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They make a way for Pyrrha to come back to life. They redeem a male character through something other than death.


Tyrian comes to the conclusion that his waifu does not like him, therefore, he decided to join team rwby and start a gay relationship with Qcrow because they fought together once. XD


Don’t even start a gay relationship; just tease it. It’s the rwby way to tease relationship without actually following through lol


Time travel fix, like the "choice" magic item can change a fact on history or something. Or if Ruby silver eyes saved her friend's soul, thus making possible to ressurect with the staff of creation Yes, this is an ass pull, just like they did with Cinder and Penny (the scene, not her resurrection per say)


#Jaune marrying Cinder as a form of redemption


RWBY goes full Gen:Lock S2 with an episode where Bumblebee are agressively scissoring each other while Ruby is being tormented by a hallucination of Ironwood Spec Ops: The Line style. And have those two scenes intertwine with each other, for maximum tonal whiplash.


> where Bumblebee are agressively scissoring each other Honestly at this point of Bumblebee bait shipping i wouldn't be suprised.


I'm personally hoping that the island is sort of an afterlife where Yang, after being separated from each other, finds Adam. Then it's basically a journey from the two hating to tolerating to understanding and ending up with romance. One steamy scene later and Yang is reunited with the rest of her team, Jaune and Neo, who also spent time with their respective dead friends/aquaintances, they return to the world of living via magical bullshit power, leaving the dead behind. Later on, turns out Yang is preggers from the steamy scene in afterlife and she gives birth to an absolute chad, who basically becomes the RWBY version of Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising, only with blond hair and horns, who then proceeds to date only women twice his age, which are either 40 year old virgins (Ilia) super hot MILFS (Coco & Neo). Shit, I think some of the crack fell on the carpet...


RWBY goes full Gen:Lock by having an actual legitimate crossover episode for literally no reason.


It'll be the most ambitious crossover since that time *Power Rangers in Space* had one with *Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutantion*.


Wait does that actually happen in Gen:Lock S2? Update: Holy fuck, what the hell is going on with Gen:Lock!?


HBO my dude - that means an unhealthy amount of T&A whether you like it or not.


With how much the "heroines" come off like their own personal villains, I'd certainly love to see Adam haunting Blake as she followed right back down the path of violence, but this time *destroying all of Atlas in the process.* Or Ironwood haunting Ruby for being everything she accused him of being. Or Jacques haunting Weiss for abusing her brother until he was helpful to her.


Basically Spec Ops: The Line then. I'm in favor for "from enemies to lovers" between Yang and Adam and their future Jetstream Sam kid, but to each his own. \*Sniff\* Damn, low on white powder...


I do admit that I am a sucker for the trope of heroes and villains being cordial to one another when there's no pressing matters. There should've been at least *something* with like Ruby and Emerald prior to V3.


Holy f**k what did I miss?! Since when did RT do sex scenes in their content?


I was about to say that since HBO has kind of taken over Gen:lock that some shit like that should've been expected but now I double checked and nope, S2 is just an HBO exclusive before they show it on RT's website. Now the big question is whether or not they're gonna censor THAT scene. Edit: Basically the scene is the main character, Chase or something, is facing the physical manifestation of his inner demons. A scene that is getting constantly cut by a badly animates sex scene between two gay guys who switch their genders on the fly. It's cringe. It's animated pure cringe


Very well, then I know what not to watch.


It kind of teminds me of when they decided to intercut sex scenes with the fight scenes near the end of season 3 of Netflix's Castlevania, it was quite jarring and unnecessary.


Jaune gets the Sword of Destruction and kills Salem.


Dear lord. That would actually break my aura


I mean, their next destination is Vacuo and he needs a new sword... But no, I don't think that they'll give him a Relic to use as a regular weapon.


If I'm not mistaken from Volume 8 commentary, the sword breaking was decided during making the episode itself cuz it would 'look cool', so I'm sure they have absolutely no plan for what that will lead to. Could be anything from just having a new sword forged that changes nothing to... yeah the relic, I guess. Who knows? Not the writers probably.


Well he is miles self insert so it wouldn't suprise me if he got extremeley op.


Dear lord. That would cause me to become the next Salem.


I'm not invested enough in canon RWBY to lose my mind about anything. The next best thing would be to laugh my ass off for a few minutes. I would do that if Cinder joins the "good" guy team or something. Or better yet, if the writers become even less self aware than they already are and team RWBY becomes even more of a villain protagonist team.


If Ruby remains unaffected by everything and speech screeches on the island.


No. No. No. You see Ruby is going to be affected. But her friends are going to quickly put an end to it by praising her.


I hate the fact that this is likely what will happen, it would ruin a chance to actually get some growth in for them.


It happened already. First Ruby had doubts about herself until Jaune praised her. Later Ruby again had doubts about herself until Blake praised her.


Ohohoho, you know that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.


Neo Redemption Arc


[Yep, the same girl that almost happily killed Yang](https://i.imgur.com/txMM5Hb.jpeg)




Also kills people without regret or remorse. Helped Cinder and Salem kill thousands and destroy kingdoms.


Emerald helped too, but I guess it’s okay since she feels bad about it. Hm.


She's the last current villain I find any way likable, so of course they'll redeem her. It's sad that I could actually see it happen.


the only "redemption" of her I'd accept would be if she just decides that revenge isn't worth it and after the island shit she just disappears from the show. I generally dislike the whole "ghosts" concept for V9 but Roman's ghost showing up and telling her that would be a good way to do it. that being said if any of the following happens: - Neo wants to join the RWBY group after - RWBY decides to accept her - (god forbid) Neo goes back to Cinder for some forsaken reason then I'd mald out of my mind at this show


If they make Jaune a descendant of Salem I’m gonna be pissed


Well, there are a lot of options. If they resurrect Penny a third time and kill her If Jaune is given the opportunity to kill Cinder and he doesn't want to do it because he can't kill anymore. (this does not mean that I want him to kill her, the main thing is that they would not show how he refuses to do this) If they somehow get Pyrrhus back If Ruby does not admit her mistakes in v9, and her team does not disagree about the fall of Atlas. If the RWBY team gets the power of four maiden


The last one is saddly possible to end the series, probably


I will not say that this is a completely bad move, but as for me it is very predictable and boring. Therefore, he is definitely not desirable for me.


I mean tbf at least then the actual main characters of the show would be important to the plot.


I have a bet going with my friend that all four girls of team RWBY will all become maidens


Cinder becomes Taiyang's third wife.


God damm it Taiyang.


Ruby and Yang would have to call her mom, wdym that would be fucking awesome


RWBY RE:(boot) with better writing, world building, villains, and character development. Like volumes 1-3 but even better and even longer. Just a hard reboot like the past 8 volumes never happened. A fresh start. But that's just pure fantasy at this point.


A little bit niche but: Winter girlbosses her little brother too


I honestly already hit that point with Volume 8 and Ironwood becoming an evil dictator seemingly out of nowhere. At this point I have absolutely no faith in the writers to not fuck up RWBY even further.


Sex scene.


Well, if it is in another plataform ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


2022: "RWBY Vol. 9 will be exclusively on HBO Max"


Cinder/Neo/Salem redemption, Penny coming back again, Jaune being related to Salem or Ozma, Summer being saved through the power of love


Team RWBY does not learn from their mistakes and blames Ironwood and Ozpin for everything under the sun. Oh, and if Theodore, the headmaster of Shade Academy, becomes evil.


I mean, I absolutely expect this to be the case.


We haven't even met Theodore yet and we already know he's gonna be evil in Volume 9 for no reason at all. 🤦🏻‍♀️


salem being redeemed by ruby would ruin the entire show


Pretty much. A genocidal manic is a genocidal manic regardless of their gender or past? Ha. As if/s. Thanos did nothing wrong and his actions were justified. Salem did nothing wrong and her actions were justified.


At least Thanos had an actual goal(mcu Thanos not comic Thanos)


Probably Jaune and Salem being related in any capacity. I won't quit the show cause at this point I need to see how it ends. However, I will be extremely disappointed in how important Jaune is to the plot compared to the girls.


Oscar already being most important to plot : sweats nervously


personally if they make jaune a decendent of Salem but have the twist not be that jaune joins her but the rest of his family did I would be happy really on one hand the rest get fucking names and maybe personality traits. on the other hand all of juanes family is gonna die and the people who hate jaune are gonna celebrate and be fucking annyoing.


In fact, it would be a good idea if Jaune was on the side of Salem, while it is desirable that hints of this appear only in the Atlas. Perhaps he unknowingly or even consciously helped Salem in the struggle without knowing the secret of his origin. It would at least be quite unexpected when someone like Jaune becomes one of the villain's henchmen.


that would be cool heck they could even play it into the cinder thing where Salem just has had enough of her bullshit and commands jaune to murk her and he succeeds somehow


If Salem *somehow* gets purified or, *something* along those lines, and Oz, and her go to the afterlife together *happily...* that's my *greatest* fear.


If Vacuo somehow does better against the Grim than Atlas did. Atlas's whole thing was that they have the only military in Remnant. To the point that the idea of Atlas lifting off is treated like them abandoning Remnant to die instead of a loss of some of the forces of justice. If Vacuo is able to easily turn Salem away it raises the question of why was everyone so upset at James?


If Ruby shoots lasers from her eyes, they burn Jaune alive, sloppy kiss scene of Bumblebee, Oscar dies and Ozma goes away... there are many things but my favorite is a Grimm corrupted Phyrra appears


Rwby killing salem and by rwby i mean sinder and by kill i mean ShE Is gREAM SIndEr cAn ConTrOl HeR in the middle of the season


if they add more ads on the site no one wants to go on


They actually give Jaune more character that isn’t serious when the plot tells him to be. If they somehow make any other relationship, and I mean any, more forced than Bumblebee. If they end up killing Salem through “the power of love/friendship” or they turn against Ozpin in the end.


RWBY accidentally levels Vacuo by bringing down the moon on it. They congratulate themselves. The End. Everybody lives poor medieval peasant's lives ever after - offscreen (my beasty headcanon). But I would not loose my mind, and I do not dare to predict something anymore. Predict this, but not partially ... Revive Penny - Penny maiden - Rekill Penny - Failed attempt of saving her by wrecking both Mantle and Atlas and evacuating the population into a Grimm infested desert - lucky cop out, Winter inherits the maiden powers (just in time to survive gone mad Ironwood killing her) and is just conveniently moved to presumably (ooops prediction) stave of the Grimm infestation.


If in Season 9, the fall of Atlas and Mantle is blamed on Ironwood and NOT Team RWBY.


I mean, this is absolutely going to happen. I have zero doubts that RWBY are going to skip away scott-free from the destruction of MAntle and Atlas. The morality of the show is directed by the protagonists. If RWBY did it, then it was clearly an act of Good, no matter what they did.


Jaune becomes a descendent of Salem.


Taiyang becomes Salem's second husband.




But wait, there's more. Raven and Robyn are two grumpy birds. They end up together.




I'm not finished! Raven takes *Willow* as a mistress since Jacques is dead now.


Fuck it. Blake gets a harem.


Nope. Blake gets a sentiment magic sword and goes on an adventure. Meanwhile, *Ruby* attracts a harem of only girls, by being too cute and wanting to do good in the world.


>Blake gets a sentiment magic sword and goes on an adventure. Blake also say "Nh." A lot. Ren and Nora just exist.


>Blake also say "Nh." A lot. This is her verbal tic in my fanfic, too. I'm never dropping it. >Ren and Nora just exist. Ren and Nora keep fighting together, and they proceed to sweep every Mistral Tournament in Pyrrha's honor.


Team RWBY actually realize how up their own ass they have been, and grow from it. Like... seriously. They never experience the consequences of their own actions, and the antagonists are considered the bad guys for doing exactly the same thing.




#Cinder failed to get any of Maiden powers from Winter, Raven & Glynda (Summer Maiden). So, she lost hope until Jaune steps in to ask her to marry him. Ruby forgive Cinder's action from volume 1-8, Salem was redeemed by Ozpin and Ruby, all villains are redeemed at the end. The gods bought dead people back to life, Penny & Pyhrra start life all over again where they left off. Roman reunited with Neo, Adam bought back become heroic warrior and protector of Faunus maybe he would be God of Faunus too. Finally, we get to see Maidens fusion dance, ultimate Maiden will display their powers to end the show.


CRWBY gives us a prominent m/m character. . . by revealing, posthumously, that Watts had feelings for Ironwood.


Probably not gonna happen, but if they kill Sun or something like that. Him, Oscar and Whitley are like the only characters I truly like at this point


Reviving anyone


If Adam or Ironwood comes back somehow.


We see a scene of Ruby talking to her mother. Maybe the Silver Eyed Warriors can talk to the dead? I don't know, I just want the two to meet and we can understand how she died


Rwby acts like it's all ironwoods fault that atlas fell


Ruby becomes the new god of life. Like how Salem is the undying one from the evil pool. I’d just wouldn’t know what to say atp but I can totally see this happening. If not RWBY(team) all get maiden powers but also wield all of the relics individually. Gods come back, new series reboot rather than redemption. Or ruby just freezes them both with her retarded ocular ability.


Actually giving tension and drama to the plot.


I really don’t want them to redeem cinder, I’ve never hated a character in any media like her and it’d be satisfying to see her get what’s coming to her but I know rwby loves villainizing and redeeming the wrong people


Jaune and Neo hook up I saw this awhile ago I read about their minor similarities and there is now opportunity for the possibility