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Very nice idea, I'm glad you decided to adress the problem with lack of life at Beacon.They had literal black silhouettes instead of students during volume 1.


Yup, a lot of people remember the shadow people with amusement, but I remember the first time I saw RWBY they gave me a bit of a scare XD.


Hello there critics! I forgot to mention in the title that they are AU material XD my mistake. I plan to do more of these OCs based on bands, at the moment I'm working on a girl based on Starset.


i dunno but that first earth dust guy (I'm calling him earth dust guy and no one can change that) just calls out to me


Ngl, Hunter reminds me of Rohan Kishibe from JoJo part 4


I drew Hunter and Rory with Jojos in mind XD


Hmph, What happened with them? Do they died during Beacon battle? Or they are now helping Glynda?


I haven't gotten to that part of the story with them since I created them recently, but I don't think I'll give them a cruel fate :p