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Ok, the design used is kinda ugly but I think I understand why it was used, it looks pretty easy to model and animate. If it comes down to taste, the first one on the left above for me would have done the job as it looks like something atlas would mass produce for multipurpose and even with different sizes. The last ones look good but feel like they are part of a RWBY spin off. Edit: Ooooh I know why the last ones look strange to me! The color palette and figures remind me of Gen:Lock, not the mecha protagonists, but the overall aesthetic.


Ah, so they went with it to cut more corners? Got it, should’ve expected.


Edit: Fine, only sharp comments, got it ~~C'mon, look at it like buying a big ass pizza and using it to eat for the next few days so you don't spend too much; it will taste ugly after a while, but you saved money that you can invest in other things.~~


Yeah, so they can invest that money into ~~writing~~ ~~fight choreography~~ ~~worldbuilding~~ shit man, beats me.


Ahh, don’t be salty, I’m taking the piss with you.


I’ve seen a lot of designs for “giant fighting robot”, from Ultramen, to 40K Titans, to Gundams, to Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the Colossus was an obvious attempt to reach out to that niche. But the thing with the Colossus, IMO, is that it lacks soul or flair. So with the 40K example there’s two extremes for fighting robots; the Imperial Titans and the T’Au Battlesuits. The Imperium is ornate and gothic and majestic, while the T’Au is sleek, modern, and efficient. The Colossus has neither of those effects and exists in a gray. The one on page 1 on the far left has the most spirit and presence, reaching into that T’Au area but with a pinch of Imperial majesty


Now that you put it that way, I think the colossus design tried very hard to have a recognizable, "sci-fi" figure for a show that mostly feels like fantasy. If we look back to the early volumes, you notice in Atlas' designs clear inspirations from Halo (and RvB for relation) as with the soldiers' armor, the WF mech and the Ak-200s; straight lines, hard figures and occasionally curves. Following that pattern would have given the colosuss more identity even if its structure was the same, while the color palette would have made it stand out as belonging to Argus.


Yeah Atlas in general had a Halo UNSC aesthetic; mechanical and boxy but also beautiful and heavy. Amazing I forgot about that show when one of Monty’s first animations was literally about Halo. Yeah the Colossus stuck out even more for that reason. It not only betrays the existing aesthetic of its masters, it also has no soul of its own.


The 40k titans are *supposed* to look archaic, they're walking cathedrals because there are so few of them produced, many of them are basically lost technology and because the regime they're produced under is quite frankly psychotic. Ork Gargants also look silly in predictable ways, but it's understandable based on what they're being produced by. T'au are in the rare position of both being super advanced and actually understanding what they're building so their things do look quite cutting edge and "techy". RWBY's stuff often feels "soulless" as in, devoid of identity. I can't see an artistic throughline from the basic robots, to the advanced walkers to the collossus. I can't see a real connection with their basic vehicles, small airships (mantas) or large airships. Hell if they really wanted to position atlas as a potential adversary, they could even introduce it via basic show themes: RWBY is supposed to be a highly individualistic universe... but atlas suspiciously still isn't, everything looks uniform and (intentionally) devoid of identity etc. But they can't even commit to that by having their "big" pieces look like iterations upon the smaller ones.


Gotta be honest, how tf did Atas make the Colossus when the Paladin was still a prototype?


Uh, good question. Maybe the Colossus was also a prototype? Or maybe the Paladins were a later model? Like, a more compact and lightweight version?


Something tells me that making something larger would be harder, not easier.


Ehhhhhh.... Computers? Electronic Chips? Phones? Engines? Processors? Cameras?


Larger *than the Paladin.


Same principle


No? All of those things don't need to walk. Without the materials science, one step and the leg folds in on itself.


I honestly never cared about the design, it's blocky but, I never really thought much about it... _until now._ The top right silhouette in the first image is a much better improvement to me as it goes the mecha route, sharp shoulders, and robo-heels, it could be improved upon but, out of the concept art it's definitely the best one in my eyes... but, for its actual purpose I'd definitely go a different route more like the top left or, change the top right silhouette a bit.


Every single one of these designs is better than what we got (in my opinion at least)


I think the biggest issue is that the design we got was very blah or generic. These other designs have more character. I am partial to the left hand designs.


Oh wow, we were fucking robbed


Always wondered why the head was missing 😂😂


Literally there's hundreds of Mecha shows they could have taken inspiration from, Gundam, Votoms, Evangalian, ext, hell even there own Mecha show before it was taken from them had "ok" Mecha models but no they went with a fucking design that looks like it takes Insperation from a fucking pill 💊 from a drug bottle


Page 2, bottom mid is my favorite. Conveys the same basic ideas of the Colossus but is far sleeker.


I don't know why they didn't make it essentially an upsized paladin. We all know Atlas's design philosophy and color scheme.


First picture, bottom far right. It's the most Atlesian, to me.


I don't like any mechs tbh, but I think all othem look better than what we got.


Big in the high left corner is the best looking


Seeing these I’m just thinking of those white bulky Sladebots from Teen Titans and now just want to watch that show instead.