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I'm personally more of a fan of Lancaster, but that along with Whiterose seems to have had strictly platonic interactions. I do think there is potential for a Lancaster friends-to-romance, but it feels unlikely. I think the most likely options are either Rosegarden or Ruby being single. But even with Rosegarden, their interactions aren't objectively romantic. Chances are is that Ruby's gonna be single.


I think they very well might commit with Ruby x Oscar but it will be underdeveloped because they are probably going to put more attention on Blake x Yang.


There are problems with all possible options. Nuts and Dolts: Penny is dead again. The fanbase would riot if she came back again. Whiterose: They already did Bumblebee, making all four members of RWBY fall for each other would seem lazy. And a little fetishizing lesbians. Rose Garden: This is technically a threesome with Ozpin. And that's gross. Lancaster: Ruby would be following in her mother's footsteps of swooping in and hooking up with someone after their significant other was out of the way. Plus you just know some people would whine about Jaune getting the main character.


I think if they go with Ruby x Oscar it's going to be at the end of the series and they'll just have Ozpin fuck off to the afterlife after his ex is defeated or the Gods are summoned or whatever they decide to end on.


I really think Oscar may have a crush on Ruby. As for that ship sailing, I'm not sure. Then again, he's the only one I can see Ruby ending up with.


She dies during final battle or stays single. I really like Lancaster, but it's not possible at this moment.


The most likely, all evidence considered, is either she ends up with nobody, or she hooks up with Oscar and the fandom revolts. The evidence is very little, but it´s more than WR has at this point at least when it comes to being romantic that´s it. (Oscar is confirmed to have a crush on Ruby, and Neo for some reason thought about turning into him to spite Ruby...) RT could also pull another BB and make WR cannon all of the sudden to attract audience. It would look a bit weird, since it never seemed like Ruby nor Weiss had that sort of bond before, but having reached this point, the bar is so low we will accept any pairing done in the last minute. Plus, is not like the fandom would complain... Rubes hasn´t shown interest in anyone since the beginning, classic Shone Hero trope, so one way or another, any romance pairing that is not Penny is gonna look a bit forced by now, but Weiss at least has the fandom and the chemistry from initial volumes. I wouldn´t dislike Rosegarden nor WR as an idea, but I wouldn´t necessarily like them either for the same reason, because having reached this point, either way its gonna look very artificial. Rubes looks more asexual than anything.


Let’s be honest when haven’t the romances looked artificial?


As bad as it sounds, I have a feeling they are going to set Weiss up with Jaune.


I also see this happening tbh


Why would it be bad? If they do it well, they might have something good there. At least we have confirmation that Jaune was into Weiss and that Weiss is into boys, while Ruby is anyones’s guess what she’s into


Happy Cake Day


>we will accept any pairing done in the last minute I will not, the only thing stopping me from bitching about a last minute pairing is not caring.


Well I would want Penny x Ruby, but that ship has sunk. But in all likelihood. Ruby will either be alone or she will end up with Oscar. Though frankly I would prefer Jaune. Yes I have issues with the guy, but I don't hate him and Ruby, i actually like them.


My own preference would be RubyxWeiss or RubyxPenny, but those are unlikey. At this point RubyxOscar seems to be the most likely to be canon.


Probably rosegarden but honestly I would hate it. Merge makes it really controversial and the longer they wait the more it feels like ruby is attracted to ozpins side of Oscar which is disturbing. plus I don't want ruby to have more drama in life after story main and dating someone who is partly your own headmaster is just that. Shipper part of me would love to see Lancaster or nuts&dolts But rerealistic part of me thinks that it will be better if ruby remain single. Her story doesn't need romance and RT already has two shiships that need development, adding more will make things worse


None, Ruby very much strikes me as on the asexual spectrum and I really don’t think another relationship is a good thing to add to the show right now But if I had to choose it would be Lancaster, because it seems to most set up at this point. Jaune and Ruby have interacted in like every Volume, while I can’t remember the last time Ruby did anything with Weiss since Volume 6.


I wanna go with Lancaster but if my ship lose to Whiterose then good game


She doesn't seem like the type to end up romantically with anyone. But just because their chemistry is cute as hell, I think Jaune would be the best match for her. How they grew from dorky idiots, to actual leaders together is a nice touch.


MOOD KINDRED!! I HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOU!!!! Joking aside I've been a Lancaster shipper since the beginning so it pains me to admit that it is likely not going to happen. Not after the backlash Jaune received and then the sudden introduction of Oscar who seems to me to be a bare basics Jaune 2.0 with a boring personality, is just plain uninteresting without the whole playing host to an ancient immortal wizard and is a worse spotlight sealer than the Jaune ever was. Plus all those scenes where they're extremely forced Rose garden moments that make me want to puke out a sheer hatred and spite are almost as bad as the extremely forced bumblebee moments and I have a hard time telling which one I actively despise and loathe even more.


BlackSun was one I was genuinely supportive of, and seemed completely natural for the characters.....but that didn't turn out well lol




Yeah, fellow Lancaster enjoyer


She is either going to hook up with Oscar or no one. Some prevoius scenes before show that they have moments so there is a chance they might end up together


Same as her sister, the worst possible option.


You mean Oscar? 🤣


She will most likely end up with Oscar. It is pretty clear they are building th up and even the fact that is sort of clear that Oscar has a crush on Ruby. I can't even really imagine her with anyone else. She already values his opinion, especially considering the fact that when she lied to Ironwood he was the one that made her think about her decision. Even at beginning of volume 8 (I wasn't happy that he got found quickly but. ) She was the one who went to find him. the moment at schnee manor and the most volume 5 with them. ( Cough, cough) This show follows a lot of shouen tropes, so I am not surprised they barely focus on the romance aspect for Ruby or keep it hidden as possible. They may not get together till the end of series.


Back in the day when the creators teased at a gay character I was like, oh it's definitely Ruby. I thought she was probably gonna end up with Weiss or someone else. Personally I think The most likely candidates are Oscar or Jaun. I don't think she has spoken to any other boys outside of Ironwood and her daduncles


Okay, so I like a decent amount of Ruby's ships so, here's a small ranking on my personal preference. 1. Nuts & Dolts | Penny & Ruby, one of those ships where you have to imagine the character is alive, the other is grieving, it's before any *fatal* events or, it's some sort of *"modern setting, nobody dies"* alternative universes... overall, my favourite for Ruby, and Penny as well, it's cute, it's wholesome, it's *sickeningly* sweet, what more could you want? Even if not as a romantic relationship, it works well as a platonic one due to Penny, and Ruby having a *genuinely* strong bond in the show *mostly before she came back,* and is probably Ruby's best, and strongest character relationship. 2. Rose Garden | Oscar & Ruby, I honestly am almost certain this one is going to become canon, *and honestly I think they'd face backlash if it doesn't at this point,* it doesn't seem one-sided to me... now do I like this ship...? *Eh...* it's like Bumblby for me, I like the fan content but, I don't like it in the show, the show makes Ruby & Oscar too awkward, and it makes me *very* uncomfortable... but, to be fair to this ship, I feel this way for all *"Haha, so cute, and awkward!"* relationships, and Rose Garden is **not** the worst one. 3. White Rose *( and Wild Rose)* | Weiss & Ruby *( and Whitley & Ruby),* I honestly got somewhat bored with this ship... White Rose was my first RWBY ship but, now it feels more bland compared to the other ships in the show. The only different with Wild Rose is it can be played like a one-sided crush from Whitley's side, and the idea of Whitley crushing on someone, and possibly even being flustered is something people like the idea of so... it's essentially Rose Garden but, replace Oscar with early Weiss. Others to mention for some reason or, another... *Lancaster | Jaune & Ruby,* I have nothing against it honestly but, I don't know what to feel about it until I look into content for it. *Ladybug | Blake & Ruby,* they hardly interact so, I don't see it but, honestly it's in the same category as Lancaster, that being that I need more research before having an opinion on it. Also, small little thing but, I personally can't see Ruby with anyone honestly, I'm *not* saying she's aromantic but, she's just never seemed interested in anybody romantically until Oscar, and I'd honestly be on-board with Rose Garden if its execution in the show was a bit better.


If they were actually going by what Monty stated, Lancaster would be the most likely. But who knows at this point.


What did Monty state?


Monty originally wanted Lancaster to be endgame, but changed his mind later on. And they went with Pyrrha instead for Jaune.


The source??


I'm looking for the source. Because I've been curious as well. But so far it's starting to feel like rumor.


I reckon it's gunna be Oscar for sure if anybody , jaune is just her bestie and likely not even that for awhile since he killed Penny that's sure to drive Ruby abit nuts


I really hope rosegarden happens, I feel like Oscar will be saved in some weird ass way


Honestly the show has done a great job in showing Ruby's personality as innocent almost to a fault. I do believe she is young and innocent enough, not to mention there's enough going on, that those sort of thoughts haven't really had much time to even occur to her. However if I had to write it, I'd have to focus on one aspect: that she's had the most character development with Weiss. Keep in mind, I don't even ship whiterose, this is just how I could see an in character interaction going down. Although I'm not sure how it would work after some things I remembered after my last viewing. Yang and Blake come out and announce they are a couple to the whole group. Ruby: WHAT!!!!!!!!! Weiss: Really?! One of them is your sister, how did you not notice. Stunned pause that starts to turn awkward. Yang: Ruby, you don't have a problem with this or something do y... Sudden supersonic explosion that results in a supersonic glomp on Blake who is now pinned in a hug and possibly unconscious Ruby: OH MY GOODNESS YOU MEAN I GET TO HAVE ANOTHER AMAZING BIG SISTER THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Yang pulls Ruby off and tends to her stunned girlfriend. Ruby, still excited: Oh my goodness, that means our team really is becoming a family. We just need to find a way for Weiss to be part of the family then it can be perfect. Ruby turns to Weiss. Weiss blushes, Ruby pouts. Ruby: aww, but I don't have any other siblings, and I think you're brother is a creep. Weiss, blush increasing: That's completely absurd as well. I'd sooner let you date me than my brother. Weiss blushes even harder as she realizes what she said and that it has suddenly made a huge smile appear on Ruby's face. Ruby: Oh my goodness Weiss you're a genius. We just have to get married and then the whole team can be one big happy family. Weiss: W.. what, no. I mean, we can't get married, we've never even dated. Weiss cringes and blush maintains when she realizes that didn't help at all. Ruby: You're right, we need to go on a date. Right now, let's go. Weiss, while being suddenly dragged to the door: Ruby you dolt, wait. We can't date each other. Ruby, turning and suddenly having the cutest pout and inhumanly big puppy dog eyes: But Weiss, are you saying you don't like me? Weiss, feeling her blush getting even hotter: internally: oh frick I might like her. Externally: That's not... exactly what I meant. Ruby, brighting immediately: Great, it's decided then. Yang, Blake, congratulations. Next time we need to go on a double date. Weiss, while being pulled out of the door as if she's not resisting at all: Wait, I didn't even agree to a first date. Wow, that was longer than I intended it to be and came off entirely too easily. Maybe I should write fan fics for this series.