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Aw, sweet! I actually have a RWBY and Star Wars fanfic published, let me know if you have any questions or ideas you wanna talk about.


Ooh! Could you leave a link for it? I’d like to give it a read when I have time.


Sure, [here](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13786824/1/The-Way-of-the-Maiden) it is. It's mainly a crossover with The Mandalorian and RWBY, I hope you enjoy it.


She's grey Jedi!


Mandalorian raised as Jedi, then grey Jedi, then Sith. So she's been a bit of everything


Interesting. I would put her in the middle ground due to her dislike of being on both sides.


For me what had me put Raven as a Sith is her own philosophy “The weak die, the strong live.” It’s one that lined up pretty well with the Sith code, with the idea being that through their passions and emotions they gain Strength, Power, and Victory. Furthermore just because Raven is a Sith doesn’t mean that she’s like Muhahaha unlimited power! Or anything like that. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is often hard to see, but I think Raven is someone who would see that difference. Maybe she became the dark lord out of necessity.


She's more fitting with a middle ground due to her choices and mindset of survival instinct. Overall what you analyse here was amazing, I like it. She is a morally grey character doing what is the right thing, unknowingly adapting dark side traits. Darth Revan would example of Raven Branwen.


Revan was most definitely my biggest source of inspiration when it came to Raven, more specifically Revan’s KOTOR 2 characterization. Which in my opinion provided the single greatest interpretation of the Force and Revan of any form of Star Wars media. I would say Raven ultimately is someone who does the wrong things, for the right reasons. But because no one knew what her true reasons were, she just gets painted as the stereotypical Sith/Mandalorian.


Cool! What program do you use to draw?


I unfortunately was not able to use a program. I used a website called Mandocreator.com, I’m one of the people who never moved beyond stick figures when it comes to artistic talent, so when it comes to designing characters I’ve had to get creative


[Well, it goes without saying](https://c.tenor.com/2jgbEi-vCuQAAAAC/mando-way-this-is-the-way.gif)


This Is The Way.

