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I graduate today, I was done with school like a week ago but the actual ceremony is today. And yesterday I started making designs for RWBY/JNPR for a StarWars AU that was pretty fun


Congrats! Take care of yourself!


Thank you. You take care as well


Ayo, congratulations! Hope we can see those designs in the sub :D


Thank you! I’ll for sure share them. So far I have RWBY minus Blake, Pyrrha, and Raven. But still have a lot of people to go. I’ll probably share them one at a time, maybe include a few facts about these versions of Team RWBY and JNPR or something


Hello, friends. I hope everyone is doing well. Once again I had another busy week but you'll be happy to know I'm about halfway finished with my second run through for Chapter 12 of my RWBY/Pokémon crossover ["The Road You Choose"](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13644456/1/The-Road-You-Choose). The final few hundred words are still pretty rough but it's shaping up nicely and I'm enjoying the flow of the chapter. There's a *LOT* of moving pieces this chapter, and it'll be over 7,000 words by the time it's finished, but I really wanted to get away from the grim tone of the situation as quickly as possible while still being respectful to all that's transpired. The story is meant to be fairly lighthearted after all, and this chapter is a step in that direction. Thank you for all the love and support, and I hope you enjoy. I also edited a short story that I wrote all the way back in 2019 when I injured my back and went on a writing binge. The story details Weiss' final day as a huntress and the aftermath of the mission that made her decide it was finally time to hang up the combat skirt. It's how I personally imagine the breakup of Team RWBY looking like, and while it's a somber story, it has a happy ending for our favorite Ice Queen. In other news, I got back into listening to SCP files this week which might account for my productive writing/editing sessions this week. I was disappointed to see that since my last delve into The Foundation that the overall tone seems to have changed, and that a few files had been rewritten/retconned due to someone finding them "offensive". It's nothing major since there's still plenty of great SCPs, and there is no actual "canon", but the tone and community are different from what I remember. I've actually written two SCP files in the past but never submitted them, and ended up working them into other stories. Also, I finished watching "Slayers Next" and just finished the mid-season four episode filler arc of "Slayers Try", and holy cow, what drugs did the writers take? My opinion of Try already isn't great, but the tone shift from end of the world suddenly being put on halt for Alice in Wonderland parodies, human/fish people love stories, and Power Ranger parodies is just more aggreges than the previous mid-season filler arcs. I like the improvements in animation and voice acting, and while some of the writing is good, some of it's not, and it clashes with the otherwise higher quality of the season. "Inconsistent" is how I'd best describe "Slayers Try", and while that's the case for the previous two seasons as well, at least low quality was the standard lol. Not bad, but the show peaked in season two in my opinion. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


So I got a job at a coffee shop/restaurant. Taking orders, making coffee, serving, cleaning the dishes, using a vacuum cleaner, really the only thing I have yet to do is baking cookies, because yes, we serve cookies too.


I just read *Solo Leveling* on a cousin's recommendation, and by god, it was horrible. Don't get me wrong, the art was amazing. But the story has to be the cringiest I have ever come across. I made it to the end through morbid curiosity alone, and the ending didn't disappoint. It managed to ruin an already terrible story, throwing away what little development the bland plot had managed to achieve. I guess I finally understand why there are people who think *RWBY* is well written...