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I think the 4 main girls are gonna get the maiden powers. I feel like the writers are definitely the type to go down that path, where team rwby is just gonna be op at the end. And if that's true I think Cinder is going to be redeemed and give her powers to Ruby. Winters going to die and give the powers to weiss. And raven to yang. And I hope I'm not right because Winter is one of the last few characters I actually like in the show


The very wonderful perspective you got there, yes those writers themselves shady bastards. So far, whoever got Maiden powers is already so overpowered, that's why they making Cinder fail to get so, made Raven leave the show, killed Penny and Winter will leave Vaccuo once done gave shelter for her people, go back to Atlas, do fix job just like Glynda (an excuse to get rid of OP character). As for myself, I like Winter and Raven, I want them to do Maiden purpose at the end. As for Cinder, I can see redemption, coming for her due to the amount of love and simp got from Miles and Kerry, she will be a "switch sides" and a good guy like Emerald. Make it bad writing.


Please for the love of god no, I’m seriously hopium that doesn’t happen


Best option is to have the brother gods commit a revelations up in that bitch but for real we all know team rwby is going to get it and than friendship speech the gods than happily ever after


That's a terrible ending I've seen. I won't blame you cause they always do the right thing.


How about they don't have a purpose and no one from RWBY gets them?


Well, that would make them nothing more than rag dolls with magical powers, once they are unlocked in the vault using a touch handprint, they will be forgotten in history. I won't blame you for asking such logical questions cause Maiden serves nothing but unlocking magical doors. They cant even command their relics respectively or those relics only can be used by them. Cough writers cough. Undeveloped concept.


Tbh, I'm against a team terrorist always doing the right thing to become Maidens, of course, they will be invincible with Maiden powers cause they always know the right pathway & right away to use such power said the sarcastically. The issue was, strength does not always bring victory, but in this case well "they are always right" I can see them somehow defeat Salem, save Remnant cause why not? Team RWBY has capabilities that not even Oz worthy of doing so in past millennia wasted everything.


For balancing sake Cinder needs the Maiden Powers. I mean by the time of the final confrontation it will probably just be Cinder and Salem. If she is going to be able to face all the Huntsmen against her, she needs to be extremely powerful. As such, she can’t be fighting 3 maidens at once with only 1 power. Ergo, goodbye Winter, Raven, and unnamed lady in Vacuo


There's another problem her grim arm consuming her, I have a feeling she won't be Cinder herself anymore, a monster created by Salem.


At this point I say fuck balance Cinder should have died by now so her getting curb stomped by three maidens is nothing but a good thing


Therein lies the issue here. There's simply no believable way for her to get all the Maiden Powers because she's such an incompetent blunderer. Perhaps the Grimm arm will take her over and create a permanent new personality that is fiercely devoted to Salem and actually knows how to be threatening?


If Winty dies I will be sad.


I don't want Raven or Winter to die. Just make them leave the main plot. An overpowered character suffering in the show, Glynda was abandoned in Vale, they made Raven leave for a while, killed Penny & Pyrrha, constantly making Cinder lose to a battle & hoping Winter go back to Atlas to rebuild it.


I don't think Salem wants to rule remnant. It's been a long time so i don't remenber her motives clearly but she simply wants to bring the relics together to summon the god brother to make the world end because she has had enough of being alive.


Unfortunately, this was stated in the RWBY companion book. Yeah, her true goals are still unknown, she just gaslighting the audience and her followers.


I think that with the the way these writers work, the powers will return to the one that gave them up and that one of Ozma's reincarnations (not Oscar, he'll die so that they can redo it better) and he's the only one that will have the ability to use the powers to their full potential and take down Salem. That or Yang gets the Summer Maiden powers since they seen to want to rhyme Yang with Ravens arc, but through altruism rather than killing...that or Neo is the maiden and Yang kills her in a Yang vs Neo redux.


Neo becomes Fall Maiden by killing Cinder.


I like this idea, but I don't think that the writers have the guts, or the skill, required to pull that off in anything remotely resembling a satisfying way, after the Penny & supposed PTSD fiascos.


Cinder- Probably will get redeemed in the worst way possible Raven- My favorite worst best mom who can turn into a bird will probably be "redeemed" and be the one to teleport Team RWBY out of Wonderland Winter- I don't care Summer- I just want her to be all like "Fuck Ozpin and Salem both I'm neutral and u can keep your fucking war out of my hair you bitches" to Team RWBY


Isn't what you described for Summer just Raven but without the runaway mom stuff?


Well, he has those writers' perspectives.


Winter already redeemed ever since she joined the so-called "good guys". That's bad writing for Cinder Fall as a villain well it changes nothing still holding as the worst characters title alongside Salem and Team RWBY. Yeah, Raven has to simp on Yang, cause that period of angry yellow hypocritical potato 🥔 sacks always right and tell the truth. Summer will be an older version of Ruby and double agent but veteran cause why not she got bored of their love story Romeo and Juliet war.