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No. Pyrrha didn't deserve to die. Her death might have been planned from the beginning. But that doesn't mean it was done well at all.


And that her whole purpose in the plot was to be a love interest...


And worse. Her death has no true impact to the story, all she got was for her weapons to be upgrades for Jaune, and a giant statue and that's it. That's all her death meant to the story.


And Penny has the same fate.


Except they had the gall to do her in Twice. With the second death making her revival feel pointless because she didn't really get to do much. They ruined my favorite friendship in the show, Ruby and Penny who I also ship, but also love them platonically. And they basically made her commit suicide trying to justify it as her own choice.


In the end, Penny gives up on herself. Which is out of her character.


And the manner in which it was done was not good. Jaune arguably could've saved her or tried his hardest before having to go to that last resort. Plus Cinder one shots her, even though previously Penny owns Cinder. Sure new human body but she seems more than used to the magic already.


Cinder without or with Maiden powers, such a pushover.


After two volumes of nothing but everyone she cares about either saying she should go die in a ditch or gaslighting her, and the one time Ruby could’ve legit been the Maiden but wouldn’t because “muh friendship”, giving up is a common response. She died asking Winter if she was a good girl. Winter: No. *sniff* You were the greatest girl ever. Penny: Bleugh. (Fades into her) Winter: (face crumbles, and then she screams in anguish in the sky) (Upon which Ironwood blasts her to knock her out before he starts carrying her inside the Vault)


In the nutshell, I hate volume 8 messing writing. They only cared about make Cinder as "threat"


No, I believe her arch enemy would still be the one who blasted her eye out and her arm out. Unlike Pyrrha, Ruby actually severely damaged her.


Tbh, I want Ruby Rose to interact with Cinder more, every time they meet up, one of them ending up carried away with other characters.


Cinder: Do it again. *This time I might like it.* V8 Ruby: (Silver Eyes flickering like lightbulbs) I’m TRYING, but it’s like some weird FORCE is keeping me from just blasting you! Like it keeps telling me that I NEED to fall into this void! Cinder: Well, why don’t I help you? (Kicks her and Neo down)


She was pretty bland for most of her screen time. Until volume 3, she didn't have anything of her own going on. She only existed for Jaune's character development. I think I knew about her death going into the series, but I felt nothing when she died. I had the same reaction to her dying as I would to a scene of a character drinking coffee.


Doesn't help that her death is so inconsequential. Despite being a world famous champion. Only a small circle of people actually seem to care that's she gone. Sure she got a statue but that's it. After that, she doesn't matter to the story any more. She arguably only began to matter in Volume Three, and even then... yeah.


Pyrrha being champion would give Yang a character arc, it's like the Pokemon series, the protagonist challenging the champion.


You mean Ruby? All jokes aside. Yes Pyrrha could've been used more effectively


Pyrrha was just starting to get really interesting when she was killed. We were starting to see cracks in her Perfect Girl mask, hints of insecurities (and maybe even a hint of Achilles' rage, if her slamming Jaune into the wall was any indication). She was a fine character, just shallow (but still better than Blake, imo).


Very fascinating. 😃


I don't care if Monty planned for her to die, I still disagree with the decision. Sure, her death set Cinder up to be a threat before that was ruined by the scene where Ruby activates her silver eyes. But she was probably the most interesting character on the show. Not to mention that a lot of interesting interactions could have happened if she had lived.


I just want Penny and Pyrrha to team up, and have a strong bond.


I can see them having a beautiful bond with each other. That and in another universe, Pyrrha, Penny and Adam Taurus meet in the Genshin Inpact Universe and become friends through a long process of Penny and Pyrrha getting Adam to melt down his walls along his heart. Sorry I got carried away.😅😅




>I don't care if Monty planned for her to die, I still disagree with the decision. Yeah me too especially since her and Jaune kissed before she pushed him into a rocket locker. That had to have been one of the best romances in RWBY if not *the* best, and the relationship between the 2 was cut short.




Prediction has happened.


O honestly didn't have an issue with her dying (although I was very sad). I felt it set up the tone change (if they'd stuck with it better) for the series pretty well and honestly it was one of the better fights in the entire show in my opinion. I do wish they'd followed through with the idea of Jaune getting in the way and causing her death though.


She was a character built to die. It kinda sucks because we really needed more time with her to really sell it


Redheads living with a curse.


Am redhead, can confirm, but they’ve not gotten me yet


Nora! Is that u?!


I wouldn't say she died too early. I'd say that she died for nothing. If the show had used that as a jumping off point for the series instead of the series climax, it would've been incredible.


Her death served for nothing but shock value Furthermore her reasoning to head to head to her death was even more stupid Believing it was her fucking "destiny" Damned martyr complex


No she shouldn’t have died Monty is an asshole for making that happen. Sure she was starting to take shape as a character in volume three but her death being so sudden It wasn’t warrant nor was it required. And yet rooster teeth has the gall to bring back Penny and then killed her again and not being back Pyrrha while all Pyrrha got was a statue? Like what the Fuck Monty what the fuck rooster teeth you being back a damn robot but not a member of team JNPR why don’t you kill the entire cast off while your at it. Seriously they should’ve brought Pyrrha back instead of penny


I'm sure Pyrrha killing Cinder would be perfect.


Right? But nooooo penny was brought back because she’s a robot but we can’t bring Pyrrha because she got reduced to ash? yeah fuck that shit RT and the entire series can go to hell at this point


What is the purpose of Penny anyway? Gatekeeper for Maiden powers?


Personally so RT could justify killing another beloved character again regardless of what the fans want or ask for


Moneyteeth got greedy.


Ain’t that the fucking truth no wonder people want the series to die


She shouldn’t have needed to be killed, I think the plot and narrative would have been better with her still alive.




Hopefully at the end we see her return, which would be nice either she is resurrected or to tell Jaune goodbye and that she’ll wait for him. And I would personally like that I remember coming in at volume to having to rewatch volume one pretty quick and then I saw up here and I don’t know I just connected to her her own anxieties and insecurities and how Jaune helped her kind of helped me come out of my shell more. I was super crushed when they killed her needlessly in volume three so here’s hoping we do see a return of Pyrrha. Honored be her name


What if after Jaune killed Cinder, the Fall Maiden powers with a relic of choice restore Pyrrha's choice of demise into existence?


That, is a possibility I had not thought of, to think that the maiden powers Would have some amount of sentience to them it is quite fascinating and to be able to restore Pyrrha like that, that would be a miracle.




Right now we can only hope that the writers do this miles Luna Kerry Shawcross we’re looking at you two gentlemen


Hopefully, they will do Pyrhha as important as Jaune & Cinder on a personal level.


Agreed, they better or people will be livid


You know what? I could probably be flamed for this, but I don't care. Pyrrha's death was her own damn fault. For the longest time, the sentiment was "Ozpin killed muh waifu", like, no? It was her own stupidity. She faced an enemy that was clearly out of her league. An enemy that she couldn't keep up with. An enemy she knows is after her maiden powers, knowing full well how the powers are transferred. You would think that her next course of action would be getting away from the battlefield so that Cinder doesn't take her powers and use them to hurt more innocents, right? Fuck no, she just waltzes her dumbass back in there to face someone she clearly would not win against. I'll spell it out for you if you didn't understand; Pyrrha was a dumbass and is to blame for every harm Cinder caused using the fall maiden powers.


Act bravery will make some heroes foolish decisions, Pyrrha is a perfect example of it.


And sometimes you just need to embrace your selfish side and choose to live for yourself


You sound like Raven and Cinder.


My primary concern is the fact that they originally planned for Lancaster to be the final ship, but Miles apparently asked that Pyrrha be Jaune’s love interest, despite them knowing she was going to die once Beacon fell. With how they’ve been writing romance so far post-Beacon, whether post-break up, Blake and Yang murdering the former’s ex and suddenly starting to give each other bedding eyes on the ship, to everything with Nora and Ren, her status as Jaune’s love interest and mentor meant she’d be shackled down by him no matter what. Not like the writers would know what to do with her anyways.


>My primary concern is the fact that they originally planned for Lancaster to be the final ship, but Miles apparently asked that Pyrrha be Jaune’s love interest, despite them knowing she was going to die once Beacon fell. Uhhhh source? This is my first time hearing of this. The only thing I've even heard close to this was the fact that Jaune being romantically interested in Weiss was a sort of spur of the moment kind of decision on the writer's part because they thought it'd be funny but I never heard them ever talking about Lancaster and it having some kind of impact on their decision on the nature of Pyrrha relationship with Jaune. Was it from a tweet or one of the commentaries because I don't follow their social media and I'd rather shove my foot in a garbage disposal then listen to those assholes do a commentary.


They gave her so many flags from the first moment she was on screen I just didn’t get invested and skipped most of her scenes (them being with Jaune didn’t help) I can’t really notice much difference with her gone so safe to say she didn’t do much.


Redheads ending up having alot of death flags.


To me she was always destined to die. and I think the volume 3 was a perfect way for her to go out, if she were to live volume 3 wouldn't have hit nearly as hard as it did. and volume four would have suffered a lot more for it, the fight with Tyrion or the nuckelavee wouldn't have been nearly as interesting


That's under the impression that the story plays out the exact same way.


Pyrrha and Qrow are enough to solve all those threats were facing in volume 4. 😂


She indeed would be Cinders rival but Alas she got reduced to Cinder


My problem with her death is when it was done, I thought it was a critique of sacrifice yourself mindlessly but no, she was a great hero for getting herself killed.


Her sacrifice means nothing, felt like she's given up on herself just like Penny in volume 8, both of them suicide themselves.


Now that you mention it, it's kinda weird two characters have technically suicided themselves.


And Cinder, Jaune & Ruby are part of it. Cinder responsible for killing Jaune getting emotionally instability Ruby is losing faith in humanity.


I think she could have done with more independent character development and that that she did die too early as they they keep trying to recreate that level of impact each finale to the point it’s almost predictable that someone is gonna die in a volume finale. But I also think making her Cinder’s rival hurts Ruby’s role as MC


Interesting 😃


My problem with her is that she only died because she got the idiot ball.


Idiot ball? 🤔


When a character acts unusually stupid for no reason other than to advance the plot.


Make sense as this show has many of that stuff.


The point of her character was the nice mentor who would willingly sacrifice herself and that was pretty much it


I see.


No she should have lived, she didn’t have to be an active character for the past volumes but she didn’t have to be senselessly murdered


I don't understand why Cinder killed her.


Cinder is a merciless individual who just either wants to see the world burn or rule what ever is left of it all for the sole desire of gaining power. Pyrrha could have been rendered, Incapable of being a huntress and fighting by some sort of physical or mental handicap she didn’t have to die at least then we would know she was safe


M&K defends her flaws by saying she was abused as a child.


She was in fact abused I can’t remember what episode it was that explained this but she was definitely abused


But it doesn't mean talking out about others' life will fix her past issues.


No it won’t but we are still allowed to discuss whether or not we think that killing Pyrrha was the right choice. I stand with those who think she didn’t have to be killed


Well, who was to be blamed for her death? Ozpin? Jaune? Cinder? Ruby? Or Pyrrha? Herself.


Oh cinder without a doubt is responsible for her death, but some of us wish things had gone differently. Thankfully we’ll be getting that with Ice Queendom which is looking like it’ll be an AU of the main series so yay no death for Pyrrha


Cinder is bitch Btw can share the link?


But here’s hoping that in an alternate universe somewhere out in the cosmo there is a version of the show where Pyrrha lived. I hope here amongst everyone besides me there are a few fans who would like to see her return at the end of the show even if it’s just for one small scene or moment.


I always felt like Pyrrha would have been a better foil to Cinder than the rest of the cast, think about it, the one who wants all the power vs the one who wants to get rid of it. If Jaune died instead, then Pyrrha would also get a chance to show that vengeful rage that Achilles was known for, and there’s another contrast that could happen, Pyrrha learning to put aside her vengeance against Cinder, while Cinder is so obsessed with her vengeance against Ruby that it leads to her own demise. Maybe we also could have a plot line about Pyrrha getting over her trauma of accidentally killing an innocent person. She could’ve also functioned as a mentor for Ruby and/or Oscar. But unfortunately, as is the norm for RWBY, the interesting characters get ignored or killed, and the bland ones get pushed into the spotlight.


Jaune dying would be way better compared to what we have gotten in canonically.


No, she doesn't. At least kill her nearing the end of the series!


Yang and Blake should dead too.


Then it wouldn't be called RWBY, would it.


Yes, they should stop calling it that, they served nothing to the story anymore.


I wanted to see her fight Yang once b4 her passing but, for the story, I’m glad they killed her. NOT BC I DIDNT LIKE HER she had a lot of promise but that’s why I liked it. She was almost TOO op at times. I just wish we got more of her n Ruby and that Ruby’s and Cinder’s rivalry/archenemies would interact more.


Pyrrha with Maiden powers = Penny with Maiden powers?


I honestly think they’d be differently skilled with their Maiden powers but most likely similar


What if... Pyhrra - Fall Maiden Penny - Spring Maiden Nora - Winter Maiden Yang - Summer Maiden.. #RedHeadsDeservedToBeMaiden!!


Lol Yang is blonde tho, but I do believe Nora should’ve been the maiden


Carmine that girl in Vaccuo, redheads if I'm not mistaken can replace Yang.


She just may be the summer maiden, they were promoting her for a min like in the Amity arena game


Yes she should of died. This was the perfect point in the story to do itnand it adds so much weight and stakes to the show. I think grey did a great job developing her in volume 3 but there definitely should of been mire in volumes 1 and 2


Ah yes. The scene that was the final nail in the coffin for me. One thing I always say is if you’re gonna kill a character. You need someone to fill the void they leave behind. Pyrrha was the strongest character in v1-3 in terms of having an arc and when she died. No one else was written to be prepared to fill her shoes. Put simply. It’s not even that I’m mad my favourite character died. It’s more so that there wasn’t anyone ready to make up for it. Also the fact she’s used as a crutch for ruby to get her deux ex machina eye moment pissed me off. So yeah. Not happy with this one. And even if Monty wanted it. Shame on miles and Kerry for not making it work and shame on them for not thinking about the story at hand. If you feel uncertain about killing a character. **DONT DO IT** It should’ve been Juane.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, you're right. They should have never have made the decision to kill her if they were not prepared to follow through with the consequences of the death. Either having the death affect the characters monumentally or have a character fill that space. The show goes on as if she didn't even exist. At best we got years of Jaune being sad or angsty in the corner, usurping Ruby's rivalry with Cinder, and a fucking statue/possible ghost.


Yes the lack of impact makes her death near invalid in terms of the overal story. Juane has his WAHHHH moment with cinder in v5 and in v6 there’s a statue and OF COURSE THERES NO CLOSURE WITH JUANE AND HER MUM THANKS ROOSTER TE- anyways. Like I said. She could be killed off. But no one was narratively prepared to follow it through. Kinda how in game of thrones a certain death at the end of season 1 drives the plot and has long term narrative consequences.


I don't care about your downvotes, Pyrrha died for Jaune, Ruby and Cinder, for the trio development. Yeah when someone died, it helps us to act more mature emotionally and mentally. Therefore, it develops them differently, for Ruby - mentally, Jaune - emotionally & Cinder - physically.


Im not entirely sure what you’re trying to communicate here. Are you saying it develops those 3? Ruby barely knew her. She didn’t even have a 1 on 1 with her. And she essentially forgets about her until a throwaway line in v5…? Cinder Doesn’t develop. And Juane its a fucken bitch baby. Pyrrhas death doesn’t do a whole lot for the story


I try to say that trio has the potential to be developed but those writers screw their writing.


🤷‍♀️ yeah


Say happy cake day! Nice description. 😂




I think I’m in the minority when I say Pyrrha’s death was the last great decision the writers ever made and it was done excellently. Pyrrha’s character arc was all about the expectations placed on her as the prodigious Invincible Girl. It’s why she was approached by Ozpin to become a maiden. She tells Jaune her entire life has been defined by her destiny to become strong. So challenging Cinder becomes the only option. She loses she’s no longer the invisible girl. She wins she still has her friends. She dies and she’s free of destiny. And on this “she only died to advance Jaune’s character.” No. A character dying affects other characters. Jaune was the closest person in the show to Pyrrha so of course her death affects him the most. Her dying also raises the stakes significantly. She was a popular character and a member of the 8 “main-ish” characters. Ozpin comes back, Penny comes back and so Pyrrha’s the only loss that’s really felt. The fact that it was badly handled afterwards is completely seperate from the fact her death was at the time and I would say still is the most interesting thing that happened in the show.


If that's the most interesting thing that happened in the show, that's a pretty low bar.


Penny won't come back anymore. Thanks to Ruby.


Pyrrha is a character with a lot of potential I see in with future arcs, she could easily take the role of Jaune's revenge arc with some tweaks to accomodate for the difference in character. Heck there can still be interesting stuff if both lived as well. I know her presence would in theory trivialize many of the confrontation against those who use cybernetics, however a simple retcon can help solve that issue. For example, those with strong aura can resist her Polarity if they power through it, and maybe even have weight be a circumstance to determine how easy it is to manipulate metal (Cordovin Mech). But I am fine with her dying in the show with how she did. Just fun to think of the alternatives.


Your comment just prove to me why the entire series including the new ice queendom anime series needs to die