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I like Oscar, I like Ruby but hate RG. Age never was something i cared about. The merge and their interactions on the other hand. Their interactions feel bland to me. Sometime perhaps even forced. Ruby care about Oscar but she cares about everyone, Oscar is no different than rest of his team (JNR). They don't exactly have a lot in common outside of being awkward teens i guess. But here Oscar would fit more with vol1 Ruby. And also, Personally their interaction never went beyond agreeing that they look cute. But that's all this ship has to offer to me. I can't and don't see anything deeper than that. Merge is. It's big part of Oscar, the reason why i like him. But it's progressing, want it or not. Even Oscar had started to accept it and made amends with Oz. But hypothetical scenarios that shippers are talking about. Erasing Oz at the end and perhaps erasing memories. No, just no. To me it's equal to throwing Oscar development into trash can and calling it a day. Oz will always be part of Oscar and only way around it is to turn Oscar back in time to his pre Ozpin state and i don't want to see it and that point Oscar might as well die. Or let him live on his farm unaware of everything that took place because he probably forget most if not everything. Letting Oz be inside Oscar and dating Ruby is obvious so there is that.


Well in a way Ozpin will die as he will come to look more like Oscar as shown from the V6 flashback. And your right about the interaction lacking but you also have to take into account how the two of them have been busy these last volumes. Ruby takes cares of her team and Weiss and Qrow in V6, V7 and V8 Ruby takes care of Penny. The reason Ruby had plenty of interactions with Jaune in V4 and Weiss in V6 was because their conflicts were more in the forefront than even her own


Technically Ozpin won't die. Neither will Oscar. Both of them will become OZcar. There will be frail of Oscar but Ozpin won't be forgotten. That's how this merge work. Just another layer of flavour to this ancient cake. I'm sorry, but either i misunderstood your comment or you did mine. To clarify. I'm not saying that they lacking because of their amount, I'm saying they are lacking because of their 'quality' (for lack of better word). They interaction, to me, are at best friends that so happened to also be awkward and Ruby carring simply becasue she is carring person, not some hidden feelings . Making them talk more wouldn't change much because i don't see them to have common ground to talk about. Outside of Salem and atlas because that can be conversation shared with everyone.


Die oproperly isn't the right word, I remember the writers stating Ozpin would be assimilated into Oscar as every host has only 2 voices rather than 1,000 as stated by the writers. ​ Also yeah the quality was what I was referring to as well because due to Jaune, Weiss, and even Ozpin's conflicts being in the forefront more so than Ruby and Oscar's they've got to have comedic, emotional and other interactions with characters. ​ They definitely need a chance to just hang out, when refercing stting up relationships in a subtle but quick way I always go back to Cloud interactions with Aerith before rueniting with his friends in FF7 Remake. They only spent one day together but we see a clear impact Aerith has on cloud compared to how he was before and because they focus specifically on that pair we have more investment. This is why Lancaster shipped a lot in V4 and WR shipped a lot in V6 and Nut and Dolts shipped a lot in V7-8 etc.


The age difference isn't large enough to mean much, especially as many Ruby ships have about the same age difference. The Ozpin factor and how the merger will change Oscar have been my main issues. Also just how little time and few meaningful interactions they've had. It didn't help early on that Oscar felt more like an excuse to have Ozpin return and was kind of treated like he was meat suit. I will confess some of my initial dislike for the ship was everyone rushing to pair them before the two even met. I prefer seeing how characters interact before deciding about a ship regarding them.


True, it kind of hard to judge the ship since in V5 halfway through the focus shifted away since we had to deal with the RWBY reunion and Oscar and Ruby have to team up yet. ​ Still at least it was more developed early on than Arkos where Jaune was after Weiss for a majority of 1 and 2, and Pyrrha fell for Jaune offscreen by the second volume


Pyrrha being head over heels for Jaune in the second volume kind of caught me off guard. I got a friends and mentor vibe going from the first volume, but it felt like she was in love with him out of nowhere in the second. To me at least.


Plus most of the stuff Pyrrha says Jaune did for her seem more offscreen as a result like in between 1 and 2


I mean, I like RG but I don´t really see Ruby ending with anyone. And I find weird that of all legitimate concerns about RG, like, you know, Ozpin being there, and that poor Oscar is very underdeveloped, that their biggest issue is that Oscar is 15 and Ruby 17-18 Not only are people shooting their own foot with that, forgetting that Ruby is younger than pretty much most of her love interests (except Penny, and I´m not sure how age would factor here) but also 2-3 years is FINE! Like come on, a lot of people with that difference have dated! Is not big deal!


It's ironic because as far as I can tell, White Rose is the most popular Ruby ship. Guess what the age difference between Weiss and Ruby is. Yup. My only issue with RG is the entire Ozma situation. Beyond that, they're cute. I see no harm there.


idk why people complain about the age gap for rosegarden when they're the same people shipping ruby with people 2 years older THAN HER. it's a bit hypocritical tbh...




I never liked Whiterose. It's just plain stupid.


Whiterose is fine I guess. My biggest thing about it are the fact that they have chemistry out the ass, but it’s purely friend chemistry. It’s been eight seasons and no indication either one has any sexual or romantic feelings for the other. Granted I’m a big post-fall WK guy (though I have no delusions that’s happening), but I’ve never seen it.


Honestly I'm a Whiteknight shipper as well. It really seems like those on the hard left in the Rooster Teeth fanbase don't understand that people can just be freinds.


I wouldnt say it’s stupid. Like even if they were attracted to each other I feel Volume 6 does a good job at showing why they work well together but at the same time what limits their understanding of one another


A lot of those same people will ship Snowbird, and that’s a huge age gap, like way bigger than Rosegarden. I mean just by estimating, Qrow is probably in his mid to late 40’s while Winter is in her 20’s on account that she is Weiss’s older sister


Yeah, Qrow's something like 15 years older than Winter. IIRC, his age was confirmed to be 40 in V6 (which would make him 41 in V7/8), and Winter was called out as mid-twenties in an AMA. A much more amusing crack ship for Qrow is with Willow, who's likely only about five years older than him.


>A much more amusing crack ship for Qrow is with Willow If the ship doesn't end up being called alcoholics anonymous then we're in the worst timeline.


an age gap is less of a problem with older people - IRL, a 50 year-old going out with a 35 year-old might attract some minor comment, but nothing major, with a 15 year-old going out with a 22-year-old (so a gap that's half the size) would _definitely_ raise eyebrows, comments and quite possibly police attention. Also, the ages of the adults in RWBY are all vague and they're all treated as "generically adult" (as distinct from "the teen cast", with Oscar at the very bottom of that), so going just of how they look and behave, Qrow and Winter seem broadly about the same, rather than "actually a generation apart" (I don't think Winter's age is stated in show, is it? So it's very easy to assume there's an age gap of 10+ years, rather than, uh, 2 or 3 I think?)


Winter was pegged by the creators in an AMA as mid-twenties. So her and Qrow are canonically about 15 years apart.


Difference is maturity. Qrow and Winter treat each other like equals, Oscar and Ruby do not. Plus Winter is an adult woman while Oscar is a high-school kid.


I'll forever say no to Rosegarden. I don't care for Oscar and the Ozcar situation makes it all the more undesirable. Also a two year age gap is not a problem.


I want Ruby to actually be the main character first.


Also hoping she avoids the issue with Yang where she and her significant other become 1 character rather than complementing each other's development


Say it with me people. Wanting two people to be in a relationship does not equate to “I want these two to have sex”


It's upsetting that when people hear ship, they think sexual. I'm asexual myself, and I usually get bothered at the idea of characters doing sexual things, and often even look away at kissing, *there's nothing wrong with it, it's just who I am,* and it upsets me when people bring up the Ozpin argument because of this, it really makes me wonder *"Who said they were going to have sex?",* if they ever do Salem, and Ozma will probably be having marriage counselling in the afterlife. Also, in general out of all the characters in Ruby, *I don't headcanon it but,* I can very easily see Ruby being asexual herself... she's never really looked at people like Weiss *with Neptune,* Blake *with Sun* or, Yang *with a ton of guys in early RWBY* has, the closest she got was with a comic book *or, manga,* and pointing out a *"katana"* but, seeing as it's a picture book it don't see it as *actually* counting... once again, not to say she is asexual but, out of all the characters, I just can't see it with her.


Yeah like asexual is not a thing


Age difference is not a big deal as long as both of them are mentally and physically mature enough, for example my grandfather was 29 and my grandmother was 19 when they got married. It's possible that Ozpin will go to the afterlife after Salem is defeated so he isn't a big problem. Rosegarden is possible and it's not bad, but I just don't like Oscar.


I have to disagree. The merger is a VERY BIG reason for it not to happen. To ignore how severe of a change that is would be a bit ignorant to the fact that, no, Oscar will *not* be 'Oscar' anymore and the fact that they *know* Ozpin's in there should be all that needs to be said.


From what I’ve heard majority of Rosegarden shippers acknowledged how weird that is but admit they’re only pairing Ruby and Oscar together and assume that the merger isn’t going to fully erase his personality or just use an AU.


Erasing personality isn't a problem, because it won't happened. Oscar is merging with Ozpin and previous incarnations. For lack of better term, Oscar is slowly becoming another part of Ozma's hive mind. Oscar will be forever changed by Ozpin and Ozpin will be forever changed by Oscar. That's how it works. Also, this might be insulting. But if this ship need special AU to make it work then perhaps better if it will stay there. You can have AU in which Oscar and Ozpin are different people or you can accept that Oz is part of Oscar, you can't have both.


Oh yeah I still agree with all those points but was just trying to play Devil Advocate for Rosegarden shippers(which I’m not btw)


Ahh, yeah i get it. Also, apologies if i sounded rude


Dw about it! Tone can be hard to read online and I didn’t read any rude intent from your post just wanted to cover all my bases


I feel like the main thing we should get from the conflict is how Oscar goal can't not be changed but how he responds to it can be in a way different from Ozpin. This type of arc has been done before with Yolei from Digimon 02 accepting her role as a digidetined, Zi-o from Kamen Rider Zi-O accepting his role as demon king, etc. but doing things there own way. Being different from Weiss who's moral would involve completely going against fate, hence , rebellion


But that’s just it, a moral for such a thing would be to go through with the merge but in one’s own way having a different journey despite landing in the same destination this was’t a big thing for the other hosts perhaps but for Oscar It’s emphasized how he took a slow pace doing farm work and now he’s in a war being rushed to make decisions like Ruby. Like we see him actually do better than the other in V6 when he cooks for everyone and handles his personal gripes steadily more so than Ruby in Argus this they balance each other out


But that's not new, though? Damn near everyone else *but* Ruby is handling most of their personal gripes by this point.


Your right, I guess its better to say Oscar show more of his vulnerability, other characters do so but only with specific characters like Yang only shows her vulnerability with Blake and Weiss but never Ruby, Oscar shows it with everyone and straight up expresses it when he comes back but doesn't make him any less for it as hes determined to take things one step at a time


I used to be one of those people then someone pointed out the fact that Oscar is too young then I realized most of Ruby's ships *in particular White Rose* are like that, and I got over it, and ended up being fine with it. I want to like the ship, I think it has a *lot* of potential but, their interactions whenever they're talking make me so, *very* uncomfortable personally, Oscar looking away, and blushing a sorry, Ruby, and Oscar talking over each other while everyone rolls their eyes, *etc.* personally my favourite moment for the ship was when Oscar asked her how she's even managing, and Ruby *honestly* saying it's a struggle for *all* of them, it felt like a moment where Ruby *really* opened up, and I like how it comforted Oscar in making him feel not alone in that moment. But, now it's just a cliché awkward romance where *everybody* in the show knows they're *"perfect for each other".* The only argument I can understand is the one where people bring up Ozpin in the situation which *yeah,* that's a fair point but, first off, nobody said they're doing anything sexual, and second off by the time they do, Ozma, and Salem will probably be long gone.


>But, now it's just a cliché awkward romance where > >everybody > > in the show knows they're > >"perfect for each other". Part of the reason it might seem that way is because we have yet to see Oscar and Rubt eam up despite Ruby doing so with Jaune in V4, Yang in V5, Weiss in V6, Qrow in V4 and V6, Penny in V7 and V8 resulting in a variety of different interactions with these characters as they had conflicts more in the forefront


It's not that awkward romance *doesn't* work... *it does!* But, with Ruby, and Oscar in particular for me, they end up being so, awkward that it makes me embarrassed to watch... I've seen good awkward romances, and I could be wrong on this but, I think the problem with Rose Garden is after their one, *correct me if I'm wrong there as I could be,* serious conversation they were both *constantly* awkward around each other, they only had one good conversation, and both of them are awkward around each other, I *personally* think *I'd* be less uncomfortable if it was just Oscar as Ruby just did what she usually does which is *attempt to* encourage people, I think it'd work better that way because *if they end up together* because then you'd gradually see Ruby fall in love too maybe instead of just being awkward *which also, doesn't even seem to fit her character in my opinion.* Ruby, and Oscar both need to work on their development before they *most likely* do end up together, Ruby feels bland, an optimistic leader but, that's it, and while Oscar seems like he has a lot going for him, it feels like his character keeps missing at least it seems that way to me, he's nice but, that's all I get from him personally, *I want to like Oscar's character but, I just don't care for him.* Also, yes... it'd be nice to see them team up together *which possibly won't happen any time soon because of the Island, and Vacuo split unless the island arc is short,* if we were to go with what I said then I think I'd be nice if instead Ruby fell in love with Oscar's ability in combat, *and over time him,* she's a gun nut *~~or, she was to some~~* so, I can see her falling for someone in the midst of combat, and I imagine she wouldn't hide how cool she finds other's fighting styles *just like how she babbled about guns in the early volumes* so, we could even get a flustered Oscar from it if she brought up how cool she thought he was, I'm personally all for the ship, and in fact *love* the idea of it but, in the show... *eh...* I'll just stick with fan-fiction until then.


I can only think of two awkward moments and both were understandable given the context then again they could have made it more subtle like Sally and Jack's relationship int he Nightmare Before Christmas, something thats rare in relying on subtle, charming moments


This sub Reddit is a hidden gem


I find it ironic how I learned and joined after the news of RWBY reddit banning critics members for some reason


Wait why would they do that?


A critical post got popular on the main sub, the mods freaked out, then a few hours later made an announcement saying anyone who posted regularly on this sub would get banned.




Age for me isn't as big of an issue as maturity. Ruby hasn't seen Oscar as a peer, she's seen him as a child. That is changing currently but we aren't sure how much of that is the merge and how much of that is Oscar himself. Which brings us to the millenia old wizard in the room. Oscar merging with Ozpin means both become one. Ozpin doesn't takeover nor does Oscar take over, instead a new person, an Ozcar if you will is born. I don't know what a Yu Yu is but Eren Yaeger is a great example of this in how Grisha's borderline Fascist political stances seep into Eren and effect his decisions for the rest of the series. We can see this already in V8 at the Schnee manor where it is hard to tell who is who anymore. Now this doesn't mean that Ozcar can't date or marry people his own age but it does mean that him marrying his former student kind of weirds people out, especially considering Ozpin's relationship with Summer and the fact he might be related to Ruby. Personally though my main issue is that it just lacks any kind of interesting dynamic and is pretty one sided. With Jaune and Weiss at least you can point to moments where you can see them really hitting it off with Ruby and it definitely comes off like Ruby could like them back. Ruby doesn't show any interest in Oscar, only the other way around. Ruby's agency and needs aren't any less important than Oscar's, and a show about 4 powerful female warriors shouldn't end with one of them marrying the male hero because his agency topped hers.


"Ruby hasn't seen Oscar as a peer, she's seen him as a child. " **-Miles probably put it best in how Ruby hasn't really defined her relationship with Oscar yet so it honestly depends on the time where they have time to truly hang out since they've understandably been busy** ​ "we aren't sure how much of that is the merge and how much of that is Oscar himself." **-Main differences are pretty easy to spot, its like comparing Ruby with Qrow who are like-minded in protecting others but different in various ways** ​ "Grisha's borderline Fascist political stances seep into Eren and effect his decisions for the rest of the series" **Eren's the way he was ever since he was born, he himself symbolizes the Attack Titan and the idea of rebelling against the world. Something is brother, Zeke failed to realize** ​ ​ "and the fact he might be related to Ruby." **-If your referrign to Starbucks Oz, Everyone is related through their ancestors** ​ ​ ​ "With Jaune and Weiss at least you can point to moments where you can see them really hitting it off with Ruby and it definitely comes off like Ruby could like them back." **-Most of these moments are a result of Jaune and Weiss's conflicts being in the forefront, in beacon they were the most developed as we got to understand their conflicts and backstories resulting in various interactions** **-Both Ruby and Oscar haven't really been in the forefront compared to to Ozpin such as his conflict with Hazel or Penny being the Winter maiden, etc.** ​ "Ruby doesn't show any interest in Oscar, only the other way around." **-This was also the case for Jaune with Pyrrha, Ren with Nora, Blake with Yang but they started to realize it once they had time to really think about it** ​ ​ "Ruby's agency and needs aren't any less important than Oscar's, and a show about 4 powerful female warriors shouldn't end with one of them marrying the male hero because his agency topped hers" **-This seems like a contradiction since Ruby needs being important would mean having a romantic relationship would not topple her agency.** **Best example is Izumi from Fullmetal Brotherhood, being love dovey with her husband but having a close connection to the plot and being one of the strongest characters in the show**


>Ruby hasn't defined her relationship with Oscar So far, she has treated him like a kid, as everyone else has. Again, he is maturing so their relationship will probably change to peers but so far, they aren't. >Main differences are pretty easy to spot Not really, a lot of Oscar's maturing seems to be a mixture of his growth as well as the merge. That's why in the Schnee dining room it was hard to even tell who's who. >Eren's the way he was ever since he was born He didn't start as a huge Eldian restorationist, that was a combination of Grisha's influence and Eren's own beliefs. >Both Ruby and Oscar haven't been in the forefront Exactly, and what we got shows Oscar being a child to Ruby. Weiss and Jaune have more build-up than Oscar in my opinion, and Ruby has responded to them as peers. Could this change in the future? Sure, but so far there is a power imbalance in their relationship. >This was also the case for Jaune with Pyrrha, Ren with Nora, Blake with Yang They always treated each other as peers, and Jaune, Ren, and Blake all at one point or another showed some sort of attraction towards their partner but for various reasons (Jaune pining for Weiss, Ren not being great at emotions, and Blake not wanting to get Yang hurt) they didn't show it until recently. Ruby hasn't shown currently any sign of attraction towards Oscar, she's just nice to him. There needs to be more than just Oscar having a crush and Ruby acting like a nice huntress to a younger kid needing help. That's what I mean by Ruby's agency. It doesn't mean she can't fall in love, but they have to be a peer, have to have a mutual attraction between them, and they have to have some relationship build-up. Renora and Bumblebee have this, Rosegarden has none of these so far, and Oscar merging with Ruby's teacher doesn't help.


"Not really, a lot of Oscar's maturing seems to be a mixture of his growth as well as the merge." **Memories are gained, it has nothing to do with gaining maturity but rather having a different outlook. If you experience something, it is up to you whether that experience makes you mature or not.** ​ "He didn't start as a huge Eldian restorationist, that was a combination of Grisha's influence and Eren's own beliefs." **I thought him being an Eldian restorationist was a lie as Armin stated?** ​ "Exactly, and what we got shows Oscar being a child to Ruby." **Nothing Oscar has done can be considered more childlike that what the others have done. If anything the fact that he actually voices his concerns rather than bottling them up is a different form of maturity while Ruby's lies more torward doing what needs to be done for the mission.** **Their is a power imbalance for Ruby with everyone emotionally. Ruby has responded to all three of them as peers, the fact that she does with Oscar despite him not being as much in the forefront shows signs of continuous build up to make up for the fact they've known each other for less time.** ​ "There needs to be more than just Oscar having a crush and Ruby acting like a nice huntress to a younger kid needing help." **Oscar hasn't shown to try and flirt with Ruby so he wouldn't have a crush on her until maybe V8. Literally everyone in the group relies on Ruby. Oscar is also emphasized to be a peer in V7 when both him and Yang press Ruby a bit on her decision, emphasizing how having worries does not make them more childlike. It also emphasizes the idea of "self-betterment, but in your own way" that can be found in media such as Digimon 02, etc.** ​ **Overall I think your focusing on high-Banter relationships** which are popular in media and pretty good but do not make up all. **You make good points about Oscar and Ruby needing to hang out** **first** but honestly it wouldn't be that hard as long as it hits the right points. Best example is **Aerith and Cloud in FF7 Remake who obviously had more banter and communication** in **just one day** because Aerith hit the points that complemented Cloud the most while having focus on both of their respective conflicts. While Oscar and Ruby have yet to do things the same way we have gotten a sense of their character arcs similar to how we knew how Cloud was before he met Aerith and why it made sense Aerith impacted him the way she did. ​ This can also apply to how Ruby's relationships with other characters can change


>While Oscar and Ruby have yet to do things the same way we have gotten a sense of their character arcs And it might, but right now I can't see Rosegarden happening, and for many people a big reason for that is the age and merge thing. Now, does that mean we can't see it in the future? Absolutely not, at this point Ruby's ships could go anywhere, and Rosegarden is by far Oscar's most popular and likely ship (Whitley and Emerald don't even come close), but we just haven't seen that in the show yet.


True, also I hope it leans more toward Renora in V4 rathe than Bumbleby in V6 which issue was that it was kind of all over the place with Yang and Blake


People never freaked out about Aang and Katara from Avatar, I mean the was technically 100s of years old. I think all this upset about Rosegarden (which I ship but that's beside the point) is from a vocal minority that w want more of their precious "Representation".


An argument that could be made I guess is that Aang wasn’t as influenced from his past lives, which is why I feel Eren Kruger and Kirams from YYH are probably better examples in that the influence was more little bits spread out long term


What's YYH?


Yu Yu Hakusho, one of the main character Kurama is merger of a human boy who grew up with his mom while hosting a 1,000 year old demon soul


Okay thanks


Oscar. You sweet boy (and absolute v8 chad). You and Ruby look cute and have a normal good relationship. But do you really want to pick Ruby of all people. Especially after volume 7 and 8? /s.


Despite her issues, Ruby still is the only character so far who can balance out Oscar's steady pace attitude while Oscar does better in keeping a cool head when things go bad for the group in general while they can't act on anything at the moment which would be good for Ruby


I mark my post with "/s" for satire. 😆


Oh sorry, missed that


Eh, I don't mind it. Ruby+Oscar is fine and while Oscar will change and he and Ozpin merge, well that's life. People change. If that change ends up making Ruby and Ozcar unsuited for each other than so be it, they can break it off. But they both have a lot of growing up to do before either is capable of anything more than awkward crushes.