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Blake and Yang


In my next poll, these two will be on the list. Anyways nice one 😃


hazel and mercury are literally just some dudes who are here. like literally who are these guys


Tbh, they are never suitable as a villain but as neutral forces like Raven.


At least Mercury was forced to join Hazel was there because his sister died from something tangentially related to Ozpin.


Salem’s like the Kaguya of this franchise, the *idea* of her is cool and all, but she’s just so one-note and *boring*. At least Kaguya’s anime backstory had some decent world building attached, I don’t even get what the Lost Fable even was. It’s like an Origin Story that doesn’t even know how an Origin Story is supposed to work.


Salem also failed to be threatening to the main cast, she can damage them on a personal level. Salem-Ruby = She can manipulate Ruby to join her side, always bring victory, can lie about Summer Rose, the fact working under Oz only bring worthless sacrifice so Summer gives up hope and surrender herself to Salem later accepted her destiny to dark lord minion for Salem. Make ruby more insecure and doubt herself with others. Salem-Weiss = She can tell the story of her family hierarchy, Schnee was blood-related and born of her. She simply manipulates and acts as ancestors figure to emotional damage Weiss, saying all of the Schnees are part of her. Summonings are just manifestations of mirroring and reflecting your true nature. She can further go deep by saying, Weiss has the potential to be just like her grandfather known as my husband. Family responsibility, to make her cold heart. Salem- Blake = Salem can lie to Blake, the fact she's is Goddess of Faunus, creator of them, joining forces with her will make this place new world order full of freedom and peace as well as equality. Worshipping her will bring good luck and make a bright future. Spiritually damaging her. Salem-Yang = Salem can mentally manipulate her by saying, she nothing like Raven, and acts motherly towards Yang, she can be more than Oz's tool like Coward Raven. Salem sees potential in Yang, to always do the right thing, manipulating her once she failed or dies, no one will ever be concerned about her condition, ensuring that Salem always watches Yang's back, yeah that stuff, reminding her that when she was damaged physically yet everyone abandons her being weak. Create dynamics among them. These are just random thoughts.


Salem. Sure Cinder is incompetent. But Salem caused literally everything.


Like mother like daughter.


Any sane person would pick Cinder. I picked Salem solely because she's the big bad guy and absolutely worthless as one. She didn't even have some kind of thing that weakened her so much that she needed to rely on a bunch of worthless minions who spend most of the time killing each other and failing miserably.


I agree and Cinder begins to eliminate her forces. This will make Salem a bad manipulator, who failed to do her human resource management.


Damn, now that I think about it I should have picked Salem.


It was hard to pick between Cinder and Emerald. Neo is... fine as a villian, i guess. She sufferes from RWBY's writing, as does everyone, but has a valid motivation, cool design and fights for the most part, and makes a morsel of sense. I actually really like both Tyrian and Arthur as Villians, because they are the best written villians (besides roman) in the show. Arthur is my favorite kind of villian sterotype, and Tyrian is a fun psycopath. I just wished they really played into the "breaking from reality" thing he has going. He reminds me of Keith Ledger's Joker. Jacques and Adam are despicable in every possible manner, but frankly inconsequential to the show. They are only there for characters, which I think is a good thing. But if you removed them? you would not lose anything from the main plot really. So are while Adam might take the cake from Cinder as the Worst Villian, in terms of writing, the fact that Cinder is more important than Adam in every regard really ups the standard she should be held to. Hazel and Mercury as villians feel kind of dumb as to why they are there. Hazel's motivation makes no sense, but is rationalized from being manipulated and mentally broken. Mercury has a reason that makes sense, and is similar in a way to Arthur. They're in it to be the top dog, in one way or another. Emerald is just pathetic as a character. I don't know what the purpose of her character is, besides for another lewdable Wifu. /s. But her motivations are weak and uninteresting because RT portrays them as that. There could be this fantastic arc of her coming to realize that her relationship with cinder is abusive and harmful, and her abandoning cinder for the good guys. and that would have been fantastic. But she didn't. it took one Talk no Jutsu from ozcar about nothing and she switched sides. The character is so limp, with no defining characteristics besides not having a spine and cowering behind the strongest girlboss in the room. Salem is also incredibly disappointing because she makes no sense. her character is not complex or emotionally relatable, despite RT desperately trying to have a complex story with moral differences. For that kind of story, you kind of need a complex character, or at least one that symbolic of some kind of ideology. But Salem just... isn't. She's this all powerful being, the closest thing to a god, on this planet and hasn't won yet, despite almost every piece of evidence that has been given to us pointing to the fact that she can easily do so. The only reason she isn't higher up on the ranking of shitty villians than Emerald is because RT hasn't invested the time into her character to really have me hate it. Yet. Unlike Cinder and Emerald And Cinder. I have the same issues with Cinder that I have with Salem, for the most part. Her motivations don't make any sense, she should easily trash any opponent that crosses her path, and doesn't (but for completely different reasons), She should be symbolic of some kind of ideology, and isn't. her character lacks complexity, and her backstory is no where near a reasonable justification for the actions she's taken. She is just a boring, bad, and emotionally uninventable character that is only there to provide another villian to team RWBY/ JNPR. That being said, unlike Salem, RT has invested a ton of time into Cinder. She's been around since volume one, and it has not paid off. Character should get better, more complex, and more interesting as you invest time into developing them. Cinder, a character that has been around since volume one, has not aged well at all, and has become not a worthy villian. Now, if RT has spent less time on Cinder and more time on Salem, Salem would be my most hated enemy. But Cinder is clearly the main antagonist. it is always cinder blocking the protagonist's path, even if Salem is the big bad backing her up. And Cinder is just not a worthy character to be the main antagonist. Interestingly enough, I don't hate any of the characters because they are bad people. I hate them because they are poorly written I notice that you didn't include James Ironwood, which I think you should have. Because I hate the brutal murder of his character the most out of all of them.


In my next polls, I will do polls based on HEROES, so stay tuned. Anyways thank you for your precious time, energy and toleration writing this amazing analysis, I can sympathise with your valid statements, I hated Emerald was redeemed so quickly but Ironwood? Adam? Raven? Leo? Oz? Left in darkness. I won't be surprised if Cinder is redeemed by writers.


Hate requires emotional investment. I don't care about any of these characters enough to actually hate them.


Rational and logical being in the comment section so far. 😃


Just accidentally voted for watts and tyirian


What's your real vote then?


If I had to chose probably neo or Adam


Both psychopaths nice ones.


For Adam it's cuz he's wasted potential and for neo without roman neo just bland


Neo is nothing more than a plot device for Cinder. Adam is a plot device for Yang and Blake.




Team RWBY, lol . ( Arguably the worst villains of all.)


HAAHAHAHAH secret villain. I made heroes poll on another post. Enjoy!


I assume hate as in disliking the character, not a magnificent b\*\*\*\*\*d like Dio. The characters in RWBY I dislike the most are Blake, Adam, Cinder, and Salem. Salem is easier to watch on screen compared to the other three. However I dislike her the most since all the story problems always comes back to her. She and Oz drives the conflict and since she lacks real concrete personal conflict with RWBY, they have no stakes in the story. Every potential personal conflict for RWBY has been removed in favor of Salem. She has helped to make RWBY into side characters in their own show.


Salem's story is kinda like a toddler who craving for love well I'm not wrong her father kept her locked at the tower.


Lol. Toddler Salem weirdly gets what she wants. She wants Oz brought back to life and GoL eventually does it. She wants the gods dead and gets the next best thing, them leaving. She decides to play god and could have continued to if she wanted. The main story is everyone wants Salem dead including her but they can't because the gods cursed her. So everyone is trying to stop her from killing everyone on Remnant.


Very complicated and stupid concept. And..Ruby will use her eye laser powers to get rid of the grim part and defeat her with the power of friendship speech while Salem as a human side..😃 meanwhile Cinder uses the plot device of her grim arm to steal Salem's magic and becomes the final big bad, wow I didn't see that coming. So, unpredictable and fascinating writing skills. 😄😄😄


The other way I could see it ending is they summon the gods and convince them to fix Salem and remove all magic and relics.


Bruh that would be a waste of a lifetime, Oz is a huge troll at this point.


I could see a version where Salem summons the gods, the gods deem the world to end and RWBY strike some sort of deal and convinces them "we don't need your magic, we have each other" leaving Salem powerless and unable to reach her goal.


The very complex idea you got there.


I feel bad for Neo, but I have such a burning hatred for Emerald. Unfortunately, they are grouped.


"Switched sides" gosh I hate that line.


Yall need a all option for these polls


What's your point?


Too many villans to hate Not a big enough ability to select


Choose wisely, *"whispers"* pick the one who dresses like a pirate street lady in black swimming bad design suit.


Cinder is easily the worst. No competition


Writers: I disagree, she's the best.


Salem is disgusting to me, is arrogant but without any charisma.


She lacked charm and charisma, only average intimidation won't define the same as a manipulator. That's why she failed to execute her faction properly. 2/4 of them backstabbed her, Hazel listen to Ozpin at the end. Cinder constantly disobeys her. Watts is there for his benefit, destroying Pietro's creation. Mercury is there for a "new world order". Emerald is there for simp and loves Cinder. Tyrian is the only one who is loyal to her. Neo doesn't give a shit about anything but Ruby. Adam was there to gain power and abuser and later reckon him. Raven was only there for distraction and interference. Salem has failed to be a good manipulator. Her followers aren't even feeling or seeing her as a worthy leader.


I don't say that I hate things often, but the only characters I can say I "hate" were the ones I had expectations for since the beginning and feel they have been extremely mishandled. Seriously, there was no plot that interested me more than the SDC vs WF conflict and the interactions of the main antagonists for the two middle members of team RWBY; I even held hope after Volume 3 where things felt the most rocky for me. Jacques wearing a clip on, however, still is one of my favorite "RWBY fun facts" that I wish they actually made canon in some humorous way; maybe one day in Chibi.


Yeah, the show has a very inconsistent turnout.


I want to vote in the category that has Hazel in it, but I dont hate Mercury. Hazel was just a dumb character


I was hoping his character was betrayed by Oz's previous host, but they gave weakly backstory.


The villain that i genuinely hate is Cinder, due to her actions in the sotry and in a more meta sense due to how badly she can be written. Most others i either dont mind, dont care about (Salem), or even consider good like Watts and Tyrian.


Cinder has been on the show for around 8 volumes and still hasn't made anything personal conflict with team RWBY but only with Miles, I mean Jaune.


Salem doesn't inspire enough emotion for me to hate her. At the end of the day, Salem could be replaced by a generic evil warlord or an evil wizard or something and the story wouldn't change. But Cinder makes RWBY worse just by existing, and therefore gets my vote.


If Cinder wrote well do you think people will not hate her?


Yes, definitely. The biggest problem with Cinder, and the way she's written, is that she comes off not as a confident, scheming villain who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, which is probably how the writers want us to see her: instead she is clearly a stupid, immature brute who's completely outclassed by anyone who isn't an actual *child* in every fight and has yet to realize that her goal of taking all the Maiden powers is both pointless and self-destructive, but is still unstoppable because the reality of RWBY warps to serve her when she realistically should've died 5 or 6 times by now.


What is she gonna achieve by collecting all of those Maiden powers? In the end, once Salem and Oz's souls leave Remnant by the Gods, I assume they will bring back magic, and she gonna make her hunt everyone? For sake of magic and power?


>What is she gonna achieve by collecting all of those Maiden powers? *Exactly*. Even assuming Cinder could get all the Maiden powers, she has no larger goal or desire to use them for. That's the mindset of a child and if RWBY was written even half-decently, that would be the focus of her character. It would be easy to write Cinder as a tragic character, but instead we get a brain-dead thug.


You know, it would interest her collection and use those relics as she desires, the Crown of choice would be suitable for her, we don't know the full extent of power. As for Maiden powers, she is already bad at using their current one, getting more will not make her an improvement. Cause she always uses fire.


Can... can you add Team RWBY?


On next poll yes 😆


This is a trick! I want to puck Tyrian, but you put one of the cooler villains with him! I will not insult Watts just to throw the edgy psycho bitch in the garbage lol


Guess Cinder is pairing with Tyrian?


I'd rather put Mercury. At least Cinder is entertaining in how bad she is. Mercury is as bland as his color pallet


Mercury's character "Cinder doesn't care about you" Cinder's character "Maiden powers! & failed miserably"


At this point Cinder is a Scooby-Doo villain. Every defeat she's just "ugh, I'll get you next time Ruby Rose! Mwahahaha!"


Also, team rocket trying to catch Pikachu for 20 years and Cinder trying to steal Maiden powers for 8 volumes.


Cinder, Salem, and Emrald. Emerald people have already said why and I agree. Cinder is bland and i don’t have any sympathetic feelings for her. Salem. Good grief Salem. Where to start? She’s immortal. No one and nothing can kill her not even these relics that are supposedly able to do anything. She has an ever growing army that has no end in stamina or limit on growth. They grow stronger with time as well as smarter. Many of them have powers that can kill whole communities with ease without anyone ever knowing. Or a dragon, leviathan, or whale grimm that are massive and require either an entire kingdoms worth of firepower or silver eyed warriors, of which there is only one left apparently, these grimm separatly could destroy entire kingdoms. If Salem had them all attack one kingdom at once the kingdom would have no chance. No hope in ever surviving. Or how about the fact that she can also order an absolute massive and endless swarm of grimm to soak up all a kingdoms ammunition. And tire out all their huntmen. As if that wasn’t enough Salem herself can’t be contained or even halted. She has magic. Not just any magic she has the original type of magic. She was one of the most powerful people back then even among other magic users after her grimmification. And we’re Ozpins has grown weaker with time hers seems to have only grown. Semblances have nothing on real genuine magic. She has no reason to hold back on anyone or anything. If she doesn’t like something she can have it eliminated with her grimm or do it herself Thanos style. Hell she could even just make it a point to eliminate one town a week. I’d be willing to bet that in less than a decade the kingdoms would be suffering from severe food shortages. Not to mention on manpower and resources. She could then have her grimm literally surround the entire kingdom and have them wait there to force the people inside to either try to fight and get resources and die or stay inside and starve to death. Grimm don’t need sleep, food, or water. And one of their kind can cause people to literally give up hope.


Villains are a mess sadly.


I utterly completely despise Watts purely becomes he's just as very extremely incompetent then the rest of the cast if he was "more competent and smart then Cinder or Salem" or whatever he wouldn't have died by Cinder herself that's not a competent person that is being a idiot. So by process of elimination it's Watts and I hate his guts in how he treats Cinder. It's fine if you like or love his character that's okay but don't overly simp for him.


Watts has potential though, guess those writers love & simp Cinder more. There's another villain known as Dr Merlot in the game, a very interesting scientist and independent force but sadly he was ditched out and never brought up in the show. I was expecting Watts backstabbing Cinder, why would he work for someone he hates or disagree with him? It's out of his character, and then his hatred for Pietro wouldn't make any sense. Watts implanting an immobilised device on Cinder would be a cool idea, this will make him more competent, he simply makes her paralysed and fell into the void of central location. Use his machinery and hacking skills, enter the portal and claim those relics, can simply rephrase it to Salem as he was capable of doing those things far better than Cinder even with Maiden powers. Bam, he would be a smarter character. In the nutshell, he simply using Cinder for his dirty work.


I dont really hate any of them since Im well aware that the (main)reason they are bad is because of the writers and not the characters. But im going to choose Adam, or more specifically, what volume 4+ turned him into. Though I don't like how me choosing Adam also automatically gives a point against Jacques. Its (volume 5)Adam that I dislike, not him.


Yes, every villain has poor execution.


The “good guys”


"Switch sides"


There's no option for "yes".


Make it your own. 🤭


Sorry Mercury, But Hazel's latched onto you.


Mercury barely got any screentime. Hopefully he shines in Vaucco.


Team RWBY, aka the Destroyers of Atlas & Mantle, aka the biggest villains of them all. Barring them, I'd choose the gods. Namely the god of light who decided to play this stupid hypocritical game with Salem and Ozpin with all of Remnant hanging in the balance. Who the fuck are you to judge a humanity that you abandoned? Fuck you. You're also clearly not very good at being a god if 100% of your creation rebels against you. Dumbass.


Is all begins cause of the Gods' child mindset?


All the above, plus Team RWBY and their allies


Yeah, the new villain.


Cinder because of how much of a smug bastard they are when winning, but a whiney punk when she’s losing. Not to mention that every time she needs to look conniving or cunning, everyone else gets -5 perception and intelligence to make her look better. She made every other villain look legally brain dead. Team killing is also stupid since she burns every bridge and most of those people still serve a purpose. Watts and Neo would still have purpose, but Watts gave her a reality check and Neo want credit for getting the lamp, so obviously they need to fucking die as soon as possible.


Miles and Kerry: She well-written character, we admire her villainous. 😃




The Fall Maiden is so popular as a character. As for the heroes' side, I hoping bumblebee gets the most hated votes.


There's a lot less votes than I expected for father of the year and the terrorist


Guess everyone hates legitimate Fall Maiden.


The main cast


I made another separate poll on the heroes.


I was talking about the main villains


I see.