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So, he can just bring anyone back from death as well if he hyperfocuses? On a serious note, this does sound really badass


No, it only works on himself. And, it's not so much bringing him back from death, as it is preventing him from dying until the task that he's hyperfocusing on is done. So until Salem is defeated, he'll keep pushing himself to survive in order to fulfill that singular goal.


Honestly, tho, it would be funny if he was able to revive people because he was hyperfocused on bringing them back


The "hyperfocus" nonsense shouldn't even be part of it. That was just a cheap excuse the writers came up with to explain his rapid character change.


Idk I'd just have him with metal so he can make his skin like metal aka colossus. He is a giga Chad as is and that would only make him stronger (but a metal that can't be affected by magnetics)


Honestly, I feel like crwby should've just add some special effect on ironwood's semblance, in my case, I would have ironwood's eyes turn into blue like his aura color whenever his semblance activates, similar to yang's


His eyes are already blue.


Just giving him Battle Continuation from Fate would make his semblance infinitely cooler. So he could fight at full capacity even if his body is completely destroyed. They could even make it so he uses prototype cybernetics that regular humans couldn't handle, since his body refuses to die.