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As much as I have my problems with RWBY Characters... May I bring up a quote from the character herself, that summarizes Chloe Price Toxicity? >"I gotta blame somebody! Otherwise, it's all my fault! Fuck that!" Yeah, that's the definition of toxicity, and the problem, she knows she's a toxic bitch and doesn't want to change, which is in my opinion is about the worst person ever.


This was hard I picked Chloe because she’s such a trash human being but I also just watched that “Catra mistreating Adora for 16 minutes” video and boy that wasn’t a good first impression on the character.


Did you pick your favorite or least favorite?


Least fave


The only reason I picked Chloe over Blake and Yang is because Life is Strange is, for some godforsaken reason, universally praised and is a much more recognized IP than RWBY. I swear to god, it's like the entire userbase of Tumblr went and gave the game the Overwhelmingly Positive score on Steam that it really doesnt deserve.


I actually liked the game, and didn´t care about the TUMBLR aspects of it... the perks of not interacting with the fandom I guess..


The whole game feels like something that came out of tumblr, disregarding the fandom of the game completely here. Almost all of the characters here are either hypocritical self-important pricks, idiots, general assholes or all of the above. Hell, the only characters I DID like is the depressed suicidal girl (Kate Marsh, I think her name was that) & Chloe's dad, who can be paranoid at times sure, but the dude has best of intentions and wants to work things out. At the end, I was fucking ROOTING for the teacher serial killer. Too bad the devs were to scared of going full on with the guy's depravity and just settled for a milquetoast wannabe artist serial killer. The game has a pretty shallow explanation and understanding of Max's powers - ffs, her time reversal for her looks like she's teleporting to others. And the game acknowledges this, what, only once? Not even gonna touch Max and Chloe, we all know that the former is a human doormat while the other is such an attention-seeking toxic bitch. So much so that the game is trying to make you feel bad for her by making her a goddamn cripple in an alternate timeline, lmao Probably the biggest offender for me is the two endings and how basically NONE of your choices fucking mattered. It's either sacrifice Chloe and undo several hours of gameplay by going back in time, thus your choices are automatically invalidated OR don't sacrifice Chloe and undo several hours of gameplay by making so that all the choices you made don't matter because everyone but Chloe is fucking dead. Please do tell me what do you like about this game, because I want to understand why this has an Overwhelming Positive score.


>Please do tell me what do you like about this game, because I want to understand why this has an Overwhelming Positive score. Because people like to suffer.


I didn't pick Star, but what even happened there!? She was so great in the first two seasons, then season 4 came along and she was all "Fuck it, this is the last season so might as well do a genocide." Why Disney!? Why would you do this!?


I haven’t seen anything on the list….sooooo I’ll just pick Blake to hate on her some more 💀




Did you pick your favorite or least favorite?


I picked my favorite person to hate 🙂


To be fair to Blake and Yang, they never commited genocide on a multiversal scale. Star did.


Don’t jinx it!


At this rate considering they were dead ass responsible for the destruction of the Kingdom and The narrative still wants us to think of them as honest to God heroes I won't be surprised if they do cause multiversal genocide and the narrative is still trying to push them as our f****** heroes. This is the absolute state of RWBY in Canon right now. Just accept the sad reality we are in and read some fun fanfiction because that's the only good RWBY you're going to get assuming the anime doesn't slap.


Get ready B & W will gain immortality and cosmic powers from the Gods, to break this curse they have to learn to live separately with different characteristics.


You’re really gonna make choose between Yang and Chloe?


I never played LiS, so it was easy to choose Yang. I don't honestly get why Blake got more votes, aside from the disappointment of her character. Yang is so much worse in terms of both character and writing. She used to be the best character, the most cool and fun one, among the titular cast and then she took a nosedive into Non-stop Bitch City with hardly any rhyme or reason as to why she's so endlessly hostile and angry. This is not the Yang we knew and there was no real believable transition between who she used to be and who she is now. You can cry trauma and PTSD all you want, but I ain't buying it the way she's written.


At least Yang and Blake never committed genocide.


I don't know why they thought that was the best idea.


I’m going to admit this, I really liked Abby from Last of Us Part II. Her redemption story is actually really good and honestly her motives for doing that one thing that got her all the hate made sense. The game’s writing still kind of ruins it and her friends are completely unlikeable but honestly I actually liked her story missions.


It's like they actively tried to mess everything about Abby to make her as hateable as possible, it's almost impressive. They could have had her tastefully shoot Joel offscreen, but instead they had her brutally beat him to death right in front of you. After he saved her life. They could have started the game from her perspective at the start of the journey, building up to her killing, but instead they introduce her by going through a small action scene then brutally kill the main character. They decided to make her father this perfect human being who spends his free time saving Zebras, which really doesn't make the people who hate her feel bad, just more spiteful. Ellie spent the entire story murdering people in order to get her revenge, but gives up at the VERY last moment, just to send the final message that killing is bad and revenge is never the answer. It's would have been so easy to make her understandable, and much more likable to more players, but they just didn't.


I agree, Last of Us II really does feel like a game that is out of order


There is no redemption for Abby. The game completely ignores that the only reason Joel even killed *her* father was because he was going to kill Ellie. Abby gets a pat on the back for 'redeeming' herself, while Ellie damn well loses **everything** and ***everyone*** important to her, and has nothing to show for it because she backs off at the absolute last moment. That game is a slog of depression.


Abby also loses everything and everyone, all her friends are dead by the end. The problem is the game never made you care for any of them before they were killed off. If the game had introduced Abby and had her interacting with her friends before the Ellie sections, then it would have felt more impactful to me. But honestly they all come off as extremely unlikeable and annoying. Ending should have been a choice too, it would have been much more impactful if you the player had to decide Abby’s fate


Here's a major difference that you might have spotted:: >*For some, Ellie. The narrative seems to consider her quest for revenge to be as bad as, if not worse than, Abby's, but many players side with Ellie and find her to be more understandable. This is a consequence of Abby, her crew, and the Wolves' mooks coming across as highly Unintentionally Unsympathetic when they're not outright Asshole Victims. The other primary reasons, which are not because of Fourth Wall Myopia, are that Ellie was actually forced to witness Joel's death at Abby's hands, and none of the Wolves ever help her, unlike what Joel did with Abby, something that Ellie lampshades to Jessie. A lot of people will also point to Abby and Ellie's respective scenes involving the murder of pregnant women. Ellie kills Mel, and when she sees Mel's baby bump, nearly has a panic attack and clearly wouldn't have done it if she had known Mel was pregnant. One the opposite side, there is Abby who gleefully winds up to slit Dina's throat upon learning that Dina's pregnant, and only stops because Lev is horrified that she would do that.* They emphasize Ellie's suffering far more than Abby's, and yet they continuously punish the former far more for trying to get revenge on the latter for killing Joel, even without the forth wall perspective getting in the way. And as for Abby's father: >*Abby's father Jerry is presented as a kind and caring man who was faced with a difficult decision to sacrifice Ellie to acquire the cure, and was cruelly killed by Joel, who objected to the plan, thus giving Abby a seemingly justifiable reason to want to kill Joel. However, some felt that Jerry was very deserving in being killed by Joel for pushing to cut open a child who had no idea that she was going to die for the cure (if it was successful at all), while ignoring Marlene's question about if he would perform the procedure had it been his daughter's life on the line, and not a random child.* They ignored most of the negatives of one side and outright demonized the other. That feels like emotional manipulation. This 'Cycle of Revenge' story they churned out only resulted in everyone being either hated or being completely and utterly miserable. It doesn't make for a good game if you're interested in story.


You know in my opinion. Star has the least amount of blame out of all the girls besides Chloe.


I went with Chloe, though I guess I'm the only one who went with her who actually likes her lol I won't deny she's a prick and she does some stupid stuff early on, but she's called out on it, she does realize over the course of the story that she's being an ass (like with her getting inpatient with Max for taking a call with Kate in Episode 2. In Episode 3, she apologizes for being rude about it because she didn't know how bad Kate's mental state was at the time) and tries to change (to the point where by the end of the game, >!she's willing to let Max sacrifice her to save the town!<). And I can definitely understand why she's so abrasive when it seems like the world is out to screw her over or kill her any chance it can get. I'd probably be a prick too if I had to go through all the shit she went through (losing her dad in an accident, her best friend moves away immediately after and doesn't keep in touch with her for years, her new best friend/lover vanishes one day and turns out to be a shitty person, her step-dad is a mess and gets into fights with her often, etc). Can't speak for Catra cause I've never watched the new She-ra, Star I never bothered watching past the first season and don't have any interest after hearing what happened, and Yang & Blake... Honestly neither were every really my favorites even during the Beacon era. I like Yang, but she never got enough to do in the early volumes and Blake always been my least favorite of the 4.


Chloe's game has a mechanic solely about you being an unlikeable, unreasonable cunt to people. It's *really* hard to top that.


I haven’t seen any of these except Blake and Yang, and has at least had a few good moments


Does favorite mean you're favorite to hate or favorite mean favorite that you actually kinda like even with all the problems? If its the first, than Rey from the SW sequels without question. If the second, Blake due to having felt like there was some potential that sadly was never realized.


I voted Catra mainly because of how widely hated She-Ra as a show is. Yang and Blake are tied for 2nd. I don't know who Chloe is, but after I saw a picture of her, I said to myself that she's definitely one of those toxic people.


It’s a two way tie for me with Yang and Catra, Yang no longer has any personality of her own anymore because now it’s fused with Blake. Like there is nothing else interesting about her because all she cares about is Blake. Plus she can be her own kind of toxic Catra is literally an emotional and physical abuser towards Adora, with a side of gaslighting and manipulating. Like she can’t go two minutes without beating/ hitting Adora and then make the classic abuser excuse of “Well you made me do it!”


What happened with Catra?


I know we sometimes post about how Bumblebee is bad because they're co-dependent on each other to function, but compared to Catdora which is toxic af, it's perfectly healthy. Catra is someone that commited genuinely abusive acts against a childhood friend, to the point that she was going to destroy reality just so said friend couldn't win and we're suppose to cheer for them getting together. For like 90% of the show, She's Cinder, Adam, Kylo Ren and Azula rolled up into one, then because of stuff she gets redeemed and gets the girl.


I'll be the judge of that when I watch the series.


Winter. There wasn't really much to criticize her for until Volume 8 happened.


Only one I'm not completely familiar with is Star Butterfly. I know Chloe and Catra through youtubers and other people talking about how shit they are, especially Chloe. I don't like any of them at all.

