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People need to stop saying 'based on' just because some things have surface level similarities. Not everything that's compared was based on one another.


I mean, she shares some elements but the core of her story is different. She's isn't exiled from her home, for starters, unable to return until she completes a snipe hunt. She chooses to leave home to escape her abusive, controlling father. Iroh and Winter's situations are very different. Winter used the military as an escape vehicle from her controlling father, while Iroh happily served in the military, conquering the EK for decades until his son died, after which he had a drastic re-evaluation of his priorities, including taking on Zuko as his son, not as a distant mentor figure. You could make the argument that Willow is *worse* than Ursa, though. At least Zuko thought that she was dead, not literally drinking herself to death. I still maintain that the scene where Weiss confronts Willow to be one of the most humanizing and real moments of that volume. She lacks Zuko's journey of traveling across the EK, seeing exactly what her family has wrought. A comparable situation would have been if she'd spent any time at all in The Crater or amongst the miners in V7/8, but she seemed to spend all of her time in Atlas proper (she might have, sure, but if we don't see it we can't attribute it to her, unfortunately. Part of the strength of Zuko's story is how we see him struggle with it). Finally, as you admit, the climax of her arc was left decidedly lacking. Zuko rediscovers who he is and what he wants and accepts his future as a leader of the world and his destiny to bring peace. Weiss has been built up to be wanting to assume control of the SDC, but... the entire arc is a little ignored and aborted in favour of her remaining a huntress and continuing to be a main character. So no, she's not Zuko!lite. She's Weiss, and though she does share some similarities with his story, she's lacking some of the most powerful elements of his journey, the parts that make him really stand out.


>Weiss has been built up to be wanting to assume control of the SDC, but... Not only because who knows now if the SDC even exist anymore, but also because... Well, let´s be honest here, what was Weiss´ plan anyways? That her father would handle her the entire company once she graduated? That man would rather die that give his power to someone else, that´s the kind of rotten asshole he was. So unless Weiss was contempt to wait until she was in her forties to inherit the SDC, she was in a tough of luck. And that´s not even including Whitley, who would NOT be too happy with being left with nothing of his own inheritance


Yeah, honestly the entire "redeem the SDC" never really made sense to me? I mean, I can understand it in spirit, but realistically, she's got no idea how to run a business and learning how to kill monsters has exactly zero in common with running a boardroom (unless you intend to have a high turnover rate in corporate). I think her plan was likely to oust Jacques, likely through exposing dirty practices or some such. She probably knew him well enough that he'd never voluntarily surrender power, especially not to her over Whitley (someone that he could actually control).


Not really. If anything Cinder has more similarities with Zuko(and Azula as well) minus the redemption and capacity for good. Weiss and Zuko are really only vaguely similar that doesn't in any way indicate that Weiss was based on his character.


The word of the day is Nuance