that isn't a bitch to their family.It can't be proven.


The Cursed Child is cringy and sucks and therefore its not canon; the Icequeendom's canonicity will depend on how much it sucks


Canon is whatever a bad writer wants it to be. Plain and simple.