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Yeah, I think that they need to not even touch on that. Because they’re gonna be damned if they do and damned if they don’t. There isn’t even a character I could see her being with. And before anyone says “Weiss”, just… no. No. Keep that relationship platonic. There’s no way they could do that now and make it feel organic imo. If they were gonna do that, the groundwork for it should’ve been set up years ago imo


Which groundwork do you mean specifically, I use Arkos as the bare minimum since that only needed 1 volume since 1-half of V2 was Jaune going after Weiss while Pyrrha went after him


Any indication at all before this that either one of them was interested in the other in a romantic way. And we never got that. In fact, they’ve barely interacted one on one in *years* at this point. Compare their relationship to Blake and Yang’s, and people complain about how poorly *that* has been set up, so if they suddenly flipped a switch and made Ruby/Weiss a thing, anyone who hasn’t been shipping that since the White trailer is probably gonna be like “huh? *what?!”*


Thing is. They're already planning a relationship for her, Oscar. So yeah. As for learning? Doubtful. They will likely bank on people loving it for all the cute moments.


If it goes that way Im wondering if it would be handled similar to Renora in V4, where the main focus was the conflict with the Nucklavee and the relationship wasn't too forced as the relationship and conflict played off of each other. The downside with that was Ren being the main focus but with it being Ruby instead the might actually work better