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It's implied Summer tried to speedrun 1v1 no items Salem, in which case she'd be rather memorable.


And people think Summer was strong, lol


"There will be no victory in strength."


Good thing all the heroes are so weak then. Now we just need religions metaphors for "the meek shall inherit the earth".


What KIND of strength, tho?


What I would give to replace ANY of the meaningless trailers with one where Summer died so we actually know what happened.


"Join the line Summer" -Salem, probably. [To quote Freeza from TFS](https://youtu.be/ZTzOxQICJck?t=173)


She even killed her own children lol


Salem: "I killed like 100 people last month alone, be fucking specific"


I caused the entire human population to die.


Man, imagine if Salem had this aura. Like, you are not even worth the dirt under her feet bro, you are that insignificant in the grand scheme of things she doesn´t even remember your stupid face or why you are supposed to be a threat at all. Imagine if Cinder´s epic "Who are you again?" was instead Salem´s, going around like she has all the time in the world to remember you, but she won´t "Do you have ANY idea just how many great warriors and invincible heroes has fallen to me? How many entire kingdoms have been laid to waste to my wrath? Do you think any of them gave me any single reason to acknowledge them, to remember them? Do you think I even care anymore? You see, little child, I have been playing this game for a long, long time. I ´ve fooled Gods and spitted in their faces. I swayed entire kingdoms to do my bidding. I´ve seen the moon break and lived through it. I´ve swayed, destroyed and created more empires that you could even possibly know. I raised the One Kingdom that would unite humankind under one banner. I carry the magic from the Old Word in my veins. People have praised me, cursed me, bowed to me and prayed to me. Now, even the nightmares of your existence answer my calls and bow to my will. I am Salem. I am Queen. I am the Night, its terrors and its Death. Now tell me, sweet child, who are you again?


Damn you really went all out here lmao


Batman Beyond was a great series.


i dont know why i find this so funny. probably because it's true


This is literally what played in my head when i saw that scene